Peer to Peer communication

I am new to p2p approach. I want example p2p between java and

I am new to p2p approach. I want example p2p between
java and MS.netAs Nanook and Ceci are telling you, each in his own colorful way, you should do your own research and come asking questions here on some specific problem(s) you're having with your code. This is not a spoon-feeding forum.
I suggest you do that now, before dizzy decides to throw some of her "great poetry" on your poor soul...then you'll wish you'd die of a quick death...

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    Which server ip i have to mention in mms.cfg against Rtmfpturnproxy either the fms server ip or the deployment server for peer to peer communication
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    It is basically a way to restrict who you advertise routes to. There is an RFC for it, it is quite a short document so it won't take too long to read and it explains it more clearly than i could -

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    Thanks. S.

    What are you actually trying to do? Is the issue when clients are associated to
    The same WLAN on the same WLC?
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

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    Look for the following:
    -on NetConnection's NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS listener:
    "NetConnection.Connect.Success" - only create the netgroup after this
    -on NetGroup's NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS listener:
    "NetGroup.Connect.Failed" - something bad must have happened, never had this over an open NetConnection
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    are you using Adobe's Real-Time Media Flow Protocol for peer-to-peer communication?

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    Hi Mr Christian,
    i decided to use TCP/IP for peer to peer communication. I made an example VI of what i am doing but i cant make it right especially on the "Time out error". I would appreciate for any advise.
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    As a rule, i have to run the Master or Server first and Slaves will follow.
    But as soon as i do this i am getting this Time Out error hence data are not being passed. I tried changing the values of time out constant but not lucky so far. I know that if i can fix this time out error, all the VI can communicate properly. I should see three moving cranes on each VI.
    Additional question; If all of the VI are running, and I intentionally Stop for instance Crane 3 (Slave), then it will show an error (LED) that Crane 3 data is not available. So far i can do this.
    But for instance I will run again Crane 3 (Slave), is there a way to RESET the connection programatically so that Master VI will once again accept the Crane 3 VI?
    Any advise I would greatly appreciate.
    Thanks a lot.
    Crane 1 (Master).vi ‏40 KB
    Crane 2(Slave).vi ‏35 KB
    Crane 3 (Slave).vi ‏35 KB

  • BT community Forum - NOT BT ?????????????????

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    Taken from:
    If you are new to our forums – welcome. We hope that you enjoy being part of a community of people looking to help each other solve issues, ask questions, swap tips and give advice regarding BT products and services.
    While we have a Community Manager and Moderators, these forums are intended to be peer-to-peer community.
    There are Mods, they can and do fix problems which can't be solved by the community. There is a form to contact them here:
    It's usually best to have exasperated the community first though ;-)

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    Jason Phillips

    All I had to do was increase the receive timeout in each driver's properties until the socket errors disappeared. I have them all set to 30000 msec. Communications have been great on this wireless ethernet system ever since.
    Sorry for not answering sooner - needed to make time to go back and look at the file and then TS Lee came our way!
    Jason Phillips

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c - Agent communication error:  peer not authenticated

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    When I try to secure any agents to my OMS, it always fails on this error:
    2013-09-26 10:28:43,589 [main] INFO  agent.SecureAgentCmd secureAgentWithOMS.486 - Downloading from https://<url>:4903/empbs/wallets/agent.<url>/b64InternetCertificate.txt to /u01/app/agent/agent_inst/sysman/config/b64InternetCertificate.txt
    2013-09-26 10:28:43,590 [main] INFO  agent.SecureAgentCmd downloadFile.1082 - Download URL source: https://<url>:4903/empbs/wallets/agent.<url>/b64InternetCertificate.txt
    2013-09-26 10:28:43,590 [main] INFO  agent.SecureAgentCmd downloadFile.1083 - Download destination: /u01/app/agent/agent_inst/sysman/config/b64InternetCertificate.txt
    2013-09-26 10:28:43,592 [main] INFO  agent.SecureAgentCmd downloadFile.1111 - download pathAndQuery /empbs/wallets/agent.<url>t/b64InternetCertificate.txt
    2013-09-26 10:28:43,634 [main] INFO  agent.SecureAgentCmd downloadFile.1114 - Response Status Code: 200
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    2013-09-26 10:28:43,656 [main] INFO  agent.SecureAgentCmd getOmsHostName.615 - OMS CN: <url>
    2013-09-26 10:28:43,656 [main] INFO  agent.SecureAgentCmd getOmsHostName.617 - Issuer CN is: <url>
    2013-09-26 10:28:43,656 [main] INFO  agent.SecureAgentCmd secureAgent.294 - Hostname to be used to form UploadURL: <url>
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    2013-09-26 10:28:43,717 [main] ERROR agent.SecureAgentCmd main.242 - Failed to secure the Agent: peer not authenticated
    [26-09-2013 10:28:43] USERINFO ::Securing agent...   Failed.
    It looks good until it tries to verify the certificate, anyone seen this before?

