Selective album artwork

Just wondering if there was a way to get selected album artwork instead of everytime you do so, iTunes going through your entire library again to find the missing artwork? Kind of like the way you get selected track names from CDDB. Also, in 7.4, iTunes would automatically find artwork for a cd when online. 7.5 doesn't seem to do so for me.

*Yeah but with the widget i just select the individual songs and get artwork*
That's doesn't do the same with the artwork. It saves it to the actual song file, increasing the file size for every song it adds artwork to.
*If you right click and go to get album artwork in the advanced options*
What advanced options? I never suggested to do that.
iTunes prefs -> General.
Uncheck Automatically download missing artwork. But you are downloading artwork so not sure why you would uncheck this.

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    Agoura Hills, CA

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    Sadly the old trick of removing all artwork and then adding it all back again no longer works. You may get some joy if you removed the specific album, then add it back again, butgenerally once things go wrong with artwork on a classic the only option is to restore it. Not a problem if all the media is in your library and you sync with a small number of selected playlists. If you don't have all the media see Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.

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    Try this, it has worked for me.
    1. Make a new, empty iTune library by launching iTunes while holding down the Option key.
    2. Choose create new library; do NOT have iTunes scan for music.
    3. Enable iTunes Match on the empty library.
    4. Find the tracks with the wrong artwork, highlight them, Get Info and paste the correct artwork into the "artwork" field.
    5. When finished update iTunes Match, then re-launch iTunes while holding down the Option key and chose select library to get back to the "master" library.

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    What do you mean it's stalling? Download what again? Why don't you break it up into smaller batches. Select a couple hundred albums then from the advanced menu select get album artwork. If that works ok, then the next time increase the number of albums selected. Shouldn't take you too long. Realize that itunes will not find album artwork for all of your albums, only albums available in the itunes store, that are tagged the same as they are in the itunes store. Even then it doesn't always work well.

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    Or some ideas of how to maintain access to all my well organized music despite the size. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that one day apple santa will bring us a 128gb phone which will solve one of my problems at least. For now I'd just like the art back the way it was a couple weeks ago.

    Try unchecking "display album artwork" in the music preferences section when your iPod is connected and click "apply". Then sync your iPod.
    Then check "display album artwork" in the music preferences section when youd iPod is connected and click "apply". Then sync your iPod again.
    This should resync the album artwork to the iPod.
    If this does not work, you might need to restore the iPod and reload the songs in order to correct this error.
    See: How to restore the iPod to factory settings.

  • Album Artwork revisited

    Same old problem. How can you manually add a single image for the whole album (as iTunes does when downloading it from the iTMS) rather than simply embedding it in every track file?
    AFAICT, the short answer is you can't, but I hope it will change.
    However, I have found a partial solution.
    When artwork cannot be downloaded from the iTMS or it is the incorrect image (a common problem), find the image you want to use (or make your own) and embed it (i.e. paste it into an artwork display box) into the FIRST track that is listed for that album (which may not be 1 if e.g. that is missing). Actually, it may work with ANY single track, I only tried it with the first track.
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    So, for the most part, iTunes now has the capability to display the correct artwork for all tracks of any album for which it cannot be downloaded from iTMS, yet still only storing a single copy of that image and not wasting the space of duplicating the data in every track for that album.
    So far, so good. It is worth noting also that the actual track mp3 files take on the icon of any embedded artwork, so those that are 'empty' will still show the generic MP3 icon. Unless of course you have been able to download the artwork from the iTMS, in which case the icons of all the tracks will be set to that image. Clever stuff since the actual image is stored entirely somewhere else.
    Ok, so how does this work when syncing to the iPod and playing on an Apple TV?
    Of course, correctly downloaded artwork from the iTMS shows up correctly all the time, for all tracks (for which the Album Artwork has been downloaded) and at first it looks like the alternative of simply adding an image to the first track has the same effect, but it's not all roses. But please remember, it's not the quality to which I am referring. It is WHERE the image data is stored - in a separate folder if it's downloaded from the iTMS, or embedded in the actual file if you added it manually.
    On the Apple TV, select an artist and all the albums show their artwork, even those with it embedded in ONLY the one track. Play ANY track and the artwork displays as it should. You cannot tell the difference between Album Artwork downloaded from the iTMS and images you have pasted into a single track (maybe not the one you are playing).
    On the iPod unfortunately it's a different story. Viewing the albums of any artist shows the correct artwork for each album, even those with it embedded in just the one track. The Beatles is a good test here since there's NO chance the artwork can have come from the iTMS. Play the first track of one of these albums and the artwork is displayed as it plays, jump to the next track and it's blank. Of course, my first tracks contained the embedded artwork so I guess the track that does display the artwork is the one that contains the image data.
    The issue here is that the Apple TV is able to make the same association between tracks of the same album and hence display artwork embedded in a single track for ALL the tracks of that album as iTunes does. And it works as a good alternative when you cannot download Album Artwork from the iTMS. BUT, the iPOD fails to do this when you are playing the album. Do the programming teams not talk to each other?
    So, embedding the artwork in a single track is currently a partial solution. Let's hope the iPod developers catch up, or even better if they provide the ability to manually add Album Artwork by the same method as if it were downloaded from the iTMS.
    As always, if anyone knows how to manually add iTunes style Album Artwork, I'd be delighted to know.

