MacBook Error Joining Open Network

A friend bought the new MacBook Core 2 Duo last week. He has been able to access the internet over Airport everywhere he's taken it, but not at home.
At home he has a 2Wire Homeportal with ATT/SBC Yahoo DSL. WEP was originally on, but after numerous attempts to get it to work, we turned the encryption off.
After that, he got online okay for awhile, but after he used another network, his home network still showed up in the Airport menu, but when he clicks on it, it gives him an error joining message.
I've searched through the forums and am mostly seeing problems with WEP, but that's off now... is there anything we can try? (We've reset the modem, the computer, moved some airport preference files, changed some airport settings in the Network control panel).
He's brand new to the Mac and doesn't understand why his old Windows computer has no problem using the network but his new MacBook can't.

Try the following:
Delete Preferred Network(s)
- System Preferences > Network > AirPort > Configure
- In the "By default, join:" pull-down menu, select "Preferred networks"
- Delete the network(s) you regularly use from the list
Delete AirPort Keychain Entries
- Launch the "Keychain Access" application located in Applications/Utilties.
- Click on the "Kind" filter at the top, and look for any "AirPort network password" entries...and delete them.
- Restart, or log out then back in.
Add Preferred Network(s)
- System Preferences > Network > AirPort > Configure
- In the "By default, join:" pull-down menu, select "Preferred networks"
- Add the preferred network(s) using the "+" button.
- Restart or log out then back in.

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    NO WAY.
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    I run an hardware test. Passed without errors.
    We installed Osx update combo 10.4.9 and AirPort Extreme Update 2007-002. No change.
    The network is like that: modem-dlink switch-us robotics 5450 access point.
    Please, she's already regretting buying a mac, any help would be very appreciated.

    Welcome to Discussions, Riell!
    Check to see if there is a firmware update available for the router.
    The "there was an error" message you saw usually indicates something in the combination of the password and security method selected was not entered accurately or could not be accepted for some reason.
    First, turn on AirPort using its menu bar icon.
    Then open the Network panel of System Preferences. Click the "Assist me..." button at the bottom and click the blue "Assistant..." button in the drop-down box. This will open the Network Setup Assistant. Click the "Continue" button, then target "I use AirPort" and continue on to setup this new "location" within your iMac's Network perferences. Does this work for you? If not, what message do you get, or where do you run into a roadblock?

  • There was an error joining the network..... help please

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    One possibility is that a neighbor or two has recently gone wireless recently. WiFi has had a huge surge of popularity just the past year. People tend to leave their base stations set to transmit on channel 6 as a default, which can result in interference. Try a different channel, like 1 or 11.

  • New macbook - "Error joining the Airport Network"

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    Very useful answer Duane, Thanks a lot, a real sport that you are, you really provided us a lot of help with your answer
    I am having the same problem as you guys have (using a macbook pro intel-based machine) and the odd thing is in my case i got this working for some time but now it's not willing to connect whatever I do.
    Here's the story:
    Immediately after I've bought the mac I used it on an open wi-fi network and it worked. When I got back home I tried to do connect to my private wi-fi router which had wep encription but the airport didn't want to connect it just stayed stone-dead, didn't even want to accept my wep password. I also have a PC& a Dell laptop at home which went flawlessly with my wi-fi network so I thought it might be the OS X fault.
    So i installed bootcamp and windows XP Pro SP2 but i reached the same thing: airport doesn't want to connect to wep-encripted wi-fi network.
    I then thought - let's try with an open wi-fi network: no result.
    I then did the ultimate thing: hard-reset the wi-fi router and I re-configured it as an open wi-fi and finally got the bloody mac airport working. Thought this is it, I would have to live with this but after 2 weeks working time, now that I reach home from work (where I connect my mac on a lan) I can't make the mac's airport connecting to my wi-fi network whatever I do.
    It connects though if I boot on the bootcamp windows partition.
    Does anyone has any clue how to solve this issue??? I really got to the point of willing to hammer my mac for this. It's really unacceptable for such an expensive machine not to be able to work out a bloody wi-fi device.
    Hardware: macbook pro 17" dual-core Intel;
    Software: OS X - 10.4.9
    Wi-fi&firewall router is a SMC2804 Barricade G wi-fi.
    [quote]To get the best visibility out of your question, you
    should start a new thread instead of jumping into
    our_tone's thread. Include all of the details
    including what you tried and the results.[/quote]
    MacBook Pro 17"   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

  • On wake, Error joining my network

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    It's already set up to automatically join the network. The problem is that it occasionally refuses to join on wake. It seems like it might be an issue with the WEP key. I have to reboot the APE to get it to accept any machines with the WEP key. Thanks though.

