Server Admin cannot check license because of firewall

The Server Admin App keeps popping off to "Invalid serial number " if I turn on the firewall service.
1.Serial number Support on port 627/UDP is enabled on all adress groups.
2.verifed via ipfw command "allow udp from any to any dst-port 626"
3. With firewall off, Serial number is OK, Server Admin works fine.
This is OS X server 10.4.7 , up to date.
Any Ideas on how to run this server with firewall enabled, and still allow the SN to be verified?(can't picture my self popping a server on teh inet w/o firewall!!!)
Thanks much,

Thanks for the reply Roger!
I found this interesting bit in the serialnumberd log.It finds something it doesn't like in the fw ruleset, and doesn't even bother to try to connect to Apple.. I'm going to uncheck the serial rule entry I manually selected in Server Admin, and see if that makes a difference..
Sat Sep 23 19:42:13 2006: LOGNOTE: --- Serial Number Support Daemon Started.
Sat Sep 23 19:42:23 2006: LOGNOTE: SN_Register: New Record [tag=xsvr, pid=194, extra=server.local]
Sat Sep 23 19:44:22 2006: LOGERR: The local firewall has more than one rule #1! Assuming (UDP 626) blocked.
server:~ root# ipfw list
01000 allow ip from any to any via lo0
01010 deny log logamount 100000 ip from any to
01020 deny log logamount 100000 ip from to any in
01030 deny log logamount 100000 tcp from any to in
12300 allow tcp from any to any established
12301 allow tcp from any to any out
12302 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 22
12302 allow udp from any to any dst-port 22
12303 allow udp from any to any out keep-state
12304 allow udp from any to any in frag
12305 allow udp from any to any dst-port 626
12306 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 8
12307 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 0
12308 allow igmp from any to any
12309 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 53
12309 allow udp from any to any dst-port 53
12310 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 53 out keep-state
12310 allow udp from any to any dst-port 53 out keep-state
12311 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 80
12312 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 443
12313 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 993
12314 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 995
12314 allow udp from any to any dst-port 995
65534 deny log logamount 100000 ip from any to any
65535 allow ip from any to any

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    Hi Calinalina,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    You can use the steps in this article to troubleshoot iCloud mail on your iPhone:
    iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Mail
    All the best,

  • The Server Instance cannot be started because the Integrated Weblogic domain was not built successfully.

    I am just starting the JDEV and trying to start the weblogic server and then I get the following message.
    The Server Instance cannot be started because the Integrated Weblogic domain was not built successfully.
    Can anybody help me to resolve this issue.

    932013 wrote:
    I am just starting the JDEV and trying to start the weblogic server and then I get the following message.
    The Server Instance cannot be started because the Integrated Weblogic domain was not built successfully.
    Can anybody help me to resolve this issue.
    Try the WebLogic forum:  WebLogic Server - General

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    and the log file shows..
    Log File: C:\Users\Jignesh\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.\o.j2ee.adrs\CreateDefaultDomain.log
    Label: JDEVADF_11.
    Product Home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdeveloper\jdev\
    Domain: C:\Users\Jignesh\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.\DefaultDomain
    "C:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd" "C:\Users\Jignesh\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.\o.j2ee.adrs\"
    Process started
    wlst > The system cannot find the path specified.
    Elapsed time: 293 ms

    Before you delete the full system directory you try deleting just this one:
    and restart JDev
    If this doesn't help then delete the C:\Users\Jignesh\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.\ and restart

  • Server Instance cannot be started because the Integrated WebLogic domain was not built successfully

