Releasing a hold

i'm trying to release a hold on internal sales order items that are backorders, but i'm getting an error saying " this is a system seeded hold cannot be released by user"
please help

is your issue resolved?
How is the hold created,is it that if qty fails to satisfy reservation the whole orders will go to hold.
please clarify.

Similar Messages

  • Need to send Automated mail when releasing the Hold

    Hi Team,
    I have requirement to send the mail to customers when releasing the Hold Manually in OM.
    Kindly let me which event will trigger when releasing the hold manually.(Action -> Release Holds)

    There may be a way for your requirement.
    Achieved with form personliaze as follows(Not test):
    trigger event: post-query
    1.Check the holds which retrived at 2 is released or not.
    If released then send mail.
    2.Get current holds again.
    At the first time, 1 will not perform anything because of holds has not be got yet.
    Afterwards 1 will perform normally when release hold. (Action -> Release Holds)
    Edited by: Leno Sun on 2013/05/10 0:36

  • Releasing Order Holds in Multi Org Env. with oe_holds_pub.release_hold

    Hi All,
    I am fairly new to Oracle Apps. My program needs me to create a custom order hold using oe_holds_pub.apply_holds. This piece is working fine.
    Now i need to release the holds using oe_holds_pub.release_hold. I have 2 instances of Oracle, and my code is working on the one that is not multi org. However, it fails - and doesn't provide any error message- on the instance which is multi org.
    I have tried setting user and responsibility ids using MO_GLOBAL.initialize_apps, but even this didn't bring about any change.
    Any ideas please? I have been struggling with this for weeks... :(
    PROCEDURE manage_line_hold_XXX (p_line_id IN NUMBER,
    p_action IN VARCHAR2,
    p_status OUT VARCHAR2,
    p_msg OUT VARCHAR2) IS
    v_hold_id NUMBER;
    v_loop_count NUMBER := 0;
    v_apply_hold_comment VARCHAR2(32000);
    v_order_tbl oe_holds_pvt.order_tbl_type;
    v_x_return_status VARCHAR2(2000) := NULL;
    v_x_msg_count NUMBER := NULL;
    v_x_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000) := NULL;
    v_err_mesg VARCHAR2(2000) := NULL;
    v_err_num NUMBER := 0;
    v_err_cnt NUMBER := 0;
    v_err_index NUMBER := 0;
    v_out_err_mesg VARCHAR2(32000) := NULL;
    v_header_id oe_order_lines_all.header_id%TYPE;
    v_org_id oe_order_lines_all.org_id%TYPE;
    v_user_id number;
    v_responsibility_id number;
    v_application_id number;
    e_data_error EXCEPTION;
    p_msg := 'XXX.manage_line_hold: invalid p_action passed. Must be APPLY_LINE_HOLD or RELEASE_LINE_HOLD';
    RAISE e_data_error;
    END IF;
    --Get hold name from metadata
    SELECT hold_id
    INTO v_hold_id
    FROM oe_hold_definitions
    WHERE name = 'HOLD_NAME'
    p_msg := 'XXX.manage_line_hold: Hold: ' || 'HOLD_NAME' || ' either not setup in XXX metadata or not found';
    RAISE e_data_error;
    p_msg := 'XXX.manage_line_hold: Unknown error occurred finding hold: ' || SQLERRM || ' ' ||DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE;
    RAISE e_data_error;
    --Get header_id,org_id
    SELECT header_id, org_id
    INTO v_header_id, v_org_id
    FROM oe_order_lines_all
    WHERE line_id = p_line_id;
    p_status := 'ERROR';
    p_msg := 'XXX.manage_line_hold: line_id: ' || p_line_id || ' is invalid';
    RAISE e_data_error;
    p_status := 'ERROR';
    p_msg := 'XXX.manage_line_hold: Unknown error occurred finding header_id: ' || SQLERRM || ' ' ||DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE;
    RAISE e_data_error;
    v_order_tbl(1).header_id := v_header_id;
