Noise Threshold - Normalize not working?

I can't get the Noise Threshold or the Normalize to work at
all. I can set them to 100% or 0% or anything between and nothing
at all happens to the audio.
What am I doing wrong?

Hi Lori! Great to see you again!!
Yep, it has always amazed me the number of folks who pound
the keys over and over when they have a problem, and an hour or two
later, just as they finish their second cup of coffee, the problem
goes away (
perhaps because they also chose that time to reboot the
. . . so they declare that finishing your 2nd cup of coffee
will fix the problem. Gotta love the logic.

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    Good day!
    As far as I understand this Forum is dedicated to beginners’ problems with Photoshop.
    Photoshop is not Photoshop Touch, so you may want to post on the appropriate Forum for that application. 
    Possibly this one:

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    That model has a known fault in that Nvidea sold Apple and other computer manufacturers bad GeForce 8600M GT video chipsets that failed eventually. Apple had a program that repaired this at no cost to the owner but it expired almost two years ago.
    If this is what happened to yours, and the symptoms suggest so, the only proper fix is a new logic board and I amd pretty sure Apple no longer has parts. When my Late 2007 MBP (same faulty chipset) failed, Apple told me there were no more parts and they could not even do the fixed-rate "depot repair" on mine even though I was willing to pay the ~US$300 for the repair.
    The early 2008 MBP is on the vintage and obsolete list:
    Vintage and obsolete products - Apple Support
    The fact that yours is shown as "vintage" means Apple will not work on it but an independent service provider MAY be able to get the parts from Apple. However, as so may new logic boards were required to satisfy the repair program, from a practical standpoint boards for these are hard to find.

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    I think you are posting in the wrong Forum.

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    found this and it worked after 1st step so hope this helps other people too
    Re: iPhone 4S sound problems 
    Dec 29, 2011 2:05 PM (in response to unowen57)
    Hi Guys,
    I have post eariler on another forum and I have the same problem, I have tried all the things listed here and nothing was perminant in fixing this painful iphone hating problem.... and failed.  You probably have the problem when you use youtube or your music external speaker that there is no volume bar and no sound.   I have had the same problem But I need to happily say that I now have the fix!!!!  This worked for me and I fixed it by myself so you don't need to go to apple or service centre or anything.
    Ok I like so many of you here truly believed this was as IO5 issue as it only dropped the sound on the speakers once that IO5 update came along.  I tried a bunch of reset, reboots, home clicks, lock and unlocks, to fix this and all failed.  some worked for an hour but then failed.  hours of my life that I will never get back.   but since I have learnt this is not a IO5 problem but a hardware issue! ...  and in paticualar is has to do with your bottom connection.  Your phone is thinking it is docked all the time.
    To fix the no sound problem what you need is...
    1.  a torch
    2.  a tooth brush
    3.  methalated spirits
    4. a butter knife
    Step 1.
    get your torch and shine it down the bottom connection plate to see what kind of dust, sand, hair or anything you have stuck in there.   all that need to be removed!  everything!  it might look clean but still thats ok go to step 2.
    step 2.
    Turn on your music app and put the speakers on!  If your phone is like mine it should not work.  you most probably don't even have the volume display to turn it on but its ok, just do it! and it should still play with no sound.   its important you try and run the speakers as this will show you that it is a hardware problem.
    step 3.
    Dip your tooth brush into some methated sprits.   then at your sink tap the exess metho out of your brush as you just want the brushes to be slightly damp, not soaking wet and then scrub the bottom connetiors on your iphone.  work the brush back and forward in a way that scoops the dirt out of the phone, not just pushing it side to side.
    (As you bushing you should notice the volume bar come back on or off as you scub.   This happened to me and that is how I realised I was on the right track to fixing this problem as I was doing something external that was actually controling when the volume display came on or off.   but once I cleaned it this still didn't fix the problem...)
    Step 4.
    Use the back side of a butter knife (not the sharp side) to gently slide over the connectors on the iphone.  Do this gently as you are only pushing down on the tiny metal contect bars and you should notice the volume display come on again.  slide it back and forward.  Now the area of interest is about 2/3 along the connection plate to the right.   This is the area that has the infomation sent when your iphone thinks its docked.
    This has worked for me and I have not had a problem since I did this 2 weeks ago.   I have since learnt that the new IOS 5 has activated a different part of the bottom conectors.  if you have been using dodgy connectors or unapproved apple cables (as I was)  any damage or hair and dirt on the terminal this is effecting it.  Try it.   just remember if you can do something external to your phone then there lies the problem.
    Hope this works for your phone as it did for mine.

