Problems importing Canon HF10 media into FCP7

Hello everyone, hoping for what I hope will be an obvious answer, but one I've yet to find myself!
I am trying to import files directly from a SDHC card from a Canon Vixia HF10 into the latest version of FCP Studio 7, ( and also I've tried to import into FCExpress ver4 too ), but without success when I put the card into the SDHC reader slot in my new 27" Quad iMac. I get a message when using Log and Transfer saying that it is an incompatible file format. However I can import the files if I download via the camera and USB connection into Log and Capture, that's not always possible of course when the camera's not here, but the used cards are. I have also tried another SDHC card reader into an open USB slot, ( the way I normally import files from my Sony EX1R for instance....), but that doesn't work either.
I know there's an issue with the AVCHD files that the Canon produces, but I thought that recent FCP and FCE applications could deal with that. I am running OSX 10.6.3. In the Log and Capture import prefs the AVCHD option is set to Apple Pro Res 422 HQ. The iMac is a new 27" 2.66 GHz Quad core i5. But I have the same importing issue with my 17" MBP as well.
Any clues would be gratefully received, thanks!

OK, just found the solution, and as pretty much always, it was "operator error"........
The camera, Canon HF10, was set to record to it's internal memory, not the SDHC card. So that's why media could be read when you downloaded via USB2 cable connection, but if you tried to read from the SDHC card slot on the Mac there was nothing there to read. Would have stumbled across this earlier if the error message stated "no media", but it didn't it just said the media could be read.
Solution, set the camera to record to the SDHC card not the internal memory and Log and Capture picks it up just fine with the card is in the reader.

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    Since you did not perform the copy process yourself, my thinking is that maybe something went wrong when it was done.  Far too many people don't understand or follow the process that works.
    My recommendation would be to get your hands on the cards and do it again, making sure to use only Explorer or Finder for the task.

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    Here is what I found out...
    If you use Media Browser to import files directly from the Canon XF card, and select the Canon XF option in the menue, only a single file appears in the list, with the name of the first segment in the clip directory. If you import that file, it has the contents of the sum of all segments, but with the starting time code of the last segment.
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    Hi Steve,
    Do you have audio in these recordings? If yes, can you try and use Adobe Media Encoder to encode these to a different format and then try re-importing.
    You should be able to import the file this way, however, you audio might not come across.
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    Thanks Rick and Mylenium
    Thanks that worked!
    I thought that changing the frame rate in the composition settings would have worked.
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    That is just too vague for anyone to help
    Post the TEXT of the error message... and do a forum search to see if there are other messages with the same error

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    If we use the forums properly they will work well...

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    Also, update your Premiere to 6.0.3 on PC, or 6.0.2 on Mac.
    And transfer the entire folder structure from media to hard drive without modifications. That includes any Sony transfer utility, just use Windows to copy stuff straight over.
    Then use Media Browser as directed previously
    Jeff Pulera
    Safe Harbor Computers

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    Hi Matthew,
    Here's the Help doc that talks in more depth about Smart Objects:
    And here's a section that goes into more detail on Placing files: tml#WS634E6022-BC34-4aa8-857B-21D88D4C8D50a
    We have multiple request to add support for externally linked files and certainly see the value. There also are a couple third party solutions that offer linked file behavior (I'm not sure what versions of Ps they work with). You can see and add to the request (and find the third party solutions) here: _create_links_to_layers_or_folder_groups

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    1. File>Import> Adobe Dynamic Link>Adobe Premier Project. When I do this, the project looks great in the Footage tab of the RAM preview window on the right. But when I make a new sequence to get it on the Timeline so that I can begin to add titles, I get only  blackness in the Comp tab of the ram preview window whether I am playing a RAM preview or a spacebar preview.
    2. File>Import> Adobe Premier Project. When I do this, the two AE segments are missing.
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    Can anyone give me some advice on the best way to do this?
    --Carol Gunn 
    Gunn Graphics
    Austin, TX

    You will need to render out those two AE compositions to video before you can bring them back into AE through dynamic link.  If you are concerned with making changes, you can always replace footage in Premiere with a new render.
    Dynamic Link is just not designed with your workflow -- AE doesn't open multiple projects at one time, and your workflow ends up with AE trying to open 3.
    You can bring those two compositions into AE as imports.  They won't be linked together (so any changes in original project will not reflect in imported version) but you would have all 4 elements in one AE project.

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    Can anyone tell me if it is possible to add sound? I have also tried saving the slide show as a quicktime movie, but can't seem to import it into either imovie or idvd. Help!!
    Thanks very much.
    my equipment: macbook pro/os x 10.6.4/ 2.4 ghz intel core 2 duo/4 gb memory

    Try this possible solution from acgray on Mac OS X Hints:
    I have worked with many users who like to take iPhoto albums and make DVDs of them with iDVD. However, one very annoying bug (feature?) has to do with the fact that when you are in iDVD, it randomizes the sort order of the Photos in your album. Not only that, but it is painstaking and time consuming changing the order in iDVD.
    My solution..
    Select All in the album in iPhoto you want to use in iDVD as a slideshow. Then use File -> Export -> File Export. The secret is to select "Use Album Name" as this will rename the images in sequential order, based on the order that you put them in. Save them in their own new folder somehwere easy to find (ie on the Desktop).
    Then, in iDVD, either drag, or I believe you can import the entire folder into the Slideshow project window, and voila! your slides are in order. I believe you can throw away the folder with the exported images as they should now be saved into the Project, but don't quote me on that.
    Here are a few other helpful links on this topic:
    Hope the above suggestion/s help but if not just come on back.
    Message was edited by: SDMacuser

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    When I search from within Premiere Pro's media browser for my files, they show up only as VLC icons, and when I click to import them, I get an error message along the lines of 'unsupported format or damaged file".
    I can double click the files in finder and they open in VLC fine.
    I'm running the latest version of Prem Pro, Yosemite on my macbook pro which has 2.8ghz i-7 processor, NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 2048 MB graphic card.
    Does anyone know why this is happening?

    You could try to convert your XAVC MXF files into MPEG, then load them again , but the new codec may not be well handled by some converters.

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