Printing a Component using Graphics

I have a corky situation where in I need to print some text well formatted in a JEditorPane. Now I can print the EditorPane as a whole but the problem is, I need to print some additional parameters in the report as well. In brief,
public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pageFormat, int page)
     if (page > 0)
          return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
     Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
     g2d.translate(pageFormat.getImageableX()), pageFormat.getImageableY());
g2d.drawString("Name and Address", .......);
//****** Here I draw the formatted text from the Editor Pane, which is in HTML Tags.
          return (PAGE_EXISTS);
Please throw in some suggestions.
Thanks !

Can you please help me format this. The printed JLabel has to fit inside the rectangular box printed and somehow it goes and gets itself aligned on top. Please Help !
public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pageFormat, int page)
     // Draw the border
     RoundRectangle2D.Double border =
          new RoundRectangle2D.Double(
// Now Painting the Label
     javax.swing.JLabel printLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
     printLabel.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder());
     printLabel.setBounds(2, 168, pageFormat.getImageableWidth(), 300);

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    I am trying to print a component that may be larger than the size of the paper being used. Is there some way to get it to split between pages - ie, if it's larger than the page, it is printed over two or more pages?
    The component in question is a JTextArea. Would it be better to get the text from it and use the graphics drawString rather than the component's paint method?
    The relevant part of the code is below.
         //cast the Graphics object to a Graphics2D object
         Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
         //set the origin to be (0,0)
         g2.translate(format.getImageableX(), format.getImageableY());
         //if double buffering is enabled, disable it before printing
         boolean b = testForDoubleBuffering(c);
         if (b == true){
         //tell the Component to draw itself to the printer
         //if double buffering was enabled, reenable it once printing has happened
         if (b == true){
         //return this constant to tell the PrinterJob that the page has been printed
         return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;

    I am trying to print a component that may be larger
    than the size of the paper being used. Is there some
    way to get it to split between pages - ie, if it's
    larger than the page, it is printed over two or more
    The component in question is a JTextArea. Would it be
    better to get the text from it and use the graphics
    drawString rather than the component's paint method?
    The relevant part of the code is below.
         //cast the Graphics object to a Graphics2D object
         Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
         //set the origin to be (0,0)
    //if double buffering is enabled, disable it before
         boolean b = testForDoubleBuffering(c);
         if (b == true){
         //tell the Component to draw itself to the printer
    //if double buffering was enabled, reenable it once
    printing has happened
         if (b == true){
    //return this constant to tell the PrinterJob that
    the page has been printed
         return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;I should add that this is part of a class that implements Printable. However, it is being called by a Book class with the Book's append() method. It is the Book class that is being printed by the PrintJob:
         Book book = new Book();
         book.append(new PrintableClass(c), format);
         //set the pageable class to be the book, with the user-selected format
         //if the user clicks the print button, start the printing process, otherwise cancel the print
         try {
         } catch(PrinterException pe) {
              System.out.println("Error printing: " + pe);

  • Printing whole Component

    Hi I try to print swing component,
    but it printing just one page, if the component is biggest form the page it printing semi component.
    How can I print all the component in multi page or fit it to one pade
    the code that I use:
    public class PrintUtilities implements Printable {
    private Component componentToBePrinted;
    public PrintUtilities(Component componentToBePrinted) {
    this.componentToBePrinted = componentToBePrinted;
    public static void printComponent(Component c) {
    new PrintUtilities(c).print();
    public void print() {
    PrinterJob printJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
    if (printJob.printDialog())
    try {
    } catch(PrinterException pe) {
    System.out.println("Error printing: " + pe);
    public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex) {
    if (pageIndex > 0) {
    } else {
    Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
    double scale = 1;
    g2d.translate(pageFormat.getImageableX(), pageFormat.getImageableY());
    // disableDoubleBuffering(componentToBePrinted);
    /** The speed and quality of printing suffers dramatically if
    * any of the containers have double buffering turned on.
    * So this turns if off globally.
    * @see enableDoubleBuffering
    public static void disableDoubleBuffering(Component c) {
    RepaintManager currentManager = RepaintManager.currentManager(c);
    /** Re-enables double buffering globally. */
    public static void enableDoubleBuffering(Component c) {
    RepaintManager currentManager = RepaintManager.currentManager(c);

    Just use scaling... see this link

  • PrintDataGrid's DataGridColumn - Embedded image not printing when you use TextFlow in the item rende

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    TitlePrintRenderer.mxml has s:RichText component. I use  RichText's textFlow property to render the text. The approach is working fine  except that if the textFlow has embedded images (<img source=... />), the  images are not printed!
    Is this a bug? Is it a limitation? Has anyone come  across this issue?
    I'm using Flex SDK 4.5.1

