PIN Code Need Help on E51 SOS/F1 Help..!

Hello guys...
I want to change my pin code of my phone..
Currently I'm using Nokia E51.
I change the PIN Code Request to "Yes" and it asked the PIN code. And so where can i get that pin code? My phone is new one and I already try "12345" and "01234" but it didn't work. So, that means it already wrong 2 times. I was told that i can only wrong 3 times. is it right?
If so, can u guys guide me or help me or any advice about where is that PIN Code????
if i want to clear the timer of the call duration,etc. I just input "12345". Its ok and its work too. No other code...
(But now I change my Lock Code from "12345" to something mix with letter and number) But in the PIN Code Request, i can only enter number. So i think PIN code Request code is not this lock code.
So, can anyone guide me on this?

The default pin code is set by your network so phone them and ask what it is.

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    Here's my guide: How to: Unlock System Lock PIN Code

  • I need help with activating my PIN code

    please help.

    Activating what PIN code? What are you referring to? You need to provide more detailed information.

  • PIN CODE LOCKED!!!!   help!

    I upgraded my phone to the new ios7 and WISH sincerely, that I had not bothered.  I was prompted to input a 4 digit pin which I did.  The number is a very memorable number for me personally, and of course I was required to enter the number twice (thereby limiting the possibilty of error entering the pin?  Surely one doesn't make the same error twice?).   Now the phone does not recognise the 4 digit pin and won't allow me to access.  I made sevreal attempts to access the phone until it eventually permanently disabled itself.  I've managed to get the phone back to life by linking to my completer and putting it into recovery mode via my home pc and itunes, but the phone still requires a passcode 4 digit pin, and clearly I'm disinclined to try and enter the (wrong) code again.  please please, can anyone help?!

    recovery mode
    open itunes on computer
    plug cable into computer not phone
    turn phone off
    hold home button and plug cable into phone.  do not release home button until an itunes graphic appears on device.
    look to computer shold have message about recovery mode click ok and restore
    Peace, Clyde
    if u need an article see
    then try restoring from an older backup
    Peace, Clyde

  • PIN Code Problem on E51

    Hello guys...
    I want to change my pin code of my phone..
    Currently I'm using Nokia E51.
    I change the PIN Code Request to "Yes" and it asked the PIN code. And so where can i get that pin code? My phone is new one and I already try "12345" and "01234" but it didn't work. So, that means it already wrong 2 times. I was told that i can only wrong 3 times. is it right?
    If so, can u guys guide me or help me or any advice about where is that PIN Code????
    if i want to clear the timer of the call duration,etc. I just input "12345". Its ok and its work too. No other code...
    (But now I change my Lock Code from "12345" to something mix with letter and number) But in the PIN Code Request, i can only enter number. So i think PIN code Request code is not this lock code.
    So, can anyone guide me on this?

    The PIN code refers to your SIM card, not to E51
    Your service provider must have given you a PIN code and a PUK code for the SIM card. If you fail to enter the correct PIN code three times, the SIM card is blocked and you must unblock it using the PUK code.

  • New to code, need help please!!!

