Ncurses won't show any output nor accept input (SOLVED .sort of)

I have an elderly application (PB/PG for Linux) that builds and runs fine on other distros than ArchLinux (AL). When I build it on AL it builds fine, meaning that the include files and the library are found. When I run the program it does not show any output on the screen and it will not accept keyboard input.
I must admit that I am somewhat at a loss as to what could be wrong, so any help will be much appreciated.
Have any of you experienced this (or a similar) problem? And how did you solve it?
EDIT 2007-12-04: The root cause of this problem had nothing to do with Ncurses whatsoever. I have found another tree to bark up. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Last edited by BentB (2007-12-04 13:46:43)

So rather quick addition.
I just played with the AccelMethod option in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf and found that this only occurs when it is set to "uxe" or "glamor" changing the setting to "sna" does not result in this problem.
I had originally changed this setting from sna due to font rendering issues. I'll leave it as sna for now and see if those same issues still exist.
Marked solved, but may not a good solution if font issues with sna are still present.

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  • This code didnt show any output

    hi i m little new bie in swings
    plz check the following code it compile well without error but diidnt show any output.
    plz chk ii
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class GoMoku1 extends JFrame{
    JButton newGameButton; // Button for starting a new game.
    JButton resignButton; // Button that a player can use to end the
    // game by resigning.
    JLabel message; // Label for displaying messages to the user.
    public void GoMoku1() {
    Container content = getContentPane(); // Content pane of applet.
    content.setLayout(null); // I will do the layout myself.
    content.setBackground(new Color(0,150,0)); // Dark green background.
    Board board = new Board(); // Note: The constructor for the
    // board also creates the buttons
    // and label.
    /* Set the position and size of each component by calling
    its setBounds() method. */
    newGameButton.setBounds(310, 60, 120, 30);
    resignButton.setBounds(310, 120, 120, 30);
    message.setBounds(0, 350, 350, 30);
    public static void main(String[] args)
              GoMoku1 gm=new GoMoku1();
    // ----------------------- Nested class -----------------------------------
    class Board extends JPanel implements ActionListener, MouseListener {
    int[][] board; // The data for the board is kept here. The values
    // in this array are chosen from the following constants.
    static final int EMPTY = 0, // Represents an empty square.
    WHITE = 1, // A white piece.
    BLACK = 2; // A black piece.
    boolean gameInProgress; // Is a game currently in progress?
    int currentPlayer; // Whose turn is it now? The possible values
    // are WHITE and BLACK. (This is valid only while
    // a game is in progress.)
    int win_r1, win_c1, win_r2, win_c2; // When a player wins by getting five or more
    // pieces in a row, the squares at the
    // ends of the row are (win_r1,win_c1)
    // and (win_r2,win_c2). A red line is
    // drawn between these squares. When there
    // are no five pieces in a row, the value of
    // win_r1 is -1. The values are set in the
    // count() method. The value of win_r1 is
    // tested in the paintComponent() method.
    public Board() {
    // Constructor. Create the buttons and label. Listen for mouse
    // clicks and for clicks on the buttons. Create the board and
    // start the first game.
    resignButton = new JButton("Resign");
    newGameButton = new JButton("New Game");
    message = new JLabel("",JLabel.CENTER);
    message.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 14));
    board = new int[ 15][ 15];
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    // Respond to user's click on one of the two buttons.
    Object src = evt.getSource();
    if (src == newGameButton)
    else if (src == resignButton)
