Question re: HD TV shows

OK, so I decided to buy BSG, Dexter, etc as HD shows. They are downloading as we speak, and someone at Apple thought it would be a good idea to have you download the sd version as well as the HD version. Now whilst I am grateful for that particular feature, it is going to take up loads more disk space... The question is can I delete the SD versions of the episodes, or are they needed to play the HD version? I presume the HD will stream to my apple TV... Is there any info out there as to the who, and what fors for the HD shows??

How do I merge my HD and SD copies? I keep my TV Shows and Movies on an external hard drive and I updated my iTunes to version 8 while traveling. Now the only episodes that merged were the ones on my computer's hard drive.

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    Hey dunglv,
    It sounds like have tried resetting your password but do not have the security question option and do not have a rescue email account setup. Use the following article to contact Apple for assistance with your account:
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    Thank you for posting in the Apple Support Communities.
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  • Oracle Reports output shows question marks, parameter form shows correct Arabic

    Following is our environment
    Oracle Application Server
    Microsoft Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition Service Pack 2
    Oracle Database
    When client runs the report on browser (IE), the parameter form appears fine with Arabic characters.
    Inserting the parameters in Arabic also look fine and characters display in Arabic but when report is generated, the output shows the inserted parameters as ????
    On server, regional settings are ALL Arabic. Also the registry has NLS_LANG setting of AMERICAN_AMERICA.AR8MSWIN1256.
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    Thank you Paul for your reply.
    I think you misunderstood me. I understand that it is all volunteer work and I never said I was looking for "quick" or "sure" response. I did not even use the words IMMEDIATE or URGENT in my post. I found it strange because I personally believe that there are many volunteers providing great support to others and yet my post somehow went unnoticed. In my personal opinion, however, if you do not wish to reply then you should just ignore rather than being rude. No one can force anyone to do the good work that people are doing here at oracle forums and they are all doing this out of choice. Let me also assure you that me and people like myself really appreciate their efforts.
    Having said that, I wish you had taken time to read about my issue. There is infact a registry setting that specifies the NLS_LANG and it is already set under both Infrastructure and Middle Tier in the registry. I mentioned it earlier. The value is AMERICAN_AMERICA.AR8MSWIN1256 and I believe this is correct for Arabic characters.
    What is confusing for me is the fact that if browser was not capable of showing Arabic characters then the static Arabic words in the reports layout (field name for instance) would also show as garbage or question marks. They appear to be fine. Since we are just passing some parameters in Arabic language and not saving anything in the database, the DB characterset does not come into play for now. Although the DB characterset is also set to store Arabic data. We are displaying the parameters that we are passing through the parameter form in the output of the report and this is where we see question marks (????).
    Finally, if it was a browser issue or a DB characterset issue, then in my limited knowledge, I believe that the report that we are running using the other Application Server that is pointing to the same database should also show the same behaviour. That is not the case as it displays the same report perfectly. Client machine is the same in both cases using Windows 7 and IE as browser.
    http://appserver1/reports/rwservlet?admin/myreport           (connecting to db1)    works fine
    http://appserver2/reports/rwservlet?admin/myreport          (connecting to db1)     show question marks
    Above URLs are examples. The point I am trying to make here is that the issue has to be with the new application server and it cannot be registry settings as I have double checked the entry and it exists in all Oracle Homes ie Infrastructure and Middle Tier. So maybe it is some configuration file setting that I am missing here.
    Any help will be appreciated.

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    If you have just added an address to your account then it will be an alternate email address - a rescue email address can only be added by answering 2 of your questions. You will need to contact iTunes Support or Apple to get the questions reset.
    e.g. you can try contacting iTunes Support : - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Account Management , and then 'Forgotten Apple ID security questions'
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    You need to ask in the Dreamweaver forum. This is the GoLive to DreamWeaver conversion forum for issues with migration from GoLive to DreamWeaver.