    v_order_tbl(1).line_id := p_line_id;
    --get user_id
    SELECT user_id
    INTO v_user_id
    FROM fnd_user
    WHERE user_name = 'USER_NAME';
    --dbms_output.put_line('user_id;' || g_om_user_id);
    p_msg := 'Error getting user_id: '|| SQLERRM;
    --RAISE e_data_error;
    --getting responsibility_id
    SELECT responsibility_id
    INTO v_responsibility_id
    FROM fnd_responsibility_tl
    WHERE responsibility_name = 'RESPONSIBILITY_NAME';
    --dbms_output.put_line('resp_id;' || g_om_responsibility_id);
    p_msg := 'Error getting responsibility_id: '|| SQLERRM;
    --RAISE e_data_error;
    --getting application_id
    SELECT application_id
    INTO v_application_id
    FROM fnd_application_vl
    WHERE application_short_name = 'APPLICATION_NAME';
    p_msg := 'Error getting application_id: '|| SQLERRM;
    --RAISE e_data_error;
    --dbms_output.put_line('p status: ' || p_status);
    IF p_action = 'APPLY_LINE_HOLD' THEN
    (p_api_version => 1.0,
    p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE,
    p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_validation_level => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
    p_order_tbl => v_order_tbl,
    p_hold_id => v_hold_id,
    p_hold_until_date => NULL,
    p_hold_comment => 'COMMENT',
    p_check_authorization_flag => NULL,
    x_return_status => v_x_return_status,
    x_msg_count => v_x_msg_count,
    x_msg_data => v_x_msg_data);
    (p_api_version => 1.0,
    p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE,
    p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_validation_level => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
    p_order_tbl => v_order_tbl,
    p_hold_id => v_hold_id,
    p_release_reason_code => 'REASON',
    p_release_comment => 'COMMENT',
    p_check_authorization_flag => NULL,
    x_return_status => v_x_return_status,
    x_msg_count => v_x_msg_count,
    x_msg_data => v_x_msg_data);
    END IF;
    --API Error Handling
    IF v_x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
    v_err_cnt := fnd_msg_pub.count_msg;
    IF NVL(v_x_msg_count, 0) > 0 THEN
    FOR i IN 1 .. v_x_msg_count LOOP
    fnd_msg_pub.get(p_msg_index => i,
    p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false,
    p_data => v_err_mesg,
    p_msg_index_out => v_err_index);
    IF v_err_mesg IS NOT NULL THEN
    v_out_err_mesg := v_out_err_mesg ||REPLACE(v_err_mesg, CHR(0), ' ') || CHR(10);
    END IF;
    v_err_num := v_err_num + 1;
    END IF;
    p_status := 'ERROR';
    p_msg := 'API Error in oe_holds_pub for p_action='||p_action||' v_header_id='||v_header_id||' p_line_id:'||p_line_id||'. API Error Message: '||v_out_err_mesg;
    p_status := 'SUCCESS';
    END IF;
    WHEN e_data_error THEN
    p_status := 'ERROR';
    p_status := 'ERROR';
    p_msg := 'Unknown error in XXX.manage_line_hold: line_id, ' || p_line_id ||', with hold_id, ' || v_hold_id || ', on header_id, ' || v_header_id || '. ERROR:' || SQLERRM || ' ' ||DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE;
    END manage_line_hold_XXX;

    Not sure whether works in 11.5.8 version..but can you try this ...
    l_action_rec.operation_code = OE_Globals.G_RELEASE_HOLD;
         l_action_request_rec.param1 := 1341;-- l_action_rec.hold_id;
         l_action_request_rec.param2 := 'I'; --nvl(l_action_rec.hold_type_code,'O');
         l_action_request_rec.param3 := 32903577;-- nvl(l_action_rec.hold_type_id,
         l_action_request_rec.param4 :=&your_reason;-- l_action_rec.release_reason_code;
         l_action_request_rec.param5 := -&Your_comments; --l_action_rec.comments;
    l_action_request_tbl(1) := l_action_request_rec;

