Outbound workflow 12.0.6

Regarding workflow outbound mails. The outbound server is set to the servername that is hosting the concurrent managers. This is working and seems to be sending sendmail. This is normally smpt address.
Does anyone else have their outbound using their hosting server ie sendmail for outbound.
Looks like autoconfig has overwritten this from smpt server back to host server. But still seems to be working as looks like sendmail has picked it up and smpt is running on port 25.
thanks in advance

What is your OS, OS version, E-business Suite Version and Database version.

Similar Messages

  • KIMYONG: Outbound Workflow Notification Event Message 를 tracking하는 방법

    Outbound Workflow Notification Event Message 가 발송됐으나 user가 받아보지 못한경우 가 발생했으나 user
    이를 tracking하는 방법을 알아보고자 한다.
    1. notification 이 발송될때 oracle.apps.wf.notification.send event발생한다
    event key 로 Notification ID 를 사용한다.
    2. 다음 조건에서만 The e-mail notification이 발송된다.
    i) Notification status is OPEN or CANCELED
    ii) Notification mail_status is MAIL or INVALID
    SELECT status, mail_status
    FROM wf_notifications
    WHERE notification_id = '&nid';
    iii) Recipient Role has a valid e-mail address and notification preference is in the format MAIL%
    SELECT email_address,
    nvl(WF_PREF.get_pref(name, 'MAILTYPE'),notification_preference)
    FROM wf_roles
    WHERE name = upper('&recipient_role');
    iv) Workflow Deferred Agent Listener is running
    v) Workflow Notification Mailer is running
    3. e-mail로 발송되기전 message가 2번 정지한다.
    Raised --> WF_DEFERRED Queue --> Processed by Deferred Agent Listener --> WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT Queue --> Processed by Notification Mailer and sent as e-mail
    4. oracle.apps.wf.notification.send을 dispatch 할때 error가 발생하면
    message 는WF_ERROR queue에 enqueue되고 .
    Error Agent Listener 가 WF_XML.Error_Rule 을 수행하는 oracle.apps.wf.notification.send 의
    ERROR subscription 을 dispatch합니다.
    5. notification id 와 WF_DEFERRED and WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue 의 message stauts 등을 확인하기 위해 $FND_TOP/sql/wfmlrdbg.sql 를 수행합니다.
    PROCESSED in WF_DEFERRED - The message is enqueued to WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT
    PROCESSED in WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT - The message is sent as e-mail
    READY in WF_DEFERRED - Check if Deferred Agent Listener is running
    READY in WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT - Check if Notification Mailer is running
    6. notification id 의 outbound XML message 를 분석합니다.
    . The wfmlrdbg.sql output provides the XML message generated by WF_XML.Generate at the time the script is run. If the original XML message used by the mailer is required to be analyzed following SQL may be used.
    SELECT tab.user_data.text_lob text_lob
    FROM applsys.aq$wf_notification_out tab
    WHERE dbms_lob.instr(tab.user_data.text_lob,'&1') > 0
    7. 필요하다면 WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue 를 rebuild 합니다.
    The wfntfqup.sql script rebuilds the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue by dropping and recreating
    that queue, removing pending notification messages from the WF_DEFERRED queue, and
    repopulating the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue from the Oracle Workflow Notification System
    Wfntfqup.sql Version >=115.9
    If you have implemented Oracle Alert and the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue contains any pending
    alert e-mail messages, those messages must be processed before the queue can be rebuilt. The
    wfntfqup.sql script checks the queue for any alert e-mail messages and, if it finds any, the
    script returns an error message that specifies how many alert e-mail messages are pending
    and indicates that these messages must be processed before the script can run.
    Wfntfqup.sql Version <= 115.8
    If you have implemented Oracle Alert and the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue contains any pending
    alert e-mail messages, those messages must be processed before the queue can be rebuilt. The
    wfntfqup.sql script checks the queue for any alert e-mail messages and, if it finds any,
    exits without performing any changes.
    Stop Notification Mailer, rebuild Mailer Queue using $FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/wfntfqup.sql.
    Note 433359.1

    Thanks for your update.
    I have checked as per the metalink doc "242941.1" . i am getting below message only for IMAP.
    *C:\prod\scripts>%AFJVAPRG% -classpath %AF_CLASSPATH% -Dprotocol=imap  -Ddbcfile=
    c:\prod\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\secure\PROD_qlng-s-012\prod.dbc -Dserver=qlng-s-003.
    qalhatlng.int -Dport=995 -Dconnect_timeout=120 -Ddebug=Y -Daccount=oracle1@qlng
    .om -Dpassword=System123 -DdebugMailSession=Y oracle.apps.fnd.wf.mailer.Mailer
    MLRTST : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Logger.Logger(String, int) : Logging to System.o
    ut until necessary parameters are retrieved for Logger to be properly started.
    DEBUG: getProvider() returning javax.mail.Provider[STORE,imap,com.sun.mail.imap.
    IMAPStore,Sun Microsystems, Inc]*
    Kindly suggest need to any setup in ms exchange server or firewall level.

