Palm Desktop Opens Maximized

Not a major problem - just annoying.  Every time I open the new Palm Desktop v6.22 by Access (on Vista), it opens maximed on the screen, and I need to click to restore to regular size on my desktop.  Is there a setting or registry entry that will open the application normal sized, not maximized?
Treo 755P -Verizon
Windows Vista
Palm Desktop 6.22 
Post relates to: Treo 755p (Verizon)

Right click the Palm Desktop icon on your desktop and click on Properties. Then go to the shortcut tab. You should see a drop down box labeled "Run" This is the control feature you're looking for.
Post relates to: None

Similar Messages

  • Palm not syncing + Palm Desktop won't open (error message says FILE IS BUSY)

    Drama players = Tungsten e2+Mac OS X 10.5.4
                                   Tungsten e2+Mac OS X 10.4.1 
    I've been trying to hotsync my palm to Mac laptop for a few hours everyday for  5 days now - I've visited all the forums, bought a new laptop (this was incidental rather than caused by the palm problem)
    ...At first I got the "transport monitor" missing error - I followed support forums' suggestions.  It didn't work.  Hotsync would not happen; and neither would palm desktop open.  i don't use any other programs to sync (not isync, not outlook, etc) Only ever use Palm for like 10 years now.
    This problem persisted in both my 3-yr old mac and the brand new mac-
    I also tried installing pam desktop  from the online palm support site.
    I've since re-installed palm desktop a few times and handheld says "hotsync operation complete" However, Palm Desktop will not open and I get this error -- "file is busy"  
    Please please help - I've recently decided to allow my palm to rule my life again (we do international events and we're bringing in Australia's #1dj in a few weeks) --I'm desperate for a solution - 
    Thank you!!
    Kristina Marie
    [email protected]
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    Post relates to: Tungsten E2

    hi - it may be because you responded to me thinking it was a Treo, but your advice did not work...
    Tungsten e2
    Mac OS X 10.5.4 - brand new macbook
    Have deleted all associated files with palm - there isn't a shred of old palm files anywhere.
    Re-installed the palm desktop software from Palm site...
    Thanks in advance for your help. 
    Post relates to: Tungsten E2
    Post relates to: Tungsten E2

  • Palm desktop 4.2 calendar items gone.

    Hi.  I'm really hoping someone can help me.  I have the Palm Destop 4.2 software and Windows XP Home on my machine.  I haven't synched in literally years - I don't use the device any more, but I still use the software for my calendaring and datebook.  All my non-recurring appointments on the calendar have vanished.  This has happened 2-3 times before, but the most recent is this morning.  I did a backup of my HDD last night, but it seems that the calendar had already gone crazy before then, as the date/time stamp on the backed up file is the same as the one on the file that has lost everything.  The address book is just fine.
    Is it possible that I've hidden the non-recurring appointments somehow?  It does show categories: all  The file size for the datebook is pretty big - 3963K, and there are only 3-4 recurring appointments a week, so it seems to me that the stuff should be in there, but I can't find it.  I have gone to Toos-Options-Tools and tried reapiring corrupted database, but it came back saying there was no corruption.
    I appreciate any help you can give me. 
    Post relates to: None