    void doNewGame() {
    // Begin a new game.
    if (gameInProgress == true) {
    // This should not be possible, but it doesn't
    // hurt to check.
    message.setText("Finish the current game first!");
    for (int row = 0; row < 15; row++) // Fill the board with EMPTYs
    for (int col = 0; col < 15; col++)
    board[row][col] = EMPTY;
    currentPlayer = BLACK; // BLACK moves first.
    message.setText("BLACK: Make your move.");
    gameInProgress = true;
    win_r1 = -1; // This value indicates that no red line is to be drawn.
    void doResign() {
    // Current player resigns. Game ends. Opponent wins.
    if (gameInProgress == false) {
    // This should not be possible.
    message.setText("There is no game in progress!");
    if (currentPlayer == WHITE)
    message.setText("WHITE resigns. BLACK wins.");
    message.setText("BLACK resigns. WHITE wins.");
    gameInProgress = false;
    void gameOver(String str) {
    // The game ends. The parameter, str, is displayed as a message.
    gameInProgress = false;
    void doClickSquare(int row, int col) {
    // This is called by mousePressed() when a player clicks on the
    // square in the specified row and col. It has already been checked
    // that a game is, in fact, in progress.
    /* Check that the user clicked an empty square. If not, show an
    error message and exit. */
    if ( board[row][col] != EMPTY ) {
    if (currentPlayer == BLACK)
    message.setText("BLACK: Please click an empty square.");
    message.setText("WHITE: Please click an empty square.");
    /* Make the move. Check if the board is full or if the move
    is a winning move. If so, the game ends. If not, then it's
    the other user's turn. */
    board[row][col] = currentPlayer; // Make the move.
    if (winner(row,col)) {  // First, check for a winner.
    if (currentPlayer == WHITE)
    gameOver("WHITE wins the game!");
    gameOver("BLACK wins the game!");
    boolean emptySpace = false; // Check if the board is full.
    for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++)
    if (board[i][j] == EMPTY)
    emptySpace = true;
    if (emptySpace == false) {
    gameOver("The game ends in a draw.");
    /* Continue the game. It's the other player's turn. */
    if (currentPlayer == BLACK) {
    currentPlayer = WHITE;
    message.setText("WHITE: Make your move.");
    else { 
    currentPlayer = BLACK;
    message.setText("BLACK: Make your move.");
    } // end doClickSquare()
    private boolean winner(int row, int col) {
    // This is called just after a piece has been played on the
    // square in the specified row and column. It determines
    // whether that was a winning move by counting the number
    // of squares in a line in each of the four possible
    // directions from (row,col). If there are 5 squares (or more)
    // in a row in any direction, then the game is won.
    if (count( board[row][col], row, col, 1, 0 ) >= 5)
    return true;
    if (count( board[row][col], row, col, 0, 1 ) >= 5)
    return true;
    if (count( board[row][col], row, col, 1, -1 ) >= 5)
    return true;
    if (count( board[row][col], row, col, 1, 1 ) >= 5)
    return true;
    /* When we get to this point, we know that the game is not
    won. The value of win_r1, which was changed in the count()
    method, has to be reset to -1, to avoid drawing a red line
    on the board. */
    win_r1 = -1;
    return false;
    } // end winner()
    private int count(int player, int row, int col, int dirX, int dirY) {
    // Counts the number of the specified player's pieces starting at
    // square (row,col) and extending along the direction specified by
    // (dirX,dirY). It is assumed that the player has a piece at
    // (row,col). This method looks at the squares (row + dirX, col+dirY),
    // (row + 2*dirX, col + 2*dirY), ... until it hits a square that is
    // off the board or is not occupied by one of the players pieces.
    // It counts the squares that are occupied by the player's pieces.
    // Furthermore, it sets (win_r1,win_c1) to mark last position where
    // it saw one of the player's pieces. Then, it looks in the
