Planned Order report

Good morning,
I am trying to find a report for the following scenario.
We have a parent Planned Order and use fixed pegging, we have dependent Planned Orders from the Parent.
Is there a report that I could see these?
Would be even better if I could report status (as with the MRP lists).
Thanks in advance.

Check the belwo Options..-
MDVP - Collective Availability Check
MD4C-order report
COOIS-Order Informatio system

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    Hi ,
    You can explore the Planning Detail Report which you can run against your ascp plan. However there are few standard reports available in ascp. I suggest you can explore option of building custom report which will be best suited to your business needs (i.e. using Discoverer or if you are also implementing obiee you can build a custom report based on standard views or noitex views (- for ascp)

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    Hi Neetha,
    You can use the Collective access tab on the MD06 T-Code, don't enter a material number, only the plant number and MRP Controller number.  Then click on the tab marked Exception Groups, check box  number 7 and execute the report.  This will give you a list of all materials with exception group 7.  If you need it as a report. Once the report comes up you can click on MRP List on the tool bar at the top of the page and then click print.  This will format it so you can download it into excel by clicking on the Local File Button.  When the box comes up click on spreadsheet and save it to your hard drive as an excel spreadsheet.
    Hope this is of some help to you.

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    Hi Susanta,
    How u doing ?
    You can get it through t code MD09.
    Also you can get the linking through FM MD_PEGGING_NODIALOG and MD_PEGGING
    Revert if you have further doubt.

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    Hi PSR,
    Order Cost Plan in CN41N is PM Order Plan Costs figure.
    If you create PM Order and assign WBS Element/Project Def in Additional Data Tab of PM Order after planning Material services system will consider WBSE as Costing object and Plan and Post cost on WBSE. It will appears in CN41N in Order Cost Plan column.
    Please check
    Hope this will help you.
    Swapnil Kharul.

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    no standard report for your reqirement
    pls check planned order table
    PLAF - planned order table
    once converted planned to pur. req, there is no table to store this converted data
    EBAN - Pur. req table
    Hope you understand

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    Parkash Chand

    Dear Parkash,
    second possible soluction could be create a custom report using this standard Bapi BAPI_MATERIAL_STOCK_REQ_LIST in order to read MRP element and to summarize the elements desired   (DELKZ field):
    MRP Ele Ind   Object
    PP     Planned independent requirement
    FE     Production order
    Pa     Planned order
    Third possible soluction setting in customizing the writing of the MRP table MDKP for header data and MDTB for item data and create a Query on these mrp table.
    Let me know if i've been useful for you.

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. From what you've described the library to keep is the iPhoto Library_1. But before you do try the following:
    1 - Rename each iPhoto Library folder so that you can easily identify them. They can be named anything you'd like, Library 1, Library 2, Library 3 or whatever.
    2 - Launch iPhoto with the Option key depressed and, when asked, locate and open Library 1. Check it out as to contents.
    3 - do the same for Libraries 2 and 3.
    4 - now you'll know exactly which one to keep and which to delete.
    5 - now download and run iPhoto Library Manager to rebuild your remaining library. It creates a new library and copies the files and data it needs from the old one, leaving it untouched and unchanged. If you have some unneeded folder in your library they will be ignored by iPhoto Library Manager. Here's how:
    Using iPhoto Library Manager to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    Click on the Add Library button, navigate to your User/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File->Rebuild Library menu option
    In the next window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    Click on the Create button.
    Note: It can take some time to create the new library if you have a lot of photos. One user reported that with a library of about 5,000 images it took about 12 hours so plan ahead.
    Good luck.
    Do you Twango?

  • Standard report for Planned Order

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    Use T- code SE16N and there u enter PLAF table name ( planned order details) and execute ull get the complete details of planned orders
    With Regards

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    Can anyone tell me which is the transaction to run the delete from live cache to delete planned orders.