    I have been designing my first website by following a string of videos I have purchased online. (Timothy Training w/ Framework Files) I am finally to the point that I am ready to 'put' these file on my business catalyst account and get them online. I have run into an issue however. I have a page called services.html and within it I have built a 'featured content slider' that links to several pages. The code was working perfectly in any browser that I previewed it in, live view, inspections, everything was fine!! Until, I 'put' the files onto my business catalyst account, now all of the sudden the code does not display correctly anymore. I have made no changes to the code what-so-ever, no changes to the style sheets, nothing. I had a tech support guy that took a 'quick look' and said that my outer div was all of the sudden in the wrong place. I dont understand how 1. it shifted when I made no changes, 2. It works perfectly fine when I view it outside of BC platform and 3. how to even begin to fix the issue. I have spent hours upon hours trying to remedy this myself and I am finally at a breaking point and quite desperate for help. I have so many hours into this site and I am quite frustrated that I made it this far only for it to fail. Please anyone that is willing to take a look I would be grateful. I am not sure if I should post the code in here or not as this is my first post in the forum. I guess I will try to copy and paste and see if that works. Any suggestions would be great help.. Thank you so much!
    I will copy and paste the code in this order: (I think this is all the code needed to figure it out,I hope...)
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              <p>Our Mission – To ensure your restaurant, bar, café, diner, or eatery operates smoothly. Streamline your workflow by providing the latest, most up-to-date technology the industry has to offer. Maximize your profits with a personalized POS system that works for you and not against you. Ease your stress with the quickest, most reliable, 24-hour technical support in the area. Train your staff in person with one-on-one classes taught by one of our certified staff.</p>
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    .inline                              { display:inline; }
    .first                              { font-weight:bold; }
    .last                              { font-weight:bold; }
    .left                              { font-weight:bold; text-align:left; }
    .right                              { font-weight:bold; text-align:right; }
    .added                              { background:#D7D7FF; }
    .removed                    { background:#FFCECE; color:#f00; }
    .changed                    { background:#FFB; }
    Services page is missing quite a bit of stuff.
    This code from a working page is correct:
    <link href="/StyleSheets/ModuleStyleSheets.css" type="text/css" rel="StyleSheet" />
    <script type="text/javascript">var jslang='EN';</script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/needsomethinghere.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/slider.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">  // This is the script for the banner slider
    $(document).ready(function() {
    timeOut: 6000
    <link href="../css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" css" media="screen">
    <link href="../css/print.css" rel="stylesheet" css" media="screen">
    <link href="../css/slider.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen">
    In contrast, this is all you have in the <head> of your services.html page:
    <link href="/StyleSheets/ModuleStyleSheets.css" type="text/css" rel="StyleSheet" />
    <script type="text/javascript">var jslang='EN';</script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.js"></script>
    <link href="../css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen">
    <link href="../css/print.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen">
    If you reconcile those difference in your code, it should work.
    Nancy O.

  • Help, I have bought Creative Suite 6 student version, I have the product code but not the numbers I need to activate it, can you help?

    Help, I have bought Creative Suite 6 student version, I have the product code but not the numbers I need to activate it, can you help?

    This is not something we can help you with in a public forum.
    You'll either have to call Adobe Customer Service in your region, or use web chat. Here's link to web chat. Enter a product name and problem area. Ignore all the links except the one that says something like, "Still have a problem?" Click that, and you'll get a link to web chat:
    Contact Customer Care

  • My macbook is blocked by pin code, please help, I dont know what to do!

    My macbook is blocked by pin code, please help, I dont know what to do!

    When you enter iTunes on the PC and the iPod icon pops up, right click on it and select "Options". Then click on the Music tab. Once you're in the Music tab check the box that says "Enable Disc Use". This means that you've just turned your iPod into a portable hard drive. Click "Ok" and move your iPod from the PC to the Mac. From there, your iPod should show up on the Mac's desktop right under the Hard Drive icon. Click "File" at the top of the screen and select "Add to Library". Find the iPod hard drive in the selection screen and choose the music folder that's on it. Then just click Ok and all your music will be downloaded. That should do the trick, but you might want to do a Google search on the subject to get a second opinion. Best wishes!

  • Hi folks, can someone help me with my redemption code? have a creative cloud id made last week. but in order to install my products I have a redemption code needed but that I can't find anywhere. can someone help me??? Thank you

    Hi folks, can someone help me with my redemption code?
    have a creative cloud id made last week.
    but in order to install my products I have a redemption code needed but that I can't find anywhere. can someone help me???
    Thank you

    I have a fully companies annual subscription of 69.99 a month.
    but I can only download the 30-day trial versions.
    and if I want to put on them completely firedamp should I enter a redemption code. could it be that the code later emailed word?
    Met vriendelijke groet,
    Dave Dros
    Van: "hans-g." <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Beantwoorden - Aan: "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Datum: dinsdag 21 oktober 2014 10:03
    Aan: iMac <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Onderwerp:  Hi folks, can someone help me with my redemption code? have a creative cloud id made last week. but in order to install my products I have a redemption code needed but that I can't find anywhere. can someone help me??? Thank you
    Hi folks, can someone help me with my redemption code? have a creative cloud id made last week. but in order to install my products I have a redemption code needed but that I can't find anywhere. can someone help me??? Thank you
    created by hans-g.<> in Adobe Creative Cloud - View the full discussion<>

  • Can not get past "Enter your system lock PIN code to unlock this MAC" I never had a PIN code can you help? I have tried the other  option that were posted. None of them worked!

