PS Directory.Searcher for searching AD - inconsistent results?

Hi guys,
I'm having problems with a script and need some assistance please. I needed a script to search all the users in my AD and return some information around passwords. I found a few blogs about searching AD for user information, so using that help I cobbled
together a script to return the information I need.
Here's the script:-
$Domain = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()
$DomainRootPath = [ADSI]"LDAP://$Domain"
$adsearch = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([adsi]$DomainRootPath)
#$adsearch.filter = "(objectclass=user)"
$adsearch.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user))"
$adsearch.PageSize = 1000
$adsearch.SearchScope = "Subtree"
$users = $adsearch.findall()
$report = @()
foreach ($objResult in $users)
$objItem = $objResult.Properties
$llt = $objItem.lastlogontimestamp
$pls = $objItem.pwdlastset
If (!$pls)
$plsDate = "--Never Reset Pwd--"
$PassLastSet = $plsDate
# Interpret 64-bit integer as a date.
$plsDate = $pls = [DateTime]$objItem.pwdlastset.item(0)
$PassLastSet = $plsDate.AddYears(1600).ToLocalTime()
If (!$llt)
$lltDate = "--Never Logged In--"
$lastLogon = $lltDate
# Interpret 64-bit integer as a date.
$lltDate = $llt = [DateTime]$objItem.lastlogontimestamp.item(0)
$lastLogon = $lltDate.AddYears(1600).ToLocalTime()
$temp = New-Object PSObject
$temp | Add-Member NoteProperty name $($
$temp | Add-Member NoteProperty lastlogontimestamp $lastLogon
$temp | Add-Member NoteProperty pwdLastSet $PassLastSet
#$temp | Add-Member NoteProperty displayname $($objitem.displayname)
$temp | Add-Member NoteProperty useraccountcontrol $($objitem.useraccountcontrol)
#$temp | Add-Member NoteProperty givenname $($objitem.givenname)
#$temp | Add-Member NoteProperty sn $($
$temp | Add-Member NoteProperty comment $($objitem.description)
$report += $temp
$datetime = Get-Date -format
$csvpath = "C:\powershell logs\"
$csvfile = "$csvpath\$datetime-userlist.csv"
$report | export-csv -notypeinformation $csvfile
My problem is some results are missing for some users. I only have around 200 users and many return a complete set of results. But many users don't return a result for lastlogontimestamp, pwdLastSet or userAccountControl - the three fields that aren't strings...
I'm not sure if this is necessarily a powershell problem (perhaps my AD is corrupt or something weird like that?). When I query the $users array these fields are missing for the users - but when I use the ADSi edit GUI I can see there is data in these fields.
It seems like the Directory.Searcher might have a bug or something?
Apologies if there's a more appropriate place to post this please let me know - any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Many thanks,

But I believe I provide an apples to apples comparison earlier, perhaps you missed it?
Here's the gist from the post, but the entire post might be worth reading if you did miss it..
Here's an example of a problem user account. To simplify things I'm using the results from your GetUserADProperties.ps1 script.
Script results:
Name = User A
pwsLastSet = NULL (Blank, no result)
lastlogontimestamp = NULL (Blank, no result)
ADSI Edit GUI results:
Attribute: Name       Value: User A         Syntax: Unicode String
Attribute: lastlogontimestamp       Value: 04/01/2012 10:23:21 Coordinated Universal Time         Syntax: Large Integer/Interval
If I double-click a box pops up with the Value: 129701462019825126
Attribute: pwdLastSet       Value: 04/01/2012 11:30:44 Coordinated Universal Time         Syntax: Large Integer/Interval
If I double-click a box pops up with the Value: 129701502443598094
If this isn't an apples to apples comparison  how can I provide one?
You should not be using ADSIEDit.  Use ADUC with the acctinfo.dll extension.
The Large Integer value is the timestamp - it may be set to a value that indicate that it has not been set.
ADSIEdit is not necessarily a live view of AD objects.  It is an editor for raw objects and it is very easy to break AD with it.
If yu have been  using it regularly then perhps this explains why you have issues with AD.
Is this a corporate AD implementation?
Is this AD 2003/2008 or R2?
Is this just a home test rig?
If WS2003 then what level is it at?
Somewhere in the above is the reason you are seeing issues.  Everything you ae providing just points to some bits of missing information. The scripts are working correctly.  The results from adsiedit may not be what they seem.

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    Thanks for your reply.
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    Hi Paul,
    Did you search in the SharePoint list or in SharePoint search center?
    Could you provide more details about how you created the custom list?
    Please try to enable Server Render as editing the page->Edit Web Part-> Miscellaneous, compare the result.
    Please operate in other lists and in other site collections and test whether this issue occurs.
    Please start a full crawl in Central Administration -> Manage service application -> Search service application -> Content Sources and test whether this issue occurs.
    Could you check if it exists error in ULS log after you failed to search in the SharePoint list.
    Best Regards,
    Dean Wang
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    are you rasterizing your non-pixel font your text with preserve hinting in the rasterize settings?
    this topic always spurs a lot of controversy here, mostly because Illustrator does a pretty mediocre job of rasterizing text, compared to what Safari, Preview, and Reader 9 can do. There's no one good way to do it in illustrator.
    Can you post a sample of the results you are getting?

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    Hi Kranthi,
    could this be a browser caching or credentials per browser session issue?
    - Do you open the new Window with Ctrl-N?
    - Or do you start a completely new browser (click browser icon a second time)? Does it still happen in that case?
    - Does it also happen, if you completely close the browser in between and then re-open?
    - Does it still happen, if you delete the temporary internet files in between? And/or the cookies?

