Moving playhead frame by frame

Everything is in the title. I've done some changes in the keyboard settings and can't find the way to move the playhaed frame by frame with the left and right arrow keys... The arrows are currently locked on moving from an edit to another.
Could you help me with that.
Thanks a lot.

Hello, Thank you for your answer.
The timaline is of course selected, I've restarted and i am not able to type the arrow key in the searching tool of the keyboard shortcuts....
Actually, I would need to find the "Adobe name" for this move... But I can't find it in the shortcuts...
Any other idea?
Thanks in advance.

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    Read this thread:
    AFAIK you cannot program the arrow keys to jump that way . . . but I'm still learning.

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    private function snapshotLastFrame():void
    gotoAndStop( this.totalFrames );
    _bitmapData                         = new BitmapData( stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight );
    _bitmap                              = new Bitmap( _bitmapData );
    _bitmapData.draw ( stage );
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                this.jpgEncoder = new JPGEncoder( quality );
                this.fileReference = new FileReference();
       this.jpgEncoder.encode( bitmapData ), fileName + ".jpg" );
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    Machine: Macbook
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    Press shift and S keys to turn on "Audio Scrubbing".

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    In your *Key Commands List* (option-K) you will find the commands *Rewind one frame* and *Forward one frame* - just assign keycombo's to those two commands.

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    Yes, David, I'm having the same problem under the same circumstances. we're using merged clips made from Prores QTs and multitrk BWF files. In the trim window, the display frame jumps ahead considerably in a frame-by-frame trim, but trims accurately in the timeline. My only work-around has been to use the left/right scrub arrows in the trim window when necessary, which displays the correct frame. Sorry not to have an answer, but I saw a post on another forum from 2007 that speculated it was an FCP 6 bug. Resetting prefs doesn't help.

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    I don't fully understand your question, but if you are asking if you can edit to the frame level, the answer is yes.
    First, go to iMovie/Preferences and put a check mark in "Display Time as hh:mm:seconds:frames". This lets you edit to the frame level, rather than to the tenth of a second.
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    Check View > Audio Scrubbing or SHIFT+S.
    Hope that helps !

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    when you're in the authoring environment, you need a frame to exist at 75 or 80 before you can move the play head there.  so, right click frame 75 and click insert frame or insert keyframe or insert blank keyframe.

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    I am not an animator (most of the time) but if I were I think I would probably end up using timeline tweening wherever it helped make things easier, especially for what you are calling big movements like having things zoom or move or to have a background moving if the animation involves characters moving.

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    II think you should post your query on Wowza forums - because this forum is for Flash Media Server and probably not best place where you can find Wowza server experts.

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    This forum serves, the online service.
    For help with the desktop version of Photoshop CS, please repost your question here:

  • Acheiving frame by frame in videos.

    Hi all, I'm trying to achieve true frame by frame but have
    run into some problems.
    To do this I have been changing the VideoDisplay and
    VideoPlayer classes. This is an AIR app set to 99 fps, and I'm
    getting an actual framerate of around 88. I have encoded videos
    into flv's using Flash CS3 Video Encoder being sure to set
    keyframes to every frame and have varied the framerate from 10 to
    30 and the video data rate too.
    When going frame by frame I have the video in a paused state.
    On click of a button the video will seek to the next keyframe
    (which should be the next actual frame). As an example, using this
    method I can only actually get an average of 19 frames in a second
    for a video encoded at 24 fps when the data rate is 2K kbs (data
    rates higher or lower will only allow me to get as low as 10 frames
    in a second). The video metadata confirms that the video is 24fps.
    I also tried a play/pause method where I perform a check
    every time the enterFrame event is dispatched by the videoPlayer (I
    get more frequent updates from this than setting the
    playheadUpdateInterval value really low) and pause if the playhead
    has advanced. My event handler gets called about 88 times a second,
    consistent with the framerate. With a 24fps video, we would expect
    the playheadTime of the video (which is == ns.time of the NetStream
    object) increase by intervals of 1000/24 = 41.667 milliseconds. But
    when I play the video and store all the playheadTime values in an
    array, I see it sometimes goes up by 14 ms, or 52ms to name a
    couple (and still get about 19 frames in a second).
    Interestingly, the playheadTimes are not always consistent.
    On one run I saw the playheadTime go from 9.9s, to 9.978, 10.109,
    to 10.135. Another time the playheadTime went from 9.9s to 10.057,
    10.109, 10.135. So we gained a frame at 10.057 but the one at 9.978
    was not "found". After a few more runs I saw that the playhead also
    reached 9.952s, and 10.031s. So consider: 9.900, 9.952, 9.978,
    10.031, 10.057, 10.109, 10.135. This range has playhead increments
    of 52ms, 26ms, 53ms, 26ms, 52ms, 26ms.
    So the playhead increments are not consistent. That's fine.
    But the playheadTime times themselves do not always exist, or the class is not reading the .flv file consistently, or the
    NetStream class is not updating the time property correctly,
    or.....? Unfortunately is an intrinsic Flash class and I
    don't have access to it, nor do I have access to NetStream.
    Does anyone have any suggestions? Or see something I missed?
    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated as I've kind of
    burned out on getting this to work. Thanks.

    Yes I would like to be able to do this again. Can itunes use Quicktime 7 as its video player?

  • Photo shop and frame by frame touch up

    Hi Group:
    I am using FCP and would like to touch about about 5 seconds of video using photo shop. Can anyone outline the steps.
    I have done the following>
    Open Photo shop.
    Click import (Frame by frame)
    Select the video from the browser
    picked a frame and made changes
    this is where I get stuck do I save it so that the frame gets saved directly in the video. As opposed to a still frame that is kept separate from the video?
    What is the most efficient way to do touch up in photo shop?

    Once you import a frame of video into Photoshop, it is no longer video, but a still image. The method I'm familiar with is to set an IN and OUT point in FCP's Timeline for the portion of the clip that you need to touch up. Next, export that section as an Image Sequence. Specify the file type and other options (use a non-compressed format for best results - not jpg), then export to the location you specify. Open the images in Photoshop and do the touch up work. If there isn't much movement from image to image, you may be able to record actions to automate some of the work.
    When you're done in Photoshop, launch FCP and set the Still Image Duration in FCP's preferences to 1 frame. Import the folder containing the image sequence. Place the Timeline playhead where the images need to start. Set the Target track and drag the entire folder to the Timeline.

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