OKS Billing Schedule from 11.5.9 to 11.5.10

Hi Everyone,
I am upgrading a custom billing schedule package(OKS) from 11.5.9 to 11.5.10.
I am looking to replace the following with 11.5.10 equivalents.
Please let me know if you have already worked with these.

Metalink note: 316365.1 (Oracle Applications Release Maintenance Pack Installation Instructions) should be helpful

Similar Messages

  • Upgrade Billing Schedules from 11.5.9 to 11.5.10

    I need to take care of an extension in an upgrade project from 11.5.9 to 11.5.10, it uses an API OKS_BILL_SCH.Create_Bill_Sch_Rules.
    But the IN parameter that was passed to the API i.e StreamLvl_Type was changed from 11.5.9 to 11.5.10.
    In 11.5.10, it looks like:
    TYPE StreamLvl_Type Is Record
    id number,
    CHR_ID Number,
    CLE_ID Number,
    DNZ_CHR_ID Number,
    Sequence_no Number,
    uom_code Varchar2 (3),
    start_date Date,
    end_date date,
    level_periods Number,
    uom_per_period Number,
    advance_periods Number,
    level_amount Number,
    invoice_offset_days Number,
    interface_offset_days Number,
    comments Varchar2 (240),
    due_ARR_YN Varchar2 (1),
    AMOUNT Number,
    LINES_DETAILED_YN Varchar2 (1),
    Rule_Information1 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information2 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information3 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information4 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information_Category Varchar2 (90),
    Object1_Id1 Varchar2 (40)
    In 11.5.9, it looks like:
    TYPE StreamLvl_Type Is Record
    Rule_Id Number,
    Rule_Information1 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information2 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information3 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information4 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information5 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information6 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information7 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information8 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information9 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information10 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information11 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information12 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information13 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information14 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information15 Varchar2 (450),
    Rule_Information_Category Varchar2 (90),
    Object1_Id1 Varchar2 (40),
    Object1_Id2 Varchar2 (200),
    Object2_Id1 Varchar2 (40),
    Object2_Id2 Varchar2 (200),
    Object3_Id1 Varchar2 (40),
    Object3_Id2 Varchar2 (200),
    Jtot_Object1_Code Varchar2 (30),
    Jtot_Object2_Code Varchar2 (30),
    Jtot_Object3_Code Varchar2 (30) );
    But my extension in 11.5.9 is making use of the 11.5.9 pl/sql structure ie. rule_id, rule_information6..rule_information15 which are not available in 11.5.10.
    Can anybody suggest me, how to handle those missing values like rule_id, ..rule_information15. in 11.5.10.
    Thank You,

    Some of the information in rule groups was moved to tables. Stream info being some of it. Check the query below. I think I got it from tracing the form. It has been a while since I looked at this
    SELECT le.date_start date_start,
    le.date_end date_end,
    le.id id,
    le.amount amount ,
    le.date_revenue_rule_start date_revenue_rule_start,
    le.date_receivable_gl date_receivable_gl,
    le.date_transaction date_transaction,
    nvl(le.date_to_interface,sysdate) date_to_interface,
    le.date_due                date_due,
    le.date_completed date_completed,
    le.rul_id rul_id,
    le.date_print date_print,
    le.sequence_number     sequence_number,
    str.uom_code advance_period,
    str.uom_per_period tuom_per_period,
    str.start_date tp_start_date
    FROM oks_stream_levels_b str
    ,oks_level_elements le
    WHERE le.cle_id = /*line id here*/
    AND le.rul_id = str.id
    AND le.date_completed IS NULL
    AND trunc(nvl(le.date_to_interface,sysdate)) <= trunc(to_date('21-SEP-06'))
    AND le.date_start > nvl(to_date('25-SEP-07'), to_date('0001/01/01 00:00:01','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'))
    ORDER BY le.date_start;