    Have you configured the certificate for https upload as per section of the following doc?
    - Loc

  • HP "Support" does not know how to perform "regionalization reset", now what?

    I buy a dual voltage OfficeJet 4620 in Germany in Ferbruary 2013.
    NOWHERE in the product literature does it mention the ink cartridges are regionalized (defeats the purpose of even manufacturing a 110-220v device! But I digress).
    I move to Florida in June and yesterday my black ink begins to run out.
    The printer needs the "regionalization reset" which can only be performed by HP support, as stated by their own webpage:
    Another description of it here:
    I call HP support, and waste over an hour and a half with a girl in the Phillipines until she finally tells me that I need a complete set of USA ink cartridges in order to perfom the procedure (which appears to be not true, you do not need them to reset the printer, but rather it appears you need them simply if you wish to print anything after the reset was performed if for no other reason but to verify that the reset was successful). She claims HP support will call me this morning at 11AM EST. They did not call.
    I call HP "Support" at 1130 EST and go through the wickets with them again. This time the girl does not know what to do and is clearly completely unknowledgeable about the product, mush less how to troubleshoot it, and instead she is simply following a script. Another hour wasted. After being put on hold for the 4th or 5th time for 15 minutes, I simply hang up. (Realizing later that this is an intentional strategy.)
    I call again. Now I am speaking to some guy in India. He does not know what he is doing either and tries to guide me through the support menu on the printer itself, but his script does not match the menu options on the printer. Back to the 15 minute intervals of hold broken up by him saying "one minute please sir while I verify some information". Another hour wasted, until I finally begin to realize that none of these people know what to do.
    Still I call back and get another guy who leads me into the Support menu (press the return button 4 times to access this menu) . The he has me go to the Reports Menu and select the "print mech button tap" option, which prints out a 2 page "Printer Hardware" printout. He asks me to "give him the numbers on the document, but the document has all sorts of numbers on it from serial numbers to product numbers to other numbers with labels that are simply abbreviations. I ask him which numbers he needs from the two pages full of numbers, and back on hold I go for 20 minutes. He comes back and says "the long number, there should be a long number". Well the longest number on the document is the Serial number which I have already given during the initial information polling he did and so I ask him if he needs it again. Back on hold i go for another 20 minutes. Now the 15-20 minute hold cycle resumes, with him "checking something" and he will "be right back". Eventually he simply clicks over to see if I am still on the line and immediately puts me back on hold without saying anything. I put my phone on speaker and I wait him out, having already wasted an entire morning and half my afternoon. 
    Now this was the best part....HE BEGINS TO PRETEND LIKE HE IS HAVING MICROPHONE PROBLEMS AND CANNOT HEAR ME (yes I know, what does his microphone have to do with hearing me, I had the same thought). It is obvious he has simply either taken his headset off his head or moved the mic far away from his mouth and is pretending he can't hear me and that he will call me back and asks for my number. I ask him how is he going to hear me tell him my number (which by the way he already took at the beginning of the conversation) and he continues his ruse. So I hang up. It is obvious he doesnt know what to do and no one else there is going to help me.
    Now I call back tonight around 930PM EST, and I get the Phillipines again. I go trough the whole polling phase with the girl and explain to her that I need the regionalization reset performed, and that all I need is to know which numbers of my printer to give to HP Support so that they can give me the code I need to reset this device. I politely tell her that I understand if she does not know what to do or understand what the procedure is and that I will not be angry with her if she is simply honest and tells me so, but that I want her to tell me if there is anyone there where she works who will definitely know how to do the reset, a supervisor or actual technical advisor, anybody. She is friendly and honest and says this is the frst time she has heard of this and she will ask what to do. Back on hold for 5 or 10 minutes. She claims she is looking in her "resources" for the way to do this. Nothing. I ask her to please stop and get her supervisor, she claims she is checking with her supervisor and that they are "checking the resources" for the procedure to reset regionalization. I foolishly think we are making progress.
    After 20 minutes of her constantly telling me she is checking her resources, even after I have told her what the procedure entails and that all she needs to do is find the procedure and tell me which numbers it requires from the device itself in order to provide the reset code, I tell her to stop what she is doing and put her supervisor on the phone. She stalls. She says she is sorry but they have never heard of this procedure before and that she will schedule me a call-back for tomorrow. YEAH RIGHT. I ask her WHO is going to call me tomorrow? She replies that it will be them and that they will have the answer. I tell her that I already heard that from them the night before and I dont have another day to be wasted. I tell her to put her supervisor on the phone and I want the name of whoever is in charge of her office. She tries to ignore me and continues to ask for my phone number (which she already has). I press her for the name of who is in charge and she finally claims "Peter" is the supervisor. I tell her to put "Peter" on the phone. 10 minutes of hold and later a guy picks up the line, claims he is "Peter" and asks how I am doing. I politely say I am well and I ask him for his last name. He asks why I need his last name. i repeat my question, "What is your last name Peter?"..........his reply? "hello, sir? I am having trouble hearing you, can you hear me?" He begins to play with the microphone and puts me on hold. Each time he picks up and asks if I am there I immediately ask him for his last name, to which he resumes the ruse that he cannot hear me. I stay on the line. At this point it appears that HP must have some sort of policy where their "Support" personnel are not allowed to hang up the phone first, perhaps it is even tracked as a half-assed internal method of "Quality Assurance", and these people know it and this is why they will leave you on hold for ever and wait until you hang up. So, I wait Peter out for about 10 minutes, I am not on hold because there is no music, the microphone is simply muted. I tell him i know he is there and can hear me, and that i know he cannot hang up first, and then he promptly hangs up.
    SO, my question....
    How does anything get escalated at HP when their overseas "Support" doesn't know what to do?
    I live in Miami and there is a corporate headquarters there for HP Latin America. I am thinking of walking right into the lobby and finding someone with authority, but in all honesty I just want the d*** printer region reset so I can use these ink cartridges I already bought and opened.

