Preview program stoped to open files with extension .JPG

When open the files with the extension ".jpg" Preview program opens a gray window and everything, but in the information window shows the photo. In what could be the problem?

anything that is intermittent - and thus, non-reproducable - is a nightmare to troubleshoot and fix. From what little evidence there is, I would almost think of some third factor - other software? - that may be in play. maybe someone with more expertise can help...
I see that your Question has languished for some period of time without response. You have posted your issue in Using Apple Support Communities whose topic is 'How to use this forum software's interface, features and/or how to find what you wish'. It is a relatively low traffic and inappropriate forum for your problem. I will ask our Hosts to move it to " OS X Yosemite " where it may get a more rapid response from your fellow users.

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  • Open file  with extension is .Z

    I need open file xxxx.Z for read its content.
    I looker for in and classes Zip and GZIP aren't useful.

    as jholdstock reply has error,I already correct this problem.
    in my job,I don't want to uncompress file ,but I'want to read this data file so I also add
    method readLine() to this class .
    * @(#) 0.3-2 18/06/1999
    * This file is part of the HTTPClient package
    * Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Ronald Tschal?r
    * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    * Lesser General Public License for more details.
    * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
    * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
    * MA 02111-1307, USA
    * For questions, suggestions, bug-reports, enhancement-requests etc.
    * I may be contacted at:
    * [email protected]
    * correct something and add readLine() by [email protected]
    //package HTTPClient;
    * This class decompresses an input stream containing data compressed with
    * the unix "compress" utility (LZC, a LZW variant). This code is based
    * heavily on the <var>unlzw.c</var> code in <var>gzip-1.2.4</var> (written
    * by Peter Jannesen) and the original compress code.
    * @version 0.3-2 18/06/1999
    * @author Ronald Tschal?r
    public class UncompressInputStream extends FilterInputStream {
    * @param is the input stream to decompress
    * @exception IOException if the header is malformed
    public UncompressInputStream(InputStream is) throws IOException{
    byte[] one = new byte[1];
    public synchronized int read() throws IOException{
         int b =, 0, 1);
         if (b == 1) return (one[0] & 0xff);
         else return -1;
    // string table stuff
    private static final int TBL_CLEAR = 0x100;
    private static final int TBL_FIRST = TBL_CLEAR + 1;
    private int[] tab_prefix;
    private byte[] tab_suffix;
    private int[] zeros = new int[256];
    private byte[] stack;
    // various state
    private boolean block_mode;
    private int n_bits;
    private int maxbits;
    private int maxmaxcode;
    private int maxcode;
    private int bitmask;
    private int oldcode;
    private byte finchar;
    private int stackp;
    private int free_ent;
    // input buffer
    private byte[] data = new byte[10000];
    private int bit_pos = 0, end = 0, got = 0;
    private boolean eof = false;
    private static final int EXTRA = 64;
    public synchronized int read(byte[] buf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
         if (eof) return -1;
         int start = off;
         /* Using local copies of various variables speeds things up by as much as 30% ! */
         int[] l_tab_prefix = tab_prefix;
         byte[] l_tab_suffix = tab_suffix;
         byte[] l_stack = stack;
         int l_n_bits = n_bits;
         int l_maxcode = maxcode;
         int l_maxmaxcode = maxmaxcode;
         int l_bitmask = bitmask;
         int l_oldcode = oldcode;
         byte l_finchar = finchar;
         int l_stackp = stackp;
         int l_free_ent = free_ent;
         byte[] l_data = data;
         int l_bit_pos = bit_pos;
         // empty stack if stuff still left
         int s_size = l_stack.length - l_stackp;
         if (s_size > 0){
              int num = (s_size >= len) ? len : s_size ;
              System.arraycopy(l_stack, l_stackp, buf, off, num);
              off += num;
              len -= num;
              l_stackp += num;
              }//if (s_size > 0)
         if (len == 0){
              stackp = l_stackp;
              return off-start;
              }//if (len == 0)
    // loop, filling local buffer until enough data has been decompressed
         main_loop: do{
              if (end < EXTRA) fill();
              int bit_in = (got > 0) ? (end - end%l_n_bits)<<3 : (end<<3)-(l_n_bits-1);
