Registration and pivot point issue

The pivot/rotation points default back to the center of the symbol when I drag them from the library for later use.
Here's what's happening. I create a symbol, double click to edit and set the registration point (the cross hairs); the pivot point (the white dot) automatically moves to the registration point. Great! When I drag the same symbol from the library to the stage in a later scene the registration point is the same but the pivot point has defaulted to the center position of the symbol. How do I keep this from happening? Am I leaving out a step? Help, please!

Never mind. I think I figured it out; create the object on the stage, edit the registration and pivot points in the symbol in the library, return to stage, right click symbol and 'set transformation point.' I might be able to set that last action as a hot key.
Thanks for all your help. You should write the manuals.

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    Is it a bug or some changes in my settings ?
    I don't know why on my Flash 8 when I put the registration
    point of a
    MovieClip on the upper left corner, the rotation point stays
    in the
    middle, but.... (and that's the strange ennoying part)
    When I try to put the Clip on the scene at a position f.i:
    100,100 it is
    the *center point* and not the upper left registration point
    that takes
    the position.
    Is there a way to correct this and to return to my previous
    where the registration point was The REference.
    Henri Schongut

    Never mind. I think I figured it out; create the object on the stage, edit the registration and pivot points in the symbol in the library, return to stage, right click symbol and 'set transformation point.' I might be able to set that last action as a hot key.
    Thanks for all your help. You should write the manuals.

  • Dragging rotated and nested symbol causes registration point issues

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    I have been tryig to master the science of this and am still having a helluva time. It looks like it thinks your mouse is the 0,0 point and instantly jumps the symbol you are attemping to drag.
    Has anyone else noticed this and figured out a workaround?
    I noticed if I dynamically place the symbol it doesnt have this issue but I would prefer to not be forced into that

    Yes there is. After you have paused at the IN-point, hit shift + left arrow, this will mark the IN-point. Play to OUT-point, pause, shift + left arrow and the clip is selected from the two points.

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    How can this be? Is FCPX treating the out point as the frame after the selected section of a clip, rather than the last frame of the selected section?
    This may relate to another post I have made on in and out points, but was a slightly different issue:

    I agree with your assessment, but really Apply should change this so that the end point of a rating is inclusive (i.e. the end point of the REJECTED rating above should be 00:03:09:14 not 00:03:09:15).
    Another bug to report to Apple!

  • Inline functions in C, gcc optimization and floating point arithmetic issues

    For several days I really have become a fan of Alchemy. But after intensive testing I have found several issues which I'd like to solve but I can't without any help.
    So...I'm porting an old game console emulator written by me in ANSI C. The code is working on both gcc and VisualStudio without any modification or crosscompile macros. The only platform code is the audio and video output which is out of scope, because I have ported audio and video witin AS3.
    Here are the issues:
    1. Inline functions - Having only a single inline function makes the code working incorrectly (although not crashing) even if any optimization is enabled or not (-O0 or O3). My current workarround is converting the inline functions to macros which achieves the same effect. Any ideas why inline functions break the code?
    2. Compiler optimizations - well, my project consists of many C files one of which is called flash.c and it contains the main and exported functions. I build the project as follows:
    gcc -c flash.c -O0 -o flash.o     //Please note the -O0 option!!!
    gcc -c file1.c -O3 -o file1.o
    gcc -c file2.c -O3 -o file2.o
    ... and so on
    gcc *.o -swc -O0 -o emu.swc   //Please note the -O0 option again!!!
    mxmlc.exe -library-path+=emu.swc --target-player=10.0.0
    or file in $( ls *.o ) //Removes the obj files
            rm $file
    If I define any option different from -O0 in gcc -c flash.c -O0 -o flash.o the program stops working correctly exactly as in the inline funtions code (but still does not crash or prints any errors in debug). flash has 4 static functions to be exported to AS3 and the main function. Do you know why?
    If I define any option different from -O0 in gcc *.o -swc -O0 -o emu.swc  the program stops working correctly exactly as above, but if I specify -O1, -O2 or O3 the SWC file gets smaller up to 2x for O3. Why? Is there a method to optimize all the obj files except flash.o because I suspect a similar issue as when compilling it?
    3. Flating point issues - this is the worst one. My code is mainly based on integer arithmetic but on 1-2 places it requires flating point arithmetic. One of them is the conversion of 16-bit 44.1 Khz sound buffer to a float buffer with same sample rate but with samples in the range from -1.0 to 1.0.
    My code:
    void audio_prepare_as()
        uint32 i;
            audiobuffer[i] = (float)snd.buffer[i]/32768;
            audiobuffer[i+1] = (float)snd.buffer[i+1]/32768;
    My audio playback is working perfectly. But not if using the above conversion and I have inspected the float numbers - all incorrect and invalid. I tried other code with simple floats - same story. As if alchemy refuses to work with floats. What is wrong? I have another lace whre I must resize the framebuffer and there I have a float involved - same crap. Please help me?
    Found the floating point problem: audiobuffer is written to a ByteArray and then used in AS. But C floats are obviously not the same as those in AS3. Now the floating point is resolved.
    The optimization issues remain! I really need to speed up my code.
    Thank you in advice!

