Service 3i - Installed Base API's

Hello everyone,
We need to convert a list of products and warranties into the Installed Base.
The Service 3i documentation, briefly refers to some API's that can be used for that purpose.
Has anyone used those API's?
Is it possible to convert warranties attached to the products?
Thanks in advance for any help!

Sorry for replying late - as I started using AppsNet recently.
Am sure you would have got info on the APIs. Incase, you couldnt let me know so that I can send you.
[email protected]

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  • Oracle Install Base API question

    Hi...I need help. I am writing an extension to the Service Fulfillment Manager (SFM) Transactions
    Here is a functional background:
    For all SFM message types, SFM exposes the PL/SQL code in the iMessage studio. iMessage studio is an Oracle EBS Application tool. The PL/SQL for the following message types will be modified:
    ·     Sales Order Shipment - CSISOSHP
    ·     Miscellaneous Receipt - CSIMSRCV
    ·     Receipt into Inventory – CSIPOINV
    The processing logic for each of these transaction types contains a call to an Installed Base package and stores the return status in a variable. For PO Receipt and SO Issue transactions referencing serial numbers prefixed by the Vertical Bar (‘|’) character this call will be bypassed and a successful status placed in the return status variable.
    For PO Receipt and Miscellaneous Receipt transactions referencing serial numbers not prefixed by the Vertical Bar (‘|’) character, the processing logic will be extended to extract the IUID value from the serial numbers table in the Oracle Inventory module (MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS) and call the public IB Application Programming Interface (API) (CSI_ITEM_INSTANCE_PUB.UPDATE_ITEM_INSTANCE) to update the associated IB instance with the IUID.
    OK, so Question #1:
    I get all I need to do is bypass the code in 2 instances if a bar is found at the beginning of the serial number.. And I can do that. But where is this serial number? I assume it is stored in MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS but how do I get it?
    The code doesn't have it stored as a variable, and it doesn't seem to have the IB record either. Is there a foreign key? Anyone have imessage studio and can look into that?
    Question #2:
    To update the IB record with the serial number I need to make a call to the below procedure. The thing is, it seems to require the IB instance record. Again, I don't have that cause the code is creating it! Is there some way to get that created record back and pass it into the update procedure?
    PROCEDURE update_item_instance
    p_api_version IN NUMBER
    ,p_commit IN VARCHAR2
    ,p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2
    ,p_validation_level IN NUMBER
    ,p_instance_rec IN csi_datastructures_pub.instance_rec
    ,p_ext_attrib_values_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY csi_datastructures_pub.extend_attrib_values_tbl
    ,p_party_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY csi_datastructures_pub.party_tbl
    ,p_account_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY csi_datastructures_pub.party_account_tbl
    ,p_pricing_attrib_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY csi_datastructures_pub.pricing_attribs_tbl
    ,p_org_assignments_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY csi_datastructures_pub.organization_units_tbl
    ,p_asset_assignment_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY csi_datastructures_pub.instance_asset_tbl
    ,p_txn_rec IN OUT NOCOPY csi_datastructures_pub.transaction_rec
    ,x_instance_id_lst OUT NOCOPY csi_datastructures_pub.id_tbl
    ,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
    ,x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
    ,x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
    Thanks for any and all help in advance!