              while (l_bit_pos < bit_in){
              // check for code-width expansion
                   if (l_free_ent > l_maxcode){
                        int n_bytes = l_n_bits << 3;
                        l_bit_pos = (l_bit_pos-1) +
                        n_bytes - (l_bit_pos-1+n_bytes) % n_bytes;
                        l_maxcode = (l_n_bits==maxbits) ? l_maxmaxcode : (1<<l_n_bits) - 1;
                        if (debug) System.err.println("Code-width expanded to " + l_n_bits);
                        l_bitmask = (1<<l_n_bits)-1;
                        l_bit_pos = resetbuf(l_bit_pos);
                        continue main_loop;
                        }//if (l_free_ent > l_maxcode)
                   // read next code
                   int pos = l_bit_pos>>3;
                   int code = (((l_data[pos]&0xFF) | ((l_data[pos+1]&0xFF)<<8) | ((l_data[pos+2]&0xFF)<<16)) >> (l_bit_pos & 0x7)) & l_bitmask;
                   l_bit_pos += l_n_bits;
                   // handle first iteration
                   if (l_oldcode == -1){
                        if (code >= 256){  throw new IOException("corrupt input: " + code + " > 255"); }
                        l_finchar = (byte) (l_oldcode = code);
                        buf[off++] = l_finchar;
                        }//if (l_oldcode == -1)
                   // handle CLEAR code
                   if (code == TBL_CLEAR && block_mode){
                        System.arraycopy(zeros, 0, l_tab_prefix, 0, zeros.length);
                        l_free_ent = TBL_FIRST - 1;
                        int n_bytes = l_n_bits << 3;
                        l_bit_pos = (l_bit_pos-1) +
                        n_bytes - (l_bit_pos-1+n_bytes) % n_bytes;
                        l_n_bits = INIT_BITS;
                        l_maxcode = (1 << l_n_bits) - 1;
                        l_bitmask = l_maxcode;
                        if (debug) System.err.println("Code tables reset");
                        l_bit_pos = resetbuf(l_bit_pos);
                        continue main_loop;
                        }//if (code == TBL_CLEAR && block_mode)
                   // setup
                   int incode = code;
                   l_stackp = l_stack.length;
                   // Handle KwK case
                   if (code >= l_free_ent){
                        if (code > l_free_ent) throw new IOException("corrupt input: code=" + code + ", free_ent=" + l_free_ent);
                        l_stack[ --l_stackp ] = l_finchar;
                        code = l_oldcode;
                        }//if (code >= l_free_ent)
                   // Generate output characters in reverse order
                   while (code >= 256){
                             l_stack[--l_stackp] = l_tab_suffix;//xxxx
                             code = l_tab_prefix;
                             }//while(code >= 256 )
                   l_finchar = l_tab_suffix;
                   buf[off++] = l_finchar;
                   len--;          // And put them out in forward order          
                   s_size = l_stack.length - l_stackp;
                   int num = (s_size >= len) ? len : s_size ;
                   System.arraycopy(l_stack, l_stackp, buf, off, num);
                   off += num;
                   len -= num;
                   l_stackp += num;     // generate new entry in table
                   if (l_free_ent < l_maxmaxcode){
                        l_tab_prefix[l_free_ent] = l_oldcode;        
                        l_tab_suffix[l_free_ent] = l_finchar;        
                        }//if(l_free_ent < l_maxmaxcode)          // Remember previous code          
                   l_oldcode = incode;          // if output buffer full, then return          
                   if (len == 0){   
                        n_bits   = l_n_bits;             
                        maxcode  = l_maxcode;             
                        bitmask  = l_bitmask;             
                        oldcode  = l_oldcode;             
                        finchar  = l_finchar;             
                        stackp   = l_stackp;             
                        free_ent = l_free_ent;             
                        bit_pos  = l_bit_pos;             
                        return off-start;          
                        }//if(len == 0 )
                   }//while (l_bit_pos < bit_in)
                   l_bit_pos = resetbuf(l_bit_pos);
              } //main_loop: do
         while (got > 0);
         n_bits   = l_n_bits;     
         maxcode  = l_maxcode;     
         bitmask  = l_bitmask;     
         oldcode  = l_oldcode;     
         finchar  = l_finchar;     
         stackp   = l_stackp;     
         free_ent = l_free_ent;     
         bit_pos  = l_bit_pos;     
         eof = true;     
         return off-start;   
