IPhone's Safari Page Width Inheritance

How does Safari on the iPhone figure out the default width of a page? Different pages have different widths and all of the sites I go to seem to fill up the screen quite nicely, but there is a problem.
I've visited my personal site on the iPhone which is at the default domain (www.). I've downloaded the iPhoneChat script (http://www.publictivity.com/iPhoneChat/) and uploaded it to a subdomain (aim.). When I visit the subdomain, Safari appears to be remembering the width of my site at www. and applies it to the site at aim.. This means instead of getting the login form nice and big as it should be, it's all zoomed out and tiny with really really wide scrollbars.
I've tried setting the width of the body to 320px, but the iPhone seems to insist on forcing what appears to be an inherited width from the www. site. That causes the login form to take up less than 1/4th of the screen instead of filling it up nicely like it should. Needless to say, as a web developer, this annoys the heck out of me.
What I would like to see is each page being handled on it's own. Figure out the width of THAT page and make it fit, no matter the width of other pages on the same site. Or, at the very least, make a distinction between subdomains.
It would also be nice to be able to set a specific width for a site with dynamic width. That would make it a lot easier to read long pages of text such as the books on http://www.gutenberg.org.

PLEASE don't set it at 320 and not user scalable. The owners of MacTech set it to 320 and you can't see it on portrait at all and have to scroll slightly right to left on landscape to see the page.
I've read Apple's document on this, and while they say 320 should work it really doesn't quite. Perhaps 315?
and the example page:
Not sure why Apple said 320, but note that you can't see all of the icons on the side without missing a bit of the text on the right. And the not user scalable thing is annoying as heck.
My two cents, for what they're worth,

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    Hi seventy one,
    I this this is a page programming issue, not a Safari (nor any other browser) or hardware issue.
    I was providing tech content when our firm rolled out its first website about 12 years age. We had I.T. employees who programmed the pages. in testing, I had noticed the pages failed to fill very much of the screen even in the days before widescreen monitors. They said they could have the pages dynamically fill the window width available but that would slow down the page response (understand most people were still on dial-up back them) and require more space on the servers (again, turn back the clock). They preferred low-feature leanness.
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    When you created the PCKS#12 did you create with the full chain? My first suspicion is "unsigned" - this indicates that the phone can't validate what signed this certificate. You may have to import the signing root seperately as I don't know if the iPhone cert store handles chained certs or not.
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    Click on the SSL lock icon and view the certificate hierarchy
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    "|" represents screen size and "-" is the regions/content for the "bad" PCs.
    The "good" PCs look like this:
    <div id="body">
    <table class="tbl-body" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" summary="">
    <td class="tbl-main" width="100%">#REGION_POSITION_02##BOX_BODY#</td>
    <td class="tbl-sidebar">#REGION_POSITION_03#</td>

    I think your concerns are very reasonable. But I want to sort of refocus things a little bit for you here... it's not really a PC vs Mac issue... Rather, it's specifically an Internet Explorer issue. And you might say that this is synonymous...still 98% of the world uses IE, and you would be correct. Hopefully when the final version of IE7 comes out, it will finally embrace some of the modern day OPEN web standards without trying to make too many standards of its own (this is Microsoft, though).
    Anyways, in the meantime, I guess we all try to make the best of it. It's very easy to conclude that iWeb is not a viable tool for you, as long as you have something else to "fall back" on. With my limited knowledge of all things HTML, I have no such luxury. Instead, I have put up a notice on my site for IE users only that the site might not look its best on IE....this notice also encourages IE users to use FireFox, which is very much like Safari and will in 99% of cases display your iWeb pages just like you expect. You can see how I've done this here (but you have to surf from IE)... http://blog.dirtdoog.com
    I think many people in the PC world understand the limitations of IE. Certainly many don't, but you have to consider your likely audience, I guess. I believe that your website content is king. If your content is compelling enough to your intended audience, they will jump through hoops to see it in its full glory....but you have to make them aware of the problem. That's why I have chosen to take the path that I have taken.
    Let me know what you think.

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    David Lewis15 wrote:
    For reference: On the PC at work, when I open the New York Times it fills the whole screen, soup to nuts. On my Mac at home, when I open the New York Times it only fills about half the width of the page, leaving a sea of white unused browser to the left and right of the content.
    It sounds like your PC's monitor at work is smaller and/or has a lower screen resolution (i.e. renders objects and text larger) than your Mac's screen.
    I opened your first New York Times link in *Windows Internet Explorer* with the window at my full screen width and this is how it looks:
    And this is the same page in *Safari on my Mac*, also with the window at my full screen width, same size screen and same screen resolution:
    They look the same, taking up the same amount of page width.
    It's not Safari that is rendering things differently than on your PC. I'm almost certain it's that your screen on your PC is a very different size or has very different resolution settings. If so, the actual width in pixels of the window you have open on your PC is much smaller than the width in pixels of the window on your Mac, essentially allowing just that central portion of the page to be visible in your PC's browser window.
    On your PC at work, go to the control panel and check the settings in Appearance and Themes, Change the Screen Resolution. What does it say the current screen resolution is? (e.g. 800 by 600 pixels, 1024 by 640 pixels, etc.) Then on your Mac check System Preferences, Displays, in the Display section, and check the resolution setting there. If the Mac's screen resolution is much higher (larger numbers) that explains the difference you're seeing. You' have more pixels to work with on the Mac, so you're seeing more of the web page.
    I hate having the computer up to my face to be able to read it, and I feel that if the width of the page were to fill the screen it would not be an issue; it isn't at work.
    It sounds like you might be having problems that are not related to the layout of web pages as much as with the size of text and other page elements on your Mac as opposed to your PC? If that's the situation, there are several things you can do to make things easier to read on your Mac. Let me know if that's the problem and I'll go further with that thought.
    Message was edited by: Rachel R

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