Lync 2013 not Updating folder with Outlook

Lync error that not update all folder as well as user having "hanging Status: not connected" but on workgroup machine status shows OK.
Connection Status:
DG URL Internal;;--;
DG URL External;;--;
Quality Metrics URI;;gruu;opaque=srvr:HomeServer:s34Ggo9qtFKMrBibQIzj0gAA;--;
ABS Server Internal URL;;--;
ABS Server External URL;;--;
Voice mail URI;;--;
Exum URL;;--;
MRAS Server;;gruu;opaque=srvr:MRAS:UzOAyE46oVSXugR2hrjPgAAA;Enabled;
GAL Status;;--;
Focus Factory;;gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory;--;
Location Profile;DefaultProfile;--;
Call Park Server URI;;gruu;opaque=srvr:Microsoft.Rtc.Applications.Cps:HYueIR7pGFOx9hNeY2W6kAAA;--;
Server Address Internal;;--;
Server Address External;;--;
Server SIP URI;;--;
Exum Enabled;TRUE;--;
Controlled Phones;TRUE;--;
GAL or Server Based Search;GAL search;--;
PC to PC AV Encryption;AV Encryption Enforced;--;
Telephony Mode;Telephony Mode Disabled;--;
Line Configured From;Auto Line Configuration;--;
Configuration Mode;Auto Configuration;--;
EWS Internal URL;
EWS External URL;
SharePoint Search Center URL;;--;
Skill Search URL;;--;
Connected Lync Server;;--;
Local Log Folder;D:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync\Tracing;--;
Inside User Status;FALSE;--;
Contact List Provider;Lync Server;--;
Pairing State;Lync cannot connect to your desk phone because the USB cable is not plugged in. Make sure that you connect the cable.;Enabled;
UCS Connectivity State;Exchange connection Down;--;
MAPI Information;UCMAPI is connected to Outlook, but one or more folders are not updating.;MAPI unavailable;
EWS Information;;EWS not deployed;
License State;Lync Basic;--;
Hanging Notification Status;;disconnect;
pChat Room Mgmt Int URL;;--;
pChat Room Mgmt Ext URL;;--;
pChat URIs;;--;
pChat Default URI;;--;
pChat Enabled?;TRUE;--;
and user connected lync and outlook from workgroup machine having subjected status.
DG URL Internal;;--;
DG URL External;;--;
Quality Metrics URI;;gruu;opaque=srvr:HomeServer:s34Ggo9qtFKMrBibQIzj0gAA;--;
ABS Server Internal URL;;--;
ABS Server External URL;;--;
Voice mail URI;;--;
Exum URL;;--;
MRAS Server;;gruu;opaque=srvr:MRAS:UzOAyE46oVSXugR2hrjPgAAA;Enabled;
GAL Status;;--;
Focus Factory;;gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory;--;
Location Profile;DefaultProfile;--;
Call Park Server URI;;gruu;opaque=srvr:Microsoft.Rtc.Applications.Cps:HYueIR7pGFOx9hNeY2W6kAAA;--;
Server Address Internal;;--;
Server Address External;;--;
Server SIP URI;;--;
Exum Enabled;TRUE;--;
Controlled Phones;TRUE;--;
GAL or Server Based Search;GAL search;--;
PC to PC AV Encryption;AV Encryption Enforced;--;
Telephony Mode;Telephony Mode Disabled;--;
Line Configured From;Auto Line Configuration;--;
Configuration Mode;Auto Configuration;--;
EWS Internal URL;;--;
EWS External URL;;--;
SharePoint Search Center URL;;--;
Skill Search URL;;--;
Connected Lync Server;;--;
Local Log Folder;D:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync\Tracing;--;
Inside User Status;FALSE;--;
Contact List Provider;Lync Server;--;
Pairing State;Lync cannot connect to your desk phone because the USB cable is not plugged in. Make sure that you connect the cable.;Enabled;
UCS Connectivity State;Exchange connection Down;--;
MAPI Information;UCMAPI is connected to Outlook, but one or more folders are not updating.;MAPI unavailable;
EWS Information;;EWS Status OK;
License State;Lync Basic;--;
Hanging Notification Status;;Connected;
pChat Room Mgmt Int URL;;--;
pChat Room Mgmt Ext URL;;--;
pChat URIs;;--;
pChat Default URI;;--;
pChat Enabled?;TRUE;--;
Facing error on all users profile as i have two SMTP address and and i have change default smtp but error still same.
Apart from this when i check my outlook conversion folder is up to date and updated.
Talha Faraz Malik

If you change the SMTP account same with SIP account, please try to delete Lync user profile and restart Lync, Outlook client to test again.
If you want to use different SMTP account with Lync account, you can also try to change Lync client policy, change the parameter DisableEmailComparisionCheck to True.
More details:
Note: Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. The sites are not controlled by Microsoft. Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there.
Please make sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any suggestions from the above link.
Best Regards,
Eason Huang
Eason Huang
TechNet Community Support