         /**     * Moves the unread data in the buffer to the beginning and resets     * the pointers.     */   
         private final int resetbuf(int bit_pos)    {     
              int pos = bit_pos >> 3;     
              System.arraycopy(data, pos, data, 0, end-pos);     end -= pos;     return 0;   
         private final void fill()  throws IOException    {     
              got =, end, data.length-1-end);     
              if (got > 0)  end += got;   
         public synchronized long skip(long num)  throws IOException    {     
              byte[] tmp = new byte[(int) num];     
              int got = read(tmp, 0, (int) num);     
              if (got > 0) return (long) got;     
              else         return 0L;   
         public synchronized int available()  throws IOException    {     
              if (eof)  return 0;     
              return in.available();   
         private static final int LZW_MAGIC = 0x1f9d;   
         private static final int MAX_BITS = 16;   
         private static final int INIT_BITS          = 9;   
         private static final int HDR_MAXBITS      = 0x1f;   
         private static final int HDR_EXTENDED     = 0x20;   
         private static final int HDR_FREE          = 0x40;   
         private static final int HDR_BLOCK_MODE     = 0x80;   
         private void parse_header()  throws IOException    {     
              // read in and check magic number      
              int t =;
              if (t < 0)  throw new EOFException("Failed to read magic number");
              int magic = (t & 0xff) << 8;
              t =;
              if (t < 0)  throw new EOFException("Failed to read magic number");
              magic += t & 0xff;
              if (magic != LZW_MAGIC)     throw new IOException("Input not in compress format (read " + "magic number 0x" + Integer.toHexString(magic) + ")");     // read in header byte
              int header =;     if (header < 0)  throw new EOFException("Failed to read header");
              block_mode = (header & HDR_BLOCK_MODE) > 0;
              maxbits    = header & HDR_MAXBITS;
              if (maxbits > MAX_BITS)         throw new IOException("Stream compressed with " + maxbits + " bits, but can only handle " + MAX_BITS + " bits");     
              if ((header & HDR_EXTENDED) > 0)         throw new IOException("Header extension bit set");     
              if ((header & HDR_FREE) > 0)         throw new IOException("Header bit 6 set");
              if (debug)     {         System.err.println("block mode: " + block_mode);         System.err.println("max bits:   " + maxbits);     }
              // initialize stuff
              maxmaxcode = 1 << maxbits;     
              n_bits     = INIT_BITS;     
              maxcode    = (1 << n_bits) - 1;     
              bitmask    = maxcode;     oldcode    = -1;     
              finchar    = 0;     
              free_ent   = block_mode ? TBL_FIRST : 256;     
              tab_prefix = new int[1 << maxbits];     
              tab_suffix = new byte[1 << maxbits];     
              stack      = new byte[1 << maxbits];     
              stackp     = stack.length;     
              for (int idx=255; idx>=0; idx--)         tab_suffix[idx] = (byte) idx;   
              }//private void parse_header()  throws IOException   
         public String current_str="";
         public String buf_str="";
         public int start_pos=0;
         public String readLine()  throws IOException {
              int find_pos=current_str.indexOf("\n",start_pos);
              while( find_pos < 0 ){
                   byte[] buf = new byte[1000];
                   int got=0;
                   if(got < 0) {  return null; }
                   current_str=buf_str + new String(buf,0,got);
              String ret_str=current_str.substring(start_pos,find_pos);
              return ret_str;
         private static final boolean debug = false;   
         public static void main (String args[])  throws Exception    {     
              if (args.length != 1)     {         System.err.println("Usage: UncompressInputStream <file>");         System.exit(1);     }     
              //InputStream in = new UncompressInputStream(new FileInputStream(args[0]));     
              UncompressInputStream in = null ;
              try { in = new UncompressInputStream(new FileInputStream(args[0])); }
              catch ( Exception e) {System.out.println(e.toString() );  System.exit(-1); }
              long beg = System.currentTimeMillis();     
              String tt;
              int i=0;
              try {
                        if(tt==null) break;
                        System.out.println( tt);
              catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e.toString()); }
              long end = System.currentTimeMillis();     
              System.err.println("Time: " + (end-beg)/1000. + " seconds");