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    I am having an error when i Run my JSP Page. It says:
    The Server Instance cannot be started because the Integrated WebLogic domain was not built successfully.
    Error log:
    Jan 31, 2012 1:39:44 AM disableAudit
    INFO: JpsUtil: isAuditDisabled set to true
    Nothing to build.
    [1:39:59 AM] Appc compilation begin
    Compiling out of process...
    /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_02/jre/bin/java -Xms128m -Xmx512m -Xverify:none -client -classpath /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_02/lib/tools.jar:/scratch/tchoudhu/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar -Dweblogic.jsp.diagnosticWithAbsolutePath=true -Dweblogic.classloader.noJarSigners=true weblogic.appc "@/tmp/appcCommandList157371966291066996.txt"
    [1:40:01 AM] Appc compilation end
    [1:40:01 AM] Successful compilation: 0 errors, 0 warnings.
    [Application Test_Project1Application is bound to Server Instance IntegratedWebLogicServer]
    [Starting Server Instance IntegratedWebLogicServer]
    #### Server Instance IntegratedWebLogicServer could not be started: Error starting Server Instance.
    Nothing to build.
    [2:12:30 AM] Appc compilation begin
    Compiling out of process...
    /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_02/jre/bin/java -Xms128m -Xmx512m -Xverify:none -client -classpath /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_02/lib/tools.jar:/scratch/tchoudhu/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar -Dweblogic.jsp.diagnosticWithAbsolutePath=true -Dweblogic.classloader.noJarSigners=true weblogic.appc "@/tmp/appcCommandList3807439261747014006.txt"
    [2:12:32 AM] Appc compilation end
    [2:12:32 AM] Successful compilation: 0 errors, 0 warnings.
    [Application Test_Project1Application is bound to Server Instance IntegratedWebLogicServer]
    [Starting Server Instance IntegratedWebLogicServer]
    #### Server Instance IntegratedWebLogicServer could not be started: Error starting Server Instance.
    Nothing to build.
    [2:48:14 AM] Appc compilation begin
    Compiling out of process...
    /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_02/jre/bin/java -Xms128m -Xmx512m -Xverify:none -client -classpath /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_02/lib/tools.jar:/scratch/tchoudhu/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar -Dweblogic.jsp.diagnosticWithAbsolutePath=true -Dweblogic.classloader.noJarSigners=true weblogic.appc "@/tmp/appcCommandList2888192197450875810.txt"
    [2:48:16 AM] Appc compilation end
    [2:48:16 AM] Successful compilation: 0 errors, 0 warnings.
    [Application Test_Project1Application is bound to Server Instance IntegratedWebLogicServer]
    [Starting Server Instance IntegratedWebLogicServer]
    #### Server Instance IntegratedWebLogicServer could not be started: Error starting Server Instance.
    I am new to JDev. Can someone please help me with this?

    Use a supported JDK (1.6.something, not 1.7) is what the original poster didn't do.

  • Server Instance cannot be started because the Integrated Weblogic domain

    Hi All,
    I am using new version of Jdeveloper . i.e I am getting "The Server Instance cannot be started because the Integrated Weblogic domain was not built successfully." error whenever i am trying to run a simple jspx page.
    Please anyone help me out.

    Welcome to OTN.
    Can you try the following.
    1. Close JDev.
    2. Remove the DefaultDomain folder under your [url]System Folder.
    3. Start JDev
    4. Run your jspx page.

  • Server Admin cannot update any mail settings on nearly fresh 10.4 server

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    "A connection with a server or service was lost. Try to disconnect from XServe.local and then reconnect, or contact your network administrator."
    At this point the mail indicator is red, not green... after clearing the message the changes I've made to settings appear intact, but if I quit server admin the truth comes out... I'm asked would I like to save changes, if I say yes the error will repeat-- I have to quit without saving. Relaunching Server Admin reveals that indeed the changes have not been made.
    I've heard of this type of problem when hand editing config files, but I've not done that with any mail-related files (I made two minor changes to a http config file a while ago, otherwise it's all been through Server Admin).
    Is there any way to reset the mail-related files so that Server Admin will return to life, or do I have to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X 10.4.4 hoping it doesn't happen again?
    By the way, the problem started a few days ago, and the upgrade to 10.4.4 didn't magically cure it.

    I'm having the same problem (and updating to 10.4.5 did not fix it either).
    In my case, it takes 30 seconds for the "A connection with a server or service was lost." to come up; I have a lot of mailing lists, and was wondering if it was some sort of timeout value on the server admin server end. (I hope that Server Admin doesn't write out every mailing list's membership every time you change any Mail setting!)
    You can make some changes using the serveradmin command line tool. For example, I noticed this problem when trying to turn on log-rolling.
    First, to find the appropriate command:
    sudo serveradmin settings mail > mailsettings
    I grepped for "log":
    grep "log" mailsettings | grep -v mailman
    (grep -v mailman drops any mailman settings, such as all of the users where "log" appears in their e-mail address)
    And found:
    mail:postfix:logrolling_daysenabled = no
    I then ran the command:
    sudo serveradmin settings mail:postfix:logrolling_daysenabled = yes
    to turn log rolling on. Quitting Server Admin and getting back into it showed that logrolling_daysenabled was enabled.
    So that might be a temporary solution for simple changes.
    In my case, this is a very fresh server: purchased and put into play over a period of three weeks. It worked until I copied the mailing lists over, but a small number of mailing lists copied did not trigger the error. This is what leads me to believe there is some kind of timeout happening.