    First, I am sorry to see your experience, however be aware that this forum is a peer-to-peer community and not a direct contact with HP.
    To clarify, the product specification do list the ink cartridges regionalization, the specifications itself reffer to HP Suresupply to locate the ink cartridges for your region, as well as the following document which clearly state that information:
    Firs be sure to have the latest software installed prior contacting HP support, which should be listed as 28
    You may find that information listed in the following document (Check the How can I tell which driver version I have? section), if you have any older version be sure to uninstall it and install the latest software, as listed within the same document:
    If you need, the latest software can be found below:
    Next ensure you have any of the 564 ink cartridges, once the printer being reset it require all the 4 ink cartridges to work
    Finally check the private messages I sent you prior contacting HP support , the envelope icon at the top-right part of that screen.
    The ensure you use the correct contact details lease double chekc it below:
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos thumb up in the post.
    If my post resolve your problem please mark it as an Accepted Solution

  • Customer Service\HP Wont Send Me My Computer Back!!!!

    Today, I am writing because i am furious from getting off the phone with HP.  I am a college student and i really need my computer to get through my day, currently i only have access to the ones at the library. You know how inconvenient a computer at a college library is...I saved up enough money to by me a HP TM2 + Touchsmart ADP.  I simply fell in love with it.  The touch screen started acting up and i called in to have it checked out, the couldnt diagnose the problem over the phone, so they sent the order in to have it looked at by a technician.  That was on April 23, 2010. The computer was sent and the estimated date to get the computer back was May 14, 2010.  When that date came around, no computer, no message from HP and no update online about the order.  Two days later i call them about my computer and they say the computer was not repaired because of a part shortage.  Right? the manufacturer of my computer ran out of parts to fix it? does that make sense? So they told me that the they will update the status online when they fix it and will ship it back.  Another week goes by and still no word from them. so i called them and they finally say June 18, 2010 is my estimated fix date when they get the parts in.  So i tell them please ship my the Computer back unrepaired so that i could use it for a while when summer school starts on May 24.  After a week of them giving me the run around they finally cancel my repair order on May 23. I thought that the would be shipping it immediately, but they said that the office is not open on the weekend i had to wait until monday the 24 to have them ship it. The technician said, "For sure you will recieve your computer within 2-3 business days."  A week goes by and still no computer. I call them today. the first time i try to connect to a technician, he/she answers the phone then hangs up, same thing happens the second time.  So I *67 the number and called back. finnally got an answer. I ask them where is my computer. and they say it should have been recieved on May 27, 2010. I tell them I have not gotten it back and requested a tracking number. He says that there isnt one. So they transfer me to another line and the person tells me that they have not shipped the unit because they ran out of boxes to ship the unit in. and that they will send me an email when they send out the computer. I ask for a number to their manager and he said that there isnt a number on file. 