    Dear Bernd,
    I am still unable to run the optimizations and turn on the inline functions. None of the inline functions contain any stdli function just pure asignments, reads, simple arithmetic and bitwise operations.
    In fact, the file containing the main function and those functions for export in AS3 did have memset and memcpy. I tried your suggestion and put the code above the functions calling memset and memcpy. It did not work soe I put the code in a header which is included topmost in each C file. The only system header I use is malloc.h and it is included topmost. In other C file I use pow, sin and log10 from math.h but I removed it and made the same thing:
    #ifndef _SHARED_H_
    #define _SHARED_H_
    #include <malloc.h>
    static void * custom_memmove( void * destination, const void * source, unsigned int num ) {
      void *result; 
      __asm__("%0 memmove(%1, %2, %3)\n" : "=r"(result) : "r"(destination), "r"(source), "r"(num)); 
      return result; 
    static void * custom_memcpy ( void * destination, const void * source, unsigned int num ) { 
      void *result; 
      __asm__("%0 memcpy(%1, %2, %3)\n" : "=r"(result) : "r"(destination), "r"(source), "r"(num)); 
      return result; 
    static void * custom_memset ( void * ptr, int value, unsigned int num ) { 
      void *result; 
      __asm__("%0 memset(%1, %2, %3)\n" : "=r"(result) : "r"(ptr), "r"(value), "r"(num)); 
      return result; 
    static float custom_pow(float x, int y) {
        float result;
      __asm__("%0 pow(%1, %2)\n" : "=r"(result) : "r"(x), "r"(y));
      return result;
    static double custom_sin(double x) {
        double result;
      __asm__("%0 sin(%1)\n" : "=r"(result) : "r"(x));
      return result;
    static double custom_log10(double x) {
        double result;
      __asm__("%0 log10(%1)\n" : "=r"(result) : "r"(x));
      return result;
    #define memmove custom_memmove
    #define memcpy custom_memcpy
    #define memset custom_memset
    #define pow custom_pow
    #define sin custom_sin
    #define log10 custom_log10 
    #include "types.h"
    #include "macros.h"
    #include "m68k.h"
    #include "z80.h"
    #include "genesis.h"
    #include "vdp.h"
    #include "render.h"
    #include "mem68k.h"
    #include "memz80.h"
    #include "membnk.h"
    #include "memvdp.h"
    #include "system.h"
    #include "loadrom.h"
    #include "input.h"
    #include "io.h"
    #include "sound.h"
    #include "fm.h"
    #include "sn76496.h" 
    #endif /* _SHARED_H_ */ 
    It still behave the same way as if nothing was changed (works incorrectly - displays jerk which does not move, whereby the image is supposed to move)
    As I am porting an emulator (Sega Mega Drive) I use manu arrays of function pointers for implementing the opcodes of the CPU's. Could this be an issue?
    I did a workaround for the floating point problem but processing is very slow so I hear only bzzt bzzt but this is for now out of scope. The emulator compiled with gcc runs at 300 fps on a 1.3 GHz machine, whereby my non optimized AVM2 code compiled by alchemy produces 14 fps. The pure rendering is super fast and the problem lies in the computational power of AVM. The frame buffer and the enulation are generated in the C code and only the pixels are copied to AS3, where they are plotted in a BitmapData. On 2.0 GHz Dual core I achieved only 21 fps. Goal is 60 fps to have smooth audio and video. But this is offtopic. After all everything works (slow) without optimization, and I would somehow turn it on. Suggestions?
    Here is the file with the main function:
    #include "shared.h"
    #include "AS3.h"
    #define FRAMEBUFFER_LENGTH    (320*240*4)
    static uint8* framebuffer;
    static uint32  audioSamples;
    AS3_Val sega_rom(void* self, AS3_Val args)
        int size, offset, i;
        uint8 hardware;
        uint8 country;
        uint8 header[0x200];
        uint8 *ptr;
        AS3_Val length;
        AS3_Val ba;
        AS3_ArrayValue(args, "AS3ValType", &ba);
        country = 0;
        offset = 0;
        length = AS3_GetS(ba, "length");
        size = AS3_IntValue(length);
        ptr = (uint8*)malloc(size);
        AS3_SetS(ba, "position", AS3_Int(0));
        AS3_ByteArray_readBytes(ptr, ba, size);
        //FILE* f = fopen("boris_dump.bin", "wb");
        //fwrite(ptr, size, 1, f);
        if((size / 512) & 1)
            size -= 512;
            offset += 512;
            memcpy(header, ptr, 512);
            for(i = 0; i < (size / 0x4000); i += 1)
                deinterleave_block(ptr + offset + (i * 0x4000));
        memset(cart_rom, 0, 0x400000);
        if(size > 0x400000) size = 0x400000;