    // opposite direction, at squares (row - dirX, col-dirY),
    // (row - 2*dirX, col - 2*dirY), ... and does the same thing.
    // Except, this time it sets (win_r2,win_c2) to mark the last piece.
    // Note: The values of dirX and dirY must be 0, 1, or -1. At least
    // one of them must be non-zero.
    int ct = 1; // Number of pieces in a row belonging to the player.
    int r, c; // A row and column to be examined
    r = row + dirX; // Look at square in specified direction.
    c = col + dirY;
    while ( r >= 0 && r < 15 && c >= 0 && c < 15 && board[r][c] == player ) {
    // Square is on the board and contains one of the players's pieces.
    r += dirX; // Go on to next square in this direction.
    c += dirY;
    win_r1 = r - dirX; // The next-to-last square looked at.
    win_c1 = c - dirY; // (The LAST one looked at was off the board or
    // did not contain one of the player's pieces.
    r = row - dirX; // Look in the opposite direction.
    c = col - dirY;
    while ( r >= 0 && r < 15 && c >= 0 && c < 15 && board[r][c] == player ) {
    // Square is on the board and contains one of the players's pieces.
    r -= dirX; // Go on to next square in this direction.
    c -= dirY;
    win_r2 = r + dirX;
    win_c2 = c + dirY;
    // At this point, (win_r1,win_c1) and (win_r2,win_c2) mark the endpoints
    // of the line of pieces belonging to the player.
    return ct;
    } // end count()
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    super.paintComponent(g); // Fill with background color, lightGray
    /* Draw a two-pixel black border around the edges of the canvas,
    and draw grid lines in darkGray. */
    for (int i = 1; i < 15; i++) {
    g.drawLine(1 + 15*i, 0, 1 + 15*i, getSize().height);
    g.drawLine(0, 1 + 15*i, getSize().width, 1 + 15*i);
    /* Draw the pieces that are on the board. */
    for (int row = 0; row < 15; row++)
    for (int col = 0; col < 15; col++)
    if (board[row][col] != EMPTY)
    drawPiece(g, board[row][col], row, col);
    /* If the game has been won, then win_r1 >= 0. Draw a line to mark
    the five winning pieces. */
    if (win_r1 >= 0)
    } // end paintComponent()
    private void drawPiece(Graphics g, int piece, int row, int col) {
    // Draw a piece in the square at (row,col). The color is specified
    // by the piece parameter, which should be either BLACK or WHITE.
    if (piece == WHITE)
    g.fillOval(3 + 15*col, 3 + 15*row, 10, 10);
    private void drawWinLine(Graphics g) {
    // Draw a 2-pixel wide red line from the middle of the square at
    // (win_r1,win_c1) to the middle of the square at (win_r2,win_c2).
    // This routine is called to mark the 5 pieces that won the game.
    // The values of the variables are set in the count() method.
    g.drawLine( 8 + 15*win_c1, 8 + 15*win_r1, 8 + 15*win_c2, 8 + 15*win_r2 );
    if (win_r1 == win_r2)
    g.drawLine( 8 + 15*win_c1, 7 + 15*win_r1, 8 + 15*win_c2, 7 + 15*win_r2 );
    g.drawLine( 7 + 15*win_c1, 8 + 15*win_r1, 7 + 15*win_c2, 8 + 15*win_r2 );
    public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
    // Specify desired size for this component. Note:
    // the size MUST be 172 by 172.
    return new Dimension(220, 220);
    public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
    return new Dimension(220, 220);
    public Dimension getMaximumSize() {
    return new Dimension(220, 220);
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {
    // Respond to a user click on the board. If no game is
    // in progress, show an error message. Otherwise, find
    // the row and column that the user clicked and call
    // doClickSquare() to handle it.
    if (gameInProgress == false)
    message.setText("Click \"New Game\" to start a new game.");
    else {
    int col = (evt.getX() - 2) / 15;
    int row = (evt.getY() - 2) / 15;
    if (col >= 0 && col < 15 && row >= 0 && row < 15)
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) { }
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { }
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt) { }
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt) { }
    } // end nested class Board
    } // end class GoMoku

