Service Monitor and Sensor 1040

i have a problem with service monitor.
my service monitor cannot register cisco 1040 sensor.status is waiting.
i already upload config file and software image for the sensor 1040 to TFTP server/CUCM.
my topology is
sensor( ---> TFTP/CUCM ( ----> Service Monitor (
sensor information status said that
not communication with receiver.
and service monitor address is empty.
please need your advice.

Damsky92 msn
[email protected] if you need help dont dude
This is a other  method to check the  sensor  is fine and you can mixed  with another above drescribe here
Fist step install  download winagents tftp server ,
enter a Service Monitor Server   Configuration / sensor1040 and in TFTP server  enter    ip address(winagents tftpserver) and go to SETUP
in setup   put you ip address in PRIMARY SERVICE MONITOR  and push OK   you look the server write file in (TFTP server )
Go to MANAGEMENT   and  add new sensor you need mac address remember second port in sensor is span port 
you can make a sencond file in the tftp server
go to service monitor server and copy  file *.img CSCOpx/
Search  you dhcp server switch     option 150 in put your ip address tftp server when sensor power off  and power on
the sensor search tftp server and search files to autoconfig and register to service monitor
when test is ok
its time to upload change winagent tftp server to  callmanager tftp server 
good lucky

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    You can have one  pricing procedure for standard PO & service PO or you can have two pricing procedure separately BUT you should have two separate document type standard PO &  service PO. 
    You can create a condition type(Cond. Class B, Calculat.type C ,Cond.category H & select Scale basis as quantity in Scales segment)  for service master/ activity type & then add/enter  condition type in  pricing procedure for service master  and also add  a routine"11" in Requirement column for service master condition type.
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    For 2nd-Senario
    You should send material to Sub-contract vendor with 541 movement type & receive it after repaired from vendor with 542 movement type. For paying of SERVICE RELATED cost, you can create a service order & pay to vendor WRT service order. For  payment terms-20 % advance ,40% after first inspection, 30% during delivery and final 10% after" FIT" certificate , You can create payment term in OME2 and pay accordingly. OR you can have a thought of creating three service entry sheet with respect to service order & do MIRO with respected to individual service entry sheet, once the work performed and then pay to the vendor  in three segments.
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    The sensors do a DHCP.requestto get IP, TFTP server addres
    So you need to setup a server that will respond with an IP for this mac address and give the IP address of a TFTP server (option 150).
    You Service Monitor or CallManager can be such a TFTP server.
    There on the TFTP server you must place a file called QOV.CFG
    In Service Monitor -> Configuration -> Sensors you can make config this file, then copy it to the TFTP server
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    Hello Varda,
    It seems as the 1040 sensors are not finding the TFTP server. The TFTP server list should not contain the ipaddress with values 32 or 92 in their octets,
    1. The 1040 needs to learn of the TFTP by DHCP option 150.
    2. Please make sure that it is set on your DHCP server. 
    3. To confirm that the 1040 sensor is receiving the TFTP IP open a web browser and type http://  and see if the TFTP address field is showing the IP. 
    4. If it is then you might also need to restart the TFTP service on the CUCM so that the 1040 can download the cnf and image files.
    Attached is the userguide for 1040. Go through it and this should be able to resolve your issue.
    This is a other  method to check the  sensor  is fine
    Fist step install  download winagents tftp server ,
    enter a Service Monitor Server   Configuration / sensor1040 and in TFTP server  enter    ip address(winagents tftpserver) and go to SETUP
    in setup   put you ip address in PRIMARY SERVICE MONITOR  and push OK   you look the server write file in (TFTP server )
    Next STEP
    Go to MANAGEMENT   and  add new sensor you need mac address remember second port in sensor is span port you can make a sencond file in the tftp server
    Next STEP
    go to service monitor server and copy  file *.img CSCOpx/
    Next STEP
    Search  you dhcp server switch     option 150 in put your ip address tftp server when sensor power off  and power on the sensor search tftp server and search files to autoconfig and register to service monitor when test is ok
    its time to upload change winagent tftp server to  callmanager tftp server
    Hope this helps
    Thanks & Regards,


    Welcome to the Cisco Networking  Professionals Ask the Expert conversation. This is an opportunity to learn about Cisco Wide Area Application Services monitoring and reporting with Michael Holloway and Joe Merrill.  Michael is an escalation support engineer in the Application  Delivery Business Unit focusing on escalations to engineering related to  the Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) product. He has worked  with Cisco WAAS since its initial development, and with the first  product beta.
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    Joe Merrill is an escalation support engineer in the Application Delivery Business Unit focusing on escalations to engineering related to the Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) product. He has worked with Cisco WAAS since its initial development, and with the first product beta.
    Remember to use the rating system to let Michael and Joe know if you have received an adequate response.
    Michael and Joe might not be able to answer each question due to the volume expected   during this event. Our moderators will post many of the unanswered   questions in other discussion forums shortly after the event. This  event  lasts through August 27, 2010. Visit this forum often to view  responses  to your questions and the questions of other community  members.