    After struggling for 4+ days on using timer / events for printing PrintDataGrid with embedded images in RichText's textFlow, I tried your other suggestion... to convert <img> tags to InlineGraphicElement and give it Bitmap from image loaded from a .gif file. The approach works but the printout skips images in a few rows!
    I've this test case in which, every time I print, it skips printing image in the second row! I also implemented this approach in a more complex test case and depending on the total number of rows, it would skip printing image in different number of rows. I'm suspecting that even if you construct InlineGraphicElement from bitmap loaded from an image, PrintDataGrid's renderer still skips printing image intermittently.
    I would very much appreciate it if you could create small project from my following code and verify this behavior. I'm at my wit's end in getting this printing to work.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
                paddingLeft="20" paddingRight="20"
                paddingTop="20" paddingBottom="20"
                import flash.utils.setTimeout;
                import flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElement;
                import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
                import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
                import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.printing.*;
                import mx.utils.OnDemandEventDispatcher;
                public var contentData:ArrayCollection;
                private var embeddedImages:ArrayCollection;
                private var numberOfImagesLoaded:int;
                public var printJob:FlexPrintJob;
                public var thePrintView:FormPrintView;
                public var lastPage:Boolean;
                private var textFlowNS:Namespace = new Namespace("");
                public function initData():void {
                    contentData = new ArrayCollection();
                    var page:int = 0;
                    for (var z:int=0; z<20; z++)    {
                        var content:Object = new Object();
                        content.srNo = z+1;
                        content.contentText =
                        "<TextFlow whiteSpaceCollapse='preserve' xmlns=''>" +
                        "<span>some text</span>" +
                        "<img width='53' height='49' source='assets/images/formula.gif'/>" +
                public function printClickHandler():void {
                private function convertToTextFlow():void {
                    embeddedImages = new ArrayCollection();
                    numberOfImagesLoaded = 0;
                    for each (var contentElement:Object in contentData) {
                    if (embeddedImages.length > 0) {
                    } else {
                private function extractImageInfo(contentText:String):void {
                    var textXml:XML = new XML(contentText);
                    var imageList:XMLList = textXml.textFlowNS::img;
                    for each (var img:XML in imageList) {
                        var embeddedImage:Object = new Object();
                        embeddedImage.source = String(img.@source);
                        embeddedImage.width = parseInt(img.@width);
                        embeddedImage.height = parseInt(img.@height);
                private function loadImage(imageSource:String):void {
                    var loader:Loader = new Loader();
                    var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(imageSource);
                    loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded);
                private function imageLoaded(e:Event):void {
                    embeddedImages.getItemAt(numberOfImagesLoaded).bitmap = (Bitmap)(;
                    embeddedImages.getItemAt(numberOfImagesLoaded).width = ((Bitmap)(;
                    embeddedImages.getItemAt(numberOfImagesLoaded).height = ((Bitmap)(;
                    if (numberOfImagesLoaded < embeddedImages.length) {
                    } else {
                        // all the images have been loaded... convert to textflow
                private function buildContent():void {
                    var contentIndex:int = 0;
                    for each (var contentElement:Object in contentData) {
                        if (hasImage(contentElement.contentText)) {
                            buildTextFlow(contentElement, contentIndex);
                private function buildTextFlow(content:Object, contentIndex:int):void {
                    var textXml:XML = new XML(content.contentText);
                    var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
                    for each(var child:XML in textXml.children()) {
                        switch (child.localName()) {
                            case "span":
                                var span:SpanElement;
                                span = new SpanElement();
                                span.text = child;
                                span.fontSize = 10;
                            case "img":
                                var image:InlineGraphicElement;
                                image = new InlineGraphicElement();
                                image.source = embeddedImages.getItemAt(contentIndex).bitmap;
                                image.width = embeddedImages.getItemAt(contentIndex).width;
                                image.height = embeddedImages.getItemAt(contentIndex).height;
                    content.textFlow = new TextFlow();
                private function hasImage(contentText:String):Boolean {
                    var textXml:XML = new XML(contentText);
                    var imageList:XMLList = textXml.textFlowNS::img;
                    if (imageList.length() > 0) {
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        return false;
                private function printData():void {
                    printJob = new FlexPrintJob();
                    lastPage = false;
                    if (printJob.start()) {
                        thePrintView = new FormPrintView();
                        thePrintView.printDataGrid.dataProvider = contentData;
                        if(!thePrintView.printDataGrid.validNextPage) {
                        } else {
                            while (true) {
                                if(!thePrintView.printDataGrid.validNextPage) {
                                } else {
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        paddingTop="50" paddingBottom="50" paddingLeft="50"
                import mx.core.*
                    public function showPage(pageType:String):void {
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <s:State name="normal" />
            <s:State name="hovered" />
            <s:State name="selected" />
                import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
                private var myTextFlow:TextFlow;
                override public function set data(value:Object) : void {
                    if (value != null) {
               = value;
                        myTextFlow = data.textFlow;

  • Should the print company I use be able to change a file to spot color for me?

    I recently sent a document in to a major print company to have a folder printed.  The document was created in Illustrator using only two colors. They said they could not print it because it was still more than two colors and that I needed to change it to a two color document using Pantone Spot Color.
    I've never had to do that for a print company before but I've also never had a two color project before. I opened the file back up and selected my objects and "recolored" the work and deleted all the swatches aside from the two colors I needed that were now Pantone Spot Color (HSB). It literally took me 2 minutes.
    The reason I am asking is because they pretty much said that I don't know what I'm doing, which to a designer is completely insulting.  We all do new things from time to time but that is an insult. Shouldn't they, a large print company with years of experience, know how to do this for me? They had the original design file.. Maybe they don't know what they are doing?
    Any clarity on as to why I needed to do it and not them is greatly appreciated.  Also.. any direction as the best way to use spot color over cmyk is appreciated too.