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    So, I take the box to my site, nuke it, reinitialize it. When I enter the registration code, it says: 10 Client license. Never expires.
    So, which is it?

    in all of my G5 licenses, the third set of characters is always 010 for 10 client licenses, and 000 for unlimiteds.
    eg. XXXX-XXX-010-... for a 10 and XXXX-XXX-000-... for unlimited.
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  • Print Queue Management via Server Admin not working

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    However, when the queue for the paused printer is viewed within Server Admin/Print, the queue shows as empty and therefore can't be managed. We want to use Server Admin for this function because:
    1) Server Admin can be run remotely on a workstation, so no login to the server required.
    2) We can assign Print Service management rights to select non-admins so they can manage the queues.
    Any ideas on why Server Admin fails to show spooled jobs? Is it working for anyone else?
    I am using Server Admin version 10.5.3 which are the latest available that comes with Server Admin Tools 10.5.7. We had been running 10.5.7 on the Xserve and it didn't work then either.

    Here's a bit more information about our setup and our experiences with Apple's CUPS implementation:
    On the server, all printer queues are set up with only lpr and ipp sharing enabled with the PPD setting for each printer set to Generic Postscript. We found that setting the PPD to the printer specific one on the server caused problems when clients tried to use printer specific options, like paper tray selection, etc.. The selection would be undone, apparently because the driver on the server would override the previous settings. Using Generic Postscript allows the client PPD settings to go through unmodified. Our printers are general a mix of HP LaserJets and some Sharp Copiers.
    All clients use lpd to the server queues with the printers' actual PPDs configured. Using ipp is superior in that printer feedback (jams, out of toner, etc) makes it back to the clients, but ipp only works when the client, the server, and the printer are on the same network. If the ipp client is not on the same network, the client spooler immediately goes into a paused state and the print job is stuck on the client.
    Using lpd to the server queues works reliably, but there is no feedback to the client. Jobs disappear from the client queue and go to the server, appearing to the user as a successful print. If the printer is down, there's nothing they can see or do about it.

  • Mac OS X Leopard Server (PPC) "forgets" settings if Server Admin is left on

    I'm not sure that I'm posting this question in the right place.
    I have a QuickSilver 2001 Power Macintosh G4 (867MHz, 2x120GB PATA hard drives, 1.5GB RAM) running a fully up-to-date copy of Mac OS X Server 10.5.2. The hardware appears to be in good shape. The disks are new and I'm very certain the RAM is good. Apple Hardware Diagnostics finds no problem with the computer itself.
    Normally, this system is very reliable. It works as a primary domain controller for Windows PCs. However, if by some chance I forget to close the Server Admin application, and the machine sits for a while without use, Server Admin will claim that "no services are configured" when I return. I also saw this problem on the 10.5 and 10.5.1 releases.
    The services really do appear to stop working when this happens. I have Open Directory, DNS, DHCP and SMB configured. All four will stop responding.
    Rebooting the computer usually gets the services going again, and Server Admin will then function properly. However, I always have to reconfigure SMB to be a primary domain controller.
    Any ideas? Since this is just a test system, I did try wiping the disks and doing a reinstallation. The problem persisted.
    I think this may be PowerPC specific, as I have an Intel Mac mini set up much the same way (Mac OS X 10.5.2 server, 4GB RAM, 320GB hard disk) and it does not appear to suffer from this issue.

    Yes, I just discovered this problem on my own machine.
    I just wanted to check some settings and discovered that the behaviour of the GUI of Server Admin was somewhat "erratic": First this "no services are configured" message. Some of the configured servers were marked with the usual green "up and running" bullet, others dark grey - those were normally configured and running and clicking the appropriate line seemed to force Server Admin to check the actual state and then turned also green. But sometimes configuration pages were "greyed out", or while switching through the tabs Server Admin claimed that where were "unsaved changes" which should be saved (or discarded).
    And then SMB: this was light grey, as usual when a service is not running and clicking on it I browsed through the configuration tabs - everything seemed ok (all my settings were correctly shown, configured as PDC with right domain name etc.) - and I started the service. Then suddenly the configuration settings changed to the default settings - no more PDC, but a "standalone server" with workgroup name "WORKGROUP"...
    Looks for me, as if Server Admin lost it's "source" file for the configuration (the file in /var/db/smb.conf says, that it is automatically generated -- does somebody were the source file is stored?)...