  • Mac Pro "error joining wireless network", G5 and iBook OK?

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    Here's my setup, every firmware is up-to-date:
    Mac Pro 2.66Ghz Dual Core Intel Xeon
    OSX 10.4.10
    Linksys BEFW11S4 V.4 (firmware 1.52.02)
    Airport Extreme card (update to 2007-003)
    In Network panel:
    Airport- Automatic
    TCP/IP- Using DHCP
    PPPoE- no click
    Appletalk- active
    Proxies- manually
    In Sharing panel:
    Firewall- On
    Internet Sharing- Off
    I am 100% sure that the router is working because we have a G5 (10.4.1) and a iBook (10.4.9) in the house and there's no problem for both devices, both takes the password and connect to the wireless network no problem.
    And one thing, when I go to the setup page of the router ( and disable the WPA password security, the Mac Pro works perfectly. So whats the problem? It doesn't recognize the WPA?
    Mac Pro 2.66Ghz Dual Core Intel Xeon Mac OS X (10.4.10)
    Mac Pro 2.66Ghz Dual Core Intel Xeon   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

    First question:  Is there a wireless card installed?  It was optional on a 3,1.
    Go to System Preferences - Network and see if you have AirPort listed on the left. It also may be turned off which you can fix there.

  • Error Joining Airport Network

    My new Mac will not go online at home - although it will join other networks elsewhere.
    There are 3 other Macs online at home and when I set up my new mac I transferred all the settings over so surely they should be the same and therefore able to access the internet?
    Have even removed all passwords. Can anyone help?
    2.33 GHz Intel Core Duo 2   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    What I do is create a new Network Location called "All Off" in which all network interfaces are disabled. This essentially "reboots" the network connection from the Mac end.
    I also prefer a dedicated "WiFi" location to eliminate the possibility of another interface complicating connecting. This location has only the Airport card enabled.
    I suggest you set it to the "All Off" location, then powercycle your WiFi router, meaning reboot it. When it is up and connected, turn on your Mac's network WiFi. When mine refuses to connect that always works.

  • Internet speed issues when macbook pro joins Airport Network

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    When i shut down the Macbook all other devices are running on normal internet speed and the internet connection is not jumping anymore.
    What the **** is going on?

    SOLUTION FOUND to MacBook Pro poor Wi-Fi wireless signal.
    First, let's talk about the actual problem: too much signal noise. There is a hidden app in OSX called "Wi-Fi Diagnostics" This will tell you everything you need to know why your Wi-Fi is not working!
    HINT: It is included in 10.7, just look for it.
    The solution!
    Turn off your wi-fi and run your internet through your home's electrical wires. Power-line adapters are devices that turn a home's electrical wiring into network cables for a computer network.
    I purchased TP-LINK TL-PA511 and for the first time I'm downloading with ALL my internet speed (30mb down / 5mb up) tested via I'M SOOOOO HAPPY!!!! r_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1385395374&sr=8-1&keywords=TP-LINK+TL-PA511

  • Office 2011 on Macbook: unable to open network shared files but local copies are fine.

    We have 3 users in our environment and only one person is having this issue. Accessing files from a shared location "\\servername\macbk$ gives an error such as:
    "This file may be read-only, or you may be trying to access a read-only location. Or, the server the document is stored on may not be responding."
    Copying the files locally open correctly.
    We have investigated permissions, the share has the correct ACL permission (including everyone full). NTFS permissions on the folder are also set to everyone full. We've reinstalled Office 2011 and have tried Office Preview 2015. We've remapped the drive.
    Other applications including text edit, Adobe, etc. open from the share just fine. This seems to be an issue only with OSX and Office, or vice versa.
    Any help on this would be appreciated. Thank you.

    This forum is for general questions and feedback related to Outlook for Windows. Since your question is related to Office for Mac, I'd recommend you post your question to the forum for Mac:
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • "Join Open Network" Message

    Hello. I have four Macs working wirelessly with an ABS Snow unit. I configured manually and assigned each machine its own IP addy. They all connect without a hitch, except for one machine (which happens to be my main one). It keeps warning me that one of my trusted networks can't be located... you know the rest. I've rechecked all of my settings, and with the exception of the individual IP addys, they're all the same. Ideas?

    Hello. I have four Macs working wirelessly with an
    ABS Snow unit. I configured manually and assigned
    each machine its own IP addy. They all connect
    without a hitch, except for one machine (which
    happens to be my main one). It keeps warning me that
    one of my trusted networks can't be located...
    What networks are on your preferred list?

