Problems converting using isquint

I am trying to convert a short sequence made in FCX ( exported to quicktime 7.0.3 ) to put onto a 5th generation ipod using isquint, but I get this message - Unsupported codec (id=0) for input stream #0.0
Has anyone ever had this problem, and if so what to do??
Thanks alot.

I understood that I had to export it to Quicktime first in order to then convert correctly for an ipod.
"Export to QT Movie" is a dedicated preset that creates a DV compressed reference (or self-contained) file suitable for handing off to other applications for further processing (e.g., creating a DVD). Compressor could be used for other specific purposes (like creating various streaming files) but "Export using QT Conversion" is probably best here. It gives you direct access to the "Movie to iPod (320 x 240)" high quality, multi-pass H.264/AAC preset for creating iTunes/iPod compatible files. This is a very slow conversion, so many people prefer the "Movie to MPEG-4" collection of presets which allow a moderately knowledgeable user create iPod compatible custom files in either MPEG-4 or H.264 single/multiple pass modes. Again, it is necessary to have some knowledge regarding video/audio data rates, profiles, size/aspect ratio, frame rates/changes thereto, keyframe use, and streaming settings if creating "multipurpose" files.
How do I do it directly from FCX?
That depends on which codec/mode you want to use. Are you, for instance, more interested in conversion speed, quality, or file size?

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    it's a hardware issue
    read more here
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    I can be of minimal help. Some Video Podcasts are downloaded ready for the iPod (example: NBC Nightly News) and some are meant to be watched on the computer (Example: MacBreak).
    I personally use Quicktime Pro for converting movie files to the iPod. Quicktime Pro has an "Export for iPod" option that has, of course, worked flawlessly. The reason I say minimal help is that you'd have to purchase Quicktime Pro for $30 or whatever the cost is these days. Another advantage is that it'll play your videos fullscreen. Which isn't necessarily a good thing though depending on the video quality.
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    It sounds like you're going about it the right way. I also used iSquint for short videos. Handbrake is the program you want for converting DVDs.
    Are you converting MPEGs? DVDs? AVIs?
    You said they're going into iTunes correctly and play in iTunes. That's a major hurdle. So what happens when you select your video and drag it toward the video ipod in the menu bar? When you drag the video on top of your ipod's name (on the left hand Source menu bar) does it change to a plus sign? Do you get an error message when you attemp to move the files?
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    More details on your problem would help us figure out the solution. Of course you can always take it to your local Apple store where they are MORE than happy to help you.

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    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
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              ResultSet rs = null;
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                        returnDate = rs.getString("expDate");
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                   System.err.println("Access Exception");
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              return returnDate;
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         at Code))
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         at java.lang.Class.forName1(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.forName( Code))
         at packBean.BeanClass.display(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( Code))
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( Code))
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         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( Code))
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         at Code))
         at Code))
         at Code))
         at$ Code))
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    Hi prates77,
    I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble converting files. Are you receiving the conversion error regardless of the file that you try to convert? Does the error occur whether you use the web interface, or convert via Reader? And an odd question: how many files do you have stored in your account? We have seen reports of this error when there are a large number of files stored in the root folder of your account.
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    Hi santafe2014,
    I'm sorry that you're having trouble converting your PDF file to Word. Sounds like you've tried to convert both from Reader and from the web interface. The following steps resolve many conversion issues, so let's start there.
    Clear your browser cache.
    If you're using a work computer, check with your IT team to confirm if you have firewall/proxy settings that restrict the ability to upload files to the Internet.
    If the issue persists after the steps above, please try another web browser.  A list of supported browsers for accessing the ExportPDF service is available here:
    Please let me know how it goes (and if you're experiencing the error with just the one file or several?

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    Hi Dude291,
    I'm sorry that you're having trouble with ExportPDF. Can you please tell me a bit more about what's going on, so we can get to the bottom of the issue?
    What browser are you using? Have you tried clearing the browser cache?
    Are you converting from within Reader, or directly via the ExportPDF website?
    Are you able to convert other files? Or is the error specific to this one file?
    How large or complex is  the file that you're trying to convert?
    Are you accessing ExportPDF from a networked computer that may have firewall/proxy settings that are limiting access to the Internet?
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    Just purchased a license and all was going swimmingly when all of a sudden this happened.
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    as to what went wrong so all I can do is click ok and stare blanky at the screen.  Any ideas out
    there?  Thanks is advance.

    Hi David,
    Thank you for responding.
    I exported each page of the brochure individually and that worked.  Unfortunately, some of the items appeared to be corrupt when opened in Word. 
    If you would like to have a look I could send the pdf.
    Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2012 11:07:16 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [removed by moderator]
    Subject: Re: Error-"File failed to be converted using Adobe ExportPDFonline"........??? Error-"File failed to be converted using Adobe ExportPDFonline"........???
    Re: Error-"File failed to be converted using Adobe ExportPDFonline"........??? created by dave_m_k in Adobe ExportPDF - View the full discussion
    Good day,
    Are you still encountering this problem?  I've not heard of this behavior that you're describing, but hopefully we can get to the bottom of what's happening.
    Kind regards,
    Acrobat Community Manager
    Adobe Systems
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    Hi sdr2014,
    I'm sorry to hear your conversion process has stalled. It sounds as though the problem isn't specific to one file, as you've been unable to convert anything since the first four chapters converted successfully.
    So, let's try this:
    If you're converting via the ExportPDF website, please log out, clear the browser cache, and then log back in. If you're using Reader, please choose Help > Check for Updates to make sure that you have the most current version installed.
    Please let us know how it goes.

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    saterday i had the problem again, after adding about 5 new pages to my rapidweaver site.
    i think i have reinstalled Macos OS X 10.8.2 20 or 30 times by now
    does anyone have a sollution?

    Type '''about:support''' in the URL bar and hit Enter.
    Scroll down almost to the bottom of that listing and see if you have '''user.js Preferences''' just above the '''''Graphics''''' category.
    If you do have that, click on '''user.js file''' in this sentence. <br />
    ''Your profile folder contains a user.js file, which includes preferences that were not created by Firefox.''
    Does that "different homepage" appear in that user.js file?

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    but it doesn't really explain the solution. What steps do I need to take exactly in Compressor to make it work?

    James M. has it right. Convert the MP3 and the WAV files to AIFF, 48khz, 16 bit and use those in your Sequence. You might even have to convert the existing AIFF file(s) if they aren't 48khz, 16 bit.
    Once you've edited the new files into your Sequence, do an Audio Mixdown, then export.

Maybe you are looking for