  • Service Contracts Billing Schedule Creation Error

    I have a requirement of creating service contracts from back-end for which I am using the oks_contracts_pub.create_contract_header, create_service_line, and create_bill_schedule. I am creating my contracts with active status and renewal type of EVN (Header level), FUL(Line Level). My contract is of type subscription. The contract header and line are creating fine but the Bill schedule API is throwing an UNEXPECTED ERROR. The billing schedules need to be created based on accounting rule which can be quarterly or monthly. I have included the bill schedule code (hard coded values) for review. Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Also the version I am working on is R12
    l_strm_level_tbl OKS_BILL_SCH.STREAMLVL_TBL;
    v_bill_qtrs NUMBER := 0;
    v_bill_mths NUMBER := 0;
    v_bill_days NUMBER := 0;
    v_net_amount NUMBER := 468;
    v_acct_rule_name VARCHAR2(50) := 'QUARTERLY';
    v_amt_per_day NUMBER;
    x_error_locator VARCHAR2(2000);
    v_start_date DATE := '04-MAY-2010';
    v_end_date DATE := '25-MAY-2010';
    x_return_status VARCHAr2(3);
    x_msg_count NUMBER;
    x_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    v_billing_sequence NUMBER;
    x_chr_id NUMBER := 17000;
    x_line_id NUMBER := 223248604345353294444923586786456728480;
    g_day_uom VARCHAR2(10) := 'DAY';
    g_month_uom VARCHAR2(10) := 'MTH';
    g_quarter_uom VARCHAR2(10) := 'QTR';
    v_amt NUMBER;
    v_invoicing_rule_id NUMBER := -2;
    --Create Billing Schedule based on accounting rule
    v_bill_qtrs := 0;
    v_bill_days := 0;
    v_bill_mths := 0;
    SELECT NVL(v_net_amount, 0)/(v_end_date - v_start_date)
    INTO v_amt_per_day
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated amt per day ' || v_amt_per_day);
    IF v_acct_rule_name LIKE '%QUARTERLY%' THEN
    --Quarterly billing schedule
    v_end_date - ADD_MONTHS(v_start_date, (FLOOR(MONTHS_BETWEEN(v_end_date, v_start_date)/3)*3))
    INTO v_bill_qtrs,
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated the qtrs and days');
    IF v_bill_qtrs > 0 THEN
    SELECT (ADD_MONTHS(v_start_date, (FLOOR(MONTHS_BETWEEN(v_end_date, v_start_date)/3)*3)) - v_start_date)*v_amt_per_day
    INTO v_amt
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated qtr amt');
    SELECT NVL(MAX(sequence_no), 0) + 1
    INTO v_billing_sequence
    FROM oks_stream_levels_b
    WHERE dnz_chr_id = x_chr_id
    AND cle_id = x_line_id;
    --Populating the stream line variables
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).sequence_no := v_billing_sequence;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).dnz_chr_id := x_chr_id;
    -- l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).cle_id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_code := g_quarter_uom;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_per_period := 1;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_periods := v_bill_qtrs;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).start_date := v_start_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).end_date := v_end_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).invoice_offset_days := NULL;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).amount := v_amt/v_bill_qtrs;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_amount := v_amt/v_bill_qtrs;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).lines_detailed_yn := 'Y';
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).due_arr_yn := 'Y';
    dbms_output.put_line('Before calling the Bill Sch API for QTR');
    dbms_output.put_line('After calling the Bill Sch API for QTR');
    IF x_return_status <> 'S' THEN
    x_msg_count := 1;
    dbms_output.put_line('Quarterly schedule creation error ' || x_msg_data);
    -- RETURN;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    IF v_bill_days > 0 THEN
    SELECT NVL(MAX(sequence_no), 0) + 1
    INTO v_billing_sequence
    FROM oks_stream_levels_b
    WHERE dnz_chr_id = x_chr_id
    AND cle_id = x_line_id;
    dbms_output.put_line('sequence '||v_billing_sequence);
    --Populating the stream line variables
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).sequence_no := v_billing_sequence;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).dnz_chr_id := x_chr_id;
