No Audio on Webinar.

Today I attended a Webinar and had no audio, the Call Me feature constantly failed. Missed everything. I used the Cisco WebEx App on my Z30. Thus is the second time in recent weeks this has happened. My account is set up right.
Any ideas lads?
Craig Ashcroft Elite UK
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It's not the phone app that failed, apparently. I'm familiar with the webinar in question and others who were logged in via PC also had no audio. The callback feature was not functioning and that required people to call a toll-free number from their phone to get access to the audio portion of it.
- If my response has helped you, please click "Options" beside my post and mark it as solved. Clicking the "thumbs up" icon near the bottom of my response would also be appreciated.

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    QuickTime recordings can only be made from input devices and not from what plays through your speakers.
    You need an audio capture software app like WireTap.

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    I know your pain... I have battled with this for years.  My system is a Pavilion dv7 laptop.  I am constantly plagued by the audio system, which frequently f*rts, and even more frequently, skips (backwards) a short time during playback - it's doing it right now!  Sometimes, every few seconds.  Other times it won't happen much at all... with no apparent difference in what I am doing or running.
    Some things I can add to this thread:
    1. The audio sucks regardless of the source !!  I've seen other threads where streaming over interent was discussed - for me, I get the issue:
         a) audio/video browsing eg youtube or streamed webinars etc
         b) playing local music, ie iTunes .mp3 files saved on local disk
         c) playing from CD/DVD drive
    2.  I run a system with all the latest drivers from HP,  WIn 7.  No games or other crud. 
    I have seen many people comment with symptoms which I am sure is the same issue - for years.  Wish someone could finally come up with a fix - it is a real sytem problem.

  • Webinar: "Multimedia in PDFs with FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers + Multimedia Asst" (Feb 10)

    "Multimedia in PDFs with FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers + Multimedia
    Assistant" Webinar: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 (10am-11am PST)
    Learn how you can embed/link to audio or video files (filmed or
    software demos) from PDFs created in FM, without the tedious work
    of inserting the link/file and defining playback properties every
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    With Multimedia Assistant, you use hypertext markers to define
    access (embed or link) to local/web-based multimedia files in all
    formats supported by Acrobat/Reader, so that the defined features
    are automatically present in the PDF file.
    [Feature demos: ]
    Applicable for FrameMaker/Windows (all versions)
    To register to this free one-hour webinar, please write to
    [email protected]
    Shlomo Perets
    MicroType *
    FrameMaker training/consulting * FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers/Assistants

    I have learned that there may be an issue with upgrading to 7.0.7, selecting the "reboot later" option, and then trying to use Acrobat with 3D. The suggested procedure is to do the update and then select "reboot now" when asked. Upon rebooting your system, the correct plug-ins are copied into the running Acrobat directories and things should work properly. We will continue to investigate these types of issues with the updater, but I believe this procedure will help fix these types of problems.
    Michael Kaplan
    Director of Engineering, Acrobat 3D/Manufacturing

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    It sounds like the swf doesn't handle onSync correctly. I
    would suggest logging the connection event, stream events, etc to
    gain more insight into the problem (both client side logging and
    server side).

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    Does anyone have experience with presenting their Keynote presentations via an online webinar? Do you have a suggestion for the service I should use?
    I cannot event begin to tell you how appreciative I would be for help!
    Thanks -
    :o) Tara

    The problem with WebEx on Mac has been the poor audio quality. If you are not using the integrated audio in WebEx, then the "Application Share" is the way to go. Desktop sharing seems to chew up a lot more bandwidth than application sharing. You can also export to QT and present on a PC which takes care of the audio issues on Mac.
    If transition effects don't matter than try exporting to PDF (export each stage of build) and check out InstantPresenter. Excellent quality and you can pre-load the PDF onto their server.

  • Can I record a live streaming concert (audio

    Is there a way to record a live streaming concert (audio & video) with Quicktime on my iMac?

    Sure.  The built-in iSight camera of all Intel iMacs supports both video and audio.  The following link shows how to use Quicktime to record video and audio with your iSight:
    If you wish to append that video with examples on the computer, SnapZ Pro is a great tool for screen capture:
    Note, SnapZ Pro is probably the easiest to record an existing webinar.  Note, when recording any webinar, you should be licensed to record the said video, or allowed to by the professor/school offering it for the use of your own instruction.

