Problems replacing m2v assets

i regularly run into a problem when i try to replace an existing m2v asset in a dvdsp project in that the new asset is not properly loaded, it only displays a black screen.
the new m2v file is created using the exact same presets as the original file
also the duration hasn't changed
i can open the m2v file in mpeg streamclip without a problem
and dvdsp doesn't warn me that assets have changed or throw an error message at me ....
a little stumped at what the cause is
usually i solve it by re-encoding the file - with the same preset again, but using a slightly different name
oh and deleting the PAR folder doesn't solve the problem either ...
anyone else run into this problem?
any solutions/suggestions/workarounds?

Funny you should ask...I posted about this on Sunday and figured out the problem (my thread is here:
Here's what I discovered...
Basically, there seems to be a bug in DVDSP where it will still reference the old file (it seems to be in the PAR folder, and that it doesn't parse the new asset but references the old still). The main problem seems to be when you are using/referencing the old file in motion menus or something else.
What I found I had to do was this:
1) Move the original asset to another location
2) Make sure the new asset is named differently than the original file
3) Delete the original PAR folder
4) open DVDSP and the project
5) use the re-link function to replace the missing asset with the new one
By doing this, it creates a fresh parse file and substitutes the new asset with the old in every instance that the old was used (this seems to be the big 'bad' in getting that blank screen.

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    Is it possible at all just to rename all the assets to avoid re authoring the whole thing, and then review only the timelines including the different lenghted videos?
    Thanks a lot

    Graciela Caro,
    When faced with a similar Project (ended up being a set of 18 DVD-5's with the same structure), I built a test Project to work out the details and finally got everything as I wanted, then burned a DVD RW.
    I took the "test" and built a "template" with all of my Bins/Folders, Menus (knowing that I'd change these, as each DVD would be similar, but unique) and Imported just the Assets that would be common, like the First Play and a lead-in to the Main Menu. This I Saved to a master folder. For each individual DVD, I opened that "template" Project and did a Save_As into the appropriate folder for that piece of the Project, i.e. Barry_DVDs_01. For each of these, I Imported the Assets unique to that phase of the overall Project. Then, it was just a matter of creating the individual Playlists, etc., and linking. I helped myself by doing a Flowchart in Illustrator. For each phase, I swapped out the Menus, and altered the Links to suit. This gave me the full schematic of each sub-Project. I used these for myself in the Linking process, and also used them for the client to sign off on. He knew exactly what was going to be on each DVD in the set, and how the navigation would work. In Illustrator, I kept things in their Layers, so it was easy to make changes for each sub-Project. Any changes after the Flowchart had been approved cost more $. The client knew this and could see exactly what was happening at every step.
    Though it's some additional work, if you have the Project (your "test") finialized, and know that you'll be duplicating it many times, just with different Assets, I'd urge you to adopt something similar. It should not take long to re-create a blank Project with all of the common aspects in it. Use this as a "template," and do a Save_As of it, to begin each phase. It keeps the XML Links that have to be re-done to a minimum, 'cause you're starting with a semi-clean slate for each one.
    As Jbowden points out, just replacing the Assets can lead to problems. I did not even want to go the Replace Assets command route, to keep the Project file from possibly getting corrupted by overwriting the Links, even using the correct, approved process.
    Just make sure to place a copy of your "template" Project well away from the area that your working in on your I/O system. Make it Read Only, for safe-keeping, in case you forget to do the Save_As. I actually made two copies - one onto a DVD just for safety.
    Good luck,

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    rev B 20" iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    let's say i have an asset which is a Photoshop file,
    filename "v1". i want to replace the asset with a
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    how do i replace the "v1" asset with the "v2" asset,
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    changed to "v2"?
    thank you.
    rev B 20"
    iMac G5 Mac OS X (10.4.2)
    I usually just write over the file with the same file name, often with DVDSP closed.
    If you're doing an m2v file and the duration has changed, just go the the end of the clip in the track and drag it right as far as you can. Otherwise it'll replace the asset but use the previous version's duration.
    G5 Dual 2GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

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    Please follow the below path and do config :-
    IMG>FA>Asset Accounting>Integration with the General Ledger>Additional Account Assignment Objects>Specify Account Assignment Types for Account Assignment Objects
    here you have to put KOSTL (Cost center) for both against APC and Dep run for each Dep area.