  • How to release price hold automatically

    Hi ,
    We have system holds and manual hold in AP module.In that,normally we can release few system holds manually like Qty ordered ,Qty received,Invalid Po ,Price etc.
    Now,have situvation to release Price hold without manual intervention.
    Is there any set up to release Price hold automatically without using ap_holds_pkg.release_single_hold API.
    Can any please share your thoughts.
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: RamanaK_V on Jul 4, 2012 6:13 AM
    Edited by: RamanaK_V on Jul 4, 2012 6:16 AM

    AFAIK OM gives data to Credit Check API if it failed it puts order on hold.
    things at high level it checks is sales and outstanding if not satisfied puts it on hold.
    have a look at following metalink note which show the calculation for those perticular amount!!
    Prashant Pathak

  • Releasing Credit Hold in Order Management

    Is there a report that can tell me who has the authority to release credit hold on an order? If there is no such report, where in Order Management / Receivables can you check this?
    We are on 11.5.9.
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks for your response. Actually, I dont need the report. I just wanted to see who in our system can release an order if it is placed on hold. I do see a 'Credit Check Failure'
    hold defined in the system with Authorization Action as "Apply Hold' and no responsibility assigned. I dont see anything regarding releasing a hold. The problem is that in our system anyone can release credit check hold on any order. I wanted to see if I could restrict it to a user or a responsibility.

  • Can the Rescheduling program SDV03V02 release credit holds?

    Credit holds were released and unconfirmed orders were confirmed, very possibly by the rescheduling program SDV03V02 which runs everyday as a job.
    I have tried to go through the program to see if the program actually updates the credit status VBUK-CMGST and have not been able to find any such relation - but I could be wrong and missed something.
    Any ideas if this is at all possible - meaning does the rescheduling program clear holds and if it does what table/field does it write that information to.
    Thanks in advance

    The rescheduling program checks the credit status of the order when updating the order. I believe SD_ORDER_CREDIT_CHECK is being called somewhere in the program, and this is what updates the credit status of the order.

  • How to release credit hold automatically?

    Dear OM Gurus,
    I have my customer under credit hold because the invoice amount crossed the credit limit...Now my customer pays for the invoices...So when I enter the receipt in the Receivables the hold applied on the customer should be automatically released.
    How to do it?
    Thanks & Regards
    Merlin Rajesh

    AFAIK OM gives data to Credit Check API if it failed it puts order on hold.
    things at high level it checks is sales and outstanding if not satisfied puts it on hold.
    have a look at following metalink note which show the calculation for those perticular amount!!
    Prashant Pathak

  • Credit Holds released by the 'Rescheduling' program - SDV03V02

    I have an issue in which the credit holds on a company/order was released and unconfirmed orders confirmed after the Rescheduling program (SDV03V02) ran in the background.
    This program runs as a scheduled job everyday and this has never happened before, so we are more than a little perplexed as to what caused this.
    Adding to the confusion is that the Credit Hold Flag - VBUK-CMGST - which I expected to be updated in the program is absent. I cannot find any reference to this field (CMGST) in the programs - so how did it update the record to release the hold. VKM1 is the related transaction which the user would normally use to release credit holds.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Another strange thing was that no inventory was received on the day this happenned - so no inventory changes - which I think would mean that no backorders or unconfirmed orders should have been processed.
    If the credit check happens like you suggest (and I too suspect it does) then why is it that I cannot find any relation to the VBUK-CMGST field in the program. It should at least have a reference to it and also an update to it if it is cleared.
    No config changes were done during this time. No changes in master data.
    There was only one company in credit hold and all orders for that company was released.
    I appreciate your answers and quick responses thus far.

  • Credit Management doesn't release hold from order (11i)

    Hi guys...
    In some cases Credit Management doesn't release the hold from order automatically.
    I'm debugging CM Workflow and I didn't find anything.
    So in these cases we need to force it by executing a custom concurrent.
    I've found some open bugs at metalink but I'd like to know the reason for that.
    Anybody knows?
    Best Regards,

    I have a very similar problem:
    I wrote an application that uses SAP DI and writes many dozents of draft documents. It doesn´t make a difference if I set
    objDoc = objCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oDrafts) for each document or not: every document leeches round about 2-4 MB. That is, in case of an import of 100 documents, up to 400 MB are used.
    Isn´t there a possibility to minimize the volume of leeched memory?
    Info: I´m using DI and UI, but I am filtering ANY Events from the UI (just need it for singel-sign on).