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    Lync Server send IM to the currently most active endpoint.
    If the server is unable to determine which state is most active, it sends the message to the endpoint it determines most likely active and waits to see whether the user acknowledges the toast at any location. If the user opens the toast
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    I didn’t have this problem when I installed the update.
    Did you download the update from or
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    According to your description, outlook 2013 connects to Exchange online server very slowly.
    If yes, we can try the following methods to narrow down the cause of the slow performance:
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    2. Check if you have enabled  Cache Exchange Mode, if no, enable it and try start Outlook, and check the launch speed;
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    Since the issue is related to Exchange online, I recommend you ask for help on our Exchange online forum:
    Thanks for your understanding in advance.
    If you have any question, please feel free to let me know.
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    TechNet Community Support

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    Sounds like the Outlook plugin isn't working properly.  You could try a couple of things:
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    Uninstall iTunes and all of its components as by following this guide exactly: Windows XP or Windows Vista/7, then reinstall iTunes.  You must follow this guide exactly or it will not be successful.  (Uninstalling iTunes will only remove the application; it will not touch your iTunes library or data.)  This will replace the Outlook plugin.
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    Hi NWCC ,
    the Lync 2013 Windows client maintains a local cache of the address book and they can get in a state that causes a variety of issues with the Contact List in the Lync 2013 client. In my experience the Presence
    for some contacts shows as Unknown or Offline, however it can also cause some Contacts to go missing from the contact list, and to not display their Presence in Outlook.
    The resolution is simple enough – delete the SIP profile directory and restart the client. The SIP profile folder is located here:
    Deleting this SIP profile folder will trigger a complete address book download at a random interval in the next hour from when the client is restarted.
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

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    Thank you in advance,

    Please see the image below, are we talking about this?
    If a contact doesn't have a phone number, we surely can't call him.
    You can try updating the Offline Address Book to see the result:
    If I got anything wrong, feel free to post back.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hi Mike,
    Please confirm the items which are not synced to Outlook are listed in specific folder or all folders. Please click Send/Receive All Folders in Outlook to check whether all items can be synced completed in Outlook.
    We can follow Eric's suggestion to disable Outlook cached mode to check whether the issue persists. If the issue doesn't happen in Outlook Online mode but only in Cached mode, we can
    create a new Outlook profile
    to have a try.
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Lync photo not updated even AD Profile is already updated

    Hi Gurus,
    I have similar issues with others in the forum which photo in lync client is not updated even though the its already changed in Active Directory. The others said we have to do this step :
    1. Run Update-csaddressbook
    2. Delete cache files ( ex : [email protected] )
    I did those steps but still have no luck on the issues. Is there anyone have this experience or have any solutions for this issues. Thank you very much.

    I agree with Johan...
    What Exchange server are you on?
    First run Update-CsUserDatabase - this sync FE database with AD info
    Running with -verbose will post that replication will take place in 5 minutes..
    Then run Update-CSAddressbook - This update the FE address book with the Info from its own Database
    Once again this will tell you it will begin replicating in 5 minutes...
    After 10 minutes you should be able to clear the cached files from the client and restart lync ...
    Here's a script a created to clear teh cached files on a client system, this should be run as teh standard user, as it grabs teh logge don users creds and clears the directory according to the logged on user..
    Save as a batch, on a network share accessible by everyone and run away safe time!
    @echo off
    rem ###### Check if Lync is running, exit if it is... #####
    tasklist /fi "IMAGENAME eq lync.exe" | find "lync.exe" >nul
    If %errorlevel%==0 goto LyncIsRunningError
    rem ###### Grab logged on user info, and remove Lync cache files, All of them! ######
    for /f "tokens=2 delims=\" %%a in ('wmic computersystem get username ^| findstr /v "UserName"') do @set username=%%a
    set uname=%username: =%
    If Exist "C:\Users\%uname%\appdata\local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync\" rmdir "C:\Users\%uname%\appdata\local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync\" /S /Q
    echo Clearing Lync 2013 Address Books... Done!
    echo Sign back into Lync 2013 to download the current address book.
    goto End
    echo ERROR: Lync found to be running, closing all instances!
    taskkill /f /im lync.exe
    taskkill /f /im UCMapi.exe
    echo Done, waiting 5 seconds and trying again.
    timeout 5
    goto Start
    And do you have any idea of difficult it is to place a cmd output into a variable in BATCH scripting?! redic!
    No it will say it can't remove a certain folder in the cached location if the user has outlook running... i didn't no script to close outlook for it doesn't get effect, or it still works either way..
    I'm also going to add that you go onto the FE server and check the attribute on user contactcard to ensure that the DisplayADPhoto attribute is set to True..
    Logon onto FE server - open powershell - and user the export-csuserdata command with the -legacy option to export as an xml file and then open the xml in IE and search for that attribute...

Maybe you are looking for