Loop Points

My Menus have a quick little animation to bring in the buttons. Then there is just a video playing for 30 seconds.
How do I loop the menu, without looping the intro to the menu?
I tried messing with loop points, but they werent really working for me. (Im a little new to DVD Studio)

In the inpspector when you set the loop point that where the loop point will return to. So if your intro part of the menu is 30 seconds, set the loop point to the next position after 30 seconds and when the menu reaches the end it will loop back to there.
If returning to that menu you can either target the loop point via a script or you can just make another menu without the intro part and jump to that menu.

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    Hi everyone,
    just wanna know if any of you has tested the new CS5.5.
    Has Adobe solved the black video "flashes" during a loop point menu?
    Do we have to wait for the En5.5?
    Thanks in advance

    The problem still exists in 5.1

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    Is this bluray?  What version of Encore?
    Some users have created a second menu - copy of the first minus the lead in motion - so that it looks like what you get with the looping point.

  • Setting loop point on a menu

    Is it possible to set a loop point at a specific timecode on a motion menu?
    When I try to set a point or use the up and down arrows it doesn't move frame by frame, it moves 10 to 15 frames at a time.
    I am working in PAL

    As far as I know, loop points (and chapter markers) can only be placed at I-frames, which is why it moves 10-15 frames at a time. If you need to jump to a specific frame, you'll need to make sure that there's an I-frame at that frame. If you're using FCP, you can place either a chapter or compression marker and then re-export your footage. You'll need to re-encode the footage if you're not letting DVDSP do it.

  • DVD button loop point

    I know this question is on here alot and I've already read some different things.
    I have a project where the DVD menu has and intro and at about 16 secs. the buttons fade in. I have figured out how to make the button delay by setting the loop point. The problem is now my client wants the whole intro of the DVD menu to loop and have the buttons fade in at 16 secs. Is there anyway to keep the video looping back to the start and have the buttons still come in at 16 secs? i appreciate the help in advance.

    So visually, the menu starts, at 16 seconds the buttons appear and they stay on screen whilst the menu appears to loop from the beginning?
    What I would do is make a whole bunch of clips into a single clip using FCP and placing them consecutively on the timeline, then export that to use as the menu background. Visually, this will appear to start over and over, but in actual fact it is playing through just once. Make it five minutes long, if you want so that no-one will rightly sit through it all.
    Now add your loop point at 16 seconds as before. The buttons will fade in as you want, and then stay on screen as the background footage continues to play, looking as though it is looping. At the very end of your footage there will be a slight pause and the menu will then actually loop to the loop point, missing hte first 15 seconds off. Since this is so long into the menu I doubt very much whether anyone would notice. I would tell the client that this is the most efficient way of achieving the look (which it is) and let them decide if they want something different.

  • GPRM-based button with Start at Loop Point Troubles

    First of all, I'm running DVD Studio Pro 4.2.1 on OS X 10.4.11
    I'm trying to finish a project where when a video ends, it jumps back to the menu directly to the next button in order. This menu also has a loop point set in order to skip an opening animation. So I wrote the following script to accomplish this:
    1: mov GPRM 0, SPRM 8
    2: div GPRM0, 1024
    3: add GPRM0, 1
    4: jump "menu name"(Loop) [GPRM 0]
    When I simulate the disc, everything works fine. However, a burned disc fails to return to the loop point. It will start on the next button when the highlights appear at the loop point, but the menu will begin from the beginning animation, not at the loop point.
    Is there some conflict between the GPRM based button command and the start at loop point command? I did perform a test with the GPRM based button commands left out and the start at loop point function worked perfectly.
    Edit: The "GPRM 0" at the end of the script shouldn't be a link but in brackets instead... the forum changed it to a link by default.
    Message was edited by: brazzamHD