    And doesn't work for me:
    Compiling 1 source file to C:\jdek\Prova\build\classes
    C:\jdek\Prova\src\gugi\ incomparable types: int[] and int
    if (board[j] == EMPTY)
    1 error
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)

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    I Just found it on the apple site, it arrived on a cd a few days later and worked just fine again.
    i would recommend backing everything up just in case. Better safe than sorry, trust me. I've lost so much when i didnt back up once when re-installing the system.
    IT shoulldnt erase everything, bt it might, so back up just in case
    should you loose everything, then i have some tips on moving stuff fromyour iphone/ipod to the computer

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    Hello TDIforthewin,
    After reviewing your post, I have located an article that can help in this situation. It contains a number of troubleshooting steps and helpful advice concerning Apple TV issues:
    Apple TV: Basic troubleshooting
    Resolve network or streaming issues
    Troubleshoot Wi-Fi networks and connections.
    Switch between wired and wireless networks.
    Learn how to resolve issues streaming content from third-party content providers. Learn more about third-party content providers.
    If you're streaming content from a computer or iOS device using Airplay or Home Sharing, try these steps:
    Resolve issues with Airplay and Airplay Mirroring.
    Learn how to use Airplay Mirrorring.
    See how to set up Home Sharing.
    Troubleshoot Home Sharing issues.
    Thank you for contributing to Apple Support Communities.

  • Giving me an app error,  says  "Download error" won't show any of my adobe apps, help!

    Help my adobe apps won't show up in the creative cloud area on my mac! says download error!

    Please read, and reply back here with information
    -try some steps such as changing browsers and turning off your firewall
    -also flush your browser cache so you are starting with a fresh browser ip/
    A chat session where an agent may remotely look inside your computer may help
    Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)

  • It won't show any of my artwork... PLEASE HELP!

    Anyone know what I can do?
    I manually put all the album covers in each song and it won't show on my Ipod nano..

    You should be able to get to it whenever you hook up your Ipod. Go to Options on your Ipod whenever you update it next, and tell it to update all your songs, instead of those you just added. That should fix it.
    But if that doesn't fix it, I think there might be a button that says to update artwork every time you update your Ipod.

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    Hey everyone, I've looked around for threads on this for a few days now but either nothing was worked or it was very outdated and still didn't work.
    To the point, my cousin bought a new iphone 3g and as a gift he gave me his iphone 2g. It worked fine but had all of his information as he didn't do anything to it but give it to me. I assume it has the newest firmware and what not as he was using it about a week ago. I plugged it into my computer but it didn't show on my computer or itunes. I installed the new itunes and while doing so tried to restore (Sleep + Home) and now it's stuck in the USB wire pointing at the Itunes symbol.
    So now it won't turn on past that last notice and still won't show up on my computer and itunes. I've tried restarting, reinstalling, restoring, everything that's pretty common at least and still nothing. The phone doesn't show up in the Device Manager either and I've tried 2 different computers and 2 different wires. I'm getting sad at this point as i want to use it! No jailbreak or unlock that I know of also if that matters. If i left anything out please let me know.
    Someone please help!
    Thanks in advance,

    i've had the same problem as narcky: screen shows usb cord with arrow pointing to itunes symbol. i've deleted and re-installed the latest version of itunes, no luck. this happened while i was trying to download the latest version of software for the iphone. i've even tried searching for the iphone in the list of usb drivers and all i get is the recovery iboot, which i dont even know what that means.also tried pressing home button and power button at same time, screen still shows cord with itunes symbol. i've tried everything, nothing seems to work. HELP?

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    Thanks in advance.

    Have you looked for them? How do you know they were installed?

  • ITunes won't show shared libraries nor will it show iPhone as a device

    This is baffling me and I would welcome some assistance. ITunes doesn't show any Shared Libraries/Devices
    1. iTunes will not show 2 shared libraries that can be seen by another computer (PC) running iTunes on the same home network
    2. Using my iPhone I cannot get the Remote app to work; iTunes doesn't seem to recognise my iPhone, although they are both on the same network (verified)
    3. When running 'Bonjour Browser' I can't locate "cciphonethings.tcp" as per the 'Things' support site for iPhone/iMac sync
    4. iTunes will sync OK with my iPhone when I place the iPhone in it's cradle
    I've followed the advice in Apple support and also followed the checks suggested by the Things support site. I've also reinstalled iTunes. No change.
    Thanks in advance.
    iMac OSX 10.6.2, iPhone 3.1.2, Linksys WAG160N

    To answer your question, the cpu speed is 550MHz.
    Thought so. It seems like PowerBooks from about that era (550, 667) are the most likely to have this problem. I've never seen any definitive explanation, though. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say it's a combination of hardware and software and how iTunes interacts with the CD drive.
    One thing you could do is send a bug report to Apple via their online form.

