Iphone opinion

My opinion...
DoI have to do all thinks from my computer.... (itunes..?
yesterday I was proud of my iphone, big screm smooth transition and all,
then I take a Picture of a child and his father ask me to send the picture
to his phone... jejeje... op!.. I can't do that whith iphone..
then I was navigating on safary almosth two hours and was wear that I have
no calls on that two hours... then searshing on the internet, found that I can't
recive calls on my iphone wile i'm using internet.. mmmmm...
Safary, don't suport Flash player ( I desing web pages ... ),...
and I can't donwload anythin with safary...
whith that beautifull navigation sistem and all that disk space??...
I can't send a SMS text mesage to more than one contac (sh..!!) I was triying to send my new phone number to all my contac.. Also I have to write all my contacs on the address book (on my mac computer).... what about MMS?...
and not to mention that I can't upload aplication, or seach my iphone file system, or have private files...
don't take me bad... I'm not one of those windows fan that try to put in bad apple
I'm a apple user and I sure apple could to better whit the iphone...
Right now i feel like I don't have any control over the phone...
I will like to hear more from apple about this things
sorry for my english, I just want to express my form to see this

This is all old news.
I hope when you DESIGN web pages for use in SAFARI that you use a SPELL CHECKER.
Most cellular phones out today (except 3g phone) will not accept phone calls when the data network is being actively utilized. This doesn't happen if you are using WiFi and it isn't for the whole time you have SAFARI open, it is only when it is actively transmitting data over the network,
You can email people pictures.. I am assuming that the man who had the child and the phone has an ACTUAL EMAIL address.
Multiple SMS is probably being addressed.. and even if it never does I really don't think it is that big of an issue that people need to complain about it so much.
You don't HAVE to enter all your contacts on the computer, I simply created the groups I wanted on the computer and added contacts on the phone (with the exception of the ones imported from my contacts)
Why do you think you should have "control over the phone". The phone was designed and sold. You have 15 days to decide if you like it. It isn't like the phone doesn't work.. it actually works quite well. However it is an internet centric device.. the problem with phones like this (and pda phones) is they do require more use of a PC then a standard handset.. this isn't a problem.. it is just the nature of the phone.

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  • Honest opinion on the iphone

    due to this new "price drop" im considering getting an iphone. im a student and couldnt get myself to spend $600 on a phone but now its a little more manageable. i cant really comprehend what the iphone actually has wrong with it. it seems like the people who talk bad about it are the people who dont have one. i need to know the truth about what works and what doesnt. i have a mac so i dont have to deal with that crappy windows corresponding junk.
    i just wanna know from people that actually have one. i hear about all these "problems" and it makes me a little weary. ive been to the store and played with the phone many times and it seems really amazing.
    so i guess the real question is... is it worth it???
    and when you are texting can you turn the phone and have the keyboard horizontal while composing texts??

    Definitely not worth the old price! And probably now, definitely worth the reduced price. Beautiful phone, Amazing interface; fun stops there. You are restricted to ATT and ATT is hit and miss; clear and crackly, in and out regardlesss of bars. Edge is slow. Synching is problamatic (windows/Outlook), the "real internet" lacks Flash and other real internet technologies, No games unless you have internet access, No IM, No MMS, No local storage, smartphone portion of device lacks smartphone features and conveniences, phone needs to be reset frequently, locks up quite a bit when trying to answer calls with BT headset, build quality looks great but case is separating from bezel, slippery to hold and extremely expensive to repair, no removeable battery, too many clicks (button presses) to access standard features like phone. You asked for an Honest opinion. My recommendation is to wait for the 2 iPhone rumored to be out this fall, or for the 2nd Generation iPhone. It is a cool phone, but bragging rights are gone, and fixes are slow to come. They've got an 8 cylinder hitting on 6. If you just need a phone, don't want smartphone features, and you have a lot of money, then go ahead and get it. If you need smartphone features then I'd say get something else and don't look back. My recommendation would be to get a much cheaper phone and buy the new iPod Touch. I think you'd get a lot more utility with that combo.
    I know this won't be a popular post, but he did ask for an honest opinion, and this is mine. Flame me if you wish, but we all have our own perspectives, mine is just one of them. And yes, I did my homework, I do like the phone, but can find no way to justify the cost of it, the speed of patching, and the customer service.