  • Releasing messages from HOLD

    Hi all,
    # ./imsimta version
    Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 7.3-11.01 64bit (built Sep 1 2009)
    * I tried to release a msg which was set on HOLD using a single cmd (./imsimta qm).
    * After setting a user on hold in a test setup I send a msg to that user and observations were as below.
    # ./imsimta qm
    qm.maint> dir -held
    Wed, 23 July 2010 15:29:41 +0530 (IST)
    Data gathered from the queue directory tree
    Channel: hold Size Queued since
    1 ZZh051t0wSiy2.HELD 2 23 July 2010 15:03:04
    Total size: 2
    Grand total size: 2
    * I tried the cmd below to release the msg from HOLD and get an error msg like below
    # ./imsimta qm release -channel=hold -all
    %QM-W-NOSELECTIONS, no selections have been made with a "directory" command
    * But when try in this way the msg was succesfully delivered.
    # ./imsimta qm
    qm.maint> dir -held
    qm.maint> release 1
    %QM-I-RELEASED, released the message file /JES/opt/sun/comms/messaging64/data/queue/hold/001/ZZh051t0wSiy2.HELD
    qm.maint> dir -held
    %QM-I-NOFILES, no mail files found
    # ./imsimta cnbuild
    # ./imsimta restart
    * Now msg is delivered to the user inbox.
    * How can I manage to do the same with a single imsimta qm cmd successfully?
    * I need to include this single cmd in to a script to automate a process of mail migration using imsbackup/restore.
    * Any advice is greatly appreciated....
    Thank you,

    nusagnar wrote:
    * How can I manage to do the same with a single imsimta qm cmd successfully?There are two known issues with the version of Messaging Server you are running and releasing held messages:
    bug #6767783 - "job controller should not wait for cache synchronization to process a released .HELD message"
    bug #6879692 - "Releasing messages from hold channel when the user status is still set to hold causes them to bounce"
    The first bug is fixed in MS7 patch 12 (you are running patch 11) and the second is to be addressed in the upcoming MS7 patch 18 (a.k.a. MS7 update 4).
    I recommend raising a Sun support request to get a copy of MS7 patch 18 when it is available before continuing your testing.

  • Releasing hold by order type

    Is it possible to give the authority of removing hold from the orders of a certain order type to a certain user ?
    I have User A and I want him to only release holds from the order type " Alpha"
    I have another user b and I want him to only release hold from the order type " beta"
    Version: Oracle EBS
    Nouman Shaikh

    1) If you can create 2 holds such as Alpha Hold and Beta Hold, then you can give RespA the access to release Alpha Hold and RespB the access to release the beta hold. And then you can give the responsibilities to appropriate users.
    2) If that is not possible, you can consider writing a personalization on the release screen that enforces your rule.
    Hope this helps,
    Sandeep Gandhi

  • Toshiba Satellite C855-SS530 touchpad issues: left-click randomly releases

    Brand new Toshiba Satellite C855-SS530 Windows 8. My touchpad will very often respond erratically. As I hold down on the left button and scroll, often times scroll will randomly release and then sometimes re-engage. This will happen with web pages, holding windows, etc. I'll be dragging a window or file or what-have-you, it will release the hold of it's own accord (without me releasing the left button) then sometimes re-engage (picking up other random files, selecting stuff on the desktop or other random things I didn't want to do). Most often I am holding down the left button and scrolling down a web page, and it will randomly "let go" of the scroll (before I have let go of the left button). Occassionally the touchpad will not immediately respond. It's too annoying to keep this laptop.
    It isn't clear to me whether this is hardware or software related...Could be a bad button, bad touchpad, loose wire, or even a memory-glitch error which disrupts the touchpad signal. Does anyone know if this is a known issue with the Satellite C855-S5350. The touchpad is vital. It can't glitch out even 1% of the time. If I can't solve the issue, it'll likely be returned. I turned off most of the Synaptics silly stuff (edge swipe, etc) and it didn't resolve anything. There are nearly no services running eating up RAM so I have no idea why the touchpad would be freezing up...