    Given lines 1, 2 and 3, it is very unlikely that GPRM0 will ever be zero...
    What your lines are saying, roughly, is:
    "find the value of the last button that was pressed on a menu, and reduce it to a simple integer we can work with. Add '1' to the button number and then jump to the loop point on the menu IF the value in GPRM0 is '1'"
    The problem is that it will never be '1' because of line 3. The lowest value it could be is '2' when you keep that line in there.
    Also, you don't specify which GPRM you are evaluating in either version of line 4 - I assume GPRM0, as that is the one you are working with in lines 1, 2 and 3.
    If you want to return to the loop point of a menu depending on the button the user previously selected being the first button then the code is this:
    mov GPRM0, SPRM8
    div GPRM0, 1024
    Jump MenuName (Loop) If (GPRM0 = 1)
    However, you might want to simply start at the loop point of the menu but make sure that the user is on the same button they were on previoulsy, in which case the code would be:
    mov GPRM0, SPRM8
    div GPRM0, 1024
    Jump MenuName (Loop) \[GPRM0\]
    To do this you \must make sure that you have checked the GPRM based button checkbox in the property inspector.
    If you want to go to the next logical button after the one the user was on previoulsy, then you would need to add a '1' to it. The code looks like this:
    mov GPRM0, SPRM8
    div GPRM0, 1024
    add GPRM0, 1
    Jump MenuName (Loop) \[GPRM0\]
    Note that the bracket shapes are important... a GPRM based button jump means that you will go to a button which has a value the same as that in the specified GPRM. The square brackets signify it is this kind of move, and not a simple evaluation of true or false.

  • Error message at loop point of main menu...

    Anyone ever get this message when building a DVD?
    I keep getting this damn messages with Every adobe application. I was having tons of issues with encore 1.0 so I upgraded and bought 2.0. Now I'm having that error message.
    Does anyone know what the problem is? And by the way, I only get that message on the main menu when it tries to loop. The menu background video is 1:00:00 ( one minute ) and the loop point is 00:07:00 ( seven seconds ) with loop amount set to forever. I've changed it to other stuff to see, but I still get the message.
    I am able to burn the disc and everything works, except for the loop point at the main menu. The menu plays till it's duration and then instead of looping it ( in a DVD player ) just stops playback and ( during preview on my computer ) gives that above error message.... ' an abnormal condition has been detected. '
    fyi - my computer stats are this, in case anyone was needing to know:
    Pentium Prescott P4 3.0gHz
    2.5 GB's of DDR SDRAM
    nVidia Geforce FX5200 128MB vid card
    Creative sound blaster audigy ( with live drive )
    380 gig's of Hard Drive space

    Well nevermind. I seem to have fixed it. I just had to build a new project and re link everything. Seems that maybe the original project got all gunked up or something. It's working fine now.

  • Setting motion menu loop point to 1 second or under causes Encore CS3 to crash

    Has anyone else had this problem?  I created a motion menu that I want to loop to a point just 24 frames after the beginning (the motion background fades in over 24 frames), but every time I try it causes Encore to crash when I go to preview the DVD and get to the loop point.

    VOB files (or Video OBjects) are the multiplexes for the timelines, and also (in the VTS_xx_0.VOB) the menu files themselves.
    IFO (or InFOrmation files) tell the player what should be there.
    Cells are the smallest part a menu or a timeline can be broken down into, and they need to be at least 1 second long.
    (If you could see "under the hood" and have multiple cells in a motion menu, and a return call is made (after the movie has played) to cell 2 ignoring cell 1 (which could be, EG, a copyright warning or whatever) you might see:
    CallSS VMGM (menu ROOT, rsm_cell 2)
    which would tell the player to return to the Root menu at the second cell, bypassing the first cell completely.