    OK! I found the instance id!
    But when trying to get the IB record, the API fails. Can someone take a look at this...what's wrong?
    msg_data from API call =
    PROCEDURE populate_iuid(
    p_transaction_id IN NUMBER
    l_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;
    l_msg_count NUMBER;
    l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    l_msg_index NUMBER;
    l_instance_id_lst csi_datastructures_pub.id_tbl;
    l_instance_header_rec csi_datastructures_pub.instance_header_rec;
    l_party_header_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.party_header_tbl;
    l_party_acct_header_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.party_account_header_tbl;
    l_org_unit_header_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.org_units_header_tbl;
    l_instance_rec csi_datastructures_pub.instance_rec;
    l_party_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.party_tbl;
    l_account_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.party_account_tbl;
    l_pricing_attrib_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.pricing_attribs_tbl;
    l_org_assignments_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.organization_units_tbl;
    l_asset_assignment_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.instance_asset_tbl;
    l_ext_attrib_values_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.extend_attrib_values_tbl;
    l_pricing_attribs_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.pricing_attribs_tbl;
    l_ext_attrib_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.extend_attrib_values_tbl;
    l_ext_attrib_def_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.extend_attrib_tbl;
    l_asset_header_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.instance_asset_header_tbl;
    l_txn_rec csi_datastructures_pub.transaction_rec;
    l_return_status VARCHAR2(2000) ;
    l_instance_id NUMBER := 0 ;
    l_serial_number VARCHAR2(30);
    l_inventory_item_id NUMBER := 0 ;
    l_iuid VARCHAR2(150);
    CURSOR c_get_serial_numbers( p_transaction_id NUMBER ) IS
    SELECT inventory_item_id, serial_number, attribute1
    FROM mtl_unit_transactions
    WHERE transaction_id = p_transaction_id;
    FOR rec IN c_get_serial_numbers( p_transaction_id ) LOOP
    l_inventory_item_id := rec.inventory_item_id;
    l_serial_number := rec.serial_number;
    l_iuid := rec.attribute1;
    SELECT instance_id
    INTO l_instance_id
    FROM csi_item_instances
    WHERE inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
    AND serial_number = l_serial_number;
    l_instance_rec.instance_id := l_instance_id;
    csi_item_instance_pub.get_item_instance_details(p_api_version => l_api_version
    ,p_commit => fnd_api.g_false
    ,p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false
    ,p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
    ,p_instance_rec => l_instance_header_rec
    ,p_get_parties => fnd_api.g_true
    ,p_party_header_tbl => l_party_header_tbl
    ,p_get_accounts => fnd_api.g_true
    ,p_account_header_tbl => l_party_acct_header_tbl
    ,p_get_org_assignments => fnd_api.g_true
    ,p_org_header_tbl => l_org_unit_header_tbl
    ,p_get_pricing_attribs => fnd_api.g_false
    ,p_pricing_attrib_tbl =>l_pricing_attribs_tbl
    ,p_get_ext_attribs => fnd_api.g_false
    ,p_ext_attrib_tbl => l_ext_attrib_tbl
    ,p_ext_attrib_def_tbl => l_ext_attrib_def_tbl
    ,p_get_asset_assignments => fnd_api.g_false
    ,p_asset_header_tbl => l_asset_header_tbl
    ,p_resolve_id_columns => fnd_api.g_false
    ,p_time_stamp => SYSDATE
    ,x_return_status => l_return_status
    ,x_msg_count => l_msg_count
    ,x_msg_data => l_msg_data

  • Install base API error Material Transaction errored prior to the current tr

    I wrote a script to update the install base installed date using API - csi_item_instance_pub.update_item_instance.
    Script updated many successfully, but, for many I am getting following error:
    You have Material Transaction_id (12169418) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first.
    You have Material Transaction_id (12020011) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first.
    I tried to reprocess using API again, but, it does update.
    Does any one encountered this before ? What's causing this issue and resolution for same ? Is there any data issue, if so where ?
    Thanks much