    ...which to a designer is completely insulting...
    What's so special about "a designer"?
    Prior to the mid 1980s, designers could get away with prima Donna attitudes, because they (or their employers) were paying pre-press "color houses" around $350 per hour to tweak colors to sooth their oh-so-erudite discernment and hyper-developed color sensitivities, and to gain reimbursement for the $100 per plate lunches on proof-check days.
    That all changed when designers (and their employers) got tired of paying those fees and took on the responsibility for the technical side of assembling their designs into something printable. That was the so-called "desktop revolution" and "revolution" was not a bad word for it. It turned a huge industry on its head. Color houses which didn't adopt PostScript devices and workflows were soon dropping like flies--and so were designers who didn't climb down off their lofty pedestals and buckle down to learning the technical realities of what they were doing.
    Don't be insulted, but the simple fact is, you still don't know what you're doing if you think converting any given process color job to a two-spot job is "just a couple of minutes' work." Only in the very simplest designs would it be as simple as re-defining a couple of process Swatches as spot color Swatches.
    In Illustrator in particular, doing so won't even work if the original Swatches were not originally defined as Global Swatches.
    If those two process Swatches were used in any Blends, converting them to spot will likely not update the intermediate steps of the Blend. In earlier versions of Illustrator, the same problem applied to grads.
    You can often get away with not having properly trapped the file with process swatches, because there are potentially four component inks which may be shared between adjacent different-color objects. Spot inks are not so forgiving. Trapping is essential if the two spot colors touch.
    So you really expect a printer to just have a policy to do that for you? And thereby bear responsibility for anything they may misinterpret or overlook that may cause a registration sliver on press and thereby loose every bit of profit on the printing (which these days is cut-throat competitive)?
    No. It's your responsibility to build the file correctly. The printing houses I use know better. They know I would have a coniption fit if I ever caught them modifying one of my files. They know they are to return any problem file to me for correction.

  • The 3d features require 'use graphics processor' is enabled in the performance preferences.  Your video card must meet the minimum requirements and you may need to check that your driver is working correctly

