QM Sample quantity (TR to TO)

Hi Friends,
    I am getting a problem while creating TO for TR automatically. There are four options for sample quantity in LT04.
1. Insp.sample qty remains in GR area
2. Transfer qty to inspection bin
3. Place quantity into stock
4.Skip TR item
By default first option is getting selected but I need to select third option by default . From which config setting it is possible?
Edited by: Neel_QM on Aug 17, 2011 8:05 PM

  While doing GR , TO should be created automatically. But due to config missing "Place quantity into stock"(as per previous mail) is not getting selected automatically so bin is not getting updated for Quality Stock automatically. While doing MIGO TR is creating in WM tab but it should not create. Please let me know if you need screen shot for better understanding.
Edited by: Neel_QM on Aug 18, 2011 1:57 PM

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    Thanks and Regards,
    Prabhjot Singh
    Moderator message: OK, so please start working on your requirement.
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    You need to maintain a conversion between your bottle and tablets in your material master.  Then create your inspection plan for tablets and assign the material to it.
    In hindsight, your BUOM really should be tablets and not a bottle.  Typically it is recommended that the smallest utlized UOM is what you want to use for your BUOM.

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    Try this out.
    In CWBQM , In current working screen area , you will have options - Header level and operation level.
    Select operation level working area & proceed.
    (At header level , it is not allowing to do changes )
    Select the matls using multiple selection , you will get the operation wise list.
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    This is SAP STD you can't change.

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    Kindly reply
    Vidyadhara Basri

    Dear Sami,
    Pls elobrate your sampling scheme again. It seems from here that schema is not working over here in this case, may be because your Lot sice is not corresponding to it or due to some ohter reason, but what I can derive, your scheme is not wroking, because,,,,,,,
    The conversion factor for gal to lit is some,, 1gal=3.785412 Lit, according to it 50gal (your Lot size) = 189.2706 lit. And yor total number of physical same is 3 (from your SDP) so system is deviding the lot size / number of physical samle,
    This is the picture I can assume from your thread.
    Now pls let me know,
    What is the sample size u'ave defined in the tasklist?
    What is the sample type you have defined the Sampling Type? It must reperesent the Scheama, but as per the sample calculation you have described it seems that it may have "FIXED SAMPLE".
    Update us to help you more!!!. And reward points (if helpfull) to help you better!!!!
    Shyamal Joshi

  • QM-WM Sample Error

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    Hope to hear from you soon
    ~ Ram

    Hi Rene,
    The QM-WM interfacing settings are already done for inspection sample control.
    We are facing following problem as,we posted total (100 %) quantity to unrestricted stock during usage decision.After this posting,system automatically generates transfer order and confirms it.Now when we check the stock at storage type level its showing 99% of stock in high rack storage and 1% (quantity = sample size defined in inspection plan) of the stock to sample storage type.We wonder how it happens.
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    Hope to hear from you soon
    ~ Ram

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    Input Data :
    Material                From     To
    Batch               From     To
    Plant               From     To
    Inspection Lot          From     To
    Physical Sample Number     From     To
    Sample-Drawing Number     From     To
    Sample Category          From     To
    System status          From     To     (Internal Status of Physical-Sample Record)
    Physical Sample Release Date     From     To
    QM mat. auth.          From     To
    Creation Date of Physic Sample     From     To
    Output :
    1) Material No
    2) Material name
    3) Batch
    4) Inspection Lot
    5) Physical Sample No
    6) Plant
    7) Sample Category
    8) Status (Internal Status of Physical-Sample Record)
    9) Vendor ( No & Name )
    10) Manufacturer ( No & Name )
    12) Drawing number
    13) Created by
    14) Creation Date of Physical Sample
    15) Released By
    16) Physical Sample Release Date
    17) Time of Physical Sample Release
    18) Sample Quantity
    19) Unit of Measure for Physical Sample Size
    20) Sample-Drawing Procedure
    21) QM mat. auth.
    22) Insp. Lot Qty
    23) SampleSize
    24) No. Containers
    25) Lot Cntnr.
    26) Group
    27) Group Counter
    28) System Status ( Inspection Lot )
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    Get Solved

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    hi expert.
    i have to consider sample qty of raw material's quality inspection during mrp.
    i am wondering how to implement it.
    is this possible?
    thank you~~!!