  • Quiero dejar y evidenciar mi opinion respecto al Iphone y que todos pueda leerlo pero en una pagina oficial del producto ya que tengo derecho a exponer mi insatisfaccion con este deplorable y costoso producto, donde lo puedo hacer?

    Quiero iniciar este comentario indicando que el IPHONE es y fue la peor compra de mi vida. Anteriormente era usuario de teléfonos Nokia y posteriormente BlackBerry. Toco hacer la renovación de mi contrato con la compañía celular y me ofrecieron un Iphone, lo que sería mi primer teléfono de Apple y contando con la infinidad de promesas del producto y su muy mal aplicado plan de PRODUCTO MAS CARO DEL MERCADO POR MAYOR CALIDAD pues decidí aceptar la renovación con este producto y pagando más dinero de lo que normalmente pagaría por un teléfono, pues les comento….. GRAVE ERROR!! Muy grave error. Como dicen por ahí, no se sabe lo que se tiene hasta que se pierde. Era feliz con mis teléfonos BlackBerry.
    Primer problema, la batería. Creo que deberían permitir a los usuarios de Iphone poder ponerle un conector para usar un par de baterías energizer porque apuesto a que el conejito con el tambor dura mil horas más que la batería del Iphone 5, por eso debería permitirnos conectarle la batería de nuestra preferencia. Aunque hasta altura, creo que el Iphone necesita más una batería de carro con un alternador conectado a nuestros pies para poder mantener la batería de carro cargada porque si la dejamos sola con el iphone no duraría ni 2 horas.
    Segundo problema, quien les dijo a la gente de Apple que resulta divertido y usuable obligar a los usuarios de sus productos a que solo puedan conectar el teléfono a una sola computadora sin tener que hacer malabares y millones de configuraciones para que no te borre los datos cargados previamente?.
    Tercera decepción, para el dinero que resulta de la inversión de comprar un Iphone, creo que al menos deberían estar constantemente monitoreando la satisfacción del cliente respecto al producto y aun mas, monitorear la atención que dan las operadoras que venden sus productos porque la verdad es que dejan mucho que desear. La señora que me vende el café todos los días me atiende mil veces mejor que en cualquiera de los operadores que venden sus productos.
    Cuarta decepción, me di cuenta que lo que realmente estoy pagando al comprar un Iphone 5 es decir que tengo un Iphone 5, un estatus, porque contrario a la calidad que se obtiene con esto deja mucho, demasiado que desear. De no ser por el dinero que pague desde la segunda semana de haber adquirido su producto ya lo habría empleado como sujetapapeles y me habría comprado nuevamente un BlackBerry.
    Quinta decepción, el falso cristal irrompible y que jamás se pueda rayar. Maravillado con que un cuchillo o una llave o todas las pruebas que hacen en internet no generaba ningún desgaste en el cristal, pues les falto guardar el teléfono en el bolsillo de sus pantalones junto a una tarjeta de crédito o una tarjeta plástica por una semana de su vida cotidiana y encontrarse con que efectivamente, tendrá mil marcas y adiós a la supuesta pantalla que no se raya.