    Thanks for quick update...
    I found that progam you mentioned 'Install Base Error Correction and Synchronization Program' and ran that with options Show instances - Y, Mode - C, Force all data fix - Y.
    I don't see any change what so ever in the csi_txn_errors. Though, I didn't ran the update API program.
    For testing purposes, I took one inventory_item_id from the csi_txn_errors table to see how many errors it got.
    Inventory_item_id = 304076
    Found there are 123 rows for this items. processed_flag D-20 ; E-103 ;
    I am enclosing few of data from the table here.
    I understand from you that we need to clean these errors by some means, so, we need to look at each one in sequential order, then, try to resolve that to get to next one and so on until all the errors cleared. Also, is that business users needs to do something over here to fix these errors ? Or each one have it's own resolution ?
    Why did Install Base error correction program did not fix the issues ? Is the program expected to fix the error by correcting the issue internally ?
    Thanks much,
    1 12224 10818 Transaction prior to freeze_date in install parameter D 10/6/2007 8:10:40 PM
    2 12227 10822 Transaction prior to freeze_date in install parameter D 10/6/2007 8:10:40 PM
    3 12229 10828 Transaction prior to freeze_date in install parameter D 10/6/2007 8:10:40 PM
    4 12230 10832 Serial control is now inappropriate for this txn. Knocking this D 10/6/2007 8:10:40 PM
    5 12225 10820 Transaction prior to freeze_date in install parameter D 10/6/2007 8:10:40 PM
    6 12226 10824 Transaction prior to freeze_date in install parameter D 10/6/2007 8:10:40 PM
    7 12228 10826 Transaction prior to freeze_date in install parameter D 10/6/2007 8:10:40 PM
    8 12231 10830 Serial control is now inappropriate for this txn. Knocking this D 10/6/2007 8:10:40 PM
    9 12950 12718 Transaction prior to freeze_date in install parameter D 10/6/2007 8:11:23 PM
    10 12952 12722 Transaction prior to freeze_date in install parameter D 10/6/2007 8:11:24 PM
    11 12954 12726 Serial control is now inappropriate for this txn. Knocking this D 10/6/2007 8:11:24 PM
    12 12947 12710 Transaction prior to freeze_date in install parameter D 10/6/2007 8:11:23 PM
    13 12948 12714 Transaction prior to freeze_date in install parameter D 10/6/2007 8:11:23 PM
    14 12949 12716 Transaction prior to freeze_date in install parameter D 10/6/2007 8:11:23 PM
    15 12951 12720 Transaction prior to freeze_date in install parameter D 10/6/2007 8:11:24 PM
    16 12953 12724 Transaction prior to freeze_date in install parameter D 10/6/2007 8:11:24 PM
    17 13574 14556 Transaction prior to freeze_date in install parameter D 10/6/2007 8:11:58 PM
    18 13575 14560 Transaction prior to freeze_date in install parameter D 10/6/2007 8:11:58 PM
    19 13573 14554 Transaction prior to freeze_date in install parameter D 10/6/2007 8:11:58 PM
    20 13576 14562 Serial control is now inappropriate for this txn. Knocking this D 10/6/2007 8:11:58 PM
    21 144067 34168 Either sub type has change owner code as "E" ,so the external party_id: (47598 ) E 12/6/2007 7:02:11 PM
    22 144133 34396 This customer item instance is currently in an Internal location INVENTORY and it is an Invalid location for the type of transaction being processed. E 12/8/2007 7:23:16 AM
    23 145027 34578 You have Material Transaction_id (4844377) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first. E 12/10/2007 12:04:35 PM
    24 168201 41858 You have Material Transaction_id (6048616) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first. E 1/30/2008 4:31:33 PM
    25 168195 41840 You have Material Transaction_id (4869894) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first. E 1/30/2008 4:18:43 PM
    26 169223 42238 You have Material Transaction_id (6048754) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first. E 2/1/2008 2:17:01 PM