    Did you look at the files in the username folder and are those the files you are talking about? There should be a .dat file in the datebook folder in the username folder. Look at the properties of the file and check the date on that file.
    If you don't sync the handheld, then you run the risk of losing data unless you export the data from Palm desktop. We have seen that if you leave Palm desktop open and the PC does a Windows update it can cause data loss. I would suggest expoeting the data and saving on a flash drive, external hard drive or CD-RW. Since you don't sync you only have 1 data file and if that file gets corrupted, then you are out of luck in recovering the data. This may be your situation at this point.
    Here is an explanation of the sync process and the file rotation when you sync.
    You can recover the data from your user folder provided you have only sync'ed once with the PC when you discovered the data missing. When you sync to the PC there are files created for each PIM category in your user folder. For Example; datebook.dat or datebook (Depending on the version of Palm Desktop) and datebook.bak. Using 6.2 the file names are .mdb and mdb.bak. For 6.2, the files are located in the username folder in PalmOSdesktop in my documents.
    The files are named .dat and .bak. When you sync, the current data is stored in .dat. The next time you sync the data in the .dat file is copied to the .bak file. You can rename the .dat to .old. then rename the .bak to .dat. If the data in the .bak file is intact, it will now be in palm desktop when you reopen Palm desktop. I have included a link to show you how to find the userfolder on the PC.
    Here is another link regarding data loss;
    The best way to backup your data is to use the export feature in Palm Desktop. Make a new folder on the PC desktop named Palm Desktop Backup data. Next, select the category you want to export. You will get a window that asks where you want to save the file, save in the folder created on the desktop. There is a button that allows you to select currently selected record or all, select all. If you don't select all, then only the record highlighted is exported. You will then need to name the file for export, I suggest the name of the category, eg: datebook (With current date). Do this for all critical data in each category. With the data exported to the folder on the PC desktop, you can save this data to a flash drive, external hard drive or a CD-RW. With this method you will have your data in a seperate place than Palm desktop and the device. If you "Lose" data again, you can import the data back into palm desktop.
    Make sure that when you make changes in palm desktop or the device to export the data to the folder created for the backup.
    Here is a link for other options for backing up your data;
    The best way to preserve your data is to export the data in each category in Palm Desktop to a seperate folder on your PC.
    Create a new folder on your PC somewhere that is convenient. Name it something like Palm Desktop Data. Click on the link below and follow the instructions on that page for the export procedure.
    Make sure you select all for the range in the export window.
    With the data saved in the folder you created, make a copy of that folder and save to a flash drive, cd-rw or external hard drive.
    Anytime you make a change in Palm Desktop, export the data that was changed to that folder and save again to the external media.
    With this process you can always import the data back into Palm Desktop anytime you have a problem with the data in Palm Desktop or if your computer/hard drive/device crashes.
    Post relates to: Palm i705

  • Palm Desktop Software

    I have had this Palm for awhile.  I used it on my work computer but changing to home computer.  I downloaded software from website.  I can sync the Palm to the Palm Desktop Software without a problem or errors.  When I open the desktop software, it won't let me open or click anywhere on the screen.  A box pops up with the following information;
    Palm Desktop Application has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
    It gives me 3 buttons to click:  Debug, Send Error Report, Don't send.  If I click on Don't send or Debug, the window will close.  I have removed the program and downloaded again, but I have the same experience.
    Any help would be welcomed.
    Post relates to: Tungsten E2

    First thing is first that text size is really small and I have horrible eyes.
    Ok next is the troubleshooting, what we are going to need to do is figuring what is causing the palm desktop to crash, I bet it is your data, so lets see if I am right.
    You first need to locate your userfolder, it is located in program files/palm/username/
    Once you have your user folder in that folder you will see a bunch of folders, I'm first concerned with datebook. Go in datebook and look for the datebook.dat file, cut that file out of that folder and place in the root of your userfolder.
    Going back into palm desktop (if it opens without error) you will see your calendar is gone.
    Next you need to tell palm desktop to open in something other than address or calendar I usually suggest memos. To do this you can go to tools/options and change the view palm desktop opens in (default is address).
    Once you have it changed to memos you need to put your calendar back into palm desktop. So close palm desktop and go back to your userfolder. Grab the datebook.dat file off of the root of your username and place it back in the datebook folder (it will ask you if you want to overwrite the existing files, tell it yes)
    Ok so your calendar is back in your username time to go back to palm desktop, relaunch palm desktop and this time go to tools/options/tools and and check for corrupted records, it will scan your database and fix any corrupted records it finds, tab over to calendar and see if it crashes if it doesn't you are good to go.
    Also on a side note if it still crashes with your datebook out of your username, move your addressbook out also, usually the culrpit is calendar but i have seen contacts cause the problem also and on rare occurances both.
    Post back if you need more information or any clarification.
    Post relates to: Centro (Sprint)

  • Palm Desktop to iCal

    Recently got my iPhone4, so now can integrate all my apple apps, etc. To date have been using Palm Desktop 4.2.1 for calendar (covers many years). I'm happy to leave old data on this program as a sort of archive. But need to transfer current and future calendar data to iCal and thence to iPhone. Is there an app, or work around, that would accomplish this?