        memcpy(cart_rom, ptr + offset, size);
        /* Free allocated file data */
        hardware = 0;
        for (i = 0x1f0; i < 0x1ff; i++)
            switch (cart_rom[i]) {
         case 'U':
             hardware |= 4;
         case 'J':
             hardware |= 1;
         case 'E':
             hardware |= 8;
        if (cart_rom[0x1f0] >= '1' && cart_rom[0x1f0] <= '9') {
            hardware = cart_rom[0x1f0] - '0';
        } else if (cart_rom[0x1f0] >= 'A' && cart_rom[0x1f0] <= 'F') {
            hardware = cart_rom[0x1f0] - 'A' + 10;
        if (country) hardware=country; //simple autodetect override
        //From PicoDrive
        if (hardware&8)        
            hw=0xc0; vdp_pal=1;
        } // Europe
        else if (hardware&4)    
            hw=0x80; vdp_pal=0;
        } // USA
        else if (hardware&2)    
            hw=0x40; vdp_pal=1;
        } // Japan PAL
        else if (hardware&1)      
            hw=0x00; vdp_pal=0;
        } // Japan NTSC
            hw=0x80; // USA
        if (vdp_pal) {
            vdp_rate = 50;
            lines_per_frame = 312;
        } else {
            vdp_rate = 60;
            lines_per_frame = 262;
        if(cart_rom[0x1b1] == 'A' && cart_rom[0x1b0] == 'R')
            save_start = cart_rom[0x1b4] << 24 | cart_rom[0x1b5] << 16 |
                cart_rom[0x1b6] << 8  | cart_rom[0x1b7] << 0;
            save_len = cart_rom[0x1b8] << 24 | cart_rom[0x1b9] << 16 |
                cart_rom[0x1ba] << 8  | cart_rom[0x1bb] << 0;
            // Make sure start is even, end is odd, for alignment
            // A ROM that I came across had the start and end bytes of
            // the save ram the same and wouldn't work.  Fix this as seen
            // fit, I know it could probably use some work. [PKH]
            if(save_start != save_len)
                if(save_start & 1) --save_start;
                if(!(save_len & 1)) ++save_len;
                save_len -= (save_start - 1);
                saveram = (unsigned char*)malloc(save_len);
                // If save RAM does not overlap main ROM, set it active by default since
                // a few games can't manage to properly switch it on/off.
                if(save_start >= (unsigned)size)
                    save_active = 1;
                save_start = save_len = 0;
                saveram = NULL;
            save_start = save_len = 0;
            saveram = NULL;
        return AS3_Int(0);
    AS3_Val sega_init(void* self, AS3_Val args)
        audioSamples = (44100 / vdp_rate)*2;
        framebuffer = (uint8*)malloc(FRAMEBUFFER_LENGTH);
        return AS3_Int(vdp_rate);
    AS3_Val sega_reset(void* self, AS3_Val args)
        return AS3_Int(0);
    AS3_Val sega_frame(void* self, AS3_Val args)
        uint32 width;
        uint32 height;
        uint32 x, y;
        uint32 di, si, r;
        uint16 p;
        AS3_Val fb_ba;
        AS3_ArrayValue(args, "AS3ValType", &fb_ba);
        AS3_SetS(fb_ba, "position", AS3_Int(0));
        width = (reg[12] & 1) ? 320 : 256;
        height = (reg[1] & 8) ? 240 : 224;
                di = 1280*y + x<<2;
                si = (y << 10) + ((x + bitmap.viewport.x) << 1);
                p = *((uint16*)( + si));
                framebuffer[di + 3] = (uint8)((p & 0x1f) << 3);
                framebuffer[di + 2] = (uint8)(((p >> 5) & 0x1f) << 3);
                framebuffer[di + 1] = (uint8)(((p >> 10) & 0x1f) << 3);
        AS3_ByteArray_writeBytes(fb_ba, framebuffer, FRAMEBUFFER_LENGTH);
        AS3_SetS(fb_ba, "position", AS3_Int(0));
        r = (width << 16) | height;
        return AS3_Int(r);
    AS3_Val sega_audio(void* self, AS3_Val args)
        AS3_Val ab_ba;
        AS3_ArrayValue(args, "AS3ValType", &ab_ba);
        AS3_SetS(ab_ba, "position", AS3_Int(0));
        AS3_ByteArray_writeBytes(ab_ba, snd.buffer, audioSamples*sizeof(int16));
        AS3_SetS(ab_ba, "position", AS3_Int(0));
        return AS3_Int(0);
    int main()
        AS3_Val romMethod = AS3_Function(NULL, sega_rom);
        AS3_Val initMethod = AS3_Function(NULL, sega_init);
        AS3_Val resetMethod = AS3_Function(NULL, sega_reset);
        AS3_Val frameMethod = AS3_Function(NULL, sega_frame);
        AS3_Val audioMethod = AS3_Function(NULL, sega_audio);
        // construct an object that holds references to the functions
        AS3_Val result = AS3_Object("sega_rom: AS3ValType, sega_init: AS3ValType, sega_reset: AS3ValType, sega_frame: AS3ValType, sega_audio: AS3ValType",
            romMethod, initMethod, resetMethod, frameMethod, audioMethod);
        // Release
        // notify that we initialized -- THIS DOES NOT RETURN!
        // should never get here!
        return 0;