    27 169211 42162 You have Material Transaction_id (6048616) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first. E 2/1/2008 8:52:50 AM
    28 170277 42680 You have Material Transaction_id (6072810) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first. E 2/5/2008 3:27:28 PM
    29 190286 46872 You have Material Transaction_id (6075528) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first. E 3/6/2008 6:43:27 AM
    30 190288 46876 The source item instance 304076, in Subinventory STAGE, for Organization 193 in Oracle Install Base does not exist. Please verify that any receipt transations were successful. (ITEM=304076) E 3/6/2008 6:49:20 AM
    31 207309 50410 You have Material Transaction_id (6635323) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first. E 3/28/2008 11:12:24 AM
    32 209320 51074 You have Material Transaction_id (7279930) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first. E 4/1/2008 11:44:27 AM
    33 241414 57434 You have Material Transaction_id (6151851) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first. E 5/12/2008 4:05:12 PM
    34 241435 57484 No instance is found for the inventory location attributes E 5/12/2008 7:01:04 PM
    35 242428 57654 No instance is found for the inventory location attributes E 5/13/2008 7:00:39 PM
    36 242419 57602 You have Material Transaction_id (7332482) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first. E 5/13/2008 2:44:11 PM
    37 244522 58180 You have Material Transaction_id (8291855) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first. E 5/15/2008 7:00:52 PM
    38 244499 58102 You have Material Transaction_id (6151851) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first. E 5/15/2008 1:42:11 PM
    39 247465 60310 The source item instance 304076, in Subinventory UCORE, for Organization 193 in Oracle Install Base does not exist. Please verify that any receipt transations were successful. E 5/30/2008 10:48:36 AM
    40 266432 81460 Invalid Instance Id Provided. The Item Instance ID (537385) provided is Either Expired or it does not exist in Installed Base Tables. E 9/19/2008 7:01:26 PM
    41 275056 87920 "You have encountered an unexpected error in Call_to_Contracts, with error ORA-01403: no data found.
    " E 10/22/2008 7:01:39 PM
    42 275055 87918 "You have encountered an unexpected error in Call_to_Contracts, with error ORA-01403: no data found.
    " E 10/22/2008 7:01:36 PM
    43 276087 89296 "You have encountered an unexpected error in Call_to_Contracts, with error ORA-01403: no data found.
    " E 10/30/2008 7:01:21 PM
    44 276135 89564 "You have encountered an unexpected error in Call_to_Contracts, with error ORA-01403: no data found.
    " E 10/31/2008 7:01:38 PM
    45 276153 89618 "You have encountered an unexpected error in Call_to_Contracts, with error ORA-01403: no data found.
    " E 11/3/2008 8:45:52 AM
    46 276155 89622 You have Material Transaction_id (12743392) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first. E 11/3/2008 8:48:13 AM
    47 276179 89690 "You have encountered an unexpected error in Call_to_Contracts, with error ORA-01403: no data found.
    " E 11/3/2008 9:31:46 AM
    48 276223 89868 You have Material Transaction_id (12743411) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first. E 11/3/2008 1:45:18 PM
    49 276205 89772 You have Material Transaction_id (12743982) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first. E 11/3/2008 11:32:40 AM
    50 276180 89694 You have Material Transaction_id (12743974) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first. E 11/3/2008 9:32:23 AM
    51 276318 90432 "You have encountered an unexpected error in Call_to_Contracts, with error ORA-01403: no data found.
    " E 11/5/2008 2:51:48 PM
    52 276370 90758 No instance is found for the inventory location attributes E 11/6/2008 7:01:02 PM
    53 276360 90686 You have Material Transaction_id (12744871) errored Prior to the Current Transaction. You need to process that first. E 11/6/2008 2:05:38 PM

