Over Render of Clips

Does anyone have any advice as to why Color sometimes will render an entire clip from FCP instead of just the portion of that clip that was sent to color in the sequence. I have a 4 second clip that is in my color sequence and when it renders
it seems to want to render the entirety of this clip as if it is referencing the original 4 minute long clip. I have encountered this before and it seems to only happen sporadically on certain clips with no reason behind it. Waiting for a 4 second clip to render is a lot different than waiting for the whole 4 minute clip to render.
The original clip was shot at 100fps, is this why?
Any ideas?

Yes, Color renders the entire source duration of any clips with speed adjustments, relying on the XML to line it all up later. As with everything to do with Color, prep is king and a Media Mangle leaving modest handles before sending will avoid this issue.

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    Before I ask you to check permissions on the drive you save your material and output files, try creating a new project, copy everything from the old one in it (highlight-copy-paste in new project) and save as with a new name. Does this work?

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    Welcome to the discussions.
    Next time, please use the SEARCH function in the upper right hand side of the forums as this question pops up daily.
    #28 Having to render every clip in the timeling
    Shane's Stock Answer #28: When I put a clip in the timline, I have to render it before it will play. Why?
    Your clip settings MUST match your timeline settings. If you have DV/NTSC material, you need a DV/NTSC timeline. The frame rate, audio rate and dimensions (4:3, 16:9) all need to match exactly.
    The most important thing you need to do is properly set up your project from the start. It is always advisable to use the Easy Setups. Here is an in-depth article on the topic:
    "There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!"

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    Quote: "by MartinR"
    "A common cause of constant rendering is when your clip properties do not match your sequence settings. In FCE, your Easy Setup will determine the sequence settings when you create a new sequence.
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    You should trash iMovie's preference file and try again with the photos.
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    Simply use Dynamic Link to send your whole timeline to AE or use AE's Premiere project import. Then once you have a working AE project, you can use scripts like rdPreCompose to create separate sub-comps for each clip which in turn you then can render separately. Still, the limitation will always be the kind of transitions you use. Essentialyl you should avoid anything that isn't a hard cut or simple cross dissolve 'cos there's no way to recreate it in AE without eating up the handle of your footage. You'd essentialyl be shooting yourself in teh foot if you jump ahead too far in Premiere and already add too much finishing there.

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    Welcome to the forum.
    Is this Audio muxed (combined into a Clip w/ both Audio & Video), or is it a separate Audio-only file, that has been Imported into your Project?
    If the latter, just drag an Instance of it to a free Audio Track, and position, as is needed. Note: each Instance of a Clip can have different In & Out Poiints, so you are not limited to them being identical.
    For the former, the muxed file, there are a couple of ways to do that, but possibily the easiest is to Alt-click on the Audio part of the Clip (temporarily unlinks the Audio & Video), and Ctrl-C (Copy), then move the CTI (Current Time Indicator/Playhead) to the end of the Timeline, and press Ctrl-V (Paste), for as many Instances of that Audio, as you need. Then, drag them to an empty Audio Track, while holding down the Ctrl key for an Insert Edit, rather than a Ripple Edit, so as to not affect anything on that Track, below the desired Video Clip. If you are replacing the Audio.
    Another way to do that is to use an audio-editing program to rip the Audio, Save as a PCM/WAV @ 48KHz 16-bit file, and then Import that into the Project, for use in many Instances.
    Good luck, and hope that helps,

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    Thanks, Steve...

    I would use the CUTAWAY function for this.
    First, go into IMOVIE/PREFERENCES and make sure that the Advanced Tools are enabled.
    Put the full video clip (with the audio you need) in your project.
    Drag the second clip in and drop it on the frame of video where you want it to start.
    When a popup menu appears, choose CUTAWAY.

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    ok, until Apple fixes that nightmare, I want a workaround. I thought I had it:
    if you hit control+r you tell FCPx to 'render selection.'  its right there in the menu.
    but its a lie. what it SHOULD read in the menu is: 'render selection, if it is not already marked as having been rendered.'  This is a problem for me, because FCPx FREQUENTLY SCREWS UP TRANSITION RENDERS*.
    *ok, I think I've said it enough, time for an example:
    imagine a crossfade, standard, stock crossfade, using the standard timing... EVERYTHING is standard. Well, How would you feel if you were scrubbing an otherwise perfect edit... to find that your crossfades... ALL OF THEM... pop the resulting image, into the first frame of the transition? I bet you'd be mad.
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    point is. FCPx has a wonderful editor. its a joy to use. But its chock FULL of bugs, and its so SMUG that it doesn't provide ANY workarounds. The Documentation is a joke. So I'm here... trying to find a way To FORCE FCPx to re-render something IT thinks is already rendered. the smug jerk.

    OP here.
    I'd like to make a few comments.
    Apple has been slowly fixing critical bugs in FCPx, I'm happy with the direction things are headed. But we still have a long way to go.
    the "delete Project Render Files" option is a late edition, and I "think" it is meant to address this specific issue. I find however that in practice, it introduces as many problems as it solves. deleting the project render files forces a re-render on the entire timeline, and as stated way back in the OP, FCPX screws up transition renders. 
    Let me dig into that a little bit. Randomly, FCPx will cut out the first frame of a transiton, creating a jarring full frame jump (as it skips to the second frame) just at the front of a transition, and fill the last frame with black. All I want to do at this maddening point is force FCPX to re-render specific parts of the show, one at a time, because if I ask it to render the other stuff, invariably I will be subjected to the same amount of render bugs I am trying to eliminate. (or more) FCPX does this randomly, so if I can force it to re-render only a specific segment, there's a chance it won't render that bit incorrectly. And with finite control, I can step through and fix each transition, forcing as many re-renders as necessary, always getting closer to done, rather than starting from scratch at every step.
    so, the tip is appreciated, it just doesn't answer my needs. I like FCPX, and sometimes its a dream but it is still riddled with critical bugs and the lack of percision control over the system is a design flaw, IMHO.

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