Save as .psd text (metric vs. optical)

When I open a .psd document in Fireworks, edit and save as .png and then save as .psd again, text gets transformed from metric to optical, is there any setting in Fireworks CS5 to change the display of text (metric to optical and vice-versa) like Photoshop has. This is a crucial reason my design team doesn't want to use Fireworks, because the text blocks got changed (kerning gets transformed slightly)

Older software can be expected to run into compatibility problems when it is run on newer operating systems. You write it works in CS6 - why not update to CS6 then? If it is essential to your workflow and team, it seems a small price to pay.
Alternatively, turn off every single other application and background service that you can afford to, and try again. Fireworks is known to have issues with certain newer system utilities under MacOs.

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    Is it saved incorrectly, or is the problem just that the icon is the generic one. In other words, can you A) click to open the file from the desktop. And, b) if you can't click from the desktop, can you open the file from within Photoshop, and see the layers correctly.
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    Short answer: This isn't gonna work
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    Once you've got that done come back to us.

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    If that is not the problem
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    \AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC\Adobe Preferences CC Settings
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    Hi , Welcome to the HP Forums! I see that you are wondering how to scan a text document, and save as editable text, and not a image, with your HP Envy 5660, on Mac OS X 10.10. I am happy to look into this for you!  According to your printer's specifications, it states: NOTE: Integrated OCR software is available only with Officejet 5740 and 8040 models. Which means, this software is not included with this printer. You might be able to perform this operation, if you are able to get third-party OCR software. Such as: ReadIris.  Hope this answers your question!  “Please click the Thumbs up icon below to thank me for responding.”

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    OK. It works and saveAs() function too. I just checked this. But only when a file contains layers or no background.
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    Sorry to bother you.

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    Yes, that's the maximum for PSD. Save as PSB instead.

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