    the 3d features require 'use graphics processor' is enabled in the performance preferences.  Your video card must meet the minimum requirements and you may need to check that your driver is working correctly
    Hello I'm also getting this error.. can anybody help me out? Here's my log.
    Adobe Photoshop Version: 2014.0.0 20140508.r.58 2014/05/08:23:59:59  x64
    Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
    Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
    System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:5, Stepping:5 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3
    Physical processor count: 2
    Processor speed: 2128 MHz
    Built-in memory: 2934 MB
    Free memory: 231 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 2354 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 70 %
    3D Multitone Printing: Disabled.
    Touch Gestures: Disabled.
    Windows 2x UI: Disabled.
    Image tile size: 1024K
    Image cache levels: 4
    Font Preview: Medium
    TextComposer: Latin
    Display: 1
    Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=768, right=1366
    OpenGL Drawing: Enabled.
    OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected.
    OpenGL Drawing Mode: Advanced
    OpenGL Allow Normal Mode: True.
    OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: True.
    glgpu[0].GLName="Intel(R) HD Graphics"
    glgpu[0].GLRenderer="Intel(R) HD Graphics"
    glgpu[0].glGetString[GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION]="1.20  - Intel Build"
    License Type: Tryout Version
    Serial number: Tryout Version
    Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2014\
    Temporary file path: C:\Users\ANNABE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\
    Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
    Scratch volume(s):
      C:\, 298.0G, 63.8G free
    Required Plug-ins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2014\Required\Plug-Ins\
    Primary Plug-ins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2014\Plug-ins\
    Installed components:
       A3DLIBS.dll   A3DLIB Dynamic Link Library  
       ACE.dll   ACE 2014/04/14-23:42:44   79.554120   79.554120
       adbeape.dll   Adobe APE 2013/02/04-09:52:32   0.1160850   0.1160850
       AdbePM.dll   PatchMatch 2014/04/23-10:46:55   79.554276   79.554276
       AdobeLinguistic.dll   Adobe Linguisitc Library   8.0.0  
       AdobeOwl.dll   Adobe Owl 2014/03/05-14:49:37   5.0.33   79.552883
       AdobePDFL.dll   PDFL 2014/03/04-00:39:42   79.510482   79.510482
       AdobePIP.dll   Adobe Product Improvement Program  
       AdobeXMP.dll   Adobe XMP Core 2014/01/13-19:44:00   79.155772   79.155772
       AdobeXMPFiles.dll   Adobe XMP Files 2014/01/13-19:44:00   79.155772   79.155772
       AdobeXMPScript.dll   Adobe XMP Script 2014/01/13-19:44:00   79.155772   79.155772
       adobe_caps.dll   Adobe CAPS   8,0,0,7  
       AGM.dll   AGM 2014/04/14-23:42:44   79.554120   79.554120
       ahclient.dll    AdobeHelp Dynamic Link Library   1,8,0,31  
       amtlib.dll   AMTLib (64 Bit) BuildVersion: 8.0; BuildDate: Fri Mar 28 2014 20:28:30)   1.000000
       ARE.dll   ARE 2014/04/14-23:42:44   79.554120   79.554120
       AXE8SharedExpat.dll   AXE8SharedExpat 2013/12/20-21:40:29   79.551013   79.551013
       AXEDOMCore.dll   AXEDOMCore 2013/12/20-21:40:29   79.551013   79.551013
       Bib.dll   BIB 2014/04/14-23:42:44   79.554120   79.554120
       BIBUtils.dll   BIBUtils 2014/04/14-23:42:44   79.554120   79.554120
       boost_date_time.dll   photoshopdva   8.0.0  
       boost_signals.dll   photoshopdva   8.0.0  
       boost_system.dll   photoshopdva   8.0.0  
       boost_threads.dll   photoshopdva   8.0.0  
       cg.dll   NVIDIA Cg Runtime   3.0.00007  
       cgGL.dll   NVIDIA Cg Runtime   3.0.00007  
       CIT.dll   Adobe CIT
       CITThreading.dll   Adobe CITThreading
       CoolType.dll   CoolType 2014/04/14-23:42:44   79.554120   79.554120
       dvaaudiodevice.dll   photoshopdva   8.0.0  
       dvacore.dll   photoshopdva   8.0.0  
       dvamarshal.dll   photoshopdva   8.0.0  
       dvamediatypes.dll   photoshopdva   8.0.0  
       dvametadata.dll   photoshopdva   8.0.0  
       dvametadataapi.dll   photoshopdva   8.0.0  
       dvametadataui.dll   photoshopdva   8.0.0  
       dvaplayer.dll   photoshopdva   8.0.0  
       dvatransport.dll   photoshopdva   8.0.0  
       dvaui.dll   photoshopdva   8.0.0  
       dvaunittesting.dll   photoshopdva   8.0.0  
       dynamiclink.dll   photoshopdva   8.0.0  
       ExtendScript.dll   ExtendScript 2014/01/21-23:58:55   79.551519   79.551519
       icucnv40.dll   International Components for Unicode 2013/02/25-15:59:15    Build gtlib_4.0.19090  
       icudt40.dll   International Components for Unicode 2013/02/25-15:59:15    Build gtlib_4.0.19090  
       imslib.dll   IMSLib DLL  
       JP2KLib.dll   JP2KLib 2014/03/12-08:53:44   79.252744   79.252744
       libifcoremd.dll   Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler   10.0 (Update A)  
       libiomp5md.dll   Intel(R) OpenMP* Runtime Library   5.0  
       libmmd.dll   Intel(r) C Compiler, Intel(r) C++ Compiler, Intel(r) Fortran Compiler   12.0  
       LogSession.dll   LogSession  
       mediacoreif.dll   photoshopdva   8.0.0  
       MPS.dll   MPS 2014/03/25-23:41:34   79.553444   79.553444
       pdfsettings.dll   Adobe PDFSettings   1.04  
       Photoshop.dll   Adobe Photoshop CC 2014   15.0  
       Plugin.dll   Adobe Photoshop CC 2014   15.0  
       PlugPlugExternalObject.dll   Adobe(R) CEP PlugPlugExternalObject Standard Dll (64 bit)   5.0.0  
       PlugPlugOwl.dll   Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlugOwl Standard Dll (64 bit)  
       PSArt.dll   Adobe Photoshop CC 2014   15.0  