  • Major/Minor Line Relationships in Oracle Service Contracts&Install Base.

    We have come across a scenario where, based on some business validations, Coverage of a Major Line needs to be TERMINATED.
    So, In that case if the Major Line has child lines(Minor) within, then do we need to 'EXPIRE' the 'COMPONENT-OFF' relationship between the Major and its Minor's, which helps in synchronising the data in Service Contracts and the Install Base for that Major Line.
    Any inputs would be of great help.

    yes, please define major and minor terms here. are you referring to model (major) and component (minor) relationship?
    Also if you just remove component-of relationship, you will end up with orphans. is that ok from business perspective?

  • Install Base APIs - creating 'Installed At' address

    Dear Experts,
    I am looking to create an Item Instance using the API: CSI_ITEM_INSTANCE_PUB.create_item_instance such that when it is queried from the Oracle E-Business Suite under the responsibility: 'Oracle Installed Base User' then all the information is there as if it was created through this front-end.
    I have managed to get the API to work successfully. However, when I query the Item Instance through the E-Business Suite, the 'Installed At' address is not there. I wish it to be the same as the current address.
    Is there any way I can create the 'Installed At' address using the API?
    My code is below. Many thanks for your time and assistance,
    l_instance_rec csi_datastructures_pub.instance_rec;
    l_ext_attrib_values_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.extend_attrib_values_tbl;
    l_party_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.party_tbl;
    l_party_account_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.party_account_tbl;
    l_pricing_attribs_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.pricing_attribs_tbl;
    l_org_assignments_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.organization_units_tbl;
    l_asset_assignment_tbl csi_datastructures_pub.instance_asset_tbl;
    l_txn_rec csi_datastructures_pub.transaction_rec;
    x_instance_id_lst csi_datastructures_pub.id_tbl;
    lr_party_rec csi_datastructures_pub.party_rec;
    lr_party_account_rec csi_datastructures_pub.party_account_rec;
    lr_ext_attrib_value_rec csi_datastructures_pub.extend_attrib_values_rec;
    l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
    l_msg_count NUMBER;
    l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    l_msg_index_out VARCHAR2(100);
    l_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;
    l_error_stage VARCHAR2(240);
    l_start_date DATE;
    l_start_time DATE;
    l_instance_rec.instance_id := NULL;
    l_instance_rec.instance_number := NULL;
    l_instance_rec.external_reference := '';
    l_instance_rec.serial_number := '';
    l_instance_rec.inventory_item_id := 142;
    l_instance_rec.inv_master_organization_id := 83;
    l_instance_rec.vld_organization_id := 83;
    l_instance_rec.instance_status_id := 1011;
    l_instance_rec.object_version_number := 1.0;
    -- l_instance_rec.location_type_code := 'HZ_PARTY_SITES';
    l_instance_rec.quantity := 1;
    l_instance_rec.unit_of_measure := 'EA';
    l_instance_rec.mfg_serial_number_flag := 'N';
    l_instance_rec.version_label := 'AS_CREATED';
    -- l_instance_rec.location_id := l_location_id;
    l_instance_rec.active_start_date := sysdate;
    l_instance_rec.install_date := sysdate;
    --l_instance_rec.rec.active_end_date := l_hdr_rec.ib_end_date;
    lr_party_rec.party_source_table := 'HZ_PARTIES';
    lr_party_rec.instance_id := NULL;
    lr_party_rec.relationship_type_code := 'OWNER';
    lr_party_rec.party_id := 10780429;
    lr_party_rec.contact_flag := 'N';
    l_party_tbl(1) := lr_party_rec;
    lr_party_account_rec.relationship_type_code := 'OWNER';
    lr_party_account_rec.parent_tbl_index := 1;
    lr_party_account_rec.party_account_id := 1357;
    lr_party_account_rec.bill_to_address := '';
    lr_party_account_rec.ship_to_address := '';
    l_party_account_tbl(1) := lr_party_account_rec;
    lr_ext_attrib_value_rec.attribute_value_id := NULL;
    l_txn_rec.transaction_date := sysdate;
    l_txn_rec.source_transaction_date := sysdate;
    l_txn_rec.transaction_type_id := 1;
    l_msg_data := NULL;
    l_msg_index_out := NULL;
    l_msg_count := NULL;
    p_api_version => l_api_version
    ,p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE
    ,p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_FALSE
    ,p_validation_level => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
    ,p_instance_rec => l_instance_rec
    ,p_ext_attrib_values_tbl => l_ext_attrib_values_tbl
    ,p_party_tbl => l_party_tbl
    ,p_account_tbl => l_party_account_tbl
    ,p_pricing_attrib_tbl => l_pricing_attribs_tbl
    ,p_org_assignments_tbl => l_org_assignments_tbl
    ,p_asset_assignment_tbl => l_asset_assignment_tbl
    ,p_txn_rec => l_txn_rec
    ,x_return_status => l_return_status
    ,x_msg_count => l_msg_count
    ,x_msg_data => l_msg_data
    IF(l_return_status IN ('E', 'U')) THEN
    FOR i IN 1..fnd_msg_pub.count_msg LOOP
    fnd_msg_pub.get( p_msg_index => i
    ,p_encoded => 'F'
    ,p_data => l_msg_data
    ,p_msg_index_out => l_msg_index_out);
    dbms_output.put_line('l_return_status: ' || l_return_status);
    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data: ' || SUBSTR(l_msg_data, 1, 250));
    dbms_output.put_line('l_return_status: ' || l_return_status);
    dbms_output.put_line('l_msg_data: ' || SUBSTR(l_msg_data, 1, 250));
    dbms_output.put_line('The instance ID: ' || to_char(l_instance_rec.INSTANCE_ID));
    dbms_output.put_line('The instance Number: ' || to_char(l_instance_rec.INSTANCE_NUMBER));
    END IF;

    I have found the problem:
    In create_item_instance for record type "instance_rec" pass values for "INSTALL_LOCATION_TYPE_CODE" and "INSTALL_LOCATION_ID". This will populate the "Installed At" address.

  • How to track Service Item in Install Base

    How to track a Service Item in Install Base. If I'm right, when we define the item as Service Item in Inventory, Install Base Trackable cannot be enableed...
    Customer is doing some services to its customer which has a contract for 1 Year. So we are creating service as Service Item in Inventory and then we create a contract for this service item.
    How do we track this in Install Base?
    Please help
    Thanks & Regards,
    Pavithara R.