    I loved HP until i had to deal with the employees that they have working for them. The service has been far worse than i can ever imagine it would be.  I loved my HP TM2. by far the best laptop on the market. Worth every penny of the $1000 i paid for it. But this is unneccessary.  There is no reason that my computer should be gone for 2 months with out it being fixed and sent back. they have given me every excuse in the book for why they have failed to with hold their word. As far as I am concerened, This will be the last computer I buy from them especially one under warranty. because I paid $125 for a protection plan so that i would get full support from HP and in return they:
    Dont have any technicians that can speak english
    their offices dont communicate
    the emplyees never logged all the times i called and why
    they dont update/ communicate effectively with the consumer
    the service is simply horrible
    As far as i am concerned, HP has stolen my computer and will not give it back. I tell them to fix it and they try to keep it for as long as possible. I am really planning on pursuing legal action since i have recordings of the phone calls with the rude technicians that gave me the run around, hung up on me, and gave me the same information. We the consumers are the reason they have a job and this is how we are repaid.

    Thank you for visiting the HP Support Forum. This is a peer to peer community for customers to connect and share solutions on their HP consumer products. If you have direct feedback for HP about their products or services, please use the link below.
    If you have other questions and concerns, please feel free to send me a private message
    Wendy M - HP Support Forums Moderator
    Click the Kudos star as a way to say "thank you" for helpful posts.
    Be sure to come back and click the 'Accept as Solution' button on the post that solved your issue - it may help someone else.
    Rules of Participation

  • HP Flash drive ( v220w ) is not working - HP (Very worst Customer Support)

    I am very very tired write this,
    HP (Very worst Customer Support)
    I have brought a HP Flash drive ( v220w )via on 08-March-2012.
    Its having 2 years of warranty.
    It was working fine till last month.
    But after that unfortunately its not working I dont know that why its not working.
    Then I find out the service center in chennai,
    Maha Electronics at Adyar. They said like this is for only Hp Laptop and they giving one landline number to contact for that pen drive repair.
    That lad line number is 044 28555449, And I called that number on 09-August-2013 Morning.
    Thay replied that "This is not a HP support".
    Again I searched for the HP Service Center and I found another service center 
    That address is
    G.F ABC Trade Centre,No.39/50,Anna salai,Chennai-600002, Landmark:Behind Devi Theater.
    044 42663456.
    And I callled this number (044 42663456) on 09-August-2013 Morning.
    They asking my pen driver model. I replied that model is v220W.
    He simply reply that "We are not repairing that model".
    Then I asked that "Can you tell me where I can repair that model"
    He just replied that "No Idea!!!" and he cut my call.
    I was very scared that kind of activities.
    I am asking this question, Please reply
    They are not ready to repair that model of pen drive then why they manufacturing and give warranties (2 Years ! ! !).

    Thank you for visiting the HP Support Forums. I'm sorry but this is a peer-to-peer community of HP customers, and not a venue to contact HP directly. Most of the users here are consumers like yourself who are offering solutions because they like to help others, and any HP employees you see are here on their own capacity and not representing the company.
    If you have additional or direct feedback for HP about their products or services, or questions about repair, you can use the link below for contact information.​html
    If you have other questions and concerns about using the forum, please feel free to send me a private message.
    HP Support Forums Moderator
     Clicking the "Kudos Star" to the left is a great way to say thanks!
     When your problem has been solved, accept the solution by clicking "Accept as Solution" to help other members in the future!
    Rules of Participation

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