  • How to purge Workflow queue after R12 upgrade before starting WF Mailer?

    We are about to upgrade to R12.1.3 from R11.5.9.
    As part of the testing, I configured and started the Workflow Mailer in the new system. As soon as I did that, the system started sending a ton of notifications regarding past Requisition approvals apparently queued in the system. WF Mailer has been down since I did the last upgrade test.
    We plan to approve all requisitions before the cutover in the old system, so there should be no email notifications pending. Is there a way of updating msg_state of those notifications in the wf_notification_out table with a value of "READY", so we can make sure that we will have a clean system and users will not receive any notifications regarding the past requisition approvals?

    Please see these docs.
    Note: 847889.1 - Stop Workflow Notification Emails During Clone
    Note: 828812.1 - How To Stop Old Outbound Workflow Notification Email Messages During Clone Activity
    Note: 603003.1 - How To Remove Workflow Data On A Test Or Cloned Instance
    Note: 372933.1 - How to purge e-mail notifications from the workflow queue so the e-mail is not sent
    Note: 736508.1 - How to Cancel Email Notifications for Particular Workflow Type

  • What is the workflow document web services service?

    Workflow approval message is stuck in the inbox. It mail_status is mail. It's status is open.
    I can see the approval message in the inbox and it is holding up other emails as it's just sitting there.
    I can't see any reason for it to be sitting there so I bounced the WF Notification Mailer using:
    service_components -> WorkflowMailer Service -> Stop All wait for it to stop completely then -> start all
    So after starting all -> the workflow services (all 3 ) State is Activated, but there is a Big red X in the Status and the status of the workflow I'm trying to get out of the inbox is still open.
    There is nothing in the logs yet so I can't see what that big red X means.
    So I decide to stop and start the WF services one by one.
    I stop workflow document web services service first. As soon as it starts to stop, the Worfkflow agent listener and the Workflow Mailer suddenly start up, the big red X goes away and the messages in the inbox all process.
    What's up with that? What is " the workflow document web services service?" and why is it hanging my Mailer?

    What is the application release?
    what is the workflow document web services service?Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide -- Page 7-75
    Workflow approval message is stuck in the inbox. It mail_status is mail. It's status is open.
    I can see the approval message in the inbox and it is holding up other emails as it's just sitting there.Can you find any errors in the Workflow log file?
    A Guide For Troubleshooting Workflow Notification Emails - Inbound and Outbound [ID 831982.1]
    Outbound Workflow Email Notification is Not Received [ID 370327.1]
    How to Perform a Meaningful SMTP Telnet Test to Troubleshoot Java Mailer Issues [ID 753845.1]
    What to Review When Notifications are not Emailed (Outbound Processing) ? [ID 1051421.1]
    Also, see old threads for similar discussion.
    Receive Workflow Notification

  • Unwanted emails from workflow mailer

    Users are getting thousands of emails thorugh mailer which was failed 2 months back.
    Please let me know how can i trouble shoot this issue.

    Please see if these documents help.
    Note: 736508.1 - How to Cancel Email Notifications for Particular Workflow Type
    Note: 372933.1 - How to purge e-mail notifications from the workflow queue so the e-mail is not sent
    Note: 847889.1 - Stop Workflow Notification Emails During Clone
    Note: 828812.1 - How To Stop Old Outbound Workflow Notification Email Messages During Clone Activity
    Note: 603003.1 - How To Remove Workflow Data On A Test Or Cloned Instance

  • Single notification email for all users

    Hi friends,
    Is there any way of setting a single notification email for all users in oracle 11i so that all the notification email goes to that email address (for test purpose only)?
    thanks in advance.

    See MOS Doc 562551.1 (Workflow Java Mailer FAQ ) and search for "override address". More details in MOS Doc 828812.1 (How To Stop Old Outbound Workflow Notification Email Messages During Clone Activity)

  • EBS Access Request  - In Preferences. on

    Using Oracle Apps Version : on Linux - Red Hat AS 4.5 DB version on HP Unix - Itanium 11.23
    I need to know about the Access Request option in Preferences.
    1. Having a sysadmin role how do i set this feature for users, Are there any profiles to be set.
    2. There is a option where you can get the list of roles from which a user can select an request for a new role.
    Can i set this Division specific for different Users., In my case i am not able to get the list of all the roles defined in the system.
    3. How is the Workflow working in this case.
    Can i set the WF in such a way that when the user request for a new role before the sysadmin grants him the role
    the request should go to the respective Division head and the Functional head for approval, can i configure these
    options if yes, what is the procedure.
    Can anyone guide on this issue?
    Thanks ,
    Edited by: user11114888 on Apr 29, 2009 11:01 AM