    HI Vinay,
    Yes, you can delete the planned orders from either product view (rrp3) or receipts view (rrp4). I guess, the planned orders now are coming with the 'firm' indicator and using product view you cannot delete fixed orders.
    Which version you are working?
    Thanks & Regards,

  • COOIS Report to Check Planned Order

    Hi PP experts,
    My question is : Why COOIS for planed order operation detail is blank and how to show it?
    Please refer to below screenshot.
    Step 1: COOIS to get planned order.
    Step 2: Running and get result, and we can see the operation view is blank.
    Step 3: But if we check detail for planned order via T-code MD13 we can see the operation is in the detail.
    Best Regards,
    Bu Fanchao

    Hi Ganapathy,
    Thank you for your support.
    I have checked this profile '00000000001X'.
    The Order Categories of this profile is empty---Only Production/Process Orders.
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    What is the logic of output for this case, the output display the Header, component.
    Best Regards,
    Bu Fanchao

  • MD06  Issue - Planned orders not getting displayed

    Planned order with the exception "Newly created order proposal" does not get displayed in MD06 with the option "Only Unprocessed MRP Lists" in the processing indicator.
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    MRP Controller
    Exeception Group - All exception selected except 8-Terminations
    Processing indicator - Only unprocessed MRP LIsts, Only with new exceptions
    My material which has a newly created planned order thorugh MRP run with exception "1 - Newly created order proposal" does not get displayed.
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    Please help me out with this issue.

    Hi Ketan,
    When you execute the MD06 report, you would find a column with the heading CI, if am right it would be just after the MRP cntlr, here you would find a Pencil & a tick mark. If you find them both, it means the row is unprocessed, but if you find only a tick mark it means that the row is processed.
    So now check for the planned order, it would be just a tick mark & hence would be showing only for the processed MRP list or all MRP lists.
    To process a row or unprocess, just click on the icon & it changes.
    Check & revert if it answers your query.

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    Does it relate to the PO setting in system? Anyone can kindly guide me how to check such problem?