    --l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).cle_id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_code := g_day_uom;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_per_period := v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_periods := 1;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).start_date := v_start_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).end_date := v_end_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).invoice_offset_days := NULL;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).amount := v_net_amount;--v_amt_per_day*v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_amount := v_net_amount;--v_amt_per_day*v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).lines_detailed_yn := 'Y';
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).due_arr_yn := 'Y';
    dbms_output.put_line('Before calling the Bill Sch API for QTR days');
    dbms_output.put_line('After calling the Bill Sch API for QTR days ' || v_bill_days || ' ' || x_return_status);
    IF x_return_status <> 'S' THEN
    x_msg_count := 1;
    dbms_output.put_line('Day schedule, for quarterly accounting rule, creation error ' || x_msg_data);
    END IF;
    END IF;
    --Monthly billing schedule
    v_end_date - ADD_MONTHS(v_start_date, FLOOR(MONTHS_BETWEEN(v_end_date, v_start_date)))
    INTO v_bill_mths,
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated the mths and days');
    IF v_bill_mths > 0 THEN
    SELECT (ADD_MONTHS(v_start_date,FLOOR(MONTHS_BETWEEN(v_end_date, v_start_date))) - v_start_date)*v_amt_per_day
    INTO v_amt
    FROM dual;
    dbms_output.put_line('Calculated the mths amt');
    SELECT NVL(MAX(sequence_no), 0) + 1
    INTO v_billing_sequence
    FROM oks_stream_levels_b
    WHERE dnz_chr_id = x_chr_id
    AND cle_id = x_line_id;
    --Populating the stream line variables
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).sequence_no := v_billing_sequence;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).dnz_chr_id := x_chr_id;
    --l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).cle_id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_code := g_month_uom;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_per_period := 1;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_periods := v_bill_mths;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).start_date := v_start_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).end_date := v_end_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).invoice_offset_days := NULL;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).amount := v_amt/v_bill_mths;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_amount := v_amt/v_bill_mths;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).lines_detailed_yn := 'Y';
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).due_arr_yn := 'Y';
    dbms_output.put_line('Before calling the Bill Sch API for MTHS');
    dbms_output.put_line('After calling the Bill Sch API for MTHS');
    IF x_return_status <> 'S' THEN
    x_msg_count := 1;
    dbms_output.put_line('Monthly schedule creation error ' || x_msg_data);
    END IF;
    END IF;
    IF v_bill_days > 0 THEN
    SELECT NVL(MAX(sequence_no), 0) + 1
    INTO v_billing_sequence
    FROM oks_stream_levels_b
    WHERE dnz_chr_id = x_chr_id
    AND cle_id = x_line_id;
    --Populating the stream line variables
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).sequence_no := v_billing_sequence;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).dnz_chr_id := x_chr_id;
    --l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).cle_id := x_line_id;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_code := g_day_uom;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).uom_per_period := v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_periods := 1;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).start_date := v_start_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).end_date := v_end_date;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).invoice_offset_days := NULL;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).amount := v_amt_per_day*v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).level_amount := v_amt_per_day*v_bill_days;
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).lines_detailed_yn := 'Y';
    l_strm_level_tbl(v_billing_sequence).due_arr_yn := 'Y';
    dbms_output.put_line('Before calling the Bill Sch API for MTH days');
    dbms_output.put_line('After calling the Bill Sch API for MTH days');
    IF x_return_status <> 'S' THEN
    x_msg_count := 1;
    dbms_output.put_line('Day schedule, for monthly accounting rule, creation error ' || x_msg_data);
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('Error ' || sqlerrm);