    Sorry I haven't used Palm Desktop for quite some time. If you do a Wikipedia search for ".ICS" you can read more about it:
    To export Calendar and Addressbook data out of the Palm Desktop software:
    Open Palm Desktop
    Open the Palm calendar
    File > Export > Format vCal
    Open Palm Addressbook
    File > Export > Format > vCard
    Export the files to your desktop for ease of access.
    Once there you can import them into iCal and Addressbook respectively by going to File > Import.
    Hope that helps.

  • Palm desktop...where are the applications

    I hotsync to my palm desktop and it hotsyncs just fine. The palm desktop opens up to the media section. There are NO tabs for memo, callendar, or anything else besides media and instal. I need to get to some memos so that I can print them off. I need them ASAP!!!
    Post relates to: Treo 650 (Alltel)

    kscheihing wrote:
    That's not cool. I got the phone off of Ebay and it didn't come with the CD, all the info they gave me said to download if off the website. SO what now?
    Post relates to: Treo 650 (Alltel)
    Send it back, or request the CD from the seller!
    Post relates to: Centro (AT&T)
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  • Palm Desktop with Windows XP PRO SP3

    Why the Palm Desktop doesn´t work since I have installed  Service Pack 3 - Portuguese - on my Windows XP PRO ?
    Post relates to: Zire 72

    Try the following to see if you can get Palm desktop to open.
    Locate your username folder on the PC. Look in c-programs-palm-username folder (this is the name you assigned in Palm desktop for the username).
    Click on the following link to the webpage for the article regarding your username folder.
    Rename the data folders one at a time and see if Palm desktop will open. Locate the address folder and rename it to address.old. Try to open Palm desktop and see if you get the same problem. If you do, rename the datebook folder to datebook.old and try to open Palm desktop. Rename each folder with the same method and try to open PD. If it opens after renaming a folder then the folder you renamed is the culprit. Once you get palm desktop open, try a sync with the conduits set to Handheld overwrites desktop.
    Let me know if it works. If it doesn't, then you will need to do a "clean" uninstall of Palm desktop.
    Post relates to: Palm i705
    Message Edited by cygnusX1 on 10-01-2008 04:42 PM

  • Can't Open New Palm Desktop On My PC

    I downloaded the new update for the Palm Desktop for Vista users. It worked fine since I downloaded it, except for a WI-FI problem that I'm still trying to correct. Just yesterday, I cannot open Palm Desktop. When I try to open it on my PC, I get the following message, "Palm Desktop by Access  application has stopped working". This happened after I installed some music from my PC to my T/X. I don't think I did anything else. I can still Hotsync, I just can't open Palm Desktop. I thought of re-installing Pal Desktop, I even down loaded the ZIP installation file, but I thought better and will wait to see if anyone has any advice.
    Post relates to: Palm TX

    I solved my own problem. Not sure exactly which step did it, but it worked. By reading all of the Help Forums along with the Windows Vista Problem Report and Solutions, I was able to determine that it was the date book causing the Palm Desktop to not open. So I followed what I read in the Help Forums for several other problems. That is, in my PC, I went to documents/Palm OS Desktop/(my device name) and there, I renamed the backup and the datebook. I then deleted the entire Palm Desktop from my computer. Then I re-installed Palm Desktop by Access from a fresh download. Before running Hotsync, I changed the datebook setting to "Desktop overwrites handheld". I then Hotsync'ed. Then I re-installed Holli-dates. My TX worked and I was also now able to open Palm Desktop. I did lose the few dates in my date book that I had saved but it is no big deal since I got the TX for Christmas and didn't have much loaded anyhow. After Hotsync'ing  a couple of more times, I went back to my Docuements/Palm OS Desktop/(my device name) on my PC and deleted the renamed backup and datebook. Everything is working fine now.