  • Encore CS4 Loop Point goes back to beginning

    Hi all,
    Thank you for your time reading this. I've searched the forum and didn't see a resolution for this type of issue. Please accept my apology if it is noted somewhere and I didn't find it.
    I created a Motion Menu in After Effects CS3 that is 00;05;07;00
    I then saved the layers as a psd files (I didn't create buttons within AE)
    I created the buttons I wanted within Encore.
    Turned off all of the layers in Encore except for the buttons that I created
    I created an AVI file out of the After Effects composition which is set as the Motion menu in Encore
    The only problem that I am having is that when the video ends it goes back to the very beginning of the motion menu instead of the Loop point I set at 00;00;14;00 (14 seconds if I did that right)
    I have Animate buttons checked
    Loop point: 00;00;14;00
    Loop #: Forever
    On the basic tab, for both End Action and Override I went to Specify link and chose the Motion menu(AVI) that I created. I checked the box at the bottom "Set to Loop Point"
    I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong. This is my first time with a Motion Menu, so I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.
    Thank you for your time on this
    Best regards

    Thanks for explaining.
    I'm now using CS5 and I'd heard the two menu thing wasn't necessary any more so:
    A week or so ago, I was trying to figure out the same thing.  I posted this question here http://forums.adobe.com/thread/852185?tstart=30.
    Unfortunately, there were no answers, and by then I had found in the Encore Help under Loop point (as you did) this group of instructions at the bottom
    "Set menu loop back
    You can set a loop point in a motion menu to a point from which you want the motion menu to loop, rather than the beginning. This is useful when the starting point and ending point of the motion menu are separated by a long interval.
    Select the menu from the Menu panel.
    On the Properties panel, set the loop point.
    Select Specify Link from the End Action Options menu.
    Select the target from the list, and then select Set To Loop Point, and click OK"
    However, I can't get this to work similar to you problem.  That is, if I select the "Play all, Scenes " menu as the target, since it has a motion menu, I can select "Set to loop point", since it's not greyed out.
    However, if I select the next menu "Scenes" with no motion menu, the "set to loop point" is greyed out.  If I select the Play all etc with the motion menu,  then the loop point doesn't work ie it still loops back to the beginning of the motion menu.
    I'm not sure what the work "taget" means from the last sentence in the suggestions.
    I was hoping an Adobe person would chime in, but so far no luck.
    I'm doing this in a SD project and not BluRay.
    Sorry to ramble.

  • ENCORE menu video frozen at loop point

    In creating my DVD menu I imported a video and audio file into my project and then linked them up to the main menu under Properties>Motion. At first I did not set a loop point and only the audio played when previewed; the background was black (perhaps the first frame of the video). When I set a loop point at 1 second the audio again played fine but the video was frozen at the loop point frame.
    There must be something I'm missing...I thought I followed the tutorial article.
    Thank you!

    No, I haven't. I'm remembering that option in the preview window and will try it. Thanks!

  • Encore CS6 and loop point bug

    does anyone know if the new Encore has fixed the black video, or unwanted pauses, (that happened playing loop point menus) of a BluRay disc burnt with the previous versions CS5 and CS5.5?
    Thanks in advance

    Actually I one of each. My rendering crash is with blu-ray, and my motion menu playback going to black is for a DVD.
    I called tech support and they want money to work on non install issues.
    One support person on the forum asked me to attach the dump file, yet this forum does not have a way to do so.
    One support person listed his e-mail address but it is incorrect.
    Only quick solution is to go back to CS5.5.

  • Loop Point in the intro video

    Hi guys
    When a viewer inserts a DVD into a DVD player I want this to happen:
    1) The introduction video must play (it's about 20 seconds long).
    2) This intro video must lead the viewer to the main menu.
    3) During the intro video, the viewer must not be able to skip the intro video (like in the normal DVDs, where you have to wait for FBI warnings to first finish displaying before you can gain control of the remote again).
    I know that I can use a loop point to "freeze" the viewer's remote control buttons for the loop point duration, but it seems like this only works at the main menu stage.
    I there a way to make the loop point work for the intro video?
    'i'Many thanks

    Many thanks for your quick reply!
    Regarding your last point "set the timeline's user operations to prohibit anything" - I did the following:
    1) I clicked on the timeline tab, then clicked on the timeline of my intro video.
    2) Under the properties tab, at the operations area, I clicked on the "set" button & chose "none" under the permitted user operation dialogue box.
    3) I clicked OK, and then clicked on preview. If I click the remote control title button, the intro video gets cut off and I land immediately at the main menu. Exactly what I don't want! Any other suggestions?