  • IBook - error joining the Airport Network

    Sorry for the repost but I wasn't sure if me accidently hitting the Correct Answer button would have effected getting a reply
    Excuse my ignorance but I've never had a Mac. I recently got this from a friend and I'm having trouble getting it to connect to my WiFi. I've tried everything I could find on google, but nothing has worked. I've made sure my router isn't filtering Mac addresses, I've tried the $ fix, I've removed and changed my security preferences mutiple times, and I'm out of things to try. It works fine when it's connected to the modem directly, but wireless just won't connect. Every time I try I get the error joining the Airport network "xxxxx" but the computer I'm using to type this is connected just fine. Any help would be much appreciated!!
    I belive it's a
    iBook G3/800 (32 VRAM - Tr)
    if not that one then it's a
    iBook G3/800 (Early 2003 - Op)
    I really know nothing about Macs so I don't know how to tell which one of those it is
    Clicking the About This Mac option says...
    Processor 800 MHz Power PC G3
    Memory 384 MB SDRAM
    Machine Model PowerBook4,3
    CPU Type PowerPC 750 (2.3)

    Right now I have my old ibokk g4 runing OS10.4.11 I'm going to go through the setup on airport using it.I am in system preferences- network. Airport is on and shows in the top menu bar of the desktop.Under show in nework preferences click on network status and then airport. Go to options open and check automaticly join open networks. Click ok. Go to proxies and click. Make sure use passive ftp mode is checked. Go back up and click on the airport bar.  Under by default join-click prefered network. You should now have a window showing all networks available.Click on the one that represents your router and apply. If you network is password protected you will need to inter the password. If this does not work use the assit me option . You can run diagnostics to see if it picks up your network or you can run the assistant. It will ask you to name the network. then continue and check on airport then you will get abox that should show your router and you'll need the password for it. And thenclick apply. You can also get help in network  by clicking the little ?

  • Error joining network - but other computers have no problem

    I've been frustrated by one of three computers in my house having an issue joining my wireless access by Airport (via Westell VersaLink issued by dsl provider) .
    My MacBook Pro won't connect to the network, telling me, after I enter the WEP password: << There was an error joining the network "X". >>
    The other two computers I use at home, my wife's PC laptop and an old iMac, connect flawlessly with same password. The MacBook had connected fine previously. One day (6 months ago?) it just started with the issue and hasn't connected since.
    The MacBook travels with me a lot and has no similar connectivity issues in other locations.
    After I enter the correct password, it takes about ten seconds to report the error. If I enter the incorrect password, it tells me virtually instantly the same message as above.
    Message was edited by: winfieldscott

    Can you check the IP address of your Linux machine? Is it still in range with the other devices? Before you installed chromecast, have you assigned a static IP on your Linux server? Please do further checking with the settings of your Linux server. There are some reports that upon installing chromecast, some settings on *nix based machines are changed without any notification or interaction from the user.
    If everyone needs to believe in something, I believe I'll have another beer..

  • Error joining network

    my airport express is working fine with my desktop, but trying to connect to the wireless network is unreliable on my macbook. often i will unexpectedly lose connection and when i go to rejoin a message pops up and says "there was an error joining the network." after a good 5-10 minutes of trying to reconnect it will work. its not just my laptop. the same problems occur on my macbook pro. can anyone help me out?

    This has been happening to me also except I get a "connection timeout" error. I have to physically turn off my router, wait a few seconds or so then turn it back on. After I do that, My macbook is able to find the router and make the connection.
    I have not been able to figure out why this is happening. I should not have to turn the router on and off to get a connection.
    Anyone else experiencing this problem?

  • Prevent OS X/AirPort from SEEING open networks...

    Hello! Say you have a MacBook with AE. It can access not only your own encrypted home wireless network, but also many open wireless networks in the neighborhood.
    I know how to make the MacBook automatically join preferred networks, but I want something different. I want to keep the MacBook from even SEEING or DETECTING anything other than my own preferred network.
    Does anyone have a solution? Thanks!

    thanks for the response! yeah, i agree with you - but i think i've found a way to achieve a similar result.
    if you have an admin account and a regular account, you can require the regular user to enter a username and password to get onto any non-preferred networks. it's not quite what i had in mind, but it will work.

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    I have a new Macbook Pro. It can see, but won't join the open wireless networks that my existing Macbook Pro joins. What can I do, please?

    Mac OS X 10.7 Help: Troubleshoot a network printer

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