    Sorry if I wasn't entirely clear in my previous post. Storing the same artwork in EVERY file for the album, i.e. duplicating the same data multiple times, is simply not an acceptable solution. If you want to keep the music in sync with an iPod for example, it is important not to waste storage space. In fact it is my belief this is exactly why Apple devised their Album Artwork storage strategy.
    One album should have ONE piece of artwork associated with it (or several if they're different), applicable to ALL tracks of that album. Anything else is dumb.

  • Weird iTunes 10.6.3 missing album artwork issue

    I upgraded to iTunes 10.6.3 yesterday, and I had to restart my Mac for an unrelated issue. This afternoon, I noticed something really weird- all my "Documentary" movies that I purchased through iTunes Store have lost their artwork previews; meaning, if I click on "Movies" in the Library menu at left, then select the "Documentary" genre, and view the movies under "Grid" mode, none of the movies have any artwork along the left side next to the title. It has ONLY affected the "Documentary" movies, but none of my other genres. In fact, I created a separate sub-category for "Disney Documentaries", and those movies are missing the artwork in "Grid" view as well. If I view all Movies in "List" mode, all the movies have artwork EXCEPT the Documentaries.  Interestingly enough- if I select a Documentary movie and type "Cmd+I", then select the "Artwork" tab in the "Information" window. the artwork is still there, it just doesn't show in the "List" or "Grid" view.  How can I fix this? I am currently rebuilding the Spotlight Index, I've repaired permissions, and even done a verify/repair with Disk Utility, but nothing has worked so far. I've already checked the "Automatically Download Missing Album Artwork" under Preferences, but that didn't solve the problem either. The movies all play fine otherwise, but this little glitch is frustrating me. Please help!

    I have this issue.  Album artwork was totally fine before.  After this update, it is all messed up and even got messed up when transferred to my iphone.
    iTunes doesn't have the artwork anymore, but then iPhone has it but shows wrong artwork with wrong albums.
    Please fix!

  • Songs On iPod Out Of Order/Shuffling Displays Incorrect Album Artwork

    Hello all. My main problem(s) with my 4th generation iPod nano is that on selected albums, the songs are displayed in an incorrect order (not corresponding correctly to my iTunes library). This and that when I shuffle all my songs, the artwork doesn't correspond correctly to the song that is playing. I have called Apple at least four times and tried reinstalling iTunes twice, restoring my iPod to factory defaults three times, resyncing my iPod four times, and checking the tags on my iTunes Library songs. Any ideas what the problem could be?

    I am having the same problem that my artwork doesn't correspond with the right song thats playing, get different artwork and also artwork from movies that have been deleted long ago. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP

  • Album Artwork Disappearing / Can't be updated.

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    I recently noticed that my songs have been slowly losing their artwork. Upon further inspection (and forum searching), I've found that this problem has happened to many people.
    For the songs with the missing album artwork, I cannot update the songs with new artwork (from both the popup and get info-> album artwork) views. It acts as though iTunes cannot write to the file. I have tried changing the ID3 tag from version 2.4 to 2.3; again, with no success.
    I checked the permissions on the file (originally 644) and changed them to a whopping 666; but still, no writes by iTunes.
    Does anyone have any other information as to what is going on here? My iTunes version is 7.4.2(4). Reloading my library is not a plausible solution.

    I'm still experiencing the album artwork disappearing, however I have figured out a work-around for songs that you cannot 're-add' album artwork to:
    1) Try re-adding the song first (alt-click on song, click 'get info', click 'show in finder', then drag back into library).
    2) If that doesn't work, re-converting the music (advanced -> convert selection to MP3) should properly re-encode the file (use lossless compression, otherwise your mp3 will deteriorate).

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