    Sexta decepción, yo tengo una maestría en administración de tecnologías y sistemas, no soy geólogo ni ingeniero industrial o alguna rama del saber referente a los materiales, pero en mi poco conocimiento del tema, yo esperaba que una supuesta carcasa de aluminio fuera más resistente que el plástico o al menos  que soportara más que este, y mi sorpresa se encuentra al ocurrirme un incidente en el cual mi teléfono tuvo una caída de una altura aproximada de 9 centímetros de separación de mi mano a una mesa con tope de piedra. Tal incidente basto para que mi supuesto maravilloso producto de Apple con carcasa de aluminio se le hiciera una marca del tamaño y calibre como la que se le hizo a mi Blackberry 9520 cuando lo soltaron desde un primer piso de un edificio. Debo destacar que después de colocarle la batería y la tapa a mi blackberry, este funciono perfectamente, cosa que después de 9 centímetros de altura en el Iphone 5 les doy por garantía que este se podría pulverizar.
    Séptima decepción, hoy hice entrega de lo que considero el producto más decepcionante que adquirí en mi vida al operador Movistar de México para hacer valida su garantía y resulta que me indican que deberán mandar a reparación el teléfono y me entregan a cambio un teléfono que no llegaría a decirse que es de gamma baja, porque no existe una calificación menor, el mismo con sistema Android, y para mi sorpresa me doy cuenta que este teléfono de juguete tiene un mejor sistema operativo que el Iphone 5 que adquirí por muchísimo dinero, y este teléfono de juguete no cuesta ni lo que costaría los audífonos de Apple. Aunado a esto, tengo que esperar más de 15 días para que me regrese mi tamagochi (mascota virtual de la época de los 90) con la casi total seguridad de ser el mismo producto de porquería.
    Octava decepción, uno diría que un producto que la empresa se jacte de decir que es inteligente, podría manejar varias aplicaciones a la vez, exactamente la cámara fotográfica y una aplicación que usa GPS al mismo tiempo y tener su rendimiento casi al 100%. Sorpresa, es totalmente falso ya que el rendimiento de la batería se reduce al 50% aunado a una lentitud sorprendente y a que el teléfono entre en un estado catatónico de shock y se apague para que cuando lo intentes encender te de la indicación de que la batería se terminó y si esperas unos 20 minutos lo intentes encender y este lo haga como por arte de magia, eso sí, con el indicador de batería más bajo aun de lo que lo habías dejado al momento de apagarse.
    Novena decepción, después de un costo de cerca de 9mil pesos mexicanos por un Iphone 5 que según yo era el teléfono de punta, resulta que el mismo producto que yo compre 45 días después bajo su precio cerca del 40% debido a que en el mercado se encontraba el nuevo Iphone 5S (letra S correspondiente a ****?, sopenco?, sátira?, sonso?), porque resulta que a Apple le parece interesante sacar una nueva versión de sus productos cada 6 meses para que la costosa inversión que hagas al termino de 6 meses tenga un costo de la mitad.
    Señores de Apple, tengan por entendido que estoy completamente decepcionado de la calidad de su producto el cual se encuentra excesivamente sobre valorado en cuestión de costo/calidad, costo/beneficio y costo/satisfacción y tal vez no les importe en lo absoluto la opinión de una persona, pero esta persona al menos podrá dar la peor referencia de su producto a unas 100 personas, y tal vez de esas 100 personas al menos el 5% seguirá mi recomendación y así sucesivamente llegare a más personas. Y tal vez esto no les importe ya que no representaría ni el 1% de los ingresos de su compañía, pero les puedo jurar que cada vez que pueda en lo que resta de mi vida, daré una recomendación a todo el que conozca, JAMAS COMPRES UN PRODUCTO APPLE, porque jamás tendrás la calidad que esperas por el costo que tiene.

