ITunes Freezes soon after starting

I really don't like iTunes I tend to avoid like the plague because every time I try do something with it, it doesn't work the way I want it to if I didn't have an Iphone I would delete it...anyway I wanted to add a movie to my phone or try to anyway went in found the movie checked and hit sink the program get's to step three then freezes, I've tried starting iTunes in safemode and it still freezes on step three, don't even know why I'm here I should just delete iTunes and forget it but if anybody has a fix for this that doesn't involve 20 steps so I can get my movie on my iPhone it would be nice.

I have started having exactly the same issue two days ago.
Me: Windows 7 SP1 x64
Partner: Windows 8.1 x64
Skype for Desktop
Every time I call my partner the video freezes on the other end after a few seconds (quickest was 5 longest 2 and then becomes a white spinning circle. Sometimes it comes back for a few seconds and then dies again. Restarting the video on my end helps for another 5 to 28 seconds. On my end I can see us both. Reinstalled my webcam drivers, upgraded to latest Skype version (was 6.20 before), tried disabling the firewall, tried the same set of actions on the other end. Also tried deleting Skype folders under AppData/Roaming and AppData/Local on both ends. Checked the temperature monitors on both ends - no overheating. Tried upgrading graphics drivers on the other end. Tried changing ports in the connection settings - did not help either.
Some of the other things we have tried:
Me calling my partner from a different account - freezes
Me calling my partner on a different account - freezes
Me calling my partner from a tablet connected to same network as computer - no freezes
Me calling my other account on a tablet connected to same network as computer - no freezesI am yet to try calling someone else with these scenarios.
Previously we used to spend up to 11 hours on a call without any issues.
Enabling logging did not result in any logs being created at all - and yes, I do have hidden files displaying enabled in Windows.
I have full access to both machines and will be happy to provide any logs and whatnot - given that they exist of course. Our alternative at the moment is Google Hangouts but its much less reliable and has to work through a browser - permanently leaving Skype for it would suck.

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    I have started having exactly the same issue two days ago.
    Me: Windows 7 SP1 x64
    Partner: Windows 8.1 x64
    Skype for Desktop
    Every time I call my partner the video freezes on the other end after a few seconds (quickest was 5 longest 2 and then becomes a white spinning circle. Sometimes it comes back for a few seconds and then dies again. Restarting the video on my end helps for another 5 to 28 seconds. On my end I can see us both. Reinstalled my webcam drivers, upgraded to latest Skype version (was 6.20 before), tried disabling the firewall, tried the same set of actions on the other end. Also tried deleting Skype folders under AppData/Roaming and AppData/Local on both ends. Checked the temperature monitors on both ends - no overheating. Tried upgrading graphics drivers on the other end. Tried changing ports in the connection settings - did not help either.
    Some of the other things we have tried:
    Me calling my partner from a different account - freezes
    Me calling my partner on a different account - freezes
    Me calling my partner from a tablet connected to same network as computer - no freezes
    Me calling my other account on a tablet connected to same network as computer - no freezesI am yet to try calling someone else with these scenarios.
    Previously we used to spend up to 11 hours on a call without any issues.
    Enabling logging did not result in any logs being created at all - and yes, I do have hidden files displaying enabled in Windows.
    I have full access to both machines and will be happy to provide any logs and whatnot - given that they exist of course. Our alternative at the moment is Google Hangouts but its much less reliable and has to work through a browser - permanently leaving Skype for it would suck.

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    command-option-esc keys will quit the offending program. Reboot whil holding down the command-r keys into the Recovery Dsik. select Disk Utility and then select your hard drive from the left side column and then select Repair Disk.

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    Run through this list of fixes, backup your data immediatly.
    Step by Step to fix your Mac
    Most commonly used backup methods

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    Start with the third box in  Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    If that doesn't work, use the steps in the second box to repair your iTunes installation. Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there is backup advice elsewhere in the user tip.

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    If the problem persists after restoring to factory defaults/new iPod (you did not state that that was the restore you performed), then I would make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since you likely have a hardware problem.