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    I put the code:
    <menu execute="obm-xdg" id="obm-xdg" label="xdg"/>
    in ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml just like it says to do universally. It does not show any menu. Every other menu item in the file works. I can edit them and they change. obmenu can see the entry. gnome-menus is installed. obm-xdg works from the command line. Why does this not show anything in the menu?
    Last edited by skottish (2008-11-06 05:27:03)

    Make sure you add the menu id to the root-menu list at the bottom of menu.xml:
    <menu id="root-menu" label="Openbox 3">
    <separator label="Applications" />
    <menu id="obm-xdg" />
    <menu id="apps-accessories-menu"/>
    <menu id="apps-editors-menu"/>
    Last edited by thayer (2008-11-06 05:11:29)

  • Event in FCP won't show any of the media anymore?

    So I don't have a million projects and events showing up whenever I open FCP, I have created a Hidden Final Cut Pro Events File where I store events and projects when I'm not using them (on an external HDD). When I relocated an event and project to their orignal places (Final Cut Events or Final Cut Projects) they show up.
    I've just reccently done this again, and in no time my project showed up but I had to close FCP X and reopen to get the event to show up. And after it did, none of the media showed up that was in the event - if this wasn't a problem before why it should it just randomly be a problem now? So now the clips all say the same thing: Missing Event... But the event is there! Just without any of the orignal media.
    I know there's been all sorts of problems with reconnecting media in FCPX discussed before, but I'd appreciate any help and suggestions.

    My FF6.0 was fine till it updated (automatically) and then no toolbar buttons.

  • HT5137 I updated to ios7.0.2, when I double click on home button it brings up an app list but when I hold my finger on an icon it won't show any with a minus sign, is it no longer necessary to close apps?

    In ios 7.0.2, when you double click the home button it brings up the icons but won't allow you to show them with minus signs, is it no longer necessary to do this?

    jim96776 wrote:
    is it no longer necessary to do this?
    It was never necessary except in certain unusual circumstances.

  • Yesterday iTunes worked - today, it acts like it's newly installed (won't show any of my music or playlists) - what could have made it forget everything it knew yesterday and how can I fix it without having to redo all my previous work?

    The title says it all.  iTunes was working fine last night.  I added some more music to my playlists and synched my iPod last night, then shut down.  Today, when I start iTunes it opens up a welcome to setup screen and acts like it wants me to answer questions to configure it for the first time.  When I cancel out of that, it opens up a normal iTunes screen that's completely empty of music and has none of my custom playlists (all the playlists it does show are empty) and it's asking me if I want to have it search my PC and add media files, as if it's newly installed and that's never been done.
    Has anybody seen this behavior before, and is there some simple way I can fix it so it remembers all the stuff it knew last night, without having to start all over again and rebuild all my playlists and stuff?

    For general library squiffiness following an upgrade the easiest thing is to restore your last backup, but I guess if it were that simple you wouldn't be here.
    Empty/corrupt library after upgrade/crash
    Hopefully it's not been too long since you last upgraded iTunes, in fact if you get an empty/incomplete library immediately after upgrading then with the following steps you shouldn't lose a thing or need to do any further housekeeping. In the Previous iTunes Libraries folder should be a number of dated iTunes Library files. Take the most recent of these and copy it into the iTunes folder. Rename iTunes Library.itl as iTunes Library (Corrupt).itl and then rename the restored file as iTunes Library.itl. Start iTunes. Should all be good, bar any recent additions to or deletions from your library.
    See iTunes Folder Watch for a tool to catch up with any changes since the backup file was created.
    When you get it all working make a backup!

  • Thimble won't show any details on my "broken" code - I can't figure out the problem.

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    I also can't save any of my progress because of the error.

    Thanks for trying to help guys!
    I'm totally new at this so as far as I'm aware, I can't actually get a link because it won't save my progress because of the error? So unless its something else causing the error that won't let me save?

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