  • My clip timing and transition points won't save at desired positions, anyone else having this issue, it crashes as well.

    My clip timing and transition points won't save at desired positions, anyone else having this issue, it crashes as well.

    Could you share the crash log here? Thanks!

  • LR5 registration and catalogue issues

    I just upgraded to LR5 (from LR3) and after the initial set up where LR5 read and updated my LR3 catalogue I closed LR5 and saved the catalog. Now when i attempt to open LR5 it takes me through the registration and serial # dialogue and forces me to create a new catalog rather than use my existing catalog. Furthermore, after registering LR5 several times both in the dialogue that comes up upon opening LR5 as well as online at adobe, my registration doesn't go through. It always says i successfully register and then next time i refresh the page i have "no registered products".

    1.)About serial number:
    Maybe you have typed wrong letters. Please take care for O and 0 (zero) or I and l (little L or big i ).
    In my opinion you should try it again and check these possibilities.
    2.)About wireless:
    Well, its not easy to say why it happens. You can try to update the wireless intel driver. Maybe this solves the strange speed changing.

  • Multiple registration and fees issue

    I have made a registration form for multiple people on one form, however I don't want to make every registration (and related fields) mandatory in case they don't use all the possible registrations. That would require them to fill in something in every field regardless.  However, if they do register someone I want to be sure that the fees are collected for each registration on PayPal.  Is there a way to have all fees "form wide" so it collects each registration fee or do I have to make the payment mandatory for each registration and add a choice for no fee for each registration if not filled out.
    Or, a way to tell the form if the registration is filled out it automatically makes the fee choice mandatory and sent to Pay Pal?  Similar to if you ask a question and if no it takes you to the next question relative to that answer.
    Any ideas?