  • ANN: Webinars (free): Rich Media PDFs with FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers/Assistants

    One-hour webinars (free), starting 10am PDT:
    Multimedia Assistant, March 11
    Learn how you can embed/link to audio or video files (filmed or software demos) from PDFs created in FM, without the tedious work of inserting the link/file and defining playback properties every time the PDF is updated.
    With Multimedia Assistant, you use hypertext markers to define access (embed or link) to local/web-based multimedia files in all formats supported by Acrobat/Reader, so that the defined features are automatically present in the PDF file.
    [ Register at ]
    3D Assistant, March 25
    Learn how U3D files (ECMA1/ECMA3) can be referenced in FrameMaker (using hypertext markers) with related views, links, bookmarks & JavaScripts, so that interactive 3D models, together with their specified features, are automatically present in the PDF file upon distilling with TimeSavers + 3D Assistant.
    [ Register at ]
    Presentation Assistant, April 8
    Author your presentations in FrameMaker and convert to PDF format with TimeSavers+Presentation/Layer Assistant.
    Presentation features include page transitions, default timing, on-demand display through layers.
    [ Register at ]
    Shlomo Perets,
    FrameMaker/Acrobat training & consulting * FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers/Assistants

    Hey, Shlomo -- thank you for posting a reminder about the session -- the last one was an excellent refresher on PDF enhancements and I'm looking forward to this one too.

  • Export to mp4 audio out of sync

    I have a .mov that I'm trying to export as mp4 for web streaming. Actually this is the 2nd I've done and the first went OK. But the 2nd one loses it's audio sync with the video. audio is slow and gets off by maybe 2minutes by the end of the 45 minutes. The .mov is fine but the sync problem is happening when I export to mp4
    Here is what I've done:
    I record a webinar w/screenrecord2 and first I tried quicktime pro export (Boy it took a long time!!) to mp4 w/default (H.264, 640x480) except slower frame rate and set for webstreaming. The audio sync was off.
    I read something about hinting helping audio sync problems so I then tried export to a hinted .mov and then to mp4 and still not good audio sync.
    Next I tried export the hinted .mov via Streamclip and it went much faster and better video quality than the export via quicktime pro but still the audio loses sync.
    The .mov is about 2.5gig and 45 minutes long exported mp4's about 80meg
    Any help is much appreciated!
    Is there a way in quicktime pro that I can speed up the audio of the mp4 and get it back into sync??

    Hi Robert, i just want to check you are actually going to be posting your material to a real streaming sever i.e quicktime streaming server, darwin server, helix server.
    If not then you won't actually be streaming the file, i've been doing a lot of work on streaming servers recently and the first thing i found was that the term streaming is often misused. If you are only posting your file on to a web server for people to view then quicktime has something called quickstart which will allow you to watch the video as it downloads like youtube, this isn't streaming.
    With regards to extensions i would be much more inclined to use .mov over .mp4, it will make life easier for your viewers because you can guarantee at some point real player will try and hijack the .mp4 extension for some of your viewers.
    PS: Can you post hwre the file originates from, it's possible the problem stems from further up the chain but only comes to light when the file is exported. I find editing in quicktime and then exporting can often be problematic.

  • Don't miss out on our exciting upcoming Partner webinars – Important Update

    Thanks to all of you who have registered to our webinars so far.
    We need to announce a last minute update regarding the webinar scheduled for this Wednesday, May 15th - Brendon O'Sullivan’s session on adding value to clients by upselling products & services had to be rescheduled.
    The topic and presenter for this webinar session has been replaced with our experienced BC Partner Tim Gentle from Design Experts on Wed, May 15th for a business session, where you will learn how to Develop an Effective Sales Strategy for Your Web Agency.
    Wed, May 15th: Developing an Effective Sales Strategy for Your Web Agency with Tim Gentle from Design Experts
    Register for these sessions by clicking on the links below:
    Australian/EU session (17.00 EST / 09.00 CEST)
    US/EU session (09.00 PDT / 18.00 CEST)
    To make sure you can put your learning into practice, webinar participants will be receiving a 15% discount on their next website. (Some conditions for the coupon code apply*)
    The series continues in June and July with presentations from two of our trusted Partners, Brett Stockley and Brent Weaver, who will teach you how to grow your business into the future. Registrations are now open for those instances as well, and we will be sending out a reminder as we move closer to the presentation dates.
    Wed, June 12th: Online Marketing with Brett Stockley from PrettyPollution
    Register for these sessions by clicking on the links below:
    Australian/EU session (17.00 EST / 09.00 CEST)
    US/EU session (09.00 PDT / 18.00 CEST)
    Wed, July 10th: Learn how BC Gurus leverages Web Apps to power their popular Business Catalyst community website with Brent Weaver from BC Gurus
    Australian/EU session (17.00 EST / 09.00 CEST)
    US/EU session (09.00 PDT / 18.00 CEST)
    If you could not join us live, or would like to review some parts of the past webinars, you can click on the title and access the recording of past webinars here:
    Dreamweaver & Business Catalyst integration - with Adam Broadway:
    Business Catalyst integration with Muse - with Daniele Beaumont and Chris Kellet:             
    We would love to hear your feedback on this webinar series and as always suggestions are welcomed at [email protected]
    *the 15% discount coupon applies for new site upgrades on any yearly/biyearly desired plan. Coupon validity: 31-Jul-2013, only available for the webinars’ attendees.
    See you there!
    The Adobe Business Catalyst Team