  • Palm Desktop Software crashes immediately upon opening

    Hi All,
    My Palm Desktop software won't open.  When I try to open it (either w/ the icon or the start menu), I see the Palm Desktop logo, then the program seems to open but all I see is a whitescreen, and an almost immediately error message from windows that reads "Microsoft OS Desktop Application has stopped working.  A problem caused the program to stop working correctly.  Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available."  Then the only option I have is to click "close," and the program closes out.  So its impossible to open the softare. 
    Interestingly, the hotsync operation still works.  The desktop application just won't open.
    I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but still the problem persists.  I have read a few places to remove the US Robotic registry keys, but after looking them up using REGEDIT off the Run menu, I can't find them....maybe I am not doing a complete uninstall, and am not completely removing these keys?  Does anyone have a comprehensive list of registry key locations?  Or maybe its a problem with windows?  I am using Vista.  I tried a system restore back to a point in time when the Palm Desktop was working, but even after that I had no luck.
    Does anyone have a suggestion of what I should do?
    Thank you!
    Post relates to: Palm Z22

    If this is your first Palm device, you will not see registry keys for either USRobotics or PalmOne. These entries are relevant to users who have upgraded devices and installed newer versions of Palm Desktop over older installs for the old devices.
    There are a number of threads posting complete uninstallation directions; use the search function (up top when you exit this thread) on Registry and you should be able to find one or more of them.
    Post relates to: Palm TX

  • Unable to open the month view for May in Palm desktop

    My Palm Desktop will not open the May calendar in the month mode.  I can access that month in either daily or weekly mode but not in the monthly one.  May seems to be the only month that is affected.  It opens properly on my Treo 680 but not on the desktop.  I have reinstalled the desktop and resynced without any correction in the problem.
    Thanks for any assistance.
    Post relates to: Treo 680 (Cingular)

    Hi. Is there any chance that ACCESS might produce a version of the software that is immune to this problem. If it is due to data corruption, it would seem to me that this corruption is being caused by the ACCESS software. As far as I know, there is no other software on my system with access to these files. It seems to me that the software should either not create the corrupted records in the first place, or alternatively, be able to tolerate them. I would be happy to send you a dump of my calendar file if that would help to diagnose the problem (assuming I can ever open it again). Thanks.

  • Palm Desktop Will Not Open on Windows XP Pro

    I have recently upgraded my Treo 700P to a Centro. I completely removed all palm software on my computer, rebooted and then reinstalled it. It has been working with no problem until today. I haven't installed any new software or removed any from my phone. When I try to open the desktop on my computer it freezes at the splash screen and then I get the Windows error message asking me if I want to send a report to Microsoft or not. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling software. I ran a scan disk. Nothing I do, seems to change anything. I started my computer in safe mode and tried to open it there and still won't open. I looked at my event log and I get this same log entry every time I try to open it. I noticed on the Palm website that there is a version higher than the software on my phone, but it doesn't seem to install onto my phone during the hotsync and regardless, I don't think one thing has anything to do with the other. I have checked that my files are not read-only and that I have full admin rights on my laptop. Why did this just occur out of the clear blue sky? How do I fix it?
    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: Application Error
    Event Category: None
    Event ID: 1000
    Date:  12/5/2008
    Time:  5:59:05 PM
    User:  N/A
    Computer: noneofyourbusiness
    Faulting application palm.exe, version, faulting module datebook.dll, version, fault address 0x0003d95e.
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    0000: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74   Applicat
    0008: 69 6f 6e 20 46 61 69 6c   ion Fail
    0010: 75 72 65 20 20 70 61 6c   ure  pal
    0018: 6d 2e 65 78 65 20 36 2e   m.exe 6.
    0020: 32 2e 32 2e 30 20 69 6e   2.2.0 in
    0028: 20 64 61 74 65 62 6f 6f    dateboo
    0030: 6b 2e 64 6c 6c 20 36 2e   k.dll 6.
    0038: 32 2e 31 2e 30 20 61 74   2.1.0 at
    0040: 20 6f 66 66 73 65 74 20    offset
    0048: 30 30 30 33 64 39 35 65   0003d95e
    0050: 0d 0a                     ..     
    Post relates to: Centro (Verizon)