    Podrías enviarnos la dirección del enlace a ese hilo en el foro en inglés? Gracias.
    Las instalaciones requieren que los navegadores web estén cerrados, en ocasiones también hay que cerrar otras aplicaciones, y si hay una instalación fallida o anterior hay que descargar y ejecutar una utilidad que elimina todos los archivos instalados para permitir que se pueda volver a intentar.

  • Initial Opinion of iPhone as PDA

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    I don't really understand these posts; the iphone is what it is, it either meets your needs or it doesn't. If it works for you buy one, if not don't buy one. This is sorta like complaining because you bought a new Porsche and then discovered that it didn't come equipped with a trailer hitch like your old pick-up truck (i.e., I paid $100,000 for this car and I can't even use it to haul stuff to the dump, they really need to fix that feature or they won't sell many cars at my trailer park.).
    Hopefully, apple will ignore all the noise and keep building the device they want to build.

  • My opinion on scratching issues, Camera and other hardware related glitches on iPhone 5

    Been a cell phone enthusiast, technician so I dumped the Nokia N97 phone in 2010 for Blackberry bold and in 2012 had a first touch of iPhone 4S- I thought this device was beautiful, perfectly designed and finished. Oh what a great piece of art, I’m hooked!
    Shortly after getting the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5 was launched so I decided why wait 2 years before getting iPhone 5, so I decided to send money to my brother overseas to get me an unlocked iPhone 5 even with all the uncertainties with LTE networks, service provider etc.
    At first, my brother thought I was insane to fork out that amount of money to get a phone? Usually money gets sent from Europe and America to Africa and not the other way around, I guess he will never understand why, it’s an iPhone dear brother.
    While my order is in “Processing state” I read in the news about the design flaw reported, i.e. the decision to use Aluminum because its lighter, So it happened that the anodization of the Aluminum casing is not properly applied to protect this gorgeous device, these things happen but  why is Apple not halting production and really fixing this issue?
    Why I am so disgusted is that, Apple is enforcing strict controls at assembly line that would be Foxconn as reports have it but does that prevent the phone from easily scratching after a user buys one? The quality control has now slowed down the production of iPhone 5 and I’m not sure anymore if I will get my iPhone 5 at the expected date.
    I don’t get this really; Apple enforces quality controls to make sure no scratches on these iPhone 5s during assembly knowing that when a user buys it, it can easily get scratched.
    I am very disappointed in Apple and the current CEO is somehow a failure, I speak under correction but Steve Jobs would have handled this situation more professionally.
    Another infuriating response from Apple about purple haze in pictures taking with iPhone 5 where Apple openly informs us to cover the camera before taking a picture- This is ridiculous!
    Apple will not be the first to make a technology mess, every major manufacturer or technologist have had their share of design flaw, Toyota recently recalled some of its cars, I think Apple should man-up and fix this crap.
    And for the record, I am no Samsung fan, some of you might come up with weird responses insinuating I am a Samsung fan, naturally I hate Samsung phones, I am an IT specialist and I have worked on mobile phone repairs in the past and Samsung are just too fragile, I’m talking from the days of Nokia 3210 and the likes.
    What are your views comrades?
    Babajide Agbebiyi

    The only people who can possibly assist you with this is Apple Customer Relations, call your local Apple contact number and ask for Customer Relations then explain your situation clearly and politely (be firm but don't rant).
    You might want to investiage what the local laws are regarding defective goods and 'fit for use' definitions on warranties etc. Consumer Protection can be a useful tool to use or bargain with if needed ...

  • IPhone 4 Hard Case\Shield Options & Opinion????

    Hi guys,
    Ok, recently I've been seeing some of the BlackBerry holders using some kind of a neat colorful hard covers for their BB's, covering the back and snapping on the sides only, WITHOUT covering the front at all...
    I've been trying to find some for my iPhone 4 but I couldn't find anything like that, I found a lot that covers the front, but I don't want that, I am looking for a back cover that's slim, and snap on the sides and maybe the top and that's all, with a collection of different colors as well...
    any idea about some?? opinions?? choices?? if some are using any?? or can just advise about some!!??
    Thank you so much Guys

    paulcb, I saw the Incipio ones, they are nice but the colors are kinda DULL, I think that's what i am looking for, that kind of case, that's slim and snap on the sides ONLY without anything on the front, just to give the back a color
    0Jojo0 Thanks a lot, but I am actually looking for a hard case\shield\cover, not a protective sheet, I already have "Clear Coat" installed
    darkfire.shadows, Thanks bro, they have a very nice collection, I like that, but it gives some kind of a bulk to the phone, from the pictures, i don't think they are slim\thin enough great colors!!