    Hi Seung Hyun,
    I think it depends on the sample quantity, whether it is a fixed quantity or it depends to the raw material quantity or requirement from the orders. If it is not fixed, then you can use scrap percentage as suggested by Vivek.
    If it is fixed quantity, then there are several alternatives to follow:
    Include the sample quantity to your safety stock
    Create another material number to distinguish the sample from the original raw material number and include it in the BOM

  • Reduction of Samples from all SUs

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    In the Transfer Order that is created and confirmed automatically, system reduces the entire Sample quantity from the first SU number.
    How can we make the system reduce the quantity from each of the SU numbers as physically one sample will be taken from each SUs.

    Are you using HU managed inventory? If so, this documentation should help - [http://help.sap.com/erp2005_ehp_04/helpdata/EN/2d/584bcba70f11d2b44e006094b9b9dd/content.htm]. In particular refer the section on "sample calculation".

  • Inspection lot sample Qty change manual

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    Is there any T Code or procedure to change inspeciton lot sample size in inspection lot
    like how we change the Inspection lot Qty
    Thanks & Regards

    You can only reset the sample Quantity using qa02>enter inspection lot>click on sample ->save>This will reset the sample(remove task list)
    Now you can change the task list an attach modified sample
    Assign manual sapme calculation in Inspection type (without inspection task list)
    This will allow you to maintain/enter the manual sample size during lot creation.
    try this

  • Defective quantity in Notification

    pls advice.
    Scenerio : PO 100  ,  GR 100 ,    QI 100 ,   Sample QTY to be inspected  5 .
    While creating Notification , i m  getting complaint qty and ref qty as 100.
    But i want to restrict my defective quantity which should not be  more than sample quantity(5).
    Also existing Defective qty (Int) , Defective qty ( ext) is taking values upto Gr qty.
    How to restrict my defective  qty w. r. to sample qty  as i m doing  physically defects recording for sample qty only.
    Number of defects  is also for only for defetcs and not for  defect quantity.

    Dear Mangal
    Just adding my views
    See normally when you take a sample out of a lot it is understood that it is representing the whole lot. The company may chose to completely reject the material which in that  case the complaint quantity is  also same as GR quantity. That is the reason why the entire GR quantity is automatically populated as reference quantity  & complaint quantity. chaning the reference quantity to sample quantity may not give a correct picture , you may enter the defective quantity as No of defects in the item view and as the inspection lot is already getting copied to the notification sample quantity can be derived from the same.

  • Sample size does'not appear in QA02 of created Inspection lot Number.

    Hi Experts,
    I have created a production order of a material and its Inspection lot is automatically created but the inspection lot created does'not have sample size from the stock as a result I am unable to perform result recording of a inspection lot.
    Please correct me if i am wrong.

    Dear Saurabh Mishra.
    Kumar & Barjatya's said is right. and more you can consider for solve this problem as below step;
    - You must change the sampling procedure in the inspection plan. After you have reset the sample
      in QAC3
        1. First you must change the sampling procedure to fixed sample (assuming  you have 100%
            inspection at present) in QDV2 or 
            create a new sampling procedure (as Naik remarked) with fixed sample in QDV1
        2. Then assign the changed sampling procedure in the inspection plan through QP02
        3. Then assign a sample quantity in the inspection plan in the same transaction (QP02) for the
            inspection characteristic to be inspected
        4. Save the inspection plan, and run QA02 where you re-assign the updated inspection plan and
           re-do sample calculation.
           For GR based lot i have already stated what has to be done. In case of an inspection lot caused
           due to the GR from a process or purchase order, cancel the GR. The inspection lot is also
           cancelled. Then follow steps 1 to 3. In the 4th step after saving the inspection plan, simply do the
           GR again, It should work out.
    Jeong, Yeong-Chul

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