    I found a work around I only made the first registration required and made a registration fee choice required for each registration.  I did have to add each purchase field for each registration, it wouldn’t add the fee for each person otherwise.  I also had to make sure under the Address Fields that I had the billing name, address etc. checked so it pulled the information for the billing from the correct place.  A bit cumbersome, however it appears to be working as intended.

  • Pivot point in Photoshop CS 4

    I seem to have an issue using 3D layers in Photoshop CS 4 ext.
    You see I have a layer which I convert to a 3D layer and I want to rotate the element however I would like to move the pivot point which it rotates from. I am unable to do this. I can not find the pivot point and I am not sure how PS generates the coordinates of the pivot point. This should be a simple task.

    Hello Bart
    Im not sure how your pulling this off. Could you please provide me with acurate step by step on how you are able to do this? cause I am still not able to get a pivot point from a 3D layer.

  • How do I get the rotate tool to default locate the pivot point in the exact center of an object or group of objects?

    My new copy of CC has the default pivot point set to one side, rather than the center. I know I can manually move the pivot point around, but this is not always exact. Is there a way to have AI determine the exact center and then make this the default?

    We are not talking about the Reference Points in the Transform palette, are we?
    In any case, you may consider the list.
    The following is a general list of things you may try when the issue is not in a specific file, and when it is not caused by issues with opening a file from external media. You may have tried/done some of them already; 1) and 2) are the easy ones for temporary strangenesses, and 3) and 4) are specifically aimed at possibly corrupt preferences); 5) is a list in itself, and 6) is the last resort.
    If possible/applicable, you should save current artwork first, of course.
    1) Close down Illy and open again;
    2) Restart the computer (you may do that up to at least 5 times);
    3) Close down Illy and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift/Cmd+Option+Shift during startup (easy but irreversible);
    4) Move the folder (follow the link with that name) with Illy closed (more tedious but also more thorough and reversible), for CS3 - CC you may find the folder here:
    5) Look through and try out the relevant among the Other options (follow the link with that name, Item 7) is a list of usual suspects among other applications that may disturb and confuse Illy, Item 15) applies to CC, CS6, and maybe CS5);
    Even more seriously, you may:
    6) Uninstall (ticking the box to delete the preferences), run the Cleaner Tool (if you have CS3/CS4/CS5/CS6/CC), and reinstall.

  • I have a serious (and bizarre!) issue with my novation impulse (Although i've tried it with two other keyboards and i still have the same problem) and its compatibility with mainstage 3

    i have a serious (and bizarre!) issue with my novation impulse (Although i've tried it with two other keyboards and i still have the same problem) and its compatibility with mainstage 3.
    the problem is best explained on the following one - page thread:
    (Clearly i'm not alone in this problem, although i think i figured out what's going wrong a little more than he on!)
    his solution, to put mainstage in jump mode, is very unsatisfactory to me, as it bounces all of a sudden to drastically different settings.
    basically, my analysis is that my controller is NOT receiving MIDI date from mainstage.  in other words, mainstage knows what my controller is doing, but my controller doens't know what mainstage is doing.
     let's say i turn the knob all the way to the right ... 127...and the virtual fader goes to the right like it's supposed to.'s say i change to a different patch, where that same VIRTUAL fader is not at the max clockwise position..maybe it's only at 1pm.  now when i turn the physical knob to the RIGHT, the midi data is still at 127 on the controller!  it didn't "reset" to sync up with the new level (say 80 or so) setting on the new patch.  so i can't increase that new setting of 80 by continuing to turn the knob to the right.  i have to turn it all the way to zero,...and then continue PAST zero until the controller thinks that IT is at that point the controller and mainstage are in agreement, and things work bascially, the keyboard thinks the level is at max...but mainstage thinks the level is at 1pm.
    i am using Logic 9, and i have a macbook pro 2.9 Ghz I7 with 8 gigs of memory and OS X 10.8.4

    Hi Josh,
    Thanks for taking the time to contact us here a Novation for technical support. Lets continue to correspond via email so we can get your issue resolved.
    Mike Towns

  • Order reports $0 and no points on my bestbuy

    I have an order placed on 2/10, shipped on 2/11 and delivered on 2/12.
    order# ending -947
    Order total is $179.98+$16.20 tax = $196.18, paid with bestbuy credit card and I didn't cancel/return it.
    The order is shown correctly on order history, however on my bestbuy it shows correct item and qty but with a $0 order total thus 0 points.
    So can someone help me and fix the issue?