  • Menu Loop Point 1-second skip

    I'm hoping somebody can help me...
    I've created a menu that has a video clip background, and set a loop point about 4 seconds in (after everything flies in, and the image remains static).
    The problem is that from the "At End:" dropdown list, "Loop" is selected, but in the box next to it, the duration (number of seconds) input field is not available to me -- I can't change it. So it's set on "1 sec"... but that leaves a terrible pause at the end of the clip before it goes back to the loop point, and I'm trying to give it a seamless loop (which seems like it should be the logical default).
    What am I doing wrong?? I've searched the manual and this forum, and can't find an answer. Please help ASAP... thanks!

    It's a great suggestion, Hal. Thanks. But are you really saying that that skip is unavoidable? What's the point in being able to "loop" something, if the loop can't appear seamless?
    I'm not doubting that you know what you're talking about, I'm just surprised if such a fundemental problem hasn't been resolved by the manufacturers. Or am I really that much more pedantic than everyone else out there? (From what I've seen on this forum, I'd find that hard to believe!)
    Thanks for the great suggestion, anyway. (I've done something similar, where the music fades out at the end of a 2-minute menu, and when it loops, you can very clearly see the stutter, but it almost looks intentional. Not nearly as efficient (or effective) as the looping 20-second menu I was originally planning, but if that's the technology's limitations, well, whaddya do?)

  • URGENT! Hide buttons til after loop point on motion menu?

    Is it possible to hide the buttons on a motion menu til AFTER the loop point?
    I have a menu where there is a 10 second motion graphics intro, then a loop point, then 30 seconds of slight motion graphics in the background. As it should, after 30 seconds, it loops back to the loop point and only plays the last 30 seconds again and again.
    The problem I am having is that the buttons appear on the menu at the start, which looks awful as they get in the way of the 10 second motion graphic intro.
    Is there a way to make the buttons only appear at the 10 second (loop) point?
    As a side note - I tried doing the 10 second intro on its own track, then having the track jump to the menu, but that creates a little delay that is quite noticeable.. It's not a smooth and continuous flow like the way I am doing it above.
    G5 Dual 2.5Ghz, iMac 17" Core2Duo 2.0ghz, G4 900Mhz, 900mhz G3 iBook   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    I add the button graphics into my background movie at the loop point. Then, I create an overlay file in Photoshop and add it to the menu? It will then only activate at the loop point, which works well since that's where the text would appear in the movie?
    That's right!
    I don't know is how to add the overlay in
    Select your menu, and in the Inspector windows you'll find the Select Overlay option and navigate to your PSD overlay file.
    I think that this Basic Menu Tutorial (from Drew13's www.dvdstepbystep.com site) could help you to create a basic overlay. Just keep the background of your file WHITE and your overlays graphics BLACK.

  • GPRM based button ignores Start at loop point!

    I have made the well known gprm based button script that jumps to last pressed button of a menu, and it works fine, but if I also enable the 'Start at loop point' function it only works in the simulator but never on test discs or final DLT's.
    Is it a software bug that DVDSP 4.03 ignores the start at loop point if it also should jump to a gprm based button?

    Nice... I've just done this and got exactly the same as you.
    It would appear to be that the loop point argument is stored in the same way a prescript is stored - and hence the GPRM based button jump doesn't work.
    I'll look further into this to see if I am on the right lines, but you'll need to create a second menu which is identical to the looping portion of the first, then point to that instead of the first menu. A GPRM based button jump should then work:
    mov GPRM0, SPRM8
    div GPRM0, 1024
    Jump menu2 [GPRM0]
    This will have the same visual effect as you want, at the cost of having a second menu on your disc.

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