       PSViews.dll   Adobe Photoshop CC 2014   15.0  
       SCCore.dll   ScCore 2014/01/21-23:58:55   79.551519   79.551519
       ScriptUIFlex.dll   ScriptUIFlex 2014/01/20-22:42:05   79.550992   79.550992
       svml_dispmd.dll   Intel(r) C Compiler, Intel(r) C++ Compiler, Intel(r) Fortran Compiler   12.0  
       tbb.dll   Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows   4, 2, 2013, 1114  
       tbbmalloc.dll   Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows   4, 2, 2013, 1114  
       TfFontMgr.dll   FontMgr  
       TfKernel.dll   Kernel  
       TFKGEOM.dll   Kernel Geom  
       TFUGEOM.dll   Adobe, UGeom©  
       updaternotifications.dll   Adobe Updater Notifications Library (BuildVersion: 1.0; BuildDate: BUILDDATETIME)
       VulcanControl.dll   Vulcan Application Control Library  
       VulcanMessage5.dll   Vulcan Message Library  
       WRServices.dll   WRServices Fri Mar 07 2014 15:33:10   Build 0.20204   0.20204
       wu3d.dll   U3D Writer  
    Required plug-ins:
       3D Studio 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Accented Edges 15.0
       Adaptive Wide Angle 15.0
       Angled Strokes 15.0
       Average 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Bas Relief 15.0
       BMP 15.0
       Camera Raw 8.0
       Camera Raw Filter 8.0
       Chalk & Charcoal 15.0
       Charcoal 15.0
       Chrome 15.0
       Cineon 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Clouds 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Collada 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Color Halftone 15.0
       Colored Pencil 15.0
       CompuServe GIF 15.0
       Conté Crayon 15.0
       Craquelure 15.0
       Crop and Straighten Photos 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 15.0
       Crosshatch 15.0
       Crystallize 15.0
       Cutout 15.0
       Dark Strokes 15.0
       De-Interlace 15.0
       Dicom 15.0
       Difference Clouds 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Diffuse Glow 15.0
       Displace 15.0
       Dry Brush 15.0
       Eazel Acquire 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Embed Watermark 4.0
       Entropy 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Export Color Lookup NO VERSION
       Extrude 15.0
       FastCore Routines 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Fibers 15.0
       Film Grain 15.0
       Filter Gallery 15.0
       Flash 3D 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Fresco 15.0
       Glass 15.0
       Glowing Edges 15.0
       Google Earth 4 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Grain 15.0
       Graphic Pen 15.0
       Halftone Pattern 15.0
       HDRMergeUI 15.0
       IFF Format 15.0
       Ink Outlines 15.0
       JPEG 2000 15.0
       Kurtosis 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Lens Blur 15.0
       Lens Correction 15.0
       Lens Flare 15.0
       Liquify 15.0
       Matlab Operation 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Maximum 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Mean 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Measurement Core 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Median 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Mezzotint 15.0
       Minimum 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       MMXCore Routines 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Mosaic Tiles 15.0
       Multiprocessor Support 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Neon Glow 15.0
       Note Paper 15.0
       NTSC Colors 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Ocean Ripple 15.0
       OpenEXR 15.0
       Paint Daubs 15.0
       Palette Knife 15.0
       Patchwork 15.0
       Paths to Illustrator 15.0
       PCX 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Photocopy 15.0
       Photoshop 3D Engine 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Photoshop Touch 14.0
       Picture Package Filter 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Pinch 15.0
       Pixar 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Plaster 15.0
       Plastic Wrap 15.0
       PNG 15.0
       Pointillize 15.0
       Polar Coordinates 15.0
       Portable Bit Map 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Poster Edges 15.0
       Radial Blur 15.0
       Radiance 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Range 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Read Watermark 4.0
       Render Color Lookup Grid NO VERSION
       Reticulation 15.0
       Ripple 15.0
       Rough Pastels 15.0
       Save for Web 15.0
       ScriptingSupport 15.0
       Shake Reduction 15.0
       Shear 15.0
       Skewness 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Smart Blur 15.0
       Smudge Stick 15.0
       Solarize 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Spatter 15.0
       Spherize 15.0
       Sponge 15.0
       Sprayed Strokes 15.0
       Stained Glass 15.0
       Stamp 15.0
       Standard Deviation 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       STL 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Sumi-e 15.0
       Summation 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Targa 15.0
       Texturizer 15.0
       Tiles 15.0
       Torn Edges 15.0
       Twirl 15.0
       Underpainting 15.0
       Vanishing Point 15.0
       Variance 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Water Paper 15.0
       Watercolor 15.0
       Wave 15.0
       Wavefront|OBJ 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       WIA Support 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       Wind 15.0
       Wireless Bitmap 15.0 (2014.0.0 x001)
       ZigZag 15.0
    Optional and third party plug-ins: NONE
    Plug-ins that failed to load: NONE
    Installed TWAIN devices: NONE

