Mac OS X 10.9 Mail not sending (Mail 7.0)

Outbound emails are stuck in the Outbox. Connection Doctor says my SMTP info is good. I can receive email just fine. I found out after a client emailed me wonder where the proofs were. Not cool.

I think that is not the field used by Lightroom....
What information are you showing? I use EXIF and IPTC
and think you need it in the Field - Date Time Original

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    I have done a similar set of things and no results.
    This is really odd, Mac Mail works other emasil clients work, just not Outlook.
    The only event I can tie it back to is the outage a couple of weeks ago when AppleID's weren't working for a perdion of time.  I ended up having to reset mine. 
    Is it feasible a local certificate got corrupted at the same or, oddly, that the SMTP servers don't have the updated password?
    What's odd is that I no matter how much i Google, i can't find anyone else who has this problem, other than here?

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    I've only seen this happen when a Quicktime video isn't embedded into a html, When linking a video this way the browser don't use the Quicktime plugin.
    Safari supports HTML 5 and there's a new way of viewing videos in HTML 5.
    <video src=""></video>
    Videos no long use the embed or object tag.
    This may be causing the problem/conflict when viewing in Safari 4.

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    Both computers are running 10.5.6 and Apple Mail 3.5
    Message was edited by: embdaw

    Ok I fixed the problem and hopefully this will help anyone else experiencing the same thing. I called apple support and they had me drag the caches folder from both my user and admin account into the cache and delete them. Then I moved library->preferences-> to my desktop (and later deleted after confirming new set-up worked).
    I reopened mail and it had me set up my account again. After that, emails sent without a problem. I just want to note that I am using IMAP so all my stuff is secure on my server, if you use pop, it might delete your saved emails so becareful!
    I hope this helps!

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    Sorry for the delay...
    I did what you've told me, new account and manually copied my files from Time Machine. I had lots of permissions problems, but at the end, almost everything is in order... It seems it had to be with some of the Apple Preferences, but I can't be sure, as most of them were dumped to the trash can.
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    Thanks for the help, anyway!!

  • Mac mail on Macbook pro not sending email suddenly

    OS X 10.6.8
    Mac mail was working up to yesterday.
    NO changes to the box or mail.
    Mail will receive but not send mail; alerts with an smtp error.
    Installed Thunderbird, same problem.
    Mac mail on an iMac, works fine.
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    pop and smtp settings are identical on all boxes.
    Turned off the firewall on the laptop - no joy
    Searched and have killed/rebuilt the keychain several times.
    Confirmed password is correct
    I have not killed and recreated the mail account; if that actually works, let me know and I'll try again.
    I have rebuilt the mailbox - no joy.
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    Any suggestions?  Is there any reason that mail would stop working on the laptop but continue working on the desktop?  I'm not a Mac guy so I've run out of options and any pointers would be appreciated.

    "Note all the settings on the functional Mac and then transfer them to the non-functional one."
    That'd be the problem.  I've checked and double checked the settings/configuration; even went over them with my wife reading one set and me the other - everything matches.  So, I'm making the assumption that we're missing the forest for the trees and it's something totally stupid like a swapped set of letters or an L for an I kind of thing.  In order to totally eliminate these kinds of S.U.E.'s, I'd like to move a copy of the files that are the actual config from the working machine to the non-functional machine.
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    Keep in mind that the laptop went toes up without anyone making any changes so I'm not totally convinced the issue is a typo.  I've searched for other reasons a system would stop sending mail and am not getting any hits that are meaningful.  If anyone has any ideas, let me know.

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    can not send e-mail in mac os x 10.4.11

    non sequitur wrote:
    I'm not sure I know what you mean by 'what settings are you using in the accounts part of mail preferences', but I'll give you as much information as I can in the hopes that some of it is responsive.
    In "preferences" I select "accounts" and there are 3 listed:
    'personal gmail' (IMAP)
    'business gmail' (IMAP)
    'Yahoo' (POP)
    For each of the above, the "Account Information" tab gives:
    description: [username]
    email address: [correctly reflects my address]
    full name: [my name]
    Incoming mail server:
    user name: [my username]
    password: [*** - I've re-entered to ensure it is my true password]
    outgoing mail server (SMTP):
    Is it all in the same format on the iphone?
    This is the same information for the 2 gmail accounts, with the exception of the usernames differing. If I click "server settings" at the bottom, it reflects the outgoing mail server "" server port 25, my correct user name and password.
    Again, different names for the different accounts, right? And this is the same port etc. as you put into the iphone
    All of the above information matches what I input into my iPhone, and it has worked fine since day 1, so I don't understand the malfunction.
    Open /Applications/Utilities/Console. Make sure console.log and system.log are open (or see the File menu).
    Try to send an email.
    Look for new lines in the log files (it should scroll down automatically so the newest lines are at the end of the log at the bottom of the window). What do you see? (Erase or substitute for any personal info before posting.)
    Do you use any firewall software or have you used third-party software or Terminal to configure the builtin firewall?
    - cfr