  • Read 100 Question OMR Sheet and Show result

    Hello All,
    I got a Project from:
    thanks to umar.techBOY.
    I changed it to my requirment as 100 Questions with 4 Options in A4 size Paper.
    Its working fine as far as read registration is concern.
    The problem with the read Answer Function.
    The code for reading Answer are as follows:
    private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //ContrastCorrection cc = new ContrastCorrection();
    //panel1.BackgroundImage = cc.Apply((Bitmap)panel1.BackgroundImage);
    panel1.Invalidate(); Application.DoEvents();
    showTimeStamp("Slicing Started");
    Rectangle[] Blocks = new Rectangle[]
    OMRSheetReader.GetSheetPropertyLocation("sheets", OMREnums.OMRSheet.A450, OMREnums.OMRProperty.tensBlock1),
    OMRSheetReader.GetSheetPropertyLocation("sheets", OMREnums.OMRSheet.A450, OMREnums.OMRProperty.tensBlock2),
    OMRSheetReader.GetSheetPropertyLocation("sheets", OMREnums.OMRSheet.A450, OMREnums.OMRProperty.tensBlock3),
    OMRSheetReader.GetSheetPropertyLocation("sheets", OMREnums.OMRSheet.A450, OMREnums.OMRProperty.tensBlock4)
    List<Bitmap[]> bmps = new List<Bitmap[]>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    bmps.Add(SliceOMarkBlock(panel1.BackgroundImage, Blocks[i], 25));
    showTimeStamp("Slicing ended");
    string ans = "";
    foreach (Bitmap[] blk in bmps)
    foreach (Bitmap line in blk)
    ans += rateSlice(line,25) + ",";
    ans += "\r\n";
    private int rateSlice(Bitmap slice, int OMCount)
    Rectangle[] cropRects = new Rectangle[OMCount];
    Bitmap[] marks = new Bitmap[OMCount];
    for (int i = 0; i < OMCount; i++)
    cropRects[i] = new Rectangle(i * slice.Width / OMCount, 0, slice.Width / OMCount, slice.Height);
    int crsr = 0;
    foreach (Rectangle cropRect in cropRects)
    Bitmap target = new Bitmap(cropRect.Width, cropRect.Height);
    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(target))
    g.DrawImage(slice, new Rectangle(0, 0, target.Width, target.Height),
    marks[crsr] = target;
    long maxPD = (slice.Width / OMCount) * slice.Height * 255;
    List<long> inks = new List<long>();
    List<long> fullInks = new List<long>();
    foreach (Bitmap mark in marks)
    fullInks.Add(inks[inks.Count - 1]);
    int indofMx = -1,indofMn = -1;
    long maxD = 0, minD = 0; ;
    for (int i = 0; i < OMCount; i++)
    if (inks[i] > maxD)
    maxD = inks[i];
    indofMx = i;
    minD = maxD;
    for (int i = 0; i < OMCount; i++)
    if (inks[i] < minD)
    minD = inks[i];
    indofMn = i;
    for (int i = 0; i < OMCount; i++)
    inks[i] -= minD - 1;
    bool parallelExist = false, spe = false, tpe = false, fpe = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < OMCount; i++)
    if (i != indofMx)
    if ((double)fullInks[indofMx] / fullInks[i] <= 2)
    if (tpe) fpe = true;
    if (spe) tpe = true;
    if (parallelExist) spe = true;
    parallelExist = true;
    int negScore = parallelExist ? -1 : 0;
    negScore = spe ? -2 : negScore;
    negScore = tpe ? -3 : negScore;
    negScore = fpe ? -4 : negScore;
    if (!parallelExist)
    return indofMx + 1;
    bool atleastOneUnfilled = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < OMCount; i++)
    if (i != indofMx)
    if ((double)fullInks[indofMx] / fullInks[i] >= 3)
    atleastOneUnfilled = true;
    if (atleastOneUnfilled)
    return negScore;
    return 0;
    private long InkDarkness(Bitmap OMark)
    int darkestC = 255, lightestC = 0;
    UnmanagedImage mark = UnmanagedImage.FromManagedImage(OMark);
    for (int y = 0; y < OMark.Height; y++)
    for (int x = 0; x < OMark.Width; x++)
    Color c = mark.GetPixel(x, y);
    if (((c.R + c.G + c.B) / 3) > lightestC)
    lightestC = ((c.R + c.G + c.B) / 3);
    if (((c.R + c.G + c.B) / 3) < darkestC)
    darkestC = ((c.R + c.G + c.B) / 3);
    int dc = 0;
    for (int y = 0; y < OMark.Height; y++)
    for (int x = 0; x < OMark.Width; x++)
    Color c = mark.GetPixel(x, y);
    if (((c.R + c.G + c.B) / 3) < (lightestC + darkestC) / 2)
    { dc += 255; }
    return dc;
    private Bitmap[] SliceOMarkBlock(System.Drawing.Image fullSheet, Rectangle slicer, int slices)
    List<Rectangle> cropRects = new List<Rectangle>();
    Bitmap[] bmps = new Bitmap[slices];
    for (int i = 0; i < slices; i++)
    cropRects.Add(new Rectangle(slicer.X, slicer.Y + (slicer.Height / slices) * i, slicer.Width, slicer.Height/slices));
    Bitmap src = (Bitmap)fullSheet;
    int crsr = 0;
    foreach (Rectangle cropRect in cropRects)
    Bitmap target = new Bitmap(cropRect.Width, cropRect.Height);
    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(target))
    g.DrawImage(src, new Rectangle(0, 0, target.Width, target.Height),
    bmps[crsr] = target;
    return bmps;
    throw new Exception("Couldn't slice");
    Its Showing result like ---> -2,-3,-2,-4,-4,-4 and so on up to 100 Questions
    is there any one Help me for this.

    It looks like you've already engaged the author on the CodeProject site and they have attempted to help you.  It would be best to finish the discussion there.  I'll move this to the C# forums (since it is C# code) but it may get moved again to
    Off-Topic since the issue revolves around this particular CodeProject article (and since the author has already attempted to help).
    Reed Kimble - "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all"

  • Question about LIVE slide show

    I use keynote for my live presentation slide to slide...sometimes i need to jump the slide to the other slide immediately by hit the number of slide that i wish to jump to (say from slide 2 i wish to jump to slide 26 for the next slide ,i just hit the number 26 and enter i'll be there on the spot)
    when i hit the number of the next slide as the above example, keynote will show a slide bar on the top that will show on the screen that i projected as do i avoid the "slide bar" when i hit the number26?
    Sorry for the complicated description above...cause,i really don't know how to descript the situation that i facing...haaaa...hope you all can understand..and give me some tips to solve it!!!!
    Thanks and appreciate!!!