    What Intel video card do you have? The only Intel HD graphics cards officially supported by Photoshop CC are:
    Intel HD Graphics P3000
    Intel HD Graphics P4000
    Intel(R) HD Graphics P4600/P4700
    Intel HD Graphics 5000
    Go here to read more about the requirements: Photoshop CC and CC 2014 GPU FAQ

  • Help needed:Printing HTML file using javax.print

    I am using the following code which i got form the forum for rpinting an HTML file.
    The folllowing code is working fine, but the problem is the content of HTML file is not getting printed. I am geeting a blank page with no content. What is the change that is required in the code? ALso is there any simpler way to implement this. Help needed ASAP.
    public boolean printHTMLFile(String filename) {
              try {
                   JEditorPane editorPane = new JEditorPane();
                   editorPane.setEditorKit(new HTMLEditorKit());
                   String text = getFileContents(filename);
                   if (text != null) {
                   } else {
                        return false;
                   return true;
              } catch (Exception tce) {
              return false;
         public String getFileContents(String filename) {
              try {
                   File file = new File(filename);
                   BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
                   String line;
                   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                   while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
                   return sb.toString();
              } catch (Exception tce) {
              return null;
         public void printEditorPane(JEditorPane editorPane) {
                   try {
                        HTMLPrinter htmlPrinter = new HTMLPrinter();
                        htmlPrinter.printJEditorPane(editorPane, htmlPrinter.showPrintDialog());
                   } catch (Exception tce) {
         * Sets up to easily print HTML documents. It is not necessary to call any of the setter
         * methods as they all have default values, they are provided should you wish to change
         * any of the default values.
         public class HTMLPrinter {
         public int DEFAULT_DPI = 72;
         public float DEFAULT_PAGE_WIDTH_INCH = 8.5f;
         public float DEFAULT_PAGE_HEIGHT_INCH = 11f;
         int x = 100;
         int y = 80;
         GraphicsConfiguration gc;
         PrintService[] services;
         PrintService defaultService;
         DocFlavor flavor;
         PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes;
         Vector pjlListeners = new Vector();
         Vector pjalListeners = new Vector();
         Vector psalListeners = new Vector();
         public HTMLPrinter() {
              gc = null;
              attributes = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
              flavor = null;
              defaultService = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService();
              services = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(flavor, attributes);
              // do something with the supported docflavors
              DocFlavor[] df = defaultService.getSupportedDocFlavors();
              for (int i = 0; i < df.length; i++)
              System.out.println(df.getMimeType() + " " + df[i].getRepresentationClassName());
              // if there is a default service, but no other services
              if (defaultService != null && (services == null || services.length == 0)) {
              services = new PrintService[1];
              services[0] = defaultService;
         * Set the GraphicsConfiguration to display the print dialog on.
         * @param gc a GraphicsConfiguration object
         public void setGraphicsConfiguration(GraphicsConfiguration gc) {
              this.gc = gc;
         public void setServices(PrintService[] services) {
     = services;
         public void setDefaultService(PrintService service) {
              this.defaultService = service;
         public void setDocFlavor(DocFlavor flavor) {
              this.flavor = flavor;
         public void setPrintRequestAttributes(PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes) {
              this.attributes = attributes;
         public void setPrintDialogLocation(int x, int y) {
              this.x = x;
              this.y = y;
         public void addPrintJobListener(PrintJobListener pjl) {
         public void removePrintJobListener(PrintJobListener pjl) {
         public void addPrintServiceAttributeListener(PrintServiceAttributeListener psal) {
         public void removePrintServiceAttributeListener(PrintServiceAttributeListener psal) {
         public boolean printJEditorPane(JEditorPane jep, PrintService ps) {
                   if (ps == null || jep == null) {
                        System.out.println("printJEditorPane: jep or ps is NULL, aborting...");
                        return false;
                   // get the root view of the preview pane
                   View rv = jep.getUI().getRootView(jep);
                   // get the size of the view (hopefully the total size of the page to be printed
                   int x = (int) rv.getPreferredSpan(View.X_AXIS);
                   int y = (int) rv.getPreferredSpan(View.Y_AXIS);
                   // find out if the print has been set to colour mode
                   DocPrintJob dpj = ps.createPrintJob();
                   PrintJobAttributeSet pjas = dpj.getAttributes();
                   // get the DPI and printable area of the page. use default values if not available
                   // use this to get the maximum number of pixels on the vertical axis
                   PrinterResolution pr = (PrinterResolution) pjas.get(PrinterResolution.class);
                   int dpi;
                   float pageX, pageY;
                   if (pr != null)
                        dpi = pr.getFeedResolution(PrinterResolution.DPI);
                        dpi = DEFAULT_DPI;
                   MediaPrintableArea mpa = (MediaPrintableArea) pjas.get(MediaPrintableArea.class);
                   if (mpa != null) {
                        pageX = mpa.getX(MediaPrintableArea.INCH);
                        pageY = mpa.getX(MediaPrintableArea.INCH);
                   } else {
                        pageX = DEFAULT_PAGE_WIDTH_INCH;
                        pageY = DEFAULT_PAGE_HEIGHT_INCH;
                   int pixelsPerPageY = (int) (dpi * pageY);
                   int pixelsPerPageX = (int) (dpi * pageX);
                   int minY = Math.max(pixelsPerPageY, y);
                   // make colour true if the user has selected colour, and the PrintService can support colour
                   boolean colour = pjas.containsValue(Chromaticity.COLOR);
                   colour = colour & (ps.getAttribute(ColorSupported.class) == ColorSupported.SUPPORTED);
                   // create a BufferedImage to draw on
                   int imgMode;
                   if (colour)
                        imgMode = BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR;
                        imgMode = BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY;
                   BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(pixelsPerPageX, minY, imgMode);
                   Graphics myGraphics = img.getGraphics();
                   myGraphics.setClip(0, 0, pixelsPerPageX, minY);
                   myGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, pixelsPerPageX, minY);
                        java.awt.Rectangle rectangle=new java.awt.Rectangle(0,0,pixelsPerPageX, minY);
                   // call rootView.paint( myGraphics, rect ) to paint the whole image on myGraphics
                   rv.paint(myGraphics, rectangle);
                   try {
                        // write the image as a JPEG to the ByteArray so it can be printed
                        Iterator writers = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName("jpeg");
                        ImageWriter writer = (ImageWriter);
                                       // mod: Added the iwparam to create the highest quality image possible
                        ImageWriteParam iwparam = writer.getDefaultWriteParam();
                        iwparam.setCompressionMode(ImageWriteParam.MODE_EXPLICIT) ;
                        iwparam.setCompressionQuality(1.0f); // highest quality
                        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                        ImageOutputStream ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(out);
                        // get the number of pages we need to print this image
                        int imageHeight = img.getHeight();
                        int numberOfPages = (int) Math.ceil(minY / (double) pixelsPerPageY);
                        // print each page
                        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPages; i++) {
                             int startY = i * pixelsPerPageY;
                             // get a subimage which is exactly the size of one page
                             BufferedImage subImg = img.getSubimage(0, startY, pixelsPerPageX, Math.min(y - startY, pixelsPerPageY));
                                                 // mod: different .write() method to use the iwparam parameter with highest quality compression
                             writer.write(null, new IIOImage(subImg, null, null), iwparam);
                             SimpleDoc sd = new SimpleDoc(out.toByteArray(), DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.JPEG, null);
                             printDocument(sd, ps);
                             // reset the ByteArray so we can start the next page
                   } catch (PrintException e) {
                        System.out.println("Error printing document.");
                        return false;
                   } catch (IOException e) {
                        System.out.println("Error creating ImageOutputStream or writing to it.");
                        return false;
                   // uncomment this code and comment out the 'try-catch' block above
                   // to print to a JFrame instead of to the printer
                   /*          JFrame jf = new JFrame();
                             PaintableJPanel jp = new PaintableJPanel();
                             jp.setImage( img );
                             JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane( jp );
                             jf.getContentPane().add( jsp );
                             Insets i = jf.getInsets();
                             jf.setBounds( 0, 0, newX, y );
                             jf.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE );
                             jf.setVisible( true );*/
                   return true;
              * Print the document to the specified PrintService.
              * This method cannot tell if the printing was successful. You must register
              * a PrintJobListener
              * @return false if no PrintService is selected in the dialog, true otherwise
              public boolean printDocument(Doc doc, PrintService ps) throws PrintException {
                   if (ps == null)
                   return false;
                   DocPrintJob dpj = ps.createPrintJob();
                   dpj.print(doc, attributes);
                   return true;
              public PrintService showPrintDialog() {
                   return ServiceUI.printDialog(gc, x, y, services, defaultService, flavor, attributes);
              private void addAllPrintServiceAttributeListeners(PrintService ps) {
                   // add all listeners that are currently added to this object
                   for (int i = 0; i < psalListeners.size(); i++) {
                   PrintServiceAttributeListener p = (PrintServiceAttributeListener) psalListeners.get(i);
              private void addAllPrintJobListeners(DocPrintJob dpj) {
                   // add all listeners that are currently added to this object
                   for (int i = 0; i < pjlListeners.size(); i++) {
                   PrintJobListener p = (PrintJobListener) pjlListeners.get(i);
              // uncomment this also to print to a JFrame instead of a printer
              /* protected class PaintableJPanel extends JPanel {
                   Image img;
                   protected PaintableJPanel() {
                   public void setImage( Image i ) {
                        img = i;
                   public void paint( Graphics g ) {
                        g.drawImage( img, 0, 0, this );

