Movement 309 does not distribute price differences

When running ledger of materials materials that the movement had 309 (Transfer material to material) during the month, have not generated in the Material Ledger multilevel why Ledger did not take the differences in prices for materials that have received the transfer .
How do I produce multilevel this movement, when there is transfer of material to another material?
We use this movement to take the material to form units cx/12 materials cx/24 units.
Cristiane França.

Hi Cristiane, I´m looking for this same correction for mov 309 and I found this note. Did you implemented it ? I´m concerned to change the table and damage others movements.
Please let me know it. Many tks. My email is [email protected]
Frederick da Costa Ramos
SAP CO Certfied Consultant
skype fredc.ramos

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    is your mute switch turned on (above the volume) ?  remove case and screen protecter.
    is volume turned up?
    if so do this
    account security
    Please call apple @ 1-800-692-7753 in USA
    ask for the account security team
    you may want to add a credit card to your iTunes account  before calling; so they will have a way to verify your identity.
    Peace, Clyde
    check # for your country
    <Edited by Host>

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    Jackofalltrades wrote:
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    that is an indication, that the RFC-connection is not defined properly. As soon it does not work, you will get the login screen (on the login screen the default client (503) is filled automatically, but that has nothing to do with the problem you have).
    First check the password of the RFC-user you use. Simply change this user to type 'dialog' and try to log on with the password you know. If that works, reenter this password in SM59. Perform the authorization test in SM59 afterwards. Mind possible upper/lowercase problems with the password depending on the releases your systems are.
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    Check this first!
    b.rgds, Bernhard

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    Thank you so much

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    Jan Hoedt

    Please go to the properties of the OS image, make sure "Manually copy this content to the distribution point" on the "Distribution Settings" tab is checked.
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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    in selecting the word, it is very difficult to just place a cursor in the word to make any correction, because it wants to highlight it and it is near impossible to deselect
    The standard mouse/text selection action should only select a word when you double-click it. Therefore you should be able to position the cursor within a word by just single-clicking it.
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    That certainly sounds amiss. I don't think I've ever seen a case where the cursor keys don't move.
    So I'm thinking Leopard must have some preference / key preference thing going on?
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