    Try this, Locate the palm folder. (C:/Program files/Palm or Palmone/*hotsync username*
    Copy the contents of your hotsync username then delete it from the original location. (Repeat for each user you have) Then try to open the Palm desktop. It should prompt you to create a new username.
    Post relates to: None

  • Can't open palm desktop user data

    I just upgraded from a Palm m515 to a Tungsten T3. I followed the directions for this on the Palm website.
    To make a long story short, I have a copy of my data on the tungsten, and a copy on the m515 - but nothing I can access on the desktop! I have several backups, under several user names, at this point. I have desktop v. 4.3.1 rev.D installed (after many uninstalls and installs). I can open the desktop application to an empty file, but when I try to switch to a user with my data in it, the application hangs and I have to force quit.
    I created a new user in the palm desktop, called "New" and did a hotsync with the tungsten. Now "New" won't open in the desktop, either.
    I'm aware of the change in conduit names from Datebook to Calendar, Addresses to Contacts, etc, and from another thread learned that I should put the old conduits in a disabled conduits folder, so I did that. So I guess that means I can't use the m515 as the data source...
    I really don't know what to do to get my palm desktop application - with data - back. I can't use iCal and Address book exclusively because I need the memo pad with categories. I have a current copy of all my palm addresses in the Apple address book, and a three week old copy of the calendar in iCal (so I'd like not to have to use that version of the calendar data.)
    I really hope someone can give me step-by-step instructions that tell me what to do to get out of this fix. It doesn't seem like it should be this hard!
    Powerbook G4 17   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Both the old and new conduits can coexist in the active Conduits folder. This is an exception to the general rule that no two conduits can synchronize the same data type simultaneously. So, you should return the original four—the Datebook Conduit for calendaring data, the Address Conduit for contact data, the Memo Conduit and the ToDo Conduit for task data—to your active folder. The HotSync Manager will properly choose to use the appropriate set for each device.
    You can simultaneously synchronize both your m515 and your Tungsten T3, but they must have different HotSync names. To move the data from your m515, use the Palm conduits set to Handheld overwrites Macintosh to move a copy of all of your data from the m515 to the Palm Desktop. Then export a copy of each of the four data types using the Palm Desktop format.
    Create a new empty user with a unique HotSync name for the Tungsten T3, and import each of the files into that user. Set your conduits to Macintosh overwrites Handheld, and synchronize only your Tungsten. That will move a copy of all of the m515 data stored in the Palm Desktop during your import, on the Tungsten handheld organizer.
    At that point, you can reset your conduits to Synchronize, and continue to synchronize both devices, or you can move from the Palm Desktop to iCal and the Address Book, using either iSync, or the Missing Sync for Palm OS to synchronize one or both devices.

  • Palm Desktop software - Fails to open with msg "Error: Failed to open Address Book database"

    In July 2009 I dropped my trusty Visor on a tile floor and it stopped working.  So, in the meantime I have been using only the Palm Desktop software. 
    Just yesterday, when I attempted to launch the Palm Desktop software, it failed with the message “Error: Failed to open Address Book database”.  I think this error was caused by a very ungraceful shut-down of my Win XP system yesterday. 
    I really do need to use the Palm Desktop software for my address list, calendar, and memo.  The problem is that the error with the Address Book database seems to be preventing the Palm Desktop software from initializing.
    I am using Palm Desktop 4.0.1 on Windows XP SP3.  I do NOT  have an export file of the Palm address book or other databases.  However, I do have five levels of backup history on my external Maxgor backup drive. 
    Specifically, on my current c drive I have files in the directory:
    C:\Program Files\Handspring\WR\address
                address.bak                  5/16/2009   (from last sync before I broke Visor)
                address.dat                   5/24/2011
                Personal.ABA                11/6/2008
                Unfiled.ABA                   3/28/2008
    On my most recent backup of my system, there are the following files:
                            address.bak                 5/16/2009   (from last sync before I broke Visor)    
                            address.dat                  5/12/2011
                            Personal.ABA              11/6/2008
                            Unfiled.ABA                  3/28/2008
    I have not listed the four older backup versions.
    I haven’t tried any corrective measures yet (I don’t want to make matters worse) and am hoping that someone can guide me along the right path.
    Is it possible for me to just rename the “current” address.dat file to something like address.SAV and then copy the Address.dat file file with date of 5/12/2011 into the current directory.  Will the software then just use the older version of the data, or must I do something else.
    I am grateful for any assistance.  Thank you very much.
    Post relates to: Visor Deluxe
    Post relates to: Visor Deluxe