  • Where do you select which program you want to open files with a particular extension?

    Where do you go to select which program should open files with particular extensions?

    if you right click on the file and select get info, a window will open. Click on the "open with" and the window will expand. There you can select which application you want that document to open with. If you want to open ALL documents of that type with a specific application click the change all button.

  • Xdg-open is opening files with no extension in wine notepad

    xdg-open is opening files with no extension in wine notepad. This is really annoying. How can I change it?

    Click on "Browse" button at the "Open With" dialog and navigate to the location, where acrord32.exe is located. Preferebly, it should be this location "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" unless you have installed at some customized location.  I'm assuming you have installed Reader 9. Once you add Adobe Reader in the open with list, it would continue to appear next time onwards.

  • Opening files with .asp extension

    Since few weeks I am not able to open files with .asp extension.
    There was no problem over a long time, maybe the issue started with the actualization of OS X, moving to OS X 10.6.5 or with the actualization of Safari, moving to 5.0.3.
    Please let me know what I can do to re-open .asp files.

    Hallo Everybody, I have a similar issue.
    I run a Macbook Pro, and I operate into an internet based ERP system (managed by microsoft machines)
    In this system, which completely works through internet, I can create orders, invoices, then I tap "create invoice" and get a pdf file.
    Till few weeks ago it worked smoothly: I tapped "create invoice", the system worked and few seconds later adobe reader opened showing me the file from a .asp document. Now it doesn't work anymore.
    If I tap "create invoice", adobe reader doesn't do anything, but the .asp file is created into the "download" folder with the name "print preview", so I have to go into that folder and manually open the file.
    This leads in a waste of time and some confusion if I issue many documents at a time, which I find all mixes up with names "print preview 1" - 2 - 3...
    Does anybody have a clue on how I can open the .asp files into adobe reader automatically as they are created?
    Thank you in advance

  • Opening files with no extension

    Adobe Reader is installed on 2 different PCs running Windows XP, PC1 and PC2.
    Both PCs need to open .pdf files with no extension, because an application renames files, let's say "file1pdf", as "file1", without altering the contents.
    On PC1 if I try to open a file, let's say "file1", I see a list of available applications including "Adobe Reader".
    On PC2 if I try to open the same file I don't see "Adobe Reader" in the list of available applications.
    Adobe reader is installed on both PCs.
    How can I add "Adobe Reader" to the list of available applications to open files with no extension on PC2?

    Click on "Browse" button at the "Open With" dialog and navigate to the location, where acrord32.exe is located. Preferebly, it should be this location "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" unless you have installed at some customized location.  I'm assuming you have installed Reader 9. Once you add Adobe Reader in the open with list, it would continue to appear next time onwards.

  • Opening files with Illustrator and photoshop doesn't work, i have to drag the files from finder in to the program. This problem appears after opening 4 a 5 files.

    Opening files with Illustrator and photoshop doesn't work, i have to drag the files from finder in to the program.
    This problem appears after opening 4 a 5 files, rebooting helps another 4 a 5 times and appears again.

    I'd recommend reposting in the Boot Camp forum, that is where the Boot Camp and Windows gurus hang out.
    Good luck.

  • Developer: How can I let people open files with my program?

    Hello Everyone,
    I just finished my program for the Mac, and decided to make it an application.
    I used Platypus to make my program into an application. Unfortunately when I try to open a file with my program (control + click on file + open with -> other), my application is grayed out and I can't select it. I see it there along with the other applications but I can't select it like I can Mail or TextEdit.
    I read somewhere I had to use XCode to let people open files with my program but I have never used XCode and I have no idea how to do that. Any help would be appreciated.

    You've posted in the wrong forum. This is the OS X Leopard Installation and Setup forum. You need to post your problem in the Developers forum. Also, since Platypus is not an Apple product, you should visit it's developers forum for assistance. The Apple Discussions is intended to assist users with problems and questions about Apple products only.
    To use XCode Tools you need to install it from the Optional Installs folder on your OS X Installer Disc One. It comes with documentation. More assistance can be found at

  • When a file with extension .htm as a product from Epilex is opened, there was a notify a screen, "This epiLearn is not supported on Netscape browsers. epiLearn supports Internet Explorer 5.5 or above. Please launch it in Internet Explorer"

    My company has decided to use Epiplex software.
    But when a file with extension .htm as a product from Epilex is opened, there was a notify a screen,
    "This epiLearn is not supported on Netscape browsers. epiLearn supports Internet Explorer 5.5 or above. Please launch it in Internet Explorer".
    I prefer to use Mozilla than Internet Explorer. Would u please handle Mozilla browser along this problem to be available in this matter?

    This might be simple but it works well for me.
    Right click on the tool bar in IE8 and uncheck adobe PDF to disable.  Click yes when it ask if you are sure.
    Open Adobe
    READER located in the start menu.
    Click on Edit and then on Preferences.
    Select the "General" category.
    Click on "Select default PDF handler"
    Adobe Reader should be already selected. Change it to reader if it is not.
    Click on "Apply" and except changes.
    Restart the computer and you are done.
    Now you can open and save PDF's from IE8.  Once you save it, you can right click and "open with" Acrobat if you choose. 
    Be careful to not make Acrobat the default or you have to start over.
    You can still create PDF's from docs, scans, and picture like before.  You might think this is a work around but it really isn't. 
    Some forms that are available on the internet can't be opened by Acrobat for security reasons.
    Good luck!      P.S. I am not an IT tech but I play one on TV.

