MMS mesages?

mms is active on account, but no mms options in menu, just sms and blackberry messenger.
what should i do?

Who is your carrier?
On your BB, go to Options > Advanced > Host Routing Table > Menu > Register.
You should get a Registration message in your Messages folder. Do you?
Doing that should send the Service Book needed for MMS. Look at  Options > Advanced > Service Books, and you should see two MMS Service Books (Client and Transport).
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    Have you contacted your carrier to insure the MMS is properly provisioned on your account? If not, do so, as this is a carrier feature.

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    That could be configuration problem. Download all configurations (sms, mms & packet data)  from your provider, if the wizard fails to configure it properly.
    Knowledge not shared is knowledge wasted!
    If you find it helpfull, it's not hard to click the STAR..

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    Make sure you have a text plan with your cell carrier.
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    Hi ,
    Thanks for joining the Community.
    Can you please go to settings>messages and make sure MMS messages are turned on. You will also need to have data turned on to receive picture messages.
    Once this is activated you will be able to view any picture/video messages you are sent.
    Hope this helps

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    My 2 cents, for what it's worth:
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     Again, just an opinion. I've owned nokia since day 1 (looking at 8+ years now) and love them to death, but I just would like to see them not lose sight of what people appreciate. Look at how PDAs were popular and now phones have taken over. Are we now migrating back to tablets?
    Brad  Christie
    I'd be curious to know if this is going to have another version, such as the N95, where it can accept the 850/1900MHz version so us AT&T users in the US can appreciate these phones.

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    Funny. I'm going to mark this question as answered -and this last post as funny.
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    One Mac. One World.

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    Are the messages successfully sent?
    If so, what happens to a message after it is successfully sent has nothing to do with the cell phone that sent the message.

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    Thanks Wj,
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    I had separted my emails and text messages into their respective folders, and placed the icons for my personal email and SMS/MMS texts on the main screen.  I then hid the messages folder.  At first, I thought this solved my problem, so I marked the thread as solved.  I then received another email and realized that it was delivered twice, once in my personal email folder and once in the messages folder.  I then had to un-hide the messages folder to delete the email, so that the new email notification would disappear.  I am still in need of help, so that I only receive each email once.  At this point, I don't care what folder it goes to, as long as I don't have to delete the same email multiple times.  Thank you for any help in advance.

    they look like 2 copies, they are not 2 copies, they are the exact same copy, just mirrored in another location, but if you delete one... doesnt matter which one, the other one deletes. what you are experienceing is not new. I have been running 4.5 for 2 months now and it works the same as 4.3
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    If I delete it in 'messeges' it deletes in 'gmail' automatically

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    Hi Guys,
    I got exchange mail working. It seems issue is around "Push". I enabled "push", account verified & all worked well. After that I disabled push (I do not want it & to save mobile data use).
    By googling, I found many have got it up & apple may fix it in it next iOS udpate.

  • Can't send/ receive photos in mms...?

    i'm hoping this is just a setting i don't know about. when in the messaging screen the camera icon is not next to the messsage box.
    it was there a couple of weeks ago.
    i've been to the at&t store and the apple store. after messing with the phone they both sent me home to do a restore.
    i did a restore to 'as a new phone' and the icon returned, great!
    but then i did a restore from back up to get all my info back and the camera icon disappeared again.
    i can't just make it as new and start over. i'd rather live without mms photos. but the best solution would be if i can just get that function back.
    any suggestions on what to check?

    Is the Camera app also 'missing'? The native Camera app cannot be deleted. But, there are two possibilities:
    1) It's turned off in Settings > General > Restrictions. If so, enter your passcode and toggle it back ON.
    2) You have an Exchange account on the phone. The Exchange server can be set to disable the camera, so if that's the case you'd need to delete the Exchange account or convince your IT department to remove the restriction.

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