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    Hi Tarik,
    I'm sorry you ran into trouble here. There are a few things we can check right away to start debugging this:
    - First, would you try signing out of the Creative Cloud app and see if this solves the issue? This can be found under: Gear > Preferences > General > Account.
    - Could you try quitting/restarting the Creative Cloud app. Did this solve the issue?
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    - Could you tell me if you're on the Windows/Mac OS X and the version?
    If none of those worked, would you attach the CoreSync files and send those to our support email: [email protected]?
    On the Mac, the folder can be found here:
    /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CoreSync/CoreSync-yyyy-mm-dd.log
    (You'll want to open the Finder, click Go, in the menu, hold down the "option" key and you'll see the Library folder.)
    On Windows:
    You can find the files under: C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CoreSync\coreSync-2013-08-xx.log
    I know this is a lot. Thanks for your help here.

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    Apex 4.1.1
    I am having a problem replacing a chart axis title with substitution syntax &P5_MYFIELD., where P5_MYFIELD is an item with Source Type PL/SQL Function Body:
    return'LASTNAME', 'dk');
    The Item is defined on the same Page as the chart in a different region. I can see that function is working ok, because the return value is displayed in P5_MYFIELD.
    There is a second item in an other region on the same page where the source value is defined with substitution syntax &P5_MYFIELD. It also displays the expected value. But when I use the string &P5_MYFIELD. as axis title it is not displayed.
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    Here is the debugging information, but I cannot see any error message:
    0.02844 0.00038 Computation point: Before Header 4
    0.02881 0.00032 ...Perform computation of item: P5_CYCLE, type=FUNCTION_BODY 4
    0.02913 0.00060 ...Performing function body computation 4
    0.02973 0.00464 ...Execute Statement: declare function x return varchar2 is begin begin return'CYCLE','de'); end; return null; end; begin wwv_flow.g_computation_result_vc := x; end; 4
    0.03437 0.00042 ......Result = Wurf 4
    0.03479 0.00046 ...Session State: Save "P5_CYCLE" - saving same value: "Wurf" 4
    0.03526 0.00027 Processes - point: BEFORE_HEADER 4
    0.03553 0.00027 ...close http header 4
    Edited by: Anne-Marie Rosa on Jun 8, 2012 10:09 AM
    Now the correct value is displayed again in the P5_MYFIELD, because I had to set the item source back to PL/SQL Function body, but I am still getting the chart error and the chart is not displayed.
    Edited by: Anne-Marie Rosa on Jun 8, 2012 10:17 AM

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    Moderator Note; s/n edited to prevent possible abuse
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Niveknz, welcome to the forums,
    you probably need to contact your service partner support administrator about this; they'll be in the best position to assist you.
    Andy  ______________________________________
    Please remember to come back and mark the post that you feel solved your question as the solution, it earns the member + points
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    Dear David,
    Thank you for answering my question. Would you suggest me to reinstall DVDSP? I installed everything as a chunk with my Final Cut Studio discs. Can I reinstall it individually?
    My DVDSP worked fine until my Superdrive crashed earlier this January. It has been like that ever since, even after the drive was fixed. I can burn DVD directly without DVDSP. I am sure DVDSP can burn DVD too, but I don't know what happened and now the "import asset" function won't work anymore. I don't know what to do.