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    This is sometimes caused by Bad Blocks on the Hard Drive.
    If 10.7, hold down Command-R at startup, and choose Disk Utility.
    If 10.6 or earlier, boot to the Installer/Utilities DVD, answer only the "what language" question and wait for the MenuBar to be drawn. Choose Disk Utility from the Utilities Menu.
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    The only solution is to restart and run a back-up straight away.
    Any ideas?

    Wackers wrote:
    I've a recurring problem with Time Machine, whereby the backup appears to freeze shortly after starting. No error message is reported and I can see nothing in the log.
    Unfortunately, a lot of things can cause this.
    Let's take a look at the log: there may be a clue. Download the +Time Machine Buddy+ widget from: It shows the messages from your logs for one TM backup run at a time, in a small window. Navigate to one of these stalled backups, copy and post the messages here (be sure to get them all, as sometimes they overflow the small window).
    At first it seemed to be caused by my children's log-in still being active but it's not that. It does seem to happen more when my wife has left lots of applications open, including MS Word with lots of documents.
    That sort of thing might slow it down a bit, but shouldn't be much.
    I've checked the external disk (Lacie 500GB), even erased and reformatted it (Mac OS Extended (Journaled), same as by iMac hard disk) but to no avail.
    Also check the *Partition Map Scheme* shown by Disk Utility on the first line of the drive (the one with the make and size). It should be GUID for an Intel Mac, +Apple Partition Map+ for a PPC Mac.
    Is your LaCie Firewire or USB? How is it connected?
    Does it have it's own power supply, or does it get power from your Mac?
    Are you running FileVault, any virtualization software, or any significant non-Apple software?
    How much data is on your internal HD?
    That info plus the logs should at least get us started.

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    When trying to troubleshoot problems, disconnect all external devices except your monitor, kbd & mouse. Do you experience the same problems?
    May be a solution on one of these links.
    The X Lab (Troubleshooting & Maintenance of OS X)
    OS X Routine Maintenance & Generic Troubleshooting
    Prevent Mac Disasters
    Kernel Panic
    Mac OS X Kernel Panic FAQ
    Mac OS X Kernel Panic FAQ
    Resolving Kernel Panics
     Cheers, Tom

  • Safari locks up and quickly crashes soon after starting up

    Safari locks up and quickly crashes soon after starting up the program. The hard drive sounds like it is going in to some kind of loop? Here is the error report. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance
    Date/Time: 2005-08-30 11:43:56.155 -0400
    OS Version: 10.4.2 (Build 8C46)
    Report Version: 3
    Command: Safari
    Path: /Applications/
    Parent: WindowServer [103]
    Version: 2.0 (412.2)
    Build Version: 1
    Project Name: WebBrowser
    Source Version: 4120200
    PID: 375
    Thread: 2
    Exception: EXC_BREAKPOINT (0x0006)
    Code[0]: 0x00000001
    Code[1]: 0x92897e80
    Thread 0:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib      0x9000a778 machmsgtrap + 8
    1 libSystem.B.dylib      0x9000a6bc mach_msg + 60
    2      0x9074b3d8 __CFRunLoopRun + 832
    3      0x9074acdc CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 268
    4      0x93123be0 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 264
    5      0x93123274 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 380
    6      0x931230e0 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 96
    7      0x935fe1a4 _DPSNextEvent + 384
    8      0x935fde68 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 116
    9      0x00007058 0x1000 + 24664
    10      0x935fa3cc -[NSApplication run] + 472
    11      0x936eac1c NSApplicationMain + 452
    12      0x00002700 0x1000 + 5888
    13      0x00057190 0x1000 + 352656
    Thread 1:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib      0x9000a778 machmsgtrap + 8
    1 libSystem.B.dylib      0x9000a6bc mach_msg + 60
    2      0x9074b3d8 __CFRunLoopRun + 832
    3      0x9074acdc CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 268
    4      0x9288bec4 -[NSRunLoop runMode:beforeDate:] + 172
    5      0x9288bdfc -[NSRunLoop run] + 76
    6      0x954110a0 +[WebFileDatabase _syncLoop:] + 176
    7      0x9287cf34 forkThreadForFunction + 108
    8 libSystem.B.dylib      0x9002c3d4 pthreadbody + 96
    Thread 2 Crashed:
    0      0x92897e80 _NSRaiseError + 264
    1      0x92897bbc +[NSException raise:format:] + 40
    2      0x928baa20 -[NSConcreteFileHandle readDataOfLength:] + 508
    3      0x928bb220 -[NSHTTPCookieDiskStorage(NSInternal) _saveCookies] + 292
    4      0x928bafc8 saveTimerCallback + 96
    5      0x9075edb0 __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 184
    6      0x9074b728 __CFRunLoopRun + 1680
    7      0x9074acdc CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 268
    8      0x928a43e0 +[NSURLConnection(NSURLConnectionInternal) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 264
    9      0x9287cf34 forkThreadForFunction + 108
    10 libSystem.B.dylib      0x9002c3d4 pthreadbody + 96
    Thread 3:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib      0x900138ec close + 12
    1      0x928b65d8 _NSWriteBytesToFile + 460
    2      0x928b63f8 -[NSData writeToFile:atomically:] + 104
    3      0x928b6350 -[NSFileManager createFileAtPath:contents:attributes:] + 88
    4      0x928b62d4 -[NSFileManager(NSURLExtras) webcreateFileAtPathWithIntermediateDirectories:contents:attributes:directoryAttribu tes:] + 128
    5      0x928b4224 -[NSURLCache _diskCacheExecuteWrite:] + 348
    6      0x928ad0c0 -[NSURLCache _diskCacheSync] + 256
    7      0x9075edb0 __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 184
    8      0x9074b728 __CFRunLoopRun + 1680
    9      0x9074acdc CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 268
    10      0x928a5520 +[NSURLCache _d