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    Try an SMC Reset. (System Management Controller)
    Shutdown>unplug from power for ten minutes>press and hold in the power button for ten seconds>startup again.
    Also try a PRAM Reset. (Parameter RAM)
    Shutdown. At the bootup chime, hold down CMD-Option-P-R together, wait for two more chimes, total three, then let go of all keys to finish booting,
    If this doesn't do it, run the Hardware Test in Extended

  • FXO does not work incoming or outgoing

    Hi all,
    I have an CME with 8.5 release and I inserted an VIC2 - 4FXO.
    I configured the FXO Port as below:
    voice-port 0/0/0
    trunk-group ALL_COT
    supervisory disconnect dualtone pre-connect
    cptone PT
    timeouts initial 5
    timeouts interdigit 7
    connection plar 201
    caller-id enable
    dial-peer voice 100 pots
    corlist outgoing chamada-emergencia
    description ** Outside Calls **
    destination-pattern 6..
    port 0/0/0
    forward-digits all
    Every time I tried to make a call I receive busy tone and when I see the status of the port I see:
    Foreign Exchange Office 0/0/0 Slot is 0, Sub-unit is 0, Port is 0
    Type of VoicePort is FXO
    Operation State is DOWN
    Administrative State is UP
    The Last Interface Down Failure Cause is Administrative Shutdown
    Description is not set
    Noise Regeneration is enabled
    Non Linear Processing is enabled
    Non Linear Mute is disabled
    Non Linear Threshold is -21 dB
    Music On Hold Threshold is Set to -38 dBm
    In Gain is Set to 0 dB
    Out Attenuation is Set to 3 dB
    Echo Cancellation is enabled
    Echo Cancellation NLP mute is disabled
    Echo Cancellation NLP threshold is -21 dB
    Echo Cancel Coverage is set to 128 ms
    Echo Cancel worst case ERL is set to 6 dB
    Playout-delay Mode is set to adaptive
    Playout-delay Nominal is set to 60 ms
    Playout-delay Maximum is set to 1000 ms
    Playout-delay Minimum mode is set to default, value 40 ms
    Playout-delay Fax is set to 300 ms
    Connection Mode is plar
    Connection Number is 201
    Initial Time Out is set to 5 s
    Interdigit Time Out is set to 7 s
    Call Disconnect Time Out is set to 60 s
    Power Denial Disconnect Time Out is set to 1000 ms
    Ringing Time Out is set to 180 s
    Wait Release Time Out is set to 30 s
    Companding Type is u-law
    Region Tone is set for PT
    Analog Info Follows:
    Currently processing none
    Maintenance Mode Set to None (not in mtc mode)
    Number of signaling protocol errors are 0
    Impedance is set to 600r Ohm
    Station name None, Station number None
    Caller ID Info Follows:
    Standard BELLCORE
    Caller ID is received after 1 ring(s)
    Translation profile (Incoming):
    Translation profile (Outgoing):
    lpcor (Incoming):
    lpcor (Outgoing):
    Voice card specific Info Follows:
    Signal Type is loopStart
    Battery-Reversal is enabled
    Number Of Rings is set to 1
    Supervisory Disconnect is dualtone pre-connect
    Answer Supervision is inactive
    Hook Status is Off Hook
    Ring Detect Status is inactive
    Ring Ground Status is inactive
    Tip Ground Status is inactive
    Dial Out Type is dtmf
    Digit Duration Timing is set to 100 ms
    InterDigit Duration Timing is set to 100 ms
    Pulse Rate Timing is set to 10 pulses/second
    InterDigit Pulse Duration Timing is set to 750 ms
    Percent Break of Pulse is 65 percent
    GuardOut timer is 2000 ms
    Minimum ring duration timer is 125 ms
    Hookflash-in Timing is set to 600 ms
    Hookflash-out Timing is set to 400 ms
    Supervisory Disconnect Timing (loopStart only) is set to 350 ms
    OPX Ring Wait Timing is set to 6000 ms
    Secondary dialtone is disabled
    Operation stus DOWN; also when I do hut and no shut the voice port stays on DORMANT status and the I receive the message:
    Apr 20 14:47:10.671: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Foreign Exchange Office 0/0/0, changed state to operational status down due to cable removal
    Can you help on this, why my FXO is not working?
    Even when I call the the line the line rings but on the CME the extension plar does not start ringing.
    My country is PORTUGAL.
    Best Regards,
    Jose Carlos Silva