  • Voice memos in iOS7, on new iphone 5s cuts off recordings

    Voice memos has always been super reliable in previous versions but on a new iphone 5s with ios7 I'm finding it cuts off recordings very unpredictably - sometimes after less than a minute sometimes after a quarter hour or so.
    I've seen other threads where the issue has been described but this has been explicitly on longer recordings or where the recording is finished so wanted to raise this again as an issue on new hardware with recordings of any length where the recording stops by itself.
    The bug is making the app unusable at present which is a shame as it looks like it could be a greatly improved app.
    Any ideas?

    The worse thing about this is that Apple Support does not appear to know about it and steered me in the wrong direction. Today I tried it again and lost another 50 minute recording.
    Apple needs to fix this and let users and tech staff know ASAP.
    This has now cost me 2 hours of client time, plus 3 hours of tech support. The client information is priceless to me. I will  not be able to retrieve the content of those discussions, even if I conduct the meetings again. Too many variables were at play.
    I am beyond disillusioned that this issue is being reported in various threads throughout the fall and has not been addressed, and that phone support is unwaware, so more users will end up with the same terrible losses.
    It is, in my opinion, highly irresponsible and a show of disrespect to customers to permit this to be occuring without warning users or applying fixes.

  • How to get Photostream from 'business' iPhone to 'family' iCloud-account

    Has anyone found a solution for this yet ?
    There must be numerous pleople having this same problem :
    I have a (in my opinon rather standard) setup in which I have a private iCloud-account on my 'business devices' (iPhone, iPad, MacBook Pro) and I have a shared iCloud-account on our 'family' Mac.
    Now I would like to arrange things the way that's most logical to me :
    I want my business devices to sync the more 'business-like' iCloud services :
    (Bookmarks is less important)
    Documents & Data
    Back to My Mac
    Find My Mac
    iTunes Store
    Mac App Store
    But I want my business devices to Photostream to our 'family' Mac's, since that's the device where our (only complete) iPhoto-library is on...
    Now there seems to be no way to do so since :
    - iCloud automatically uses the same iCloud-account for Photostream, Documents & Data, Back to My Mac and Find My Mac (only for Mail, Contacts, Calendars, iTunes and Mac App Store it is optional to use a different iCloud-account)
    - setting up my business iCloud-account as the secondary iCloud-account on all my business devices would be completely un-logical and would not allow me to keep (especially) my Documents & Data 'business' ; they will be visible on our 'family' Mac, which is completely off bounds for my employer and my clients...
    Has anyone found a solution to this ?
    (or will this be solved in OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion maybe ?)
    options I have thought about, but I couldn't get working yet :
    - running a second installation of iPhoto on our 'family' Mac
    - running both iPhoto and Aperture on our 'family' Mac
    - getting the Photostream from my 'business' iCloud.com into our 'family' Mac by subscribing to the URL
    - setting up one-and-the-same Eye-Fi account on my 'business' iPhone & iPad and on our 'family' Mac
    - searching for a 3rd-party Mac-app that can read and/or import the 'business' Photostream info our 'family' iPhoto
    - something involving Photoshop Elements 10 Organiser...
    Any help would be helpful.
    Thanks !

    Thank you for your reply Winston.
    very interesting info, too bad however that Dropbox doesn't do auto-import into iPhoto...
    I might have figured out a way to do this using Eye-Fi (free account, free iOS-app & free Mac-app ; by SanDisk) :
    Eye-Fi seems to do auto-upload from iPhone/iPad, auto-transfer to a Mac (over WiFi, and if needed even over 3G it seems), and auto-import into iPhoto...
    ...it can even handle video upload (which iCloud Photostream can't) 
    and it has 'free temporary online viewing' with Eye-Fi View (which is kind-of like MobileMe Gallery...)
    (and some payed extensions that are less interesting in my opinion)
    ...I'm testing right now if Eye-Fi works for me.
    (Maybe I still need to combine it with Dropbox's auto-upload though...)
    Thanks !
    Note : Eye-Fi even has an option to upload to MobileMe... too bad MobileMe is no longer available... hopefully there will be integration with iCloud in the near future...