    Hi Sean,
    I replied to your other post about the same issue here:
    iBod, "Safari Crashes 2 secs After Loading" #11, 02:49pm Aug 30, 2005 CDT
    Hope that helps.

  • ITunes Freezes When I Start To Sync iPod

    Every time I plug in my ipod, itunes opens up and my ipod starts to sync. After a few seconds itunes completely freezes up. My ipod changes to connected and i have to use task manager to close itunes. After i do this I try to "safley remove hardware" but it says my ipod is still being used. I go back to task manager but itunes isnt open. The only thing i can do now is just unplug my ipod. After my ipod gets to the home screen, it has all the music it had before the sync. I just want my new music on my ipod and i have no idea wats wrong!!! Please help me!!!!!!

    I have the same issue and I too have Windows Vista (32 bit, how about you?). My itunes works on my laptop until I plug in my ipod. The second my laptop recognizes it, my itunes freezes. My ipod (mini) says that it's connected though. When I try to disconnect my ipod, it says that it's still being used but Itunes isn't open according to the task manager. The only way to "safely" unplug my ipod is to turn off my laptop and the ipod's screen no longer says "do not disconnect". I can't add or take off anything from my ipod now.

  • First time backup on Itunes freezes just after backup

    My Iphone 3G has had its first backup but freezes just after in the process program screen at 20090705..... I am running Windows Vista. Please help as I would like to complete the process.

    Make sure you don't have any iTunes addon installed (many of them are visualisers that may do other things like display lyrics and so forth). They can remain even if your reinstall itunes.
    go to the iTunes folder and backup your itunes library xml and itl files to another location then delete them and try starting iTunes then.
    That might help figuring out the problem

  • My iTunes freezes immediately after opening. How do I fix it?

    My iTunes (10.2.2) application freezes immediately after opening. This is after having to check the library. I have left it frozen before for several minutes before force quitting. What should I do?

    Hello, Dbutta90. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    Here is an article that you may find helpful when experiencing this issue.
    iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8: Fix unexpected quits or launch issues
    Jason H.

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    Anyone have any ideas as to how to fix it, would love to be able to add and remove podcasts/music.

    Hello & Welcome to Apple Discussions,
    I can post an error log if anyone will find it helpful.
    Please go ahead & post it, most recent you can find more info the better. Your Home folder/~Library/ Logs-> Crash Logs most recent one.
    Just copy and paste it in to a reply. They can be interesting to see i can't quite read them,( working on it:) I know others surely can. Good luck.

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