Motion 2 and FCE vs FCP

I've been using FCE for a while to do some fairly simple single camera editing and using LiveType to do opening and closing graphics for sequences. Now I've decided to move on up to Motion 2.
What do I loose by using FCE rather than FCP with regards to Motion integration?

You can't "round trip" with FCE. In FCP you can ctrl-click on a section of your timeline and "send to Motion..." which will pack up the media and send it to a Motion project and crank up Motion to edit it. Then later you can ctrl-click on a Motion clip and select open in Editor... and make changes to it.
With FCE, you can bring in a .motn project and use it in your timeline, but you'll have to create/edit it outside of FCE.

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    <E-mail Edited by Host>

    Have you checked to see whether the App Store appis hidden via Settings > General > Restrictions > Installing Apps being set 'on' ?

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    Thomas Kehoe wrote:
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    No. Just download the trial version and see for your self

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    You didn't say what versions you are using but I'd try first trashing prefs:
    1) Quit Motion.
    2) Navigate to User/Library/Preferences.
    3) Locate and delete it.
    And then if that doesn't help, do this
    And if that doesn't help perhaps reinstall just the Motion app using Pacifist and run software update

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    running the same filter in both fcp and motion, motion always renders faster.
    This is because motion renders and draws all frames directly on your graphics card. FCP now uses the GPU for many effects but has to read back from your card to main memory.
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    R&amp;B wrote:
    … And since you can't just export a sequence to Motion …
    instead of selecting a clip or sequence in FCPX, you set the in/out points in the Export/Send it to Compressor dialog.
    the exported mov can be tracked in Motion5 …-
    aaaand finally re-imported into FCPX.
    … not exactly as convenient as in the old FC/p , but the tracker in M5 offers, imho as a hobbyist, superb results.-

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    I'm going to assume (hopefully correctly) that anything I can do in iMovie can be done in some version of FC. So here's a list of what I'd be looking to achieve from FC. Which is best for me, and, are these things possible?
    1. when clips are imported that the picture quality remains identical to the source
    2. ability to mix QT clips at different frame rates (24 fps and 29.97)
    3. have multiple tracks of video and audio
    4. ability to add video clips and lock them to the timeline so that their placement is more or less permanent (unless I decide later to "unlock" them) and, that their position won't be moved or "rippled" when I edit other clips
    5. ability to maintain permanent lock between video and audio extracted from the video file (iMovie isn't predictable in this aspect)
    6. ability to edit audio with a high degree of precision (see proper waveform displays, maybe even a tempo grid?)
    Thanks to anyone who can share their thoughts.

    Hi Ian,
    That link was very helpful. Just one more question... from my original post, "when clips are imported [into the program] that the picture quality remains identical to the source", what feature of FC would indicate that characteristic?
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  • Small frame rate variation between Motion output and reference video

    Hello all,
    Here's really wonky sort of question for all you Motion/post-production wizzes out there.
    I have a 1920x1080 lower thirds project that I am trying to synch up to a HD up-res of the same dimensions. The problem is that the up-res has a frame rate of 23.976 and Motion only allows for a frame rate of 23.98, so the output synchs up ok at the begining of each act (I have the projects split up into acts), but the further down the time line you go, the more it drifts.
    I've done the math and, for this particular project, the last title begins to appear at 00:20:09:11 in Motion, but appears in FCP at 00:20:09:07, a drift of 4 frames, 3 short of the 7 frames it is supposed to drift if you multiply the timecode in secconds by 23.976 and 23.98, but none the less, very annoying.
    Is there anything that can be done to remedy the situation besides going back after the final Motion output and resynching manually? A three or four frame drift isn't a huge deal, but the largest act I have is 32 minutes, which sounds like a 6 or 7 frame drift. Again not really a huge deal, but I do have several lower thirds that need to be frame accurate (and really, it would be nice if they were all that way).
    Thanks ahead of time.
    1.6 GHz G5 1.5GB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   Final Cut Studio

    Yeah. It kind of stinks when you have to swap platforms just to finish a project. AE is also a pain for longform, so I don't want to mislead you.
    I would imagine that Motion would be fine as long as you break the Project up in sections. My workflow is usually like this:
    Generate a matte or slug in a layer above the footage to fill the area where I need the Super or Composite. This should be fairly short (below 1 minute if possible) I may also have to RAZOR out the footage below the matte to match the matte timing. Select the Matte and footage below it if you wish to see the footage and sound in Motion.
    Select File/Send to/ Motion Project
    Create a new Motion Project. Name it for the section I'm editing.
    Add overlays and animations, filters, etc.
    Save project
    switch back to FCP and view/render from FCP.
    then move on to next section of timeline that needs overlays, repeat the procedure. Just copy paste the layers from one Motion project to another if you want to maintain certain layer continuity.
    This way, the Motion projects are managable size and you don't have to re-render the whole FCP project at once. The clips are not long enough for sync issues to appear. And Motion performs much better when the footage is short enough to load into RAM (sub 20seconds for most people).
    Also, to get the most out of Motion, you might want to turn off one of your monitors if you use 2 of them. Motion can use far more VRAM from your graphics card if only one monitor is active.

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