  • Files with extension .sbc

    i recently started using vodafone email to listen to the messages but i receive them in files with extension.sbc
    any software to open those files and listen to my messages???

    Check [this page|] Doesn't look promising. Proprietary technology so if the main company doesn't support Macs then you're probably out of luck.

  • Adobe Reader XI does not open files with a command line "path" argument.

    Adobe Reader XI does not open files with a command line "path" argument. Version X and lower all worked fine. I have deleted and reinstalled the program with no success. Is this a bug?

    Hi Daniel,
    What is the make of the printer and is it using PCL or PS driver.?
    Do you have Acrobat installed on this machine as well?
    Please check if 'Print Spooler' service is running on the machine.

  • Open file with reference

    I want to open files with a reference in hidden mode. Is this possible?
    Because I want to make a program where the user can choose a new test station and then the controls and indicators will be created (or become visible) and the subroutine begins to run.
    Does anybody have a good idea or even an example how to do this?
    Best regards,

    Hi Yves,
    You could control your Test- VI with a global variable as shown below. This solution uses two independent while- loops. The Test-VI won't be opened and does the work invisible.
    This is the Main-VI
    And this is the Test-VI
    Greets, Dave
    Message Edited by daveTW on 09-28-2006 03:30 PM
    Greets, Dave
    Test VI.png ‏2 KB
    Control VI.llb ‏31 KB
    Main VI.png ‏7 KB

  • Opening files with double click

    Hi, I'm using photoshop CS 6 and Yosemite 10.10.2 and wondering why photoshop is no more able to open files with a single double click. It opens the program but not the file. Second double click is necessary. Really annoying.
    It is also irritating that ADOBE asks me everytime before it opens ps if I want to take part in a survey. I took part several times to get rid of it, but the asking continued ...This is harassing – does it stop when I buy the cloud???
    Anyone else experiencing this?
    regards from Munich
    Stefan Saalfeld

    This was getting so frustrating I turned off FileVault and the problem went away. That's too bad, but there it is.

  • Problem opening files with Mac OS Mavericks and Elements

    I have recently installed Mac OS 10.9.x Mavericks.  Since this I have had problems opening files in Elements 11.  I upgraded to Elements 12, blindly hoping the problem would fix itself, however it hasn't.   When I try to open a file the Finder window pops up then disappears immediately.  Occasionally it will stay open until I scroll down but then closes.   I keep the files on an external drive but the drive is working with all other applications, so I don't think it is that.  If anyone has had a similar problem and has any ideas I would be grateful as the program is unusable for now.  Thanks very much in anticipation

    Hi Sjmitc, I followed Barbara's instructions about only about 24 hours ago and since then my files have been opening perfectly.  I tried it again before replying to you and they are still opening fine.
    I did have to go through my files a couple of times to find all the Elements preferences, but the solution is working fine so far.  I will let you know if I have any further problems.  It is maddening when it happens, so I hope you can fix yours.
    Best of Luck 
    Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2013 18:23:28 -0800
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Problem opening files with Mac OS Mavericks and Elements
        Re: Problem opening files with Mac OS Mavericks and Elements
        created by sjmitc in Photoshop Elements - View the full discussion
    Henwen, Is this solution still working for you? I tried this same solution on mine a few days ago and had no luck. However, it actually let me open files this afternoon then when I went back in later today, it was doing the disappearing act again.
         Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
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               Start a new discussion in Photoshop Elements at Adobe Community
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  • Process.start("winword", filename) can not open file with space in the path and name

    I am trying to write a class which can open file with selected application. for simplicity, now I just hard code the varaibles.
    the problem: if the path or file name has space in it, even it exist, winword still can not open it.
    could someone kindly show me what I did wrong and how to do it properly.
    Thanks in advance.
    public static class FileOpen
    public static void info()
    string path = @"c:\a temp folder\aaa 1.txt";
    if (File.Exists(path))
        // the file I am using in the sample does exist"yes");
    // working
    //Process.Start("winword", "c:\\aaa.txt");
    // not working
    //Process.Start("winword", "c:\aaa.txt");
    // not working
    Process.Start("winword", "c:\\a temp folder\\aaa 1.txt");
    // not working
    Process.Start("winword", path);

    string AppPath;
    AppPath = ReadRegistry(Registry.CurrentUser, "Software\\FabricStudio", "TARGETDIR", value).ToString() + @"help";
    string FileName = "'"+ AppPath + "\\ImageSamples.doc" + "'";
    System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("Winword.exe", FileName);
    can any body please help for this.
    where i am making mistake?

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