    I have had printing problems too a year and a half ago. I used all printing apis of java and I still find that it is something java lacks. Now basically you can try autosense. To check whether your printer is capable of printing the docflavor use this PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(flavor, aset); . If it lists the printer then he can print the document otherwise he can't. I guess that is why you get the error.

  • Color printing help with large graphics Reader 11.0.3

    Good morning!  We recently upgraded to 11.0.3.  Windows 7 64-bit.  We've had issues printing large color graphics from Reader 11.
    For example, the PDF will have an intricate purple graphic with matching purple text blocks underneath.  Print preview shows correctly, but when printed the graphic prints brown instead of purple.  The purple text blocks print correctly.  This seems to happen sporadically, but seems to be with complex graphics.
    Documents from all other apps print OK and if we open this .pdf from Acrobat X Standard and export it to a .png file the colors print correctly. 
    The graphic files come from a myriad of sources and customers and we don't have control over the way the documents are originally saved or what apps are used to create the artwork. 
    Any idea why the graphics colors aren't printing and if there are settings we can adjust in Reader 11 so they will print correctly?
    We've tried:
    - Printing to several printers with different drivers and all yield the same results.  (Toshiba eStudio 3530c with PCL6 and PS drivers, Epson Artisan 835, HP OfficeJet 8600, Samsung CLX-6200x)
    - Adjusting the Overprint Preview settings under File -> Preferences and setting "Simulate Overprinting" under the Advanced button in the print preview window.
    - Selecting "Print As Image" under the Advanced button in the print preview window.
    - Adjusting the Document Color Options under File -> Preferences -> Accessibility.
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Fastest thing you can try: use Windows Explorer to navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader, then double-click on Eula.exe and accept the license agreement.
    If that doesn't work, you can try using this tool to first remove all traces of Reader from your computer:
    Then, you can download the full offline Reader installer from
    After downloading, restart your computer and run the installer before doing anything else.

  • Graphics using graphic API are drawn below the loaded content created using Flash authoring tool

    Here is my problem.
    I am developing a Analog Dial component. Here , I am
    extending UIComponent and loading a swf file generated using Flash
    CS3 authoring tool ( the swf basically has the circle and needle)
    and adding the loaded content as child of Dial class.
    Next I use Graphics API to draw the major and minor ticks on
    the dial.
    As mentioned in the curveTo method of flash.display.Graphics
    class documentation (,
    if you are using graphics api and also loading content created
    using the flash authoring environment the vector graphics will be
    drawn underneath the loaded content.
    Well , Is there any way to make the graphics appear on top of
    the loaded contents?

    It appears that this may be accomplished more easily if I do something similar to the StrobeMediaPlayback implementation. Looking at the StrobeMediaPlayback source code it looks like Adobe has done something a little different than their ControlBarPlugin, placing the controlbar and root media element inside separate MediaContainers and then adding those containers to the display list. Is this recommended over using the frameworks ParallelElements? If so, is communication between the control bar and root media element still a matter of just updating the target reference via metadata?