    Thanks for the speedy response.  However, I read the article for which you provided the link, and I hve also read many other articles that I found via search, but I don't think these will help me.  All of these articles seem to assume that (1) you have a handheld to which you can sync and thereby rebuild the database on the PC, or (2) you have a backup that you created via the Palm Desktop export function.  Unfortunately, I have neither and so I don't think any of these solutions will work for me.
    I did read with great interest an article that stated that recent versions of Palm Desktop have a built-in function that will repair a corrupted Datebook database.  Will this also fix a corrupted Address Book database which is my problem?  
    So, I downloaded and attempted to install the latest version of Palm Desktop.  I was careful to read the instructions that stated NOT to uninstall my current version of Palm Desktop, but to just install the latest version on top of my current Palm Desktop.  However, when I attempted to do the installation, the installer software said it could not install on top of my current software and that I should first uninstall my current software.
    I have some questions now:
    (1) If I uninstall my current version of Palm Desktop, will this destroy my Address Book, Datebook, and Memo databases ( I don't care about the ToDo database)?  If so, what can I do to preserve those databases?
    (2) Is there really a function built in the recent versions of Palm Desktop that will fix a corrupted database?  Is this an "automatic" function that will detect and fix a broken database or is this something I will have to invoke?
    Thanks for your help.

  • Palm Desktop 6.2 update won't open after installing on PC running Windows XP

    I just installed the new version of Palm Desktop 6.2 on my Dell laptop running Windows XP Media Center to upgrade it from the older version and it won't open up. Whenever I try to open the application the message "Palm Desktop by ACCESS Application has encountered a problem and needs to close..." I've tried reinstalling the application but that doesn't help. I've also tried using the "Repair" of the installation to "Repair installation errors in the program." and it hasn't helped either. All my data on my Palm Centro is still there but I can't get Palm Desktop to open up. I want to get Palm Desktop to open up.

    Palm Desktop 6.2.2 is not an upgrade to 4.x!   It was designed to fix the things Microsoft broke when Vista was born.
    It lacks many features that existed for many years in the 4.x versions.
    I'd suggest doing a Clean Uninstall and reinstall your original version!
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  • Installed IE 8 on my vista home laptop and now my palm desktop won't open .

    The desktop that came with my palm Centro worked fine for a year. I installed IE8, now when I try to open the Palm desktop it won't open. I can still hotsync via USB. Windwoes says there is a problem and it can't open but will look to see if there is a solution. Windwoes doesn't find one. I tried to go back to a previous restore point, still nothing. I don't have bluetooth on my computer so new 6.2 desktop is not an option. Help Please
    Post relates to: Centro (Sprint)
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hello geocostello and thanks for posting on the forums....
    You can re-install the 4.2 desktop that came with your centro via the CD.  (if you still have it...)  If not, you can go to the and do a search for Desktop Manager 4.2 and download it, then install it.  This should not affect your data.  Before doing this, try going into the Add/Remove Programs and un-installing the desktop manager from there.  Then re-install the software.  Again, This should not affect your data.
    If the software does not un-install from Add/remove Programs, you can go to microsoft and download the Microsoft Un-install Utility.  This should remove the software and registry entries and allow you to re-install the Desktop manager 4.2
    Let us know what happens....

Maybe you are looking for