JVMTI Heap Measurement vs. external measurement

I am about to do some memory distribution analysis of the content of a java heap. In a first step I build an JVMTI agent which writes all reachable objects with their size to a file. For each reference caught by IterateOverReachableObjects() I write refererer and referee to another file too.
First the sum of all object sizes is is around 130 % of the heap size reported by jstat and Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() Both report exactly the same.
Taking the sum of all objects only found as referees is the references-file is little smaller, but none the less significantly larger than reported by the two named possibilities.
Whats the reason for this? What is wrong on my approach? Is it what the JVMTI reference says? That :
"... This size is an implementation-specific approximation of the amount of storage consumed by this object. It may include some or all of the object's overhead, and thus is useful for comparison within an implementation but not between implementations. The estimate may change during a single invocation of the JVM."

Here are a few more comments which might be helpful:L
1. IterateOverReachableObject didn't report all references to resolved entries in the constant pool in 5.0. I don't have the bugID at hand but it is a known issue that was fixed in 6.0.
2. IterateOverHeap doesn't report internal objects but there are some objects in the perm generation (such as interned Strings) that may not be reachable with IterateOverReachableObjects. The constant pool issue in #1 is part of the same issue.
3. IterateOverReachableObjects skips over classes which aren't linked. I believe you will see these classss with IterateOverHeap as does a linear iteration over the heap and reports all (non-internal) objects.
4. For the most part the classes and counts for +PrintClassHistogram should be the same as what you see with IterateOverHeap.  There are a few differences such as internal objects but there are a few others that need a more detailed explanation - I'll post a reply on that when I get time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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    AMOR is a new one for me, and I like it!
    I have not tried to access this API from UCCX, however, it's just another VOS API which should be the same on all VOS platforms.  An attempt to query the UCCX server for its PerfMon WSDL, does not return one, so perhaps it doesn't.  It did work on my CUCM.

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    First, the VI you mention is NOT for STC timer/counters. Therefore, it won't work.
    If you want to get the time interval between two edges, you want to use the Functions -> Data Acquisition -> Counter -> Count Events or Time VI. This will do the function you are looking for.

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    DAQ_3_Boards_-_State_Machine_-_Scaled_Array.llb ‏1525 KB

    It sounds like you have your program setup to measure the frequency of the clock only when you are using an external source. The counter won't get an input if you are not using an external source, right? So, when you drive the master board with an internal clock, the counter will have nothing to count.

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    Best, Uli
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Uli,
    I posted to your thread here.
    Best Regards,
    John Passiak

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi mola,
    That specific example is for sample-clocked pulse width measurements.  This type of measurement is only supported on newer hardware such as X Series boards and will not run on the 6602.
    Your application that you linked uses Implicit timing, meaning that the signal itself serves as the sample clock.  That is, at the end of each pulse width that you measure, the sample is deterministically latched in.  So, you end up with a buffered array of every pulse width that is seen by the counter.
    Best Regards,
    John Passiak

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    Thanks to all in advance.

    Hello Vaibhav,
    I have already followed the steps given by you only I cannot find the assignment of measuring point category to the number range. I have also done the number range assignment for equipment and functional location but there it exists here it does not.
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    Thnx for quick reply Lucas!
    It's a matter of trust that way...
    Better have him come to your location and have him work locally with you or whomever together so you can actually see what he does.
    I already had chance to to this and that is ok but sometimes my external SAP consultant must work from another geographic location (online via Interent) because there is no other way..
    The fact that you could solve a problem faster than the consultant doesn't justify paying less or the like either... switching the consultant might help ;-/
    I know but thing is that I would like to know why someone says that he needs 12 minutes to do a 5 push-ups when average person can do it in 2-3 minutes, if you know what I mean.
    not really a helpful reply and a bit pessimistic, I know... let's see what the others suggest :-P
    It's ok, I understand because you are realistic but I also hope for some other answers, I hope some of the answers will help me and put smile on my face;))
    All the best,
    Edited by: samnovice on Feb 6, 2012 7:28 PM