  • Just because the iphone 3g is no longer sold, doesnt mean people still dont own it.

    i am not happy with apple, i bought the iphone 3g when it came out and now since they have a newer iphone they can just cut off there services to the iphone 3g??!!! like just cause its older doesnt mean people dont own them anymore. my phone is always glitching out, or a lot of apps i cant get cause its not compatible with this iphone. in my opinion thats dumb. i cant afford to just go out and buy a brand new iphone for 800$!! like really? just cause apple stops making it they can just not have updates for the 3g phone that lots of ppl still own??....

    Think yourself lucky you've still got a phone that works and has been supported by Apple for as long as it has.
    Many Android phones receive no updates whatsoever past the version that comes on the device, or are made obsolete within months of purchase.
    Apple has given you many free OS updates and a good couple of years of support. Before you start complaining, you should check what other manufacturers would have given you, if you'd bought their phones.

  • Do Verizon customers have any legal recourse in response to the false advertising of iPhone ship dates, as well as de-prioritizing existing customers in the fulfillment order?

    9/19 guaranteed ship date, seems like a clear cut case of "bait and switch" on top of the customer service failure.
    State and federal laws are in place to protect consumers from false or misleading advertising. These laws make deceptive claims illegal. No business may make false, misleading, or deceptive claims about a product regarding its:
    Consumers who are victims of false or misleading advertising should contact an experienced lawyer to find out about his or her rights and actions that can be taken.
    False advertising is any published claim that is deceptive or untruthful. Misleading advertising is any published claim that gives a consumer an incorrect understanding of the product they are interested in purchasing or using. The false and misleading advertising by companies of any product may result in the consumer suffering a financial loss, or another form of damage to the consumer.
    The financial losses or damages acquired by a consumer due to the false or misleading advertising may not be significant. However, this is not a cost that any consumer should have to endure. Consumers who have suffered from financial losses or other damages may participate in a class action lawsuit to recover compensation for any losses incurred.
    The Types of False and Misleading Advertising Tactics
    There are several types of false and misleading advertising tactics used by companies to lure in unsuspecting consumers. Some of these tactics include:
    Bait & Switch Advertising
    High-Pressure Sales Tactics
    Deceptive Form Contracts
    Artificially Inflating Prices
    Failure to Disclose
    Bait & switch advertising is the advertising of a product that the business does not provide or does not intend to sell. Businesses usually lure consumers into stores by promising to sell or provide an item or service at a certain cost. Once the consumer is in the store, the business tries to sell the consumer a more costly item or service.
    High-pressure sales tactics are used to get consumers to purchase a service or product that he or she does not want or does not intend to purchase.
    Deceptive form contracts have ambiguous promises or fine print in their contracts that are usually overlooked or misunderstood.
    Artificially inflating prices is used by businesses to give the illusion that a great deal on a product or service is available.
    Failure to disclose is a term used for when a business does not inform consumers when an item or service is currently unavailable, or when an offer has expired.
    Consumers may be awarded a variety of remedies against any business that engages in false or misleading advertising. These remedies may include:
    Monetary damages
    Injunctions ordering the businesses to stop running the advertisements
    Injunctions ordering the businesses to stop engaging in deceptive practices
    Injunctions ordering the businesses to include disclosure statements in their advertising

    Good luck in proving that they purposely deceived you, me, and anyone else still waiting.  I'm would guess that they were told by Apple to expect a certain amount devices, and when that amount fell short...well guess what happens...backorders and furious consumers.  Was I upset that I had trouble pre-ordering...yes.  Was I a bit bothered when my ship date moved...you betcha!  Will my world come to an end if I don't have my new iPhone today...nope, not at all.  I'm not saying you shouldn't be bothered but it's not like it's a limited edition device and they're only producing so many.  Everyone who wants one will eventually have the opportunity to get it...some of us will just have to wait a little longer.  I'm in no way telling you not to be upset, after all, you're entitled to your own opinion and feelings...I just know that my energy could be better used on something more productive than being angry at Verizon.   After all, I know they're not sitting on a boat load of phones just pointing at laughing at the fact that I have to wait.  When they have it, they'll ship it.  I'll get mine and I'm sure if you hang in there, you'll get yours too.  Have a great evening and smile...life's much to short to spend any moment being upset over something as simple as a delayed phone.  