    Hi There,
    I have a similar requirement to create rental service contracts and create billing schedules.
    Can you please pass on your functional docs so that i can refer to them.

  • Changing Billing Schedule Level for OM originated Service Contracts

    When we create a Service Contract from Order Management, the Billing Schedule Level is always set to Top Level and only one Billing Stream gets created.
    Can we get the Billing Schedule Level changed to other Levels viz., Equal Amount or Covered Level using any setups.
    Has anyone did any customization/extension to be able to change the Billing Schedule Level.
    The basic requirement is to have multiple billing streams for the contract, created from Order Management.
    Gurus, any ideas/suggestions to get this accomodated.

    I don't think you are on the right track (in my opinion). You are right that we can only create service contract from the order management (service or Extended Warranty Lines).
    If I understood correctly, you sell electronic subscriptions (like my internet service I have at home) and you are looking for way to take it from the order management so that you can bill it from Contracts and not from OM. As this is electronic service, looks like you do not have fulfill any tangible product (like magazines) from contracts. Hence you do not care about the schedule for the contract shipments. Is that correct?
    As this is not something Oracle offers (I did not find anyway), you may want to consider extending OM workflow or a batch program to create a subscription contract once the order line is fulfilled (not the program where we create service contract). This way you have flexibility to create the contract the way you want it.
    But you can always create a service contract covering a subscription item as covered product. Like I have internet service as subscription but they cover me for any incidental visits of technicians for this subscription charging me some amount every month.

  • Changing Billing Schedule Level for Service Contracts created in OM

    When we create a Service Contract from Order Management, the Billing Schedule Level is always set to Top Level and only one Billing Stream gets created.
    Can we get the Billing Schedule Level changed to other Levels viz., Equal Amount or Covered Level using any setups.
    Has anyone did any customization/extension to be able to change the Billing Schedule Level.
    The basic requirement is to have multiple billing streams for the contract, created from Order Management.
    Gurus, any ideas/suggestions to get this accomodated.

    I don't think you are on the right track (in my opinion). You are right that we can only create service contract from the order management (service or Extended Warranty Lines).
    If I understood correctly, you sell electronic subscriptions (like my internet service I have at home) and you are looking for way to take it from the order management so that you can bill it from Contracts and not from OM. As this is electronic service, looks like you do not have fulfill any tangible product (like magazines) from contracts. Hence you do not care about the schedule for the contract shipments. Is that correct?
    As this is not something Oracle offers (I did not find anyway), you may want to consider extending OM workflow or a batch program to create a subscription contract once the order line is fulfilled (not the program where we create service contract). This way you have flexibility to create the contract the way you want it.
    But you can always create a service contract covering a subscription item as covered product. Like I have internet service as subscription but they cover me for any incidental visits of technicians for this subscription charging me some amount every month.

  • R12.1 Update Billing Schedule Pattern - API Required

    Hi All,
    Is there any Oracle supported APIs that may be available to update the billing schedule patterns in OKS contracts module in R12.1?

    Hi There,
    I have a similar requirement to create rental service contracts and create billing schedules.
    Can you please pass on your functional docs so that i can refer to them.

  • Billing Doc from a Contract with WBS, how to ??

    Hello there !!!
    I need to make a billing doc from a rental contract MV against a WBS Element, i cant see the field on the position of the contract.
    Can you tell me if there is a way to make this field visible for the position of the contract?
    or what changes do i have to do in the copy control from the contract to the billing doc so it can take the WBS from the header or the contract to the position in the billing doc.

    Wow, can't believe I didn't see that - I looked in all the "International" sections, just not in the "Phone" section. Duh. Tried calling and it working (flashes an "international" warning while dialing).
    The curious thing is that this was already enabled. I'd tried texting someone else who was in India with me and he never received it, so I assumed I wasn't dialing correctly. Perhaps the problem is only with texting, or only with my friend's phone. In any case, if the problem reappears, this gets me closer to troubleshooting it.
    Thanks, all!

  • Project Pro hangs while opening a schedule from Project 2010 server.