    A service item by definition need not be tracked in IB. The service may be provided on a machine or asset which will be tracked in IB. Since service item is not a tangiable item, it is not IB trackable.
    Kindly explain the business scenario to track the service item in IB.

  • Error while creating contact through API in Install Base

    I am trying to create contacts when creating a install base through API...
    I tried below code as per metalink note# 215456.1 and giving the below error. I checked setup andI have 'Ship To' exists in Instnace Party Account Relationsship setup in the aplication and also I have a party Id 1232890 exist in hz_parties table with party type as 'Person' and I passed contact_ip_id as instance_party_id from CSI_I_PARTIES table for the instance to be update...
    Also, can anybody help me how to purge the error messages before calling the API, suppose if i have 2 records and all two records will error then my second record error getting contatenated with my first error and message count also getting increased(see error message below as message count coming as 2 even though there is only one error)
    x_instance_id_lst CSI_DATASTRUCTURES_PUB.ID_TBL;
    x_return_status VARCHAR2(2000);
    x_msg_count NUMBER;
    x_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    x_msg_index_out NUMBER;
    t_output VARCHAR2(2000);
    t_msg_dummy NUMBER;
    p_party_tbl(1).instance_party_id := null;
    p_party_tbl(1).instance_id := 1216497;
    p_party_tbl(1).party_source_table := 'HZ_PARTIES';
    p_party_tbl(1).party_id := 1232890;
    p_party_tbl(1).relationship_type_code := 'Ship To';
    p_party_tbl(1).contact_flag := 'Y';
    p_party_tbl(1).contact_ip_id := 1699185;
    x_msg_count := 0;
    p_party_tbl(1).OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER := 1;
    -- Now call the stored program
    -- Output the results
    if x_msg_count > 0
    for j in 1 .. x_msg_count loop
    ( j
    , x_msg_data
    , t_msg_dummy
    t_output := ( 'Msg'
    || To_Char
    ( j
    || ': '
    || x_msg_data
    ( SubStr
    ( t_output
    , 1
    , 255
    end loop;
    end if;
    dbms_output.put_line('x_return_status = '||x_return_status);
    dbms_output.put_line('x_msg_count = '||TO_CHAR(x_msg_count));
    dbms_output.put_line('x_msg_data = '||x_msg_data);
    -- COMMIT;
    SQL> @p
    Msg1: The Party Relationship Type (Ship To) entered is either invalid or it does
    not exist in the Installed Base Lookups
    Msg2: The Party Relationship Type (Ship To) entered is either invalid or it does
    not exist in the Installed Base Lookups
    x_return_status = E
    x_msg_count = 2
    x_msg_data = The Party Relationship Type (Ship To) entered is either invalid or
    it does not exist in the Installed Base Lookups
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    We are in and I already checked notes which you sent before and setups are fine as the relationship type' Ship to' having 'contacts' enabled in the setup.
    I am also seeing a differernt issue as once I update existing item instnace with the status 'Return for Credit' through API, system is not allowing me to update the extended attributes through front end application manually and I am seeing a note at the end of the screen as 'Note: This item instance cannot be updated. ' and this is only happening when I update the item instance status to 'Returned for Credit' not when I create new item instances with status as 'Created'. Is this intended functionality to restrict update on extended attributes if I change the status of item instnace to 'Return for Credit' ?

  • How to link Sales Order with Service Contract and then with Install Base?

    Hi Friends,
    1) I would like to know the integeration process from sales order to Service Contract and then with Install Base.
    2) I couldn't see anything enabled in Service Tab in Order Lines, its grayed out. Is there any set up/profile option to get it enabled?
    3) How can we create AR invoice from Service Contract?
    Please let me know if anyone has idea on this.
    Thanks in Adavance,