  • Send email from iPhone with my iCloud alias

    My iCloud account is, let's say: [email protected]
    I created an alias, let's say: [email protected]
    I would like to use "[email protected]" on my iPhone and iPad but that seems impossible.
    1. i tried "add a new account" with "[email protected]": i'm said my password is not valid
    2. i tried to modify my current iCloud account: impossible, everything is greyed, the only way would be to delete the current, default iCloud account.
    So, what can be done in order to send an email on my iPhone from "[email protected]"?

    No problem Scottie, you did your best indeed ;-)
    Yes I tried to login on icloud.com, no problem at all.
    What's more, before posting (starting the present thread), I'd called AppleCare: they certified there was no problem to set up an alias on my iPhone. Now I don't get time to talk with them again. Enough is enough.
    And just for the record: right after reentering my default "[email protected]" account details into my iPhone, i got an email from Apple saying "somebody" had done so on my iPhone and I'd better change my password!
    That means, at least to my opinion, that aliases are not taken into account at all by Apple on iDevices. The only thing that matters is our default "[email protected]".
    One more thing: why do I want an alias? Because as a former .mac and .mobileme customer I'm NOT ALLOWED BY APPLE to change my iCloud account name for a new one.
    This is a shame. My "[email protected]" name was meant for the entire family in the times of MobileMe. Now this "[email protected]" doesn't mean anything since iCloud accounts are INDIVIDUAL accounts.
    Apple are therefore harming their long-time, faithfull customers while somebody who was not a former MobileMe customer can change his/her iCloud account's name very easily. This doesn't make sense, I think.
    Hope that's clear.

  • HT201077 Since upgrading to IOS 7'photos taken on my iPhone are not transferring to the cloud. Sometimes a few will up load but then nothing for weeks. Anyone else had this problem

    Since upgrading to IOS 7 the photographs I take on my iPhone 4S do not transfer to the cloud. Sometimes one or two of them transfer but then none for weeks. I have deleted photos from the cloud in case it is full but to no affect. I use my iPhone in conjunction with an iPad so this is driving me mad. Anyone else have this problem?

    No you're not the only one having this problem in fact many people are having it I spoke to Apple support today about it. First it is my opinion the aspect ratio is different on iPhone 4s compared to iPhone 5s, however I really feel it is a software issue. Just to make sure I am having the same problem you are I will describe my issue. I Have confirmed the following: if I Center an object on my iPhone 4s screen and open the picture while I am still in the app (open on the bottom left it)looks fine. But when I open camera roll and open that particular picture it's also fine
    Until I scroll left or right it pulls the image to the left side appearing to cut off the left side of the image. After talking to Apple support today and my knowledge with Apple products I strongly suspect this is a software issue. Apple asked me to do a restore as a new phone but I'm not going to go through all that nonsense when I believe it's a software issue and not a hardware issue. So again to recap to answer your question you're not alone, theses sort of things are expected when they rollout a new iOS just hang in there and let's see if they put a patch out for next update.

  • All day calendar events not being displayed in the notification centre for iphone 5 post ios 7 upgrade. Please help. Is it a bug?

    All day calendar events not being displayed in the notification centre for iphone 5 post ios 7 upgrade. Please help. Is it a bug?
    With iOS 6, the all day events showed up in the notification centre but it lacks in the upgrade iOS 7.