    Hi Kyla,
    PO raised by the buyer is 'STANDARD','BLANKET','PLANNED' ? What is the PO Status..? It should be "OPEN"..
    Query used in this report is as below :
    Query - Company
    SELECT c_company
    , fsp.inventory_organization_id c_organization_id
    , gsb.currency_code C_CURRENCY_BASE
    , gsb.chart_of_accounts_id STRUCTURE_ACC
    , mdv.structure_id STRUCTURE_CAT
    , mdv.category_set_id c_category_set_id
    , flo1.meaning c_yes
    , flo2.meaning c_no
    FROM gl_sets_of_books gsb
    , financials_system_parameters fsp
    , mtl_default_sets_view mdv
    , fnd_lookups flo1
    , fnd_lookups flo2
    WHERE gsb.set_of_books_id = fsp.set_of_books_id
    AND mdv.functional_area_id = 2
    AND flo1.lookup_type = 'YES_NO'
    AND flo1.lookup_code = 'Y'
    AND flo2.lookup_type = 'YES_NO'
    AND flo2.lookup_code = 'N'
    Query - Buyer
    SELECT distinct(pov.vendor_name||papf.full_name)
    , papf.full_name Buyer
    , pov.vendor_name Vendor
    , pov.vendor_id
    , papf. person_id employee_id
    , po_vendors pov
    , po_headers poh
    WHERE poh.agent_id = papf.person_id
    AND poh.vendor_id = pov.vendor_id
    AND poh.type_lookup_code in ('STANDARD','BLANKET','PLANNED')
    AND nvl(poh.closed_code,'OPEN') NOT IN ('FINALLY CLOSED', 'CLOSED')
    AND nvl(poh.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    /* AND papf.full_name = nvl(:P_buyer,papf.full_name) */
    /* Bug#2453022 Commented out the above condition and replaced
    it as follows as the user parameter P_Buyer will now return the id and not the name */
    AND papf.person_id = nvl(:P_buyer,papf.person_id)
    AND pov.vendor_name BETWEEN nvl(:P_vendor_from,pov.vendor_name)
    AND nvl(:P_vendor_to,pov.vendor_name)
    AND EXISTS (select 'x'
    from po_lines pol
    , po_line_locations pll
    , po_releases por
    where pol.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id
    and pol.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
    and nvl(pll.closed_code,'OPEN') not in ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
    and nvl(pol.closed_code,'OPEN') not in ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
    and nvl(por.closed_code,'OPEN') not in ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
    and nvl(pll.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    and nvl(pol.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    and nvl(por.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    and pll.shipment_type in ('STANDARD','BLANKET','SCHEDULED')
    and pll.po_release_id = por.po_release_id(+))
    ORDER BY papf.full_name
    , pov.vendor_name
    Query - PO
    SELECT distinct(pol.line_num) Line
    , poh.segment1 ||decode(por.release_num,null,'','-')|| por.release_num PO_Number_Release
    , poh.currency_code C_CURRENCY
    , plt.line_type Line_Type
    , pol.item_revision Rev
    , pol.item_description Description
    , pol.po_header_id
    , pol.po_line_id
    , poh.vendor_id
    , poh.agent_id
    , psp.manual_po_num_type
    , poh.segment1
    , por.release_num
    , nvl(por.po_release_id,-1) release_id
    FROM po_line_locations pll
    , mtl_system_items msi
    , mtl_categories mca
    , po_lines pol
    , po_releases por
    , po_headers poh
    , po_line_types plt
    , po_system_parameters psp
    WHERE poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
    AND pol.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
    AND pll.po_release_id = por.po_release_id(+)
    AND pol.line_type_id = plt.line_type_id
    AND pol.item_id = msi.inventory_item_id(+)
    AND msi.organization_id(+) = :c_organization_id
    AND pol.category_id = mca.category_id
    AND nvl(pll.closed_code,'OPEN') not in ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
    AND nvl(pol.closed_code,'OPEN') not in ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
    AND nvl(poh.closed_code,'OPEN') not in ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
    AND nvl(por.closed_code,'OPEN') not in ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
    AND nvl(pll.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND nvl(pol.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND nvl(poh.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND nvl(por.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND pll.shipment_type in ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
    ORDER BY decode(psp.manual_po_num_type,'NUMERIC',
    , null)
    , decode(psp.manual_po_num_type,'NUMERIC',null, poh.segment1)
    , por.release_num
    , pol.line_num
    Query - Shipment
    SELECT pll.shipment_num Shipment
    , nvl(pll.promised_date,pll.need_by_date) P_Date
    , pol.unit_meas_lookup_code Unit
    , DECODE (POL.order_type_lookup_code, /* <SERVICES FPJ> */
    'RATE', PLL.amount,
    'FIXED PRICE', PLL.amount,
    PLL.quantity) Ordered
    , DECODE (POL.order_type_lookup_code, /* <SERVICES FPJ> */
    'RATE', PLL.amount_received,
    'FIXED PRICE', PLL.amount_received,
    PLL.quantity_received) Received
    , DECODE (POL.order_type_lookup_code, /* <SERVICES FPJ> */
    'RATE', PLL.amount_billed,
    'FIXED PRICE', PLL.amount_billed,
    PLL.quantity_billed) Billed
    , pll.price_override Unit_Price
    , DECODE (POL.order_type_lookup_code, /* <SERVICES FPJ> */
    'RATE', (PLL.amount - NVL(PLL.amount_received, 0))/
    DECODE(NVL(PLL.amount, 0), 0, 1, PLL.amount),
    'FIXED PRICE', (PLL.amount - NVL(PLL.amount_received, 0))/
    DECODE(NVL(PLL.amount, 0), 0, 1, PLL.amount),
    (NVL(PLL.quantity, 0) - NVL(PLL.quantity_received, 0))/
    DECODE (NVL(PLL.quantity, 0), 0, 1, PLL.quantity)) * 100 Percent_Due
    , plc.displayed_field Open_For
    , pll.po_line_id
    , nvl(pll.po_release_id,-1) join_release_id
    FROM po_line_locations pll
    , po_lines pol
    , po_lookup_codes plc
    WHERE pol.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
    AND nvl(pll.closed_code,'OPEN') not in ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
    AND nvl(pol.closed_code,'OPEN') not in ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
    AND nvl(pll.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND nvl(pol.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND plc.lookup_type = 'DOCUMENT STATE'
    AND plc.lookup_code = nvl(pll.closed_code, 'OPEN')
    AND pll.shipment_type in ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
    ORDER BY pll.shipment_num

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