    We have an issue with opening a schedule from Project server 2010. Project client is not responding. when we try to open schedule in PWA. I am getting unable to open file do you want to open in default view. No matter which view I choose keep getting the
    same error. The only view i can see resource view however it will not let me edit. I did notice Project Manager had entered resource names first, last name format which do not exist in our resource pool.  We can open other schedule except this particular
    Thank you

    Obviously, my first thoughts are that this plan is corrupted in some fashion. Entering Resource names differentluy should not cause this issue, they will just not be recognized as Enterprise Resources by the system.
    Are you experiencing the issue if you try to open the schedule from PWA? If you are able to open from PWA, try publishing it from PWA and see if it throws any errors.
    Also, how about trying it from a different machine?
    And finally, it might be worthwhile to check if you have the latest Client Update for Project installed (or atleast matching with the server).
    If none fof these work,
    a) you could try restoring it from Archive Database (assuming you have a daily schedule backup running)
    b) If you are able to open it from another machine, you could use the "Save for sharing" feature to try and resolve any corruption with the schedule itself.
    Prasanna Adavi,PMP,MCTS,MCITP,MCT http://thinkepm.blogspot.com

  • I created an new apple id and want to change my billing information from the old id to the new id. How do i do that, as i have been trying it like always and it keeps saying that i have to contact apple support? I have an iphone 5S.

    I created an new apple id and want to change my billing information from the old id to the new id. How do i do that, as i have been trying it like always and it keeps saying that i have to contact apple support? I have an iphone 5S.

    Good day BenithaK,
    Once you have changed your Apple ID, you need to set it up for use in the various systems such as iTunes, the App Store, etc so it can be used as intended. This article shows how to do that -
    Apple ID: What to do after you change your Apple ID - Apple Support
    To change your iTunes billing information for either Apple ID account, follow the directions in this article -
    iTunes 12 for Mac: Manage your iTunes Store account
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Safe computing,
    Brett L 

  • HT201318 I registered my apple ID and Icloud with a US address, and live in Switzerland. I do not own a US credit card. Now that I need to buy more storage with my swiss credit card, I can't change the country's billing address from the US to my swiss one

    I registered my apple ID and Icloud with a US address, and live in Switzerland. I do not own a US credit card. Now that I need to buy more storage with my swiss credit card, I can't change the country's billing address from the US to my swiss one. HELP PLS?

    Did you actually watch the movie? You get 30 days in which to view it and if you didn't watch it, that could be why you are getting that message. If you have watched the movie and you're sure that is has expired by now, contact iTunes Store Support and seek their help.
    Change the country in the upper left. - and click on Purchases, billing and redemption to proceed.

  • Copy BILLING PLANS from Quotation to Sales Order.

    Hi Guys,
    I am trying to copy the billing plans from quotation to sales order(SO), when CREATED BY REFERENCE from quotation.
    Quotation HEADER LEVEL Billing plans -> SO Header Level Billing plans
    Quotation ITEM LEVEL Billing plans -> SO ITEM LEVEL Billing plans
    I have already tried to use copy control routine 402 by adding a statments to copy internal table CPFLT to XFPLT. It did not work.
    I will appreciate if somebody can tell how to accomplish this task. It is for ECC 6.00

    Hi Manoj,
    I know its very late to provide the solution. Thought of sharing since I had a similar requirement as yours and got the solution.
    Here is the Solution::::
    1) Let 402 routine stay in the config and do not add any custom code in it.
    2) In TCode: VTAA , in FPLA tab, copy the routine 251 (Conditions) and copy the below mentioned code..thats it...
    *{   INSERT         ECDK900223                                        1
    XFPLT-UPDKZ = 'I'.
    UPD_FPLT = 'I'.
    *}   INSERT
    Now you should be able to copy the Billing plan from Quotation into Sales Order.
    Reward if helpful