    I am able to access the doc in the link above. Pl also see these MOS Docs
    369539.1 - Unable To Get Register Here Link
    468971.1 - Tips For Personalizing The E-Business Suite 11i Login Page (AppsLocalLogin)
    399766.1 - Reset Password Functionality FAQ
    473222.1 - How To Enable Self-Service UI Attribute Links In E-Business Login Page?
    At a high level, the process involves the following -
    1. Setting profile options appropriately
    2. Enabling outbound workflow notifications and inbound processing
    3. Modifying workflow UMXREGWF appropriately

  • SQLScript or Shell Script to Determine if Notification Mailer has gone down

    Does anyone have a SQLScript or UNIX command which determines if the Workflow Notification mailers have unexpectedly died?

    It looks like the GSM Service Components can be running/stopped independent of the concurrent manager queues that normally start/stop them from Administer Managers or start_all/stop_all in OAM Generic Services. You could simply monitor fnd_svc_components, or use any of the SQLs below. If you search Metalink for FND_SVC_COMPONENTS, you will find a few articles that describe monitoring techniques.
    SELECT component_name, component_status
    FROM fnd_svc_components
    WHERE component_type = 'WF_MAILER';
    SQL> SELECT q.concurrent_queue_name||':'||d.user_concurrent_queue_name||':'||
    DECODE(p.process_status_code,'A','$UP', '$DOWN')||':'||
    DECODE(q.concurrent_queue_name,'WFMLRSVC','GSM Status: '||c.component_status))
    FROM fnd_concurrent_queues q,
    fnd_concurrent_queues_tl d,
    fnd_concurrent_processes p,
    fnd_svc_components c
    WHERE q.concurrent_queue_name LIKE 'WF%'
    AND q.enabled_flag = 'Y'
    AND c.component_id = 10006
    AND q.concurrent_queue_id=d.concurrent_queue_id
    AND q.concurrent_queue_id = p.concurrent_queue_id(+)
    AND p.process_status_code(+) = 'A'
    WFWSSVC:Workflow Document Web Services Service:$UP:16418:
    WFALSNRSVC:Workflow Agent Listener Service:$UP:16422:
    WFMLRSVC:Workflow Mailer Service:$UP:16419:GSM Status: DEACTIVATED_USER
    SQL> /
    WFWSSVC:Workflow Document Web Services Service:$UP:16418:
    WFALSNRSVC:Workflow Agent Listener Service:$UP:16422:
    WFMLRSVC:Workflow Mailer Service:$UP:16419:GSM Status: RUNNING
    APPS.FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES fcp, fnd_svc_components fsc
    where fcq.MANAGER_TYPE = fcs.SERVICE_ID
    and fsc.concurrent_queue_id = fcq.concurrent_queue_id(+)
    and fcq.concurrent_queue_id = fcp.concurrent_queue_id(+)
    and fcq.application_id = fcp.queue_application_id(+)
    and fcp.process_status_code(+) = 'A'
    order by fcp.OS_PROCESS_ID, fsc.STARTUP_MODE;
    How to Check Whether Notification Mailer is Working or Not
    How To Receive An Alert When The Workflow Notification Mailer Crashes Post ATG RUP4
    Outbound Workflow Email Notification is Not Received

  • Stopping email notifications post cloning

    I have a situation here. I have already cloned the Production and cloned instance is ready and running. For testing some notifications, i did the following so that all users doesn't get the notifications.
    a) Disabled all the alerts defined using Oracle Alerts
    b) update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set mail_status = 'SENT' where mail_status = 'MAIL';
    c) Used email overriding options and put my email id there.
    After doing all these I started the smtp service on the server. In spite of this, many users got mail from the TEST server. Did I miss something? How to prevent it completely and still retaining the capabilities of testing email notifications.

    Please confirm that you have completed all the steps in these docs.
    Stop Workflow Notification Emails During Clone [ID 847889.1]
    How To Stop Old Outbound Workflow Notification Email Messages During Clone Activity [ID 828812.1]
    Also, please see old threads for similar topic/discussion.

  • Action Notifications

    I have a few action notifications where the recepient is supposed to take some action on the notification. The notifications are going out fine but the problem is when they try to do an action by opening the mail like Approve or Reject, it opens up an email with % in the To field. Can anyone please help me here.