  • Server Admin can't see hard drive with user's Sites folder

    I have a G5 XServer with two hard drives running 10.4.10 co-located at an ISP. I had recently brought it home and did a clean install of the OS and put new accounts (mainly to host multiple web sites) on it that were different than before, and this time I installed the operating system on the second hard drive leaving the original in place.
    Everything works fine EXCEPT that when using +Server Admin+ to set the Web Sites to point to the various home directories (click web, click settings, click Site, Click 'plus' to add a new site or 'pencil' to edit one, then click '...' to select the folder), +Server Admin+ *cannot see the new home directories* on the hard disk I am currently using. It can only see the old directories on the old hard drive.
    (Note: I observed the same issue when trying to set the FTP root directory.)
    How can I get +Server Admin+ to look at files on the other hard drive (the one I am booting from)?

    Camelot wrote:
    Who cares?
    Just type in the path to the directory you want to use. You don't have to select it via the File dialog.
    Just type in the path to the directory you want to use. You don't have to select it via the File dialog.
    That didn't work either.
    It turns out that both hard disks were named the same (I don't know how I screwed that up), so I went in with Disk Utility and changed one of the names.
    Message was edited by: Todd Heberlein1

  • The Server Instance cannot be started

    I have Jdeveloper 11g and when i am running my .jsf page, it shows error that *"The Server Instance cannot be started because the Integrated Weblogic domain was not built successfully."*
    Kindly provide your help for the same

    Not sure if you have reviewed the following thread:
    Error Creating Integrated WebLogic domain for JDeveloper
    Additionally, I generic search of this error led me to Support doc (which can be reviewed using My Oracle Support):
    Rebuild the Integrated Weblogic Domain When It Was Not Built Successfully (Doc ID 1346199.1)

  • The project cannot be checked out because the server is in read-only mode.

    Receiving the message "The project cannot be checked out because the server is in read-only mode." when a project manager is trying to access a project. He is a backup PM, and I'm wondering if that's why he is getting the message (since he is
    not the Owner or Status Manager of the project he is trying to access). We are using SharePoint permissions in Project Server 2013.

    I have a solution that might work for you, please follow steps below:
    1) Go to your project schedule, make a small modification to any task on schedule and 'Publish' the project.
    2) While your project is being published and saved, open another window 
    Server Settings -> Manage Queue Jobs
    3) Here you can view the progress of your current Project Publishing update, check if all goes smooth and your project is published successfully without indicating any errors :
     ( to view any error look at the last column of
    table on Manage Queue Job page)
    4) Also in your Project window see if the project is published and not saved as Draft.
    Basically this will give you a fair idea of your project being published or not.

  • Server Admin 10.6.7 Tools cannot be installed on Server 10.6.7?

    Server Admin (10.6.5) has been having problems on a remote server I administer. I checked and 10.6.7 tools are available, so I downloaded them. When I attempt to run the installer package, the application says it cannot install the software because it must be installed on the same disk as Mac OS X. There’s nothing in the installer error log about a problem.
    Has anyone else seen this? Has anyone successfully installed Server Admin 10.6.7 tools on Mac OS X Server 10.6.7?

    The Server Tools downloads are for installation on Mac OS X client systems.  Not on servers.  Mac OS X Server has an integrated version of these tools, and that is maintained as part of Mac OS X Server updates. 
    And for completeness, the version numbers displayed by various parts of the 10.6.7 Server Tools are known to be confusing; if you have downloaded the 10.6.7 tools for installation onto a client or if you're running version 10.6.7 of Mac OS X Server and patched to current, then you're current with Server Tools.

  • Server Admin Firewall Setting Grayed Out

    In Server Admin, on the Firewall Section, with the settings tab selected at the bottom, and the services tab selected at the top, you get a list of all tcp/udp services along with their corresponding port numbers and the option to change firewall settings regarding them. My list is grayed out and I can't make any changes to it. I have no clue what I did, I just went to another tab and when I came back it was greyed out. How do I change it back so that I can modify my firewall rules? I am also aware of the lock view / unlock view feature, and my view is definately unlocked. In this screen I have access to the drop down menu "edit services for" and I can check/uncheck the two allow traffic markers. The only thing grayed out is the list of tcp/udp ports and their corresponding descriptions and allow checkboxes. I have tried restarting both server admin and the computer, as well as turning the firewall on and off, and the problem persists.

    Try the following and reset the password:
    1)Close SAP B1
    2)Stop and exit SAP Business One Service Manager if it is already running.
    3) Now Navigate to the Start>All Programs>SAP Business One>Server Tools>Right click on Service Manager and Run as Administrator.4)Open Service Manager from task bar.
    5)Make sure Server Name is correct ( in some cases it might default to localhost, you should have Server Name, if not click on Settings and enter Server Name on License Server, port 30000 and click connect )
    6) Under Service drop down list pick License Manager and check the box Start when Operating Starts and click on Start/Play button.
    Now try re-starting the system, the service should start automatically. Reset the password.

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