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    Hello Alex,
    By default, Active Directory does not respond to LDAP based queries which return more than 1000 results. If you have more than 1000 groups configured in Active Directory, it is necessary to increase the maximum page size (MaxPageSize) using the Ntdsutil.exe tool.;en-us;315071&sd=tech
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    Default value: 1,000
    You can also simply input the group name and then click "Add" to manually add it as a workaround.
    Hope it helps.

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    'Node' is undefined
    (it says this a few times and then it adds char:2)
    That line of code is
    function _getWordMatchType( a_Word, a_Tile, a_nPosition, a_nOffset )
    The "waiting on" referred to in the next comment is the whfbody.thm file
    The error was moving so quickly in the bottom left corner that I wasn't able to capture it in full, but it was "waiting on wh... <something>" -- I couldn't ever see what the entire name of the file it was waiting on was. I have limited time with the end users and have not been able to recreate in my environment unfortunately (even though I am using a similar set up as some).
    If I search either the whfbody or whfhost in the message board archives, I come up with several instances where people have had similar issues, but there do not appear to be any fixes.
    I am able to search whether I have enabled mode checked or unchecked, so I am not sure that works for us either.
    Any other suggestions?

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    Windows 8.1 PC, using reader, when searching a folder containing approx 100 doc's. If i search for a word, no results are returned. only the doc names can be found but nothing from within the doc.
    This is a new problem and was not the case before.

    Works perfectly fine for me with the latest Reader version (11.0.09).
    You write that it worked "before"; before what?  An update?  Update from what version to what version?

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    1. Firefox Help
    2. Search
    Refine your search
    Found 0 results for I have a lot of firefox downloads BUT can't find anything to click to see them - Where is the button that will show all Firefox downloads? in English in English

    Tools > Downloads or {Ctrl + J} will open the Downloads window

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    Just installed Firefox 4 but when I try to search for add-ons every result fails to find anything or the loading gui just keeps spinning. What should I try to fix this problem?

    Glad you seem to have sorted things out.
    The warning about the warranty is light hearted, I think at one stage it warned "here be dragons" but also intended to make us think as it warns that making changes may produce problems.

  • Searching through directory looking for browser

    Hello all,
    I was wondering if there is any way to search for the location of a file in your Java application and then launch the .exe file that is at that location.
    (example: look for where Iexplore.exe is located on the current machine and then open up Internet Explorer using the the Runtime and Process classes.)
    The way I have it now is a hardcoded path to Iexplore.exe. If it is not at that location, it will fail and I will display message "File not found at that location."
    Thanks for all your help ahead of time,

    You can launch explorer/navigator by
    About searching a file:
    public void searchFile(String dirName, String file)
    throws IOException {
    File directory = new File(dirName);
    String path;
    if (directory.exists() == true) {
    path = directory.getPath();
    if (directory.isDirectory() == true) {
    File [] fileList = directory.listFiles();
    for (int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
    path = fileList.getPath();
    if (fileList[i].isDirectory())
    searchFile (path, file);
    else if (fileList[i].isFile()) {
    else {
    This method should be called like:
    searchFile("C:\", "iexplore.exe");
    I hope it helps you.

  • SharePoint Foundation 2010 Search returns no results

    SharePoint foundation 2010 Search is not showing any results after configuring the step from the below link.
    My Server Setup : 
    SharePoint Foundation 2010
    SQL Server 2008 r2
    We have created two web application and configured the search service as above mention link.
    And we have migrated a site from MOSS 2007 to SharePoint 2010 to one of  web application,we assigned search database to the newly migrated content database.
    Previously there was Form based Authentication was done on Moss 2007 site and on SP 2010 we are working on Windows authentication.
    Database showing crawl is working and showing success results as well in SQL table, Its only Not able to show the results on the page.
    Thanks in Advance
    Regards, Dinesh Reddy.

    Don't look at the databases, it's a bad habit to get into and will lead to confusion.
    In search administration are you getting any sucsess messages in the crawl history and is the number of items in your index non-zero?
    If so that implies that the crawl process is working and it's the user security that's the issue.
    To confirm try searching for a file whilst logged in as the crawl account, that should return results.

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    hello, you have a malicious addon present on your pc. <br>please go to ''firefox > addons > extensions'' & remove ''LyricsParty''.
    also go to the windows control panel / programs and remove all toolbars or potentially unwanted software from there and run a full scan of your system with the security software that you have in place and different other tools like the [ free version of malwarebytes] & [ adwcleaner].
    [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware]]

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    Sorry Vadim, but the procedure to reproduce the bug is different:
    1) Open the Reports tab
    2) Expand Data Dictionary node
    3) Expand PLSQL node
    4) Click on Search Source Code
    5) Select a Connection
    6) Click on Text Search, enter a string to search and click Apply
    7) On the results page, right-click any line and select Go To <package name>
    8) The package opens on line 1, not the line shown on step 7
    While we're at it, do you think it would be possible to make the above process more user-friendly? Like, for example, right-clicking on a Connection and have the Search Source Code option there (that would take me directly to step 6)?

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    from the mailbox and nothing further appears to have happened.  My expectation was that the results would be deleted.
    Anyway to troubleshoot this or do I just delete the discovery mailbox and start over with a new one?
    Jason Meyer

    Alternatively, you can also use
    Search-Mailbox cmdlet to delete items in the Discovery mailbox. To delete all items in the Discovery mailbox, use the cmdlet without any query parameters, or you can scope it to start/end dates, etc. See
    Search and Delete Messages.
    Bharat Suneja
    Microsoft Corporation
    Follow: @bsuneja
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
    Please do not send email directly to this alias. This alias is for newsgroup purposes only.

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