    Workflow Mailer from 11.5.9 supports IMAP for inbound processing. Following is how it works.
    1. Outbound - Workflow mailer send all the e-mails to the recipients using the SMTP server that you specify as part of the mailer configuration. The user now receives e-mails that requires to be responded.
    2. Inbound - User clicks on a link in the e-mail that opens up a new e-mail compose window with content populated automatically. This e-mail response should be sent back to the mailer that sent the original e-mail to the recipient. When we say it should be sent back to the mailer, it means to an e-mail address that is set in Reply To configuration parameter of the mailer.
    This e-mail address is like any other e-mail address whose account is created on an IMAP server. For example, if you specifiy [email protected] as the Reply To address for the mailer, all the e-mail responses are sent to this address.
    The mailer should also be configured apart from Reply To address... to read e-mails sent to this e-mail address. Following configuration parameters should be set for the mailer to match the Reply To address.
    IMAP Account - Typically mycompany.com
    IMAP Username - Typically wf_account
    IMAP Password - Password for the IMAP user
    Inbox - IMAP by default uses Inbox folder to store all incoming messages
    Discard, Processed - User-created IMAP folders to store messages after processing.
    Please note that the above information entered in the mailer's configuration is used by the mailer to receive response e-mails sent to the Reply To address [email protected] Mailer works the same way you would use Outlook to connect to this e-mail address, read e-mails and move them to appropriate folders. Mailer is in this case an e-mail client in itself, connecting to an IMAP account, reading e-mails and moving them to folders.

  • Stop emails going out to external mail domains

    Hi All,
    Oracle Apps:12.1.1
    O/S: Redhat Linux 64 bits
    Is there a way to stop emails going out to external mail domains from Wf Mailer.
    Currently we are converting all suppliers with their real email ids. Is there a way to stop emails going out to external mail domains? This issue will arise as soon as someone run the payments and then vendor will automatically start receiving the emails from our test environment.
    Thanks for your time!

    This topic has been discussed before - pl use the search feature of the forums
    How To Stop Old Outbound Workflow Notification Email Messages During Clone Activity (Doc ID 828812.1)

  • What is the index service index codes for nokia info message services?

    Is there an ee service information message service and if so is there a numerical index codes list?

    What is the application release?
    what is the workflow document web services service?Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide -- Page 7-75
    Workflow approval message is stuck in the inbox. It mail_status is mail. It's status is open.
    I can see the approval message in the inbox and it is holding up other emails as it's just sitting there.Can you find any errors in the Workflow log file?
    A Guide For Troubleshooting Workflow Notification Emails - Inbound and Outbound [ID 831982.1]
    Outbound Workflow Email Notification is Not Received [ID 370327.1]
    How to Perform a Meaningful SMTP Telnet Test to Troubleshoot Java Mailer Issues [ID 753845.1]
    What to Review When Notifications are not Emailed (Outbound Processing) ? [ID 1051421.1]
    Also, see old threads for similar discussion.
    Receive Workflow Notification

  • Workflow outbound notification not displaying certain information

    Hi All,
    We have an issue with PO notification. Randomly some of the PO approval notification emails are not displaying certain feilds like Ship-to, bill-to and PO Number, but it displays the PO lines properly. Also this is only happening for POs having attachments.
    Blank fields in PO Approval Emails
    Have found a bug "Bug 2646120: E-MAILED PO DOES NOT DISPLAY ADDRESSES OF SUPPLIER, SHIP-TO OR BILL-TO" in metalink which is similar , but it seems to be setup issue. In our case issue is getting fixed after we bounce notification mailer. I think this is happening because of workflow reaching certain limits or either some or other bug with workflow. Please let me know if any one had similar experiences.

    Hi Hussain,
    We are on and OS is RHEL 5, issue is that at the moment i dont have access to logs (I hoping to see errors similar to out of memory ;-) to justify the case) . Was checking whether any one has seen similar issues and are there any limitations with mail size/attachment size for workfow outbound notification. I could not get this info in metalink or google.

  • Outbound Idoc through Workflow in CRM

    Consider this scenario, I need to create an opportunity document through Idoc inbound in CRM 4.0. There are certain validations done at the XIF layers as well as the application layer.
    In case if there are any errors in the Idoc or  errors the opportunity document created(application level errors), I need to send an outbound Idoc containing complete inbound Idoc data with certain rejection codes.
    Can some body let me know the best way to achieve this. I
    If this can be achieved through workflow, please provide the complete details on how to go about this.
    Thanks  In Advance,

    Consider this scenario, I need to create an opportunity document through Idoc inbound in CRM 4.0. There are certain validations done at the XIF layers as well as the application layer.
    In case if there are any errors in the Idoc or  errors the opportunity document created(application level errors), I need to send an outbound Idoc containing complete inbound Idoc data with certain rejection codes.
    Can some body let me know the best way to achieve this. I
    If this can be achieved through workflow, please provide the complete details on how to go about this.
    Thanks  In Advance,

  • Outbound Error Processing via Workflow

    Can anybody help ??
    I want to trigger my own workflow (Customized workflow not standard), whenever an outbound IDOC is in error status.
    Please help !!

    Please check this link...
    <i><b>Raja Sekhar</b></i>

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