    Can not get past "Enter your system lock PIN code to unlock this MAC" I never had a PIN code can you help?

    ExciteWalk wrote:
    I can't post the link here cause I'll probably get banned at this point. So help yourself and search rumors elsewhere
    That's not very helpful, why are you here?

  • How do i enter a sony tv wireless pin code into airport extreme?

    How do I enter a sony tv wireless PIN code into airport extrme / time capsule?

    If you have upgraded to Lion 10.7.3, you will need to download and install AirPort Utility 5.6 for Mac OS X Lion
    If you are still using Leopard or Snow Leopard, you can use the version of AirPort Utility that is already installed on your Mac
    Open Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities > AirPort Utility
    Select the AirPort Extreme
    Click Manual Setup
    Shift the focus of your eyes away from the window in the center portion of the screen and move the focus all the way up to the very top of the screen where the Help, Window, Settings menus are located
    Click on the Base Station menu
    Click Add Wireless Clients and proceed

  • N73 , can you auto lock keypad without a pin code?

    Can anybody help, I want to lock my keypad using auto lock, but I keep getting asked for PIN code to do this, is there anyway round this as its a nuisance.

    Try the link below. Works a treat on my N73. No need for Pin Codes

  • No internet connection / Doesn't accept PIN code on reboot

    Good morning. I own  a brand-new (bought last week) Z1 compact running on Android 4.4.2. Until yesterday evening everything was fine. Then I connected it to the recharging station, to find this morning that the internet connection was lost. As I didn't find any mistake in the settings, and from PC experiences, I shut down and restarted the phone. On reboot it asked for the PIN code. I keyed in the code given to me by the vendor (Deutsche Telekom) and which I hadn't changed. The phone replied that the code was wrong and allowed me only two more tries. Before doing this I guessed it might be better to ask the experts. I am sure that no one manipulated the phone last night. So what should I do, can you please help me? I'm a bit at a loss. Thank you in advance.

    In these situations the only thing you can do is perform a system repair which will factory reset your device and also means that any and all data will be erased - Use either PCC or SUS found here - For PCC unplug your phone from the Pc and fully switch it off - Start PCC select Support zone then Update my phone/tablet then in Blue select Repair my phone/tablet and follow the instructions - Remember that when prompted hold volume down and connect your USB cable - Your phone should be switched off - In some circumstances you may need to perform this twice as the 1st time will install the Flash driver
    For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.   Richard P. Feynman

  • Forgot My pin code. What to do?

    I got an iPhone 5 &amp; then there was à new pin code. I can't remember the new code - what shall I do?

    Locked Out, Forgot Lock or Restrictions Passcode, or Need to Restore Your Device
    1. iOS- Forgotten passcode or device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    2. iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Wrong passcode results in red disabled screen
    3. Restoring iPod touch after forgotten passcode
    4. What to Do If You've Forgotten Your iPhone's Passcode
    5. iOS- Understanding passcodes
    6. iTunes 10 for Mac- Update and restore software on iPod, iPhone, or iPad
    Forgotten Restrictions Passcode Help
    You will need to restore your device as New to remove a Restrictions passcode. Go through the normal process to restore your device, but when you see the options to restore as New or from a backup, be sure to choose New.
    Also, see iTunes- Restoring iOS software.

  • Changing the pin code

    how do I change my PIN code?
    No need to reply just to say it's not safe, I might forget it and all that.

    Hi Rushafs ji,
    I supposed you meant the SIM pin code. I'm assuming that its a S60 OS. If so, you should be able to do it at Menu, Tools, Settings, Security, Phone and SIM, PIN code. Mobile lock code would be Lock code instead of PIN code.
    Hope this helps.

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