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    Any suggestions as to correct the problem?
    Quad G5, Coded Named: Mistress   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    If Houghts' suggestion doesn't clear the problem initially, you could try going back a stage (in FCP).
    First make a copy of your new .m2v & sound files with a different name, and also the DVD SP project.
    Next open the edited film in FCP. Assuming you have the sequence for the previous edit, redo the playout with the same settings and name you that had originally, and without the one second cut. Overwrite the originally named files with these. Exit FCP. Delete all the PAR files and prefs for DVD SP again, as per Houghts above.
    Now try opening your project - since the assets referred to are the same length as before, there's a chance that DVD SP won't get confused, and will re-link to them.
    If it opens, you are back on track and can import the new versions, replace, then delete, as per Houghts above.

  • M2v asset fails to import or stay in asset bin

    Ok guys, forgive my excessive detail here, but I'm at a roadblock:
    DVDSP: v 4.2.1
    FCP: v 6.0.6
    COMPRESSOR: v 3.0.5
    MACOSX: v 10.5.8
    I'm creating a SD DVD in DVDSP, that will have nine (9) video tracks. These video tracks are all edited in FCP using XDCAM EX 1080p sequences and footage. As per my usual routine for this stage of production, I batch exported the sequences from FCP as a self contained quicktime using current settings (therefore all settings are identical and match the sequence in which they were edited in).
    I put these video files into COMPRESSOR and attached the same settings to all of them (DVD: Best quality 90 minutes). This is not rocket science, I've done this whole chain several times before.
    All the videos successfully encoded the MPEG-2 and AC3 files. However, when I import them into DVDSP, one of the m2v files will appear in the asset bin for a few seconds, then disappear. The AC3 file comes in just fine.
    - I re-encoded the one file that wouldnt stay in the asset bin. No luck
    - the m2v in question will play just fine in quicktime, and matches settings of the other videos
    - I tried opening a new project to load the m2v file in to, and no dice there either.
    - I trashed DVDSPs preferences, no go.
    - I loaded the file on to another computer, same problem.
    - Even with all the video tracks, the content size still fits on a single layer DVD
    You can understand my frustration, and even more so my client's frustration that their product is now behind schedule.
    Any ideas?

    It's been a while since I posted this question and I've found a way to get this running.
    The entire error message is a bit confusing, as the source was simple - the AI Update Service Point Service timed out when trying to start. Manually executing AIUS.msi, thus getting access to AI_UPDATE_SERVICE_POINT under services, which did not show up
    earlier, then changing the startup type to delayed and changing the ServicesPipeTimeout value to 60 seconds in the registry (HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control) and then rebooting did the trick. Everything's working fine now.

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    Yesterday, I received a pair of 500GB SATA drives for my Mac Pro and one 1.5GB SATA drive. I installed the two 500GB drives in slots 3 and 4 in my Mac Pro yesterday to install a fresh copy of Snow Leopard and than clone it to the second 500GB drive. No problem there at all. I am booted onto one of those disk drives now.
    Unfortunately, I am having a hard time installing the 1.5GB drive. I want to install it in slot 2, but for the life of me, I cannot get the sled's slider lock to unlock. It is on the orange color and it will not slide at all. Just for the heck of it, I tried sliding the locks on slots 3 and 4 where I put the other two drives yesterday and they are also stuck.
    Why were the sliders working fine yesterday, but today they are stuck? How can I replace the drive in slot 2 now? I am stumped as to why this was fine yesterday, but not now. I didn't even touch slot 2 yesterday.
    I want to install that 1.5GB drive to use it for Time Machine backups. I was going to try a pair of plyers, but I am concerned that I might do some damage.
    Any advise on how to fix this perplexing problem will be appreciated.

    The door latch is what 'unlocks' the sleds.
    Drive bay #1 can be difficult.
    Sounds like it wasn't closed properly yesterday or you didn't pull the latch all the way out and up.

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    I have a 130 page PDF document with hundreds of links, all of which work and display in their proper position on all pages in original document. I have generated new pages to replace most existing pages & I'm having a problem with the links. Both the original 130 page document & the replacement pages are in landscape 11 X 17" format.  When executing a Document|Replace pages command, the page is replaced but the links in the original document are rotated 90 degrees clockwise as if the command thinks I'm dealing with a portrait document. See below:
    The above image shows the problem. The new page has replaced the original page but the original page links are rotate 90 degrees clockwise as I attempted to show with the crude red arrow. The box I'm pointing to should have remained at the lower left corner of the displayed page. I could, of course, removed the links and started all over but I'm hoping there is a simpler solution. I don't look forward to replacing over 1300 links.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
    Pete K.

