Read Portal IViews

I am new to using portal.I have been trying to use JNDI lookup to read portal iviews using
standalone java with relevant jars but i get javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot
instantiate class: java.naming.factory.initial.Please anyone help me out with jndi name and
the ways i have to implement.Here is the code..
          env.put(Constants.REQUESTED_ASPECT, PcmConstants.ASPECT_SEMANTICS);          
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL,                     "administrator");
javax.naming.InitialContext ctx;
ctx = new InitialContext(env);

Hi Kiran,
You have been using this link as URL.
Now just try replacing following characters between occurence of "ROLES" and "&DynamicParameter" as follows:
:  --> %3A
/  --> %2F
Also, after "&DynamicParameter" replace
= --> %3D
& --> %26
to define passed Parameter Names and Values.
It will look something like this:-
+ "ROLES%3A%2F%2Fportal_content%2FXYZContent%2FBHBSS%2FXYZPages%2FXYZMaintenance" +
+ "RF02D-VKORG"+"%3D" + "1040"
+ "%26" + "RF02D-KUNNR" + "%3D" + 40
+ "&CurrentWindowId=WID1232176120474&NavMode=3"
I have show the URL in the form of strings appended, you need to show them in a flow removing the double quotes and plus symbol.
Let me know if you still have problem accessing through the link.
Tushar Sinha

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    If you are looking for an example on web service using security, following link has one sample

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    3. In the Portal Content Directory (PCD), create a folder for iViews that Web content managers can use on Web pages.
    a. Choose Content Administration u2192 Portal Content and create a folder under Portal Content, for example WebPageiViews.
    b. Create permitted iViews in this PCD folder (for example, as delta links).
    c. Choose System Administration u2192 Permissions and navigate to the folder you created in step a.
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    b. Choose Repository Managers u2192 Show Advanced Options u2192 PCD Repository.
    c. Deactivate the Hide in Root Folder checkbox.
    d. Restart the servlet engine.
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    1. Choose System Administration u2192 System Configuration u2192 Knowledge Management u2192 Content Management u2192 User Interface u2192 Mapping u2192 Component.
    2. Edit the wpcDragExplorerEntryPoints configuration object.
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    Web Content Browser Parameters
    Parameter                    Description
    displaymode                Specify select
    maxproviderprio            Highest priority number that standard entry points can have and still be displayed in the Web content browser
    entriesperrow               Number of entry points displayed in each row (default: 5)
    Prefix of the entry point repository If you specify a value for this parameter, standard KM entry points are also displayed in the Web content browser.  Default: /entrypoints      
    sharedcontent               Semicolon-separated list of paths to be displayed as global entry points for shared content
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    Edited by: PortalUser100 on Mar 24, 2011 11:51 PM

    Right Click on any UI Element in Portal->Go to more field help->TEchical Information. You can see all the information about component, application, ui elements etc.
    Please check this... may helps more

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    Hi Kiran,
    He means to say - How can we access/execute an existing Portal iView from outside/another environment?
    If possible, could you please guide us.
    Your quick response would be appreciated.
    Awaiting Reply.
    Warm Regards,
    Ritu R Hunjan
    (<i>Rajendra & I are answered on his behalf</i>)

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    Please mail me to [email protected] too.
    Thank you for your help.
    Message was edited by: Xiaochen Du

    Hi Harry,
    > saved in IPortalComponentRequest
    In the original message, you wrote about a problem concerning the profile, now it's the request!?
    > If this is a fixed issue, please let me know,
    > in which patch it is fixed.
    If your are lucky, you'll get an answer to such questions on SDN, but anyhow, no official ones. That's the reason why I have suggested to open an OSS message, that's the support channel which should be able to answer officially to this kind of question. Anyhow, you would have to describe the problem in detail, also if the profile or the request is concerned...
    > confused with the version numbers
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    Hope it helps

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    Edited by: Pranav Goswami on Mar 25, 2009 12:14 PM
    Edited by: Pranav Goswami on Mar 25, 2009 12:16 PM

    Hi Pranav
    You need to give the URL for the application with pcd of iview.
    Please ask you portal or webdynpro consultant he might help you in that.

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    Thanks in advance,

    How many actions  are there in your process?. Is it having only one action that is Web service?.
    I think, The process should at least contain one UI action.
    If your process is having multiple actions, there may problem with other actions. Test the web service action seperately to confirm this.

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    Check these links
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    Creating system object

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