  • Outline agreement or automatic schedule from scheduling agreement

    Hello Master's,
    Plz find the below workflow which will brief u abt the complete process;-
    1.User raises indent(me51n) and then releases(me54n) else as per our MRP, indent/PR gets generated automatically.
    2. Standard Practice is that we invite offers, negotiate and place order (me21n) else f we have rate contract for any item we go for direct ordering (me21n) and then get it released (me29n)
    For around 20-30k material codes we have rate contract finalized with various suppliers for a period of time.
    When we find any indent/pr falling into this category, we dont invite offer but go for ordering as per the finalized price. The price is maintained in excel or pdf format.
    Problem is we want to map material codes with vendor and rates associated with the contract.
    For this either we have to go for outline agreement(me31k) of scheduling agreement(me31l) so that whenever any indent/PR gets generated in this category, order/delivery schedule will be generated automatically in SAP.
    Points in which i need help from you:-
    1. How to generate automatic po from outline agreement or automatic schedule from scheduling agreement.
    2. complete understanding of the difference between outline agreement and scheduling agreement.

    Hi Nilson,
    The data contained within the global outline agreement is distributed as purchasing contracts or scheduling agreements to the backend systems of the release-authorized purchasing organizations of the relevant corporate group. These purchasing organizations can then use the purchasing contracts or scheduling agreements according to the terms agreed centrally within the global outline agreement.
    For more details.

  • Creation of Multiple billing documents from a Single sales order

    Hi Experts,
    How can we create many billing documents from a Single sales order.
    Will it be possible we create a Sales order with bigger quantity and then keep on creating partial billing documents based on the billing quantities and dates.
    Request you all for a solution.

    Hi ,
    1. If Qty is one number - based on value of the order - it is possible to create different billing doc.'s based on billing date and value using billing plan , again these are periodic billing or milestone billing
    2. Using Contract process- create material /qty contract- release partial qty  by creating release document and create billing document w.r.t to contract or release document (sales order)

  • When I'm trying to download an app, it says that I have a billing problem from an earlier purchase so I can't download anything. How can I fix it?

    Whenever I try to download or redox load an app, a sign says I need to sign in. I do, but it then says I have a billing problem from an earlier purchase and I don't have money on the card so I can't put anything even though I tried. How can I get rid of the card on my ipod?? 

    Sounds like you have an outstanding balance. You have to pay that of before you can make purchases, even free ones. Add a valid payment method to your account
    Why can’t I select None when I edit my payment information?
    If you want to contact iTunes
    Contact iTunes

  • Item split (into 2 lines) in billing document from one delivery (VF01)

    I need to split one item of one delivery into 2 items of billing (via VF01). Example:
    - I have a delivery 80941805 that has only one line with item material XXX and quantity 1000
    - I wish to create a billing document (from the delivery above) with 2 lines with the item XXX. First line with quantity 600, second line with quantity 400 (both the same material XXX). This is necessary due to different taxes in each line, one with taxes, other without taxes (different tax codes).
    It´s possible via some standard function or user-exit ?
    Best regards,
    Leandro Mengue

    ***This is under development !!! Only for tests purposes!!! ***
    Actually I working on a example routine where I split the itens in two lines (each line) with the half of original quantity each one.
    include LV60AB01:
    data: wx_lips like alips occurs 0 with header line.
    append lines of alips to wx_lips.
    loop at wx_lips.
      wx_lips-J_1BCFOP(1) = '7'.
      wx_lips-sortfeld+5(1) = '1'.
      modify wx_lips.
    append lines of wx_lips to alips.
    loop at alips.
      alips-lfimg = alips-lfimg / 2.
      alips-lgmng = alips-lgmng / 2.
      alips-ntgew = alips-ntgew / 2.
      alips-brgew = alips-brgew / 2.
      alips-volum = alips-volum / 2.
      modify alips.
    Include LV60AA22: (to be possible process the same line item two times)...
       read table xvbup with key vbeln = lips-vbeln
                              posnr = lips-posnr.
       xvbup-fksta = 'A'.
       modify xvbup index sy-tabix.
    Contributions and comments will be apreciated !!!
    Best regards,
    Leandro Mengue

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