    I'm having the exact same problem, and I am not about to
    redo all of the links. Did you ever receive an answer on this? I'm so beyond frustrated right now.

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    I'm sending an order confirmation via SAPConnect as email.
    The order confirmation attaches the email as a *.PDF file.
    Now i'd like to replace the standard subject, that consists in the spool-number and some text from  the message i use.
    So, i went to SPRO, and put 'Your Order: &VBAK-VBELN&' in the mai title. That worked almost properly, because the spool number stayed.
    So, i don't want this spool number output any longer.
    The second point is, that i've tried to replace the standard output of the mail text. I didn't succeed at all.
    So, my question. do you have any ideas to solve my problems?
    Thanks for reply, greetings and happy eastern

    eplace that
    Thanks DrClap, but that's not exactly the solution I'm looking for, cuz I would have to hard-code that header.
    I have an Email class that I use as a wrapper for the javax.mail API, and I wanna be able to have a setHeader() method that works to enable the users to set the content-type of the text (or HTML) portion of the email, even when there are attachments. How can I achieve this?

  • Urgent!!  Problems muxing .m2v files and audio!! MPEG Streamclip/Compressor

    I am under an urgent deadline to upload a short 6 min documentary clip for a client to review for screening this week. The footage was shot in 1080/60i HDV.
    Usually, I find the best quality and fastest way to do this is to export directly from my FCP sequence using the '150 min Best Quality' DVD settings in compressor to get an .m2v video file and .ac3 audio file. Then I open the .m2v files in MPEG Streamclip which links it with my .ac3 file, then do 'Export MPEG with MP-2 audio". This gives me a single, muxed file that I can then upload to YouTube or Vimeo.
    However, with this project, when I open up my .m2v file in MPEG Streamclip, it's recognizing the .ac3 file and I can see the info for it in the MPEG Streamclip window, but when I play the file in MPEG Streamclip or mux it, I don't hear any audio. Furthermore, after about 5 seconds into the clip, the playhead will continue moving, but the video will freeze, then maybe pick up again later. The .m2v video will play back smoothly in VLC player or Quicktime player, but not in MPEG Streamclip.
    I've tried exporting different little sections of the timeline to see if maybe I had some corrupted footage or whatnot. I even exported a small clip from an older HDV project to test. But no matter where I export from, I am running into the same problem. I can bring the .m2v file and .ac3 file into DVD Studio Pro and burn a DVD with no problem, but I can't mux them. If I build the DVD file in DVD SP and try to open the .VOB file with MPEG Streamclip, I get the same problem. I even tried using a different software to mux (ffmpegX) but to no avail. When I try with ffmpegX, it either tells me I'm dropping frames, or if it works and it muxes it, when I open the MPEG file, it'll stutter at about 5 seconds in as well and I can't hear any audio, even though there is supposed to be audio in the muxed file.
    I think I might have updated my Quicktime a few days ago with the system update, and maybe updated a few other things, so I don't know if this has any bearing on the problems I'm running into. But I was able just a few days ago to export HDV 1080/60i using this workflow without any problems.
    I realize I have other export options, but this always seems to me to be the best quality and fastest way of doing it vs. encoding an H.264 which, on my machine is RIDICULOUSLY slow...I need to be uploading multiple versions of the cut to the client, and really need help! Thanks so much in advance!

    what you want is an m2v program file. Export a reference copy from FCP (uncheck Make Movie Self Contained") That's very fast. Bring it into Compressor. In the settings panel find the MPEG-2 settings folder. Select Program Stream. Adjust to your liking and run. The audio and video will already be "muxed" when it's done and using compressor 3 you can set it to upload to YouTube, Mobile or similar sites.

Maybe you are looking for

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