Reset password using Facebook

Help! I have been using the desktop client for quite awhile now, but cannot log in using my smartphone. Every time I try, it tells me my password is wrong. As an alternative, it asks me to use my Facebook account. I haven't tried it because it prompts me to CHANGE my Facebook password.
Finally, I got tired of month after month trying to log into Skype using my smartphone and failing, so I tried the Facebook option. I changed my Facebook password (didn't want to) successfully, and went back to the Skype app and tried to log in using the new password. Didn't work.
What am I doing wrong? Sigh.

the solution is in here (sort of)​st-and/So-you-want-to-change-your-primary-mail-but​...

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    -Thanks Rakesh Sawant

    Hi Rakesh,
    I think you are looking for something like this:
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    Hi Davehov,
    What iOS is the phone running? If it is iOS 7, then as ramzee209 indicated, you must contact the seller to get any further.
    If it is running an earlier iOS, you can hook it up to the computer where you iTunes library is located, and restore it:
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    There are situations where that utility will not work, such as if there more than on admin account or if the current admin account is NOT the original admin account.  Also, it may not work if the currently installed Mac OS X system is not the version on that installation disc.
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    What password did you change and what password is your Mac requesting.
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    In Local Admin Account :
    When I go to Control Panel, users, users, manager user ; I cannot see any users in this window except the local admin account, and, so I cannot reset a user password this way.
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    Hello Keith,
    I know this is an old thread but I'm trying to better understand how I could change the domain password while not on the network. What I'm getting from your post is that you:
    1. Create a local user account (not a domain user)
    2. Login with that local user account
    3. Connect to the VPN while logged in as a local user
    4. Log out of the local account and login with the domain credentials
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    Thanking you in advance!

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