  • Setting source property of Trinidad image component using java script

    Can anyone tell me how to set the source property of Trinidad Image component using javascript.
    i tried document.getElementById("f1:img").source="/images/neha.gif".
    But its not working

    Bases on the solution you suggested, i tried the img component to change the image on OnMouseOver and OnMouseOut. Its working fine in a normal browser but doesnt work in Mobile browser. May be because mobile browser supports only trinidad components. I then tried the option of backing bean
    " Or you can expose the component to a backing bean by setting its "binding" attribute. JDeveloper can create a backing bean from the wizard if you don't already have one. This will get you a CoreImage object in the bean, and you can change the source with its setSource method."
    . So i bound the omMouseOver event of the trinidad image component to a backing bean. Inside that i am changing the source and refreshing the component.
    <tr:commandLink id="cl1" action="goAlerts" styleClass="listingLink2">
    <tr:image source="/images/alert.gif" id="i4"
    public void setAlertOnMouseOver(CoreImage alertOnMouseOver) {
    this.alertOnMouseOver = alertOnMouseOver;
    RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
    So what i found is setAlertOnMouseOver is getting called but not MouseOver event but when the page is loaded. Can you please tell me where i am going wrong?

  • How to print a doc using  Reader

    I am unable to print a document using Adobe Reader
    Any ideas about how to do so?

    When I try to print the doc, I selected the particular doc to print (copy), the ckicked on to "view document", and a gray screen populates without any graphics.
    The error message that I got, after one try, was to the effect that a problem existed in my security set-up. 
    I checked the security system software file and read that the Adobe Reader was installed and "running", yet I have not discovered what I need to do to get a print of the doc. 

  • Using Graphics 2D

    I am trying to use Graphics 2D together with swing. Anyone have any idea how to do it. I am using JFrame to create a new window. So how do I draw to the JFrame?

    I am trying to use Graphics 2D together with swing.
    Anyone have any idea how to do it. I am using JFrame
    to create a new window. So how do I draw to the
    JFrame?Override the paint method of a component that you will add to the JFrame. Here's a VERY simple example:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    public class CircleDemo extends JApplet {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            JFrame frame = new JFrame("Circle Demo");
            frame.getContentPane().add(new CircleDemo());
            frame.setSize(new Dimension(100,150));
        public void paint(Graphics g) {
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
            g2.draw(new Ellipse2D.Double(25, 25, 50, 50));

  • How to print WDA component view?

    Hello Experts,
    I need to print a view of a WD Component view.
    Can you please suggest any ways of doing the same.
    Below attached is the view screenshot which is needed to printed.
    The requirement is to have an additional button on the component itself, which will popup a window which would contain a PDF format of the view and some additional info regarding the same.
    Please suggest some way to tackle this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sanket,
    Yes, you display that particular page in a pop up window.
    Create a button "Print" in pop up window and on action, go ahead with either of below option
    Option 1: print whole page using print application option ( here no need of designing it, it just prints visible area of current page, note it also prints buttons as well )
    l_api_componentcontroller type ref to if_wd_component,
    l_appl type ref to if_wd_application.
      l_api_componentcontroller = wd_comp_controller->wd_get_api( ).
    l_appl = l_api_componentcontroller->get_application( ).
    l_appl->print_page( ).
    Option 2: Design adobe form and call the adobe form on action of PRINT button

  • My iPad shows a message "Cannot find AirPrint printer". I used to use my iPad to print materials using HP wireless printer D110. Now it does not want to print. Is this because I am now using IOS 7? What should I do to solve the problem? Help please.

    My iPad shows a message "Cannot find AirPrint printer". I used to use my iPad to print materials using HP wireless printer D110. Now it does not want to print. Is this because I am now using IOS 7? What should I do to solve the problem? Help please.

    Restart your WiFi router and printer by removing power for 30 seconds.

  • Problem with NIReport.llb\Print HTML Report using on different machines

    We have 5 machines here in our workgroup which have the same state regarding security patches and other system updates. We recently found out that there is a problem with the NIReport.llb\Print HTML Report using on the different machines.
    If I would open the VI on MachineA the control could be loaded. If I would open the VI on MachineB the control could be loaded. If I would copy the VI from MachineB to MachineA and open the VI the control could not be loaded. If I would copy the VI from MachineA to MachineB and open the VI on MachineB the control could be loaded. MachineB could load the version from MachineA and MachineB but on MachineA only the own version will load. I have seen that both versions have the same GUID for the Microsoft Webbrowser but are different in some other aereas.
    Since printing HTML Reports is part of the application which will be distributed as application I want to know if someone else have seen such a behaviour or has got problems distributing an application.
    Also I want to know which additional information is stored in an Active-X container about the control beside the GUID.
    We have Win XP Prof SP2 with MS IE 6.0.2900.2180 on all machines in the workgroup.
    Using 7.1.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 on XP and RT
    Don't forget to give Kudos to good answers and/or questions

    Hi Tom,
    this is the VI <vi.lib>\Utillitiy\NIReport.llb\Print HTML Report using copied from a machine that can load and run the VI and it will print. On this machine the control in the VI is white.
    This VI will give the "Control could not be loaded" message on my machine.
    The file shdocvw.dll is 2006-10-23 16:18 size 1.460 KB and I verifyed that both machines have the same version of this file.
    Using 7.1.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 on XP and RT
    Don't forget to give Kudos to good answers and/or questions
    Print HTML Report using IE.png ‏11 KB

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