    Question 1 - Yes, exactly.
    Question 2 - Rehearse Slideshow mode shows you what the Presenter Display will look like when you are in Play Slideshow mode, but for situations when you only have one monitor. A good example use case is when you are on an airplane and you want to rehearse your slideshow (hopefully not out loud) and you obviously only have your laptop monitor to work with. This way you can get used to working with the Presenter Display. When you go to Play Slideshow mode, it will look exactly the same, only your audience will be seeing your finished slideshow without the notes, Slide Browser, etc. from the secondary display output.

  • A question about output of show isakmp sa

    I couldn't find any detail explanation of show isakmp sa output on ASA platform on CCO,
    from ASA show isakmp sa, i can find some SA Type is user,some SAs type is l2l
    all ipsec vpn configured type on this ASA is L2L, why  the type of SA is user under some SA,
    what is means of type is user?
    thank you!
    ASA# show isakmp sa
    IKEv1 SAs:
       Active SA: 5
        Rekey SA: 0 (A tunnel will report 1 Active and 1 Rekey SA during rekey)
    Total IKE SA: 5
    1   IKE Peer:
        Type    : user            Role    : initiator
        Rekey   : no              State   : MM_WAIT_MSG2
    2   IKE Peer:
        Type    : user            Role    : responder
        Rekey   : no              State   : MM_WAIT_MSG3
    3   IKE Peer:
        Type    : L2L             Role    : responder
        Rekey   : no              State   : MM_ACTIVE
    4   IKE Peer:
        Type    : L2L             Role    : responder
        Rekey   : no              State   : MM_ACTIVE
    5   IKE Peer:
        Type    : L2L             Role    : responder
        Rekey   : no              State   : MM_ACTIVE

    we have many ipsec vpn connection configuration, same config, but only some of them showing Type: User,
    I find when ipsec connection not in active state. show isakmp sa show Type:user.
    is this a default state.
    I haven't found detail explanation from CCO ASA document?

  • Wmv to be play on a mac question; MS Photostory3 slide show usability

    There was a woman who posted this note... and before I could answer, somebody set the note to "answered" so I couldn't reply. It was certainly not answered. The text was:
    My son's school has started using Microsoft's Photostory3 to convert school event images into slide shows. As Photostory3 apparently uses an Image codec, Flip4Mac can't run the resulting wmv file. Craig on the Telestream forum says, 'Nothing on the Mac can play Image or Screen codec.' I can't see another save option on the staff member's pc that would allow any other save format. Does anyone know if there is an easy (and free?) software they could use that would be cross platform?
    My answer is: It's true you cannot play a wmv file on a mac. A workaround is to use a free converter to convert it to a usable format, for example a Quicktime movie which has the extension .mov
    One such converter is called FLV CRUNCH. google for it and give it a try. Good Luck!

    If the person has an up to date system, they probably have the flip4mac plug-in, which allows macs to play most WMV files. Older macs may or may not have WMP. If they don't have it, I'm not sure you can still download it-Microsoft has stopped issuing it and recommends flip4mac instead. You will aslo find a fairly substantial number of mac folks who will not do Windows media under any circumstances whatsoever, I'm afraid.
    All macs can play QT files, but again, if you want to use H264, the person would need to have a fairly recent version of QT installed.
    A potential problem is that macs last a long time, so there are still many people using the old OS 9 operating system from 8 or nine years ago, and apple stopped issuing updates for that system a long time ago. Also, there are some WMV codecs that have never been released for anything but windows.

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    ./imsimta version
    iPlanet Messaging Server 5.2 HotFix 1.21 (built Sep 8 2003) 5.2 HotFix 1.21 (built 18:35:22, Sep 8 2003)
    SunOS mailsrv1 5.9 Generic_112233-12 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R
    When looking at the "Blocks" column, is that value really bytes and not blocks? The reason I ask is that in the autoreply section, I have the following data:
        Received                     214         214       25356
        Stored                        -3          -3       -1217
        Delivered                    217         217       26573 (217 first time)
        Submitted                    108         108         123
        Attempted                      0           0           0
        Rejected                       0           0           0
        Failed                         0           0           0If I divide 25356 by 214, I get 118. According to the Reference manual the default MTA BLOCK_SIZE is 1024 bytes. Could I get some clarification please? I'm also getting similarly strange numbers for the ims-ms channel. My goal is to get a handle on weekly incoming mail delivered to users' mailboxes, ie the ims-ms channel.
    Roger S.

    If you're looking for weekly statistics, I would suggest parsing the log files, rather than trying to colledt data from the "counters".
    Here's a perl script that will give you more of what you want:
    What counters -show shows you is indeed "blocks", by default those are 1k in size, yes. So your average message could be 118k in size. Not unreasonable.

Maybe you are looking for

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