    Dear Sid,
    Thanks for your promt response.
    Let me explain you what I did.
    1) I have booked a Bill Only sales order which has one order line, mentioned it as Service Item and provided the same details in Service Tab in Order lines. Now Line status is "Fulfilled"
    2) Then Submitted Workflow Back Ground Process for OM Order Lines and it has created an AR Invoice and closed the line
    3) And then submitted "Service Contracts Order Capture Integration Program" from SErvice Contracts Responsibility and it completed normal.
    4) Now I went in to Launch Contracts Window and queried with the sales order but couldn't see any contract created
    5) Then I went in to Reprocess Order Window and found this order shows an error message as "Referenced Product not present in the Installed Base", then I tried to reprocessed it, but the same error message again.
    Here I have few doubts:
    1) Are the AR invoice and Service Contract Billing Invoices same?
    2) In above scenario AR Invoice has been created, I would like to do the billing from SErvice Contracts and need to create an Invoice in AR? how can I do that?
    because as you explained in one of my questions earlier, A Single Invoice can be created for the whole duration of the contract. I want to do that and trying for the same.
    3) Regarding the above error message, how can I resolve it and create the service contract against that Order?
    Thank you so much for your helpful answers.

  • Identification field in installed Base-CRM Service

    We are creating installed base components from ECC to CRM ie, from equipments in CS module to installed base objects in CRM.
    The serial number entered in ECC flows in to CRM Service in component details tab in individual obejct automatically.
    equipments created in IE01 will flow to CRM and can be viewed in ib53.
    We want to copy the serial number field to identification field to enable better search capabilities.

    HI Femke Visser
    <b>A)</b> Assign the Object family to Install Base Category, Follow the Menu Path to assign
    IMG->Customer Relationship Management ->Master Data ->Installed Base ->Individual Objects/ Object Family -> Assign Object family to Installed base Categories
    <b>B)</b> Create the categories and hierarchies you require for your object families. At least one of these categories must be created within the base hierarchy for the product type Material and then assigned to the relevant object family.
    1) To create Category go to T.code COMM_HIERARCHY and <b>in the Tab "Category" you will find a field called "Object Family", choose the right Object family</b>
    2) In the Tab "Set Types" add the set types you want to include
    Refer the link below, which will give some insight about the Set Types and Hierarchy and Categories
    <b>Please reward with points</b>

  • Installed bases and service contracts

    Is it possible that:
    1. There are multiple installed bases from the same customer being covered in a SINGLE service contract document (i,e, referencing mulitple I-base objects) for the same type of service.
    Example : 100 installations for the same customer being covered for the 3 free services per year through a SINGLE contract document
    2. Is there a functionality where by all the installed bases for a given customer can be seen location wise under a single tree structure ?

    Hi Dhaval,
    It is possible to do this.
    1. You could add all the objects under the object list assignment block in the contract item. So, here you specify that the service item is available as part of the contract for a set of objects.
    2. In this case, you could create the customer's installed base as the root and add all the installed bases under that customer in a hierarchy, while maintaining the Ibase master data. Else, you could search for Installed Base using the search criteria "Header Using Partner Data". But, this does not show a single tree structure.
    Hope this helps.

  • Installed Base in Service

    we are down loading I base from Legasy system into CRM system,Can any body help what are the prereuisites and methods of default settings in CRM,This is very much required for me.
    We have R/3 Integration version 4.6cc and CRM 4.0 and already downloaded I Base into CRM 4.0.
    Now we are upgrading into 5.0.And decided download eqiuipment of I Base into system

    Hi Polite,
      Look at <a href="">Installed Bases in Service Processes</a>.

  • Installed Base CRM Service

    I'm busy with the implementation of an Installed base with various attributes and set types. I have also set up an Object family which is connected to my created Ibase category and the settypes. I searched for information to get it visual in the screens when you create an Ibase and I found information about hierarchy maintenance and categories. Although I created my own hierarchy with category and I linked my settypes to it I cannot get it into process!
    Can someone tell me what to do for getting this working?!! Thanks!
    Kind regards, Femke Visser

    HI Femke Visser
    <b>A)</b> Assign the Object family to Install Base Category, Follow the Menu Path to assign
    IMG->Customer Relationship Management ->Master Data ->Installed Base ->Individual Objects/ Object Family -> Assign Object family to Installed base Categories
    <b>B)</b> Create the categories and hierarchies you require for your object families. At least one of these categories must be created within the base hierarchy for the product type Material and then assigned to the relevant object family.
    1) To create Category go to T.code COMM_HIERARCHY and <b>in the Tab "Category" you will find a field called "Object Family", choose the right Object family</b>
    2) In the Tab "Set Types" add the set types you want to include
    Refer the link below, which will give some insight about the Set Types and Hierarchy and Categories
    <b>Please reward with points</b>

  • Populating the configurator from install base!!