  • HT1277 Mac Mail receiving but not sending. smtp not working

    I have been using Mac Mail with my Gmail account without any trouble for the last few years and just for the last 2-3 weeks I cannot send any e-mails. I am receiving without any problems, but no matter what I do it won't send, not even an e-mail to myself. My Calendar is set up to send my notifications and those won't even go. I have verified my settings (time and time again), I deleted and reset-up my account, in the last two weeks I have done everything I can, but can't figure it out so I am getting kind of desperate. I am sure that it is something to do with smtp but all of my settings for that are right too (in accordance to the Gmail and Apple sites). What I have done is just read and responded to my e-mails (when I do it offline) and then I have to log into my gmail account and copy/paste ALL of my e-mails manually, which I am sure you can imagine is extremely inefficient. Thank you to anyone who can help!
    Running Mac OS X 10.6.8 with Mail 4.5 and accessing Gmail

    Here is a screen shot too, not that it says much, but this is what I always get, no matter the settings (since they are all correct! OH! I guess I should also mention that I currently live in Africa and that I am using my Blackberry Bold as a modem to get internet on my computer, but I have been doing that since last year and never had a problem until now.
    Also, I did just very recently (as in a couple weeks ago), insert a new modem to my computer to try a second method of getting the internet on my computer other than my phone, and it didn't really work so I am back to just the phone again... would that simple installation have anything to do with Mail not sending e-mail? I can't imagine that it would, But I have seen stranger things.

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    I have a strong desire to use the native apps on my Mac for mail and calendar - but my new position is using Gmail.
    I can send mail and calendar works fine - but I can not send mail.  I have followed all the directions and still can't see to get it to work.
    Is there a step I am missing?  Has anyone else successfully tackled this issue?

    Are there any error messages to give us a clue?
    There is no 'issue', millions of people use Gmail with a Mac, they send mail so the 'issue' is with your machine so we'll concentrate on that. Post the SMTP settings that are in use for this account, post the authentication method as well, tell me whether you have activated Google's '2 Factor' authentication method if you have.

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    can not send mail using mac mail

    Google for:
    setup XX email on iphone
    where XX is your email provider

  • Mac mail will receive but not send, happened yesterday!

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    Thanks for your help.

    Hi, krissycoleh. 
    Here is the best resource to go through when troubleshooting issues with email.
    OS X Mail: Troubleshooting sending and receiving email messages
    Jason H.

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    And, you are sure you have provided the correct username and password for you email account? I'm not familiar with Virgin media, so you might contact their tech support to find out why you are having a problem sending mail but none receiving mail. I assume your mail account has always been POP3 and not IMAP. Typically, the outgoing mail servers are not the same for the different types of account service.

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    Can anyone help me?

    Try opening up a terminal window and telnet to the smtp server's port 25. If that doesn't work, there is probably some firewall issue or you might have mistypyed the name of the smtp server.
    The telnet command would look something like ...
    telnet smtp_server 25
    If you get a response from the SMTP server, check with your ISP's tech support to verify that you are connecting properly.

  • TS3276 Hotmail on Mac Mail not sending attachments

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    What do I need to do?

    Please follow these directions to delete the Mail "sandbox" folder.
    Back up all data.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the highlighted line and select
    Services ▹ Reveal
    from the contextual menu.* A Finder window should open with a folder named "" selected. If it does, move the selected folder — not just its contents — to the Desktop. Leave the Finder window open for now.
    Log out and log back in. Launch Mail and test. If the problem is resolved, you may have to recreate some of your Mail settings. You can then delete the folder you moved and close the Finder window. If you still have the problem, quit Mail again and put the folder back where it was, overwriting the one that may have been created in its place. Post your results.
    Caution: If you change any of the contents of the sandbox, but leave the folder itself in place, Mail may crash or not launch at all. Deleting the whole sandbox will cause it to be rebuilt automatically.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C). In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar, paste into the box that opens (command-V). You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.

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    When I open my sleeping mac, it makes the noises that indicate mail is being sent.  I am not sending mail.  Is someone somehow using my mail?

    go to and try to reset it there. when updating to ios 7 it does have activation lock so you have to know the apple id and password. contact apple and they make be able to assist you with apple id password.

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