    Hi lucida,
    Thank you for reaching out to us on the forum!
    I used the email address you registered with the forum to review your account history, and I believe that I can explain why zero points are currently pending in your My Best Buy™ account for that recent order.  From what I can see, it appears that you applied that order to a promotional financing offer (no interest for 6 months), and as of 7/31/2013, a purchase that is applied to a promotional financing offer does not qualify for points.  While the order may not qualify for points, it should still count toward reaching Elite and Elite Plus status.
    My Best Buy™ Program Terms
    Warmest Regards,
    Derek|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Crystal Report Output is Fluctuating between USA and European format Issue

    We use Crystal Report 10 .net for our web development in We export crystal to PDF Or excel. And it is showing different format for date and decimal points. Its not doing this all the time, but its like every other time I run the webpage then report exports to pdf shows dd/mm/yyyy format, then next time would be mm/dd/yyyy format. Same things with numbers like
    10,000.50 would show like 10.000,50.
    Is something corrupted or there are any hot fix if this is an issue?
    The weird thing is, its not continuously doing this but its fluctuating between this formats.
    Please help....

    Best I can suggest is trying the latest Service Pack:
    More downloads are here:
    Other than that, as CR 10 has been out of support for a number of years, I have no way of testing or reproducing the issue. In order for me to do any troubleshooting, You'd need to get to a supported version of CR. Either CR XI r2 (11.5) or CR 2008 (12.x). 12.x recommended as CR XI r2 will be out of patch support next month.
    Follow us on Twitter

  • Calculation of Safety Stock and Reorder Point under Forecast Model T

    Hi Gurus!
    Happy Holiday!
    I would like to ask for your assistance on how the the safety stock and reorder point was calculated with the following values available. I would really appreciate it if you could give me details on the calculation.
    Below are the values:
    Basic data
    Forecast date        01.12.2009        Unit                  CTN
    Forecast model       T                 Service level         0.0
    Period indicator     M                 Paramtr profile
    Control data
    Initialization                                Tracking limit        4.000
    Model selection      A                 Procedure selection   2
    Parameter optimizatio                Optimization level    F
    Alpha factor         0,10               Beta factor           0,10
    Gamma factor       0,00              Delta factor          0,30
    Basic value           5.464-           Trend value          5.603-
    MAD                      4.758            Error total              4.722
    Safety stock         1                   Reorder pnt.          1
    No. of values
    Consumption           6                Forecast periods       1
    Initial. periods      0                Fixed periods          0
    Periods per season   12
    Historical data
    Period                Original     Corrected value
    11.2009                3.000              3.000
    10.2009                0.000              0.000
    09.2009                0.000              0.000
    08.2009                9.000              9.000
    07.2009               21.000             21.000
    06.2009               20.300             20.300
    Forecast results
    Period                Original     Corrected value
    12.2009                0.000              0.000
    Appreciate your assistance!
    Thank you and Happy Holidays!

    Sweth, you are asking for consulting, and in my opinion it is way beyond what can or should be reasonable to achieve in such a forum. You are asking complex questions, that most probable have more than one possible answer.
    I suggest that you get on-site help from a knowledgeable and experienced consultant. These are crucial business issues, and should be dealt seriously.

  • Self Registration and Attestation is not working in OIM

    i have setup a new OIM environment using OC4J. I am able to create users and provision IT resource but self registration and attestation is not working. not sure it is OC4J issue or OIM issue. For self registration it says request is submitted but when I login as xelsysadm and dlon't see any pending request and same thing happens for attestation. It dowsn't display any error but never gets completed and don't see this also in pending request list. If anybody has idea to debug the issue then let me know and thanks for help.

    As per given bug it is looking for jars which is missing
    have you install connector using deployment manager?? if yes it copy required jars at target location. verify if not there copy jars in Scheduled Task folder.
    Check the document if any external jars required and same put at ThirdParty folder

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