    Hi ZypKode, I couldn't help but reply to your post: Back before Win 95 I was using Digigram's Xtrack audio editor. It didn't run on Win 3.x because that OS wasn't capable enough. Win 95 just managed that when it came out. I looked at Cool Edit Pro around that time, and it was Ok. But for my work which was a lot of interview recording/editing plus radio programme recording in 4 track (2 tracks for voicing, 1 stereo track for music) Xtrack was way out ahead, in terms of multitrack capability but especially speed of work. Even the waveform display had several options apart from the standard full-wave that every editor, even today uses (Audacity offers a dB display which is better, but nothing like the old Xtrack offering). The option I always used was a half-wave display with just the outline, and it was logarithmic rather than linear. Result was that, without resorting to zooming in and out, you could see the noise floor, see the detail of the person's breath and lip-smack. With a little experience you could do most voice edits just by looking without even listening – which, of course, you did afterward, just to make sure :-)  Producers used to look at me as if I was a magician when doing the edits like that.  If Audition one day offered that as a waveform option, they could put it forward as a revolutionary new experience, since Digigram, better known for their high end audio hardware, dropped Xtrack a few years ago, being too small a company to compete with the big players.

  • Edit & export audio segments as separate files?

    I'm cutting up recordings of PowerPoint presentations into separate clips, one per slide.  I am wondering how I can edit on the timeline, then mark each slide, master the audio, and export one clip per marker.  Is that segmenting done from Premiere, or is it an option to export one file per marker within Media Encoder? How?
    Or, do I need to use subclips instead? Please don't say I need to do a sequence for each slide (or would that be less messy than it sounds?).
    Or should I do this editing in Soundbooth instead, since the editing is basically audio-driven? How's segmenting done there?

    Hi Kevin -
    It's funny...  We are doing the exact same thing that you are.  We are recording webinars, chunking up the audio into individual files according to PPT slides, and putting the audio back into the PPT presentation so they can be played back as the presentation initially aired.  We're also exporting the reconstituted presentations as standalone webcasts that people watch online.
    Okay - here's how we're doing it...  I record the webinar's audio and video (Camtasia for audio and GoToWebinar's built-in .WMV recorder for video).  I make a new project in Premiere and import both the video and audio.  I only use the .wmv for visual reference (to know exactly where to split the long audio clip).  I go through the audio clip and do an Alt + [ to mark the left side of the work area (essentially the In point) and Alt + ] to mark the right slide of the work area (essentially the Out point).  I then split the clip at the out point (Control + K) in case I have to go back and re-edit or re-export later.  Once I have my slide's audio marked with a work area, I go to file, export, media.  This launches Adobe Media Encoder.  In AME, I make .mp3s of each slide's audio.  I then reinsert the .mp3s in the PPT presentation.
    What I would LIKE to do is put chapter or Flash markers at the end of each slide's audio and then have it chunk up the clips for me based on the markers.  The quest to do that led me to this post.  I'll let you know if I find out any info on how to do that, but for now, the process is pretty manual and time-consuming.  I am a long-time Avid editor, and that offers no solution either.  What have you found with Final Cut?
    Something also that may work for you (but not for us for various reasons) is iSpring Presenter's sync function.  This allows you to bring in the entire audio clip and put it on the first PPT slide.  Then you click a stopwatch icon when the audio is supposed to go to a different slide.  This syncs up your audio and PPT for you.  No more Premiere.  Here is specific info on how to do that.  It works great.  We don't use it because we have to cut back into the presentation with live audio.  But it may work great for what you're doing.


    I have this monitor and wish to add audio so I can play utube, attend webinars etc with sound
    Can anyone assit with the best way to add audio please as therre doesnt appear to be a plug in for standard speakers

    Based on the following specs:!tab=specs
    It does not have speakers. It ONLY has VGA and DVI-D connectors therefore one option: buy a set of external speakers and plug to your computer. You can mount them to your the monitor if you wish.
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  • Audio issues while using Adobe connect

    I am unable get audio when attending Live Webinars thru adobe connect on my iPad 2 WiFi+3G. For recorded webinars there is no issue. I use Puffin browser in order to play the flash player. Is there a solution?

    Hi gailperdue-
    This sounds like an issue with the website Does this problem happen when you open the website with other browsers like Safari or Chrome? If so, then you know for sure the problem lies with either Adobe Connect or the website. If that is the case I would recommend you contact the website support or Adobe for assistance.

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