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    Hi JackN,
    It sounds to me that you simply want to make a pulse width measurement using your counter. This is no problem. If you go into the example finder Help>>Find Examples... The browse to the path Hardware Input and Output>>DAQmx>>Counter Measurements>>Period or Pulse Width and find the example Meas Pulse Width-Buffered Finite.vi. You can simply use this VI which will give you a measurement of the that 1ms pulse width in either seconds or ticks of the source signal. You will want to connect your "trigger" signal (1ms-3ms-1ms) to the gate of the counter you're going to use. Then if you have an external sample clock to make this measurement you'll connect it to the source of the counter, other wise do not connect anything else and use implicit timing on the DAQmx Timing.vi. If you are using an external sample clock to make this pulse width measurement you might also want to check out the VI just below the one I mentioned that also includes ...Sample Clock... in the name. 
    Using this VI will give you the pulse width of both of the 1ms pulses and if you keep it as a finite acquisition you'll only need to take 2 measurements. So in this case you don't really need to think of the signal as a trigger but as the signal that you're actually measuring. If you're curious about the capabilities of the counters in your 6602 take a look at the M Series User Manual in the Counters section starting on page 107.
    Chris W

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    How to assign external number range for measuring point ?

    I have just checked and the measurement point number is linked directly with tthe object for eaxample equipment and when I tried this I got the same result the system defaults the number based ont he internal number range.
    This being the case what is the business requirement that you need to use external numbering as this may help and someone may be able to assist either with an answer to the problem or an alternative solution.
    SAP documentation as follows:
    Create Number Ranges for Measuring Points
    In this step you define number ranges for measuring points.
    As the numbers for measuring points are assigned internally, you should work with the standard settings. If you want to make changes, you should always use number range 01.
    Edited by: JamesPetrie on Feb 28, 2012 2:45 PM

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    1. Check for the correct power cord that you have attached with the node to give the external power.
    2. Check for any external power supplied to the channels from your side.
    3. Reboot the node and try to obtain the temperature from thermometer.

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    Hi Yuta K,
    You have not stated what software you want to use for this measurement, but in case you're using LabVIEW, please go to the Example Finder (in LabVIEW go to "Help >> Find Examples"). 
    In the Example Finder, you make sure the "Browse" tab is stil selected, and than you go to:
    Hardware Input and Output >> DAQmx >> Counter Measurements >> Digital Frequency
    Here you will find some good examples of measuring a digital frequency with 1 or 2 onboard counters.
    If you need additional information, please let us know!
    Best regards,
    Peter S

  • External clock LabView crash with Measurment Computing board.

    I'm using a Measurment Computing PCI-DAS6402-16 board with Labview (using Universal librarys VIs) in a 4-stroke engine DAQ application and amognst the signals obtain Internaly clocked, there is In-Cylinders Pressure signal which is timed with a Crank-angle deocoder sending analog pulse signal.
    Although there seems to be no problem while the motor is running, it appears that when to external clocked signal  is not getting any pulses (while the motor is not running) then Labview stops to respond and awaits for the external clock to start, and that doesnt happen within 10s then it crashes.
    I dont know whether it is Software problem (because external and internal clocked signals are both in the same WHILE LOOP) or if it is a Hardware problem (because With a NI card there seem to be no problems).
    THNX in Advance

    Well it couldnt be a more typcal windows crash:
    If a channel is externally timed with an analog pusle signal, If the VI starts running but the external clock isn't then:
    -Labview stops to respond to any clicks (there is no .exe at this point) but it keeps working though (That i know cause if i start the ext. clock at this point it "un-stucks' and starts working)
    -But, if for some secs no ext. pulse signal is generated then labnview app stops respondin and i get the typical 'send error report' window.
    Could it be that the Universal library for Measurment Computing boards haw a bug? Cause the same thing happens with the "Analog input External Clock.vi" example given with the Library..so it can't be my mistake..or can it?!

Maybe you are looking for