    Same problem here. Some people pointed out that all-day events do show up in their notification center, but that seems only to be the case for birthdays (and only as text like the weather). I've tried it myself on my iPhone and iPad and it did work for birthdays but not for any other all-day events. I already sent this to Apple as a product feedback as well, as should everyone of you. The more people mention it, the faster Apple's going to fix this issue. In its current state, notification center is not a very helpful feature in my opinion. There's absolutely no point in not showing all-day events in the 'today' calendar overview.
    Here's a link to the product feedback page: http://www.apple.com/feedback/
    I posted my message in the iPhone section since I couldn't find a page specifically dedicated to iOS 7.
    I really love the look & feel of iOS 7 but it's kinda sad to see notification center not tapping its full potential.

  • My podcasts won't sync from iTunes to my iPhone

    I had been downloading podcasts onto iTunes, with several on auto-subscription, with any new ones auto-transferring to my iPhone each time I plugged it into the laptop via USB.  A couple of days ago, I noticed that no new podcasts were showing up on my phone, checked iTunes against the ones on my phone and saw that several new ones on iTunes hadn't transferred.  I tried a manual sync, which did not work - new episodes visible on iTunes but not on my iPhone.  I tried going into the "Get Info" menu for an individual podcast, as mentioned on one of the other threads, to make sure that it was being recognized as a podcast rather than music or another medium - no change.  I tried advice mentioned in another thread (the user who suggested it readily admitted it was a temporary patch job), of adding all past, present and future episodes of a podcast to ensure I get new ones; I saw old podcasts that I had previously deleted, now eligible for download from the cloud, but none of the newer episodes that I had not yet been able to download.  The iPhone is a 5S, and software on iPhone, iTunes, the laptop (Macbook Pro, uncertain version) and the Podcast app have all been updated since this problem started as part of my attempt at fixing it.
    Any other ideas for things I could do or try?  I can't recall updating any component in the chain (laptop, iTunes, iPhone) recently, nor have I changed any equipment, any iTunes settings, any phone settings, or otherwise.  These podcasts are a big part of what gets me through an hour and a half commute to work each morning, so any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated.

    Here's what I think happened because I am in the middle of it right now.  I just bought a ton of videos and also updated my software. I think Apple cleverly decided that now you can not update it without now paying for the Icloud feature that allows you to share all your devices.  You have to click Itunes match, I have never seen it before but when I clicked on it it was 24bucks.  This is actually pretty lame in my opinion because it moved all my stuff off my ipad on to my imac and now im paying another 24 bucks to get it back where I wanted it .

  • ITunes not syncing to iPhone 4S or iPad 2

    I've noticed that the music libraries on my three devices differed significantly however I have never been able to sort out the issue. 
    I have a Macbook Pro(OSX 10.8.2), iTunes 11.0, an iPad 2 (6.0.1) and an iPhone 4S (6.0.1).  Each device is signed in to the same icloud account, I've read the instructions on setting up icloud so that hopefully it syncs correctly however my music libraries are vastly different.  I have home sharing turned on, and while connected to wifi I can change the library on either of the two mobile devices under "shared" to my Library and utilize the additional tunes, however when away from wifi or my MBP is closed I can not access the music. 
    My question is this- in the information I read on Apple's website discussing iTunes and iCloud, it is supposed to push all new downloads to the devices logged in that do not currently have that media.  So if I purchase a song on my iPhone 4S, theoretically it should push to my MBP and iPad 2 from the way I read it.  Or am I going to have to re-sync my iPhone and iPad everytime I add a new song or album so they all have the same music library? 
    This seems very redundant and a poor use for the cloud.  If that's the case, there isn't much use for iCloud in my personal opinion.
    Is anyone else having this issue?

    For what it is worth, when I first turned my iCloud syncing of documents on after updating to mountain lion, I encountered the same problems as yourself. Shortly after, I noticed that when I visited iCloud.com, that the iWork feature was apparently unavailable because of ongoing works. When it became available again, everything seemed to work just fine and has done so ever since. Of note, there was no other notification of these ongoing works anywhere else other than iCloud.com.

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