Lower temp read with Speedfan!

Based on recommendations from other users, I downloaded Speedfan. With both Corecenter & speedfan running, the CPU temp display from speedfan is typically 2-3 degrees C lower.  The displayed system temp is the same. Has anyone else experienced this?

The are mathematical calculations of a voltage read from a diode. The diode is temperature sensitive. CoreCenter seems to be using a different calculation that either SpeedFan or Motherboard Monitor. The key thing is neither may be accurate, but they are consistant. Use one program, when the temp. deviates from normal with no good reason (for instance jumps to 50C when you are browsing the web) investigate why.

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    Have you checked what the CPU temp shows in BIOS just after start up ? How does that compare with the HW temp.
    HW Monitor's temp interpretation may just not be calibrated for the specific Fintek chip used on your MB. Maybe you want to check with the HW monitor home site as well.
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    Do some comparative testing and see if there are any differences at all.
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    mattatl wrote:
    Has this ever happened to anyone before?
    Yes, and you would have had that answer had you bothered to search this forum before posting. 
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    MacBook Pro 15.4'   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    Did you ever resolve the issue of the dark area in the middle of yoru MBP screen? I've just noticed a very similar condition with mine. It's kind of like the two sides of the screen are illuminated, but not the middle.
    Not looking forward to taking mine in to Apple . . .
    -- Gordon
    MacBook Pro 15 Mac OS X (10.4.8) 2g memory

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