    You might want to try these suggestions:
    The touchpad does not work properly
    - Peter

  • Prepayment invoice matched to PO going on receiving hold

    Hi everybody,
    I want to know why a prepayment invoice will go on a receiving hold in oracle AP when matched to an unreceived PO. Outside of manually releasing the hold and making the payment is there some other set up that allows ONLY prepayment invoices not to go on a receiving hold whether they have been received or not. (This is in 11i)
    All responses highly appreciated!

    Hi ,
    Kindly check the option in the Invoice tab for this particular supplier site..the match option would have been set to Receipt ..Change this to PO and no 2 uncheck the option hold unmatched Invoice.
    Hope this will resolve your issue.

  • AP 11i : Is it possible to setup a workflow for price or qty holds

    I would like to know if someone has already setup a workflow in order to manage in the workflow the qty / price hold ? For invoices manually entered.
    My scenario would be the following :
    - Match an invoice to a PO, with differences on price or qty,
    - run the invoice validation : one or several holds are created,
    - a workflow is send towards PO buyers to warn him about the hold, with informations about the hold. The notification can allow him to release the hold via a specific button, but also to transfer it,
    - the must to have would be that depending of the PO type/data some specific person would be notified instead of the buyer... but I guess that some customization has to be done in this case.
    I know some specific solution exists (we're using ReadSoft / InvoiceIT workflow) but in my case I'm interested for a solution for manual invoices.
    Thanx for any input,

    I think the scenario you described will not be supported out of the box.
    You will have to create your own custom workflow to achieve this.
    James Kim.

  • Are these requisition release strategies common?

    I’m designing new requisition release strategies for indirect requisitions at a chemical industry client.  I’d like to know how often you have seen the following sorts of design before:
    Existing design: Item-based release with workflow, with three dollar levels.  At the lowest levels, two strategies for each cost center approver (the one used is based on whether the desired vendor is foreign or domestic).  Characteristics assign several cost centers to each approver.  Strategies and codes are named for users, so we change configuration whenever someone changes jobs.  The codes are linked to positions, which are attached to user IDs.  Result: about 80 release codes and 140 strategies, taking a lot of time to maintain.
    Current redesign: Overall release, using 6 strategies and 6 codes based on dollar level and foreign vs. domestic.  A user exit selects the approver for each code from a custom table that stores the user IDs for each cost center, with a custom maintenance transaction for the table.
    Now the client wants both individual approval by cost center owner and items with different cost centers on a single requisition combined with approval of the overall purchase.  I’m considering item-based approval of requisitions, with the user exit and custom table, and adding overall approval of indirect POs with the overall approvers.
    Thanks for your help!

    No-Requisition release strategies are not common, one need to design release strategies based on business requirement. Release strategies looks simple after designing but its design needs creating thought to it.
    In your case, you can go for designing redesigning release strategies for Overall release with using 6 strategies and 6 release codes. Considering you have configured release strategies with all release values for PO document type ,PO value and Purchasing group. Now design a custom table and go for followings:
    Client---Pur Group--Rel Code1-- Rel Code2-- Rel Code3-- Rel Code4-- Rel Code5-- Rel Code6
    The search help is required to pull in purchasing group details from T024 table and SAP user ID from Table USR01
    Concept: Create Purchasing Group (OME4) as Department & assign the Department name to Cost center (KS01).
    For more refer a discussion:
    PR release: place holder for Cost center and Material grp
    NOTE: User training required crate requisition for one department only where only one cost center involved- No requisition creation allowed for multiple cost center.
    You can also go for other concept designing of your Requisition release strategies
    Biju K

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