    Hi Jose,
    Firstly is this a UC-500 based CME? I am not aware of a 8.5 version for the UC-500 unless this is a pre-production release, as far as I am aware the UC-500 is only supported up to 8.1 at this stage.
    It would also be good if you could provide a copy of your running configuration (With sensitive data removed like usernames and or passwords and peoples names and numbers), this will help us in understanding the system configuration.
    It also seems that the system has not been configured with CCA as there are no identifying markers in the configuration you posted that would indicated this was a CCA build, which leads me to think that this is a CLI build right??
    I am personally not very ofay with the Portugal carrier setup so I best not post up a configuration of what the Voice-Port looks like as it might not be compatible with your local carrier, but I am curious as to why your FXO ports start at 0/0/0 typically on a UC-500 system they would start at 0/1/0 as the first 4 voice ports are normally reserved for FXS (Unless of course this is different for your region), which again makes me wonder if this is a UC-500 system or maybe an ISR (2800 series or above)??
    Please post up your configuration it will help out a tremendious amount.

  • Noise reduction doesn't work?

    Hi All,
    New user here (testing the demo). I have a moderately loud
    air conditioner system, and as a result there is a constant hum.
    I'm trying to get the noise reduction to work, but to no avail.
    Here's what I do.
    I record a clip. then select Edit Timing. Then Adjust Volume.
    Then check "Dynamics (boost quiet sections), then I play with the
    Noise Threshold and Ratio sliders (primarily Noise Threshold).
    These don't seem to do anything, though I *can* adjust the volume
    of the clip successfully.
    What am I doing wrong here? Thanks!

    Hi carloshl
    Welcome to the world of Captivate!
    Seriously, the audio editing bundled inside Captivate is
    always reported as being rather anemic. I compare it to the jack in
    the trunk of a new car. Enough to change the tire once in a while,
    but if I'm gonna do it more often than that, I should probably
    invest in a different tool.
    The really super good news here is that your investment need
    not be cash! There is a wonderful and totally free audio editor out
    there called Audacity. You may download it by
    clicking this magickal
    Oh, and you should probably also find a quieter room to
    record in.
    Any possibility of turning off the air for a brief
    Cheers... Rick

  • Voice Memo does not work on 3g

    The voice memo does not work. If I scream in to the mic it finally shows movement on the readout. But, when you play it back all you get is static noise where I screamed. Other wise, any normal voice speck is totally silent.
    Actually it works with the iPhone head phones but not the mic in the phone it's self.
    Message was edited by: Hoddypeek

    Yes, the low level while recording doesn't result in a low or weak "memo". Sounds fine and mails to my email as well . . . But !
    I had a phone-message waiting two months, a little song-fragment I called home to leave with the hope that Voice-Memo would eventually save it for me. And it sounded better once mailed that it even did playing out of my cheap little land-line speaker ( I guess mic-placement is everything ! )
    But the recording was 2 min 50 seconds and trying to mail it to myself brought up the warning that it was "too big" !! Luckily, the first 27 seconds was unrelated and expendable . . . and being able to trim it did the trick.
    *So what's the size limit on a mailable Memo Apple people ?*
    ( It was 4.1 mb as attached to the mail )
    Also, how odd is it that it was still "Sending" within the iPhone, yet already sitting in my iMac's email well before the "airplane whoosh" of sent mail sounded.
    Hmm . . . . .

  • Iphone 4 flash light not working.but getting a click flash only once

    my iphone 4 with ios 6.0.1 led is not working even if i turn on in settings but it is working once if a picture is taken and is not working in videos eventhough it is turned on...
    and gps navigation is not proper..can u help me
    thanks in advance

    Sorry but I dont have a solution. I do however have a similar problem in that my microphone has stopped working since upgrading. Well at least it doesnt work when making calls, voice memos or skype calls. I have to speak directly into the mic for the person I am talking to, to hear me - and even then it is very feint. I dont think its a hardware problem as when I record video the sound it perfect. Although I have seen that some believe the video recording used the noise cancellation mic. But, I downloaded an app which is used to measure sound power which I confirmed that the bottom mic is working properly.
    So this post is to add my voice to your concern really.
    The worst part is, I did not save a SHSH blob to be able to downgrade to 5.1.1 so im kinda stuck.

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    Hey LeighannM,
    Thanks for the question. This may sound simple, but is your Ring/Silent switch toggled?
    Ring/Silent switch - iPhone
    If not, then let’s try restarting your device:
    Restart or reset your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
    Matt M.

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