    HI All
    We have a requirement of
    Referencing the current product configuration from the Install Base and then populating it in Oracle Configurature , If any feature code is not populated due to any reason ,then we need to show those reason in the report .
    Do we have any stabdard API or concurrent program to this ??
    Or any program which does some part of the above requirement !??
    Pls help

    To get one service customer created one order in CRM system (say A) and this order is came down to our system(say B) and we send it further to another system(say c). we got ok response from system whome we send the order i.e. (C), so in our system (B)we close the order.
    But unfortunately this order is failed in System C so we need to cancell this order. We cancelled the Order in system A but in our system(B) order is close so it is not possible to cancelled this order so we need to remove this item instance form install base.

  • How to update item instance in oracle install base?

    I have a doubt in updating item instance in oracle install base.
    I am using a API named csi_item_instance_pub.update_item_instance for this. I want to update Party OWNER, party contacts, Current location,Install location, bill_to address,ship_to address..etc. When i try to update party owner, it is updating in csi_i_parties(col:party_id) as well as updating in csi_item_instance(owner_party_id). In csi_item_instance table,owner_party_id column is updated. but corresponding owner_party_account_id is not changed. I have given party_account_id to update in csi_ip_accounts table. It has changed in csi_ip_accounts table. But in csi_item_instance table(owner_party_account_id) is not changing. Can anybody help on how to change owner_party_account_id in csi_item_instance table please? Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Murugeshapps on Jul 1, 2009 12:07 AM

    Out of the box, I don't think that there is any API or program to delete the records from csi_item_instances because deleting IB record affects many modules (like Inventory, Order, Service Contracts etc). IB records should be expired if they are created incorrectly and you can run Transaction History Purge program to delete all history records related to that item.

  • Conversion/Creating Contract from Install Base Information

    Hi All,
    My client has just completed Install base conversion from the legacy system
    (both history and active information).They have also completed sales order conversion for the open orders only from legacy system.They have done the customer conversion,item conversion as well from the legacy system.
    Now the customer wants to create program for running the Contract conversion from Install base.They want to take extract from install base and done some validation and call the contract api to create the contract.
    I am assigned this job,I need some information on this :-
    1. Is it possible to run a extract from install base and though contract api,create the contract (since the billing,invoicing,payment rule is missing).As per client,these values will be defaulted.Also price list information,they want to derive the price based on the item at the run time.
    2. If the first method of getting the extract from install base is considered,which all fields from install base are necessary to create the contracts.
    3.Further to ,if starting from the install base extract,what are the list of validation done before calling the contract api to create the contract headers,lines.
    4. Is it better idea to start the extract from legacy system and do the validation program and then call the contract api to create the contract.
    5. If the first method of getting the extract from legacy is considered,which all fields from install base are necessary to create the contracts.
    6.Further to ,if starting from the legacy extract,what are the list of validation done before calling the contract api to create the contract headers,lines.
    7.I am basically keen to know how this design will work.Any help,support will be highly appreciated.
    [email protected]

    I would say to change the business process and adapt new practices in Oracle.I am not sure at what point of time they get the information about the "instance" in their field service system (Booking or Picking).
    When the order is booked we do not choose the serial number (if it is non serial it is even worse), only at the time of pick confirmation we do that if you have setup such serial number control in inventory for the item (unless you are selling airplanes or ships where you know which customer is getting what much in advance).
    If you are feeding them after pick confirmation when the instance information is known (not final yet!), you can institute a business process where unless FS gives the final go for ship confirmation cannot happen (notification based).
    It is not a good idea to update IB (There is no API Support for the instances that are in inventory) that is still in inventory.
    You can place an order line on hold order ship confirmation and before invoicing.
    Let the ship confirmtion update IB and FS (I am not sure why you call it Field Service when they want to touch the machine that is still in Inventory) can come update the instance again after they finish the work using debrief for the service request. There is no harm in that. Once they do this, you can identify the order line that is on hold and release it so that invoicing can happen.
    Ship Confirmation is a system transaction, and does not mean that the physially the product is out yet.!

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