    Very good questions. Let me try and take them one at a time. Some of the answers you will likely find in the CM GUI help (upper-left corner is the Help button), or in the online documentation. But let's add a little more color and detail.
    1)When we pull bandwidth Optimization report, on Y-Axis the graphs says Effective Capacity .What is Effective Capacity?
    Basically, the "effective increased bandwidth capacity" is telling you how much additional WAN bandwidth you've gained because of the optimization. It will chart somewhere between 1 times and 100 times. Typically it charts all traffic, though you can configure it to chart traffic for specific Applications.
    The CDM online help gives the formulas used to chart the graph:
    Effective WAN Capacity = 1 / (1-% Reduction Excluding Pass-Through)
    % Reduction Excluding Pass-Through = (Original Excluding Pass-Through - Optimized) / (Original Excluding Pass-Through)
    2)what is reduction % excluding and including passthrough
    Looking at the formulas given above might help you understand. The one is a reduction ratio compared to only the original traffic that is optimized. The other is a reduction ratio compared to all original traffic, whether it is optimized or not. So, if you want to know what kind of optimization you are getting for the traffic that you configured to have optimized, look at the "excluding pass-through" numbers. If you want to know the positive effect that optimization is having on your full traffic load, take a look at the "including pass-through" numbers.
    3)What is effectivity capacity including and excluding passthrough ?
    The effective capacity is what kind of throughput you can potentially realize on the WAN -- assuming you would fill it to 100% capacity -- because of the level of optimization you are seeing. The "including" numbers show you the effect of optimization compared to all the traffic passing through the WAE whether it is optimized or not. The "excluding" numbers show the effect of optimization compared only to the traffic that is receiving optimizations.
    4)With the help of which report, we can show the customer that the file download which took 10 mins in first attempt, is downloaded in 10secons in next attempt?
    This one is a little trickier. The reports are much broader than a single connection. They are for all traffic, or for traffic that matches specific defined Applications. You could create a separate Application and matching classifiers for the client and/or server IP addresses and/or ports, run the test, then configure the charts to only show you the data for that Application. By default, statistics for an Application aren’t charted unless you check the "Enable Statistics" box when defining/editing the Application.
    5)How to show that the bandwidth utilization has decreased by which %.
    You want to look at the % reduction numbers you asked about in #2 above.
    6)Which report says that the applications have become this much time faster?
    These questions are normally put forwarded by many customers ? Can you please help me with your expertise answer ?
    This is probably the hardest question to answer.
    "Faster" isn't always easy to define. You are probably talking about user experience rather than statistics found in a network device. What determines that experience? A web page fully populating with all the pictures? A CIFS-based application that saves a file? A custom application that collects data from different servers over different protocols to perform some operation? Much of that is subjective and based on multiple individual requests, sometimes over different protocols.
    What we can provide are statistics to show the effect of WAN optimization and application acceleration for specific types of traffic. We can't show you that displaying a web page is N times faster with WAAS, because we don't know which of all the many HTTP requests that are made are specific to the user experience. But we can show that each of the requests received so much overall optimization, so much optimization from DRE, so much optimization from LZ, so much added benefit from HTTP acceleration.
    What you would probably do is collect some base-line timings for performing certain user activities, then perform the same operations both cold (first pass) and warm (subsequent passes). Back up those timing numbers with reports from the CM GUI, and perhaps even the "show statistics connection connection-id ". Which reports to use? Start with those Optimization and Acceleration reports. Those are the reports we expect will give the most complete/accurate pictures of the benefit of WAAS. You can also create and even schedule custom reports as needed.

  • Problem to add CUCM for the Service Monitor

    I'm trying to add the CUCM for the CUSM(Service Monitor) and the Last Contact Status to CDR/CDRM DB is always "Waiting for Data"(According picture 1 attached). Due this issue, none Phone were added to service monitor.
    I checked the credentials and all credentials are OK and the CUSM was added into CDR  Billing Application Server list(picture 2).
    I attached 2 pictures about the issue.
    Picture 1: Service Monitor- Data Source Credentials Status
    Picture 2: CUCM - CDR Management
    Someone have any tips?

    Well,, no responses.   I have finally gotten a solution thats doesnt have this error.  So, If your having this problem do this
    1: Go thru all your projectes and delete all the clientConfigs, webService References, and the Service References Directories.
    2: In one method or another delete the existing Web Service and Create a new one with all your subs and functions copied over.
    3. DO NOT name it the same thing, so somethng like myWebSvc_03_ for the 3d time you have done this process.  Fortunately, on this interation, all seems well. I can even do an update WebService without destroying the links.  Makes
    me wonder how much junk is hanging out in the code somewhere.  I dont know if this is true or not, but it seemed to have worked best when I created all the projects and then added the sebService last. I do know that I had problems when adding a new project
    to the solution after the web service was working.
    4. Rebuild, and then go add you service references back into your solutions and update the code as needed.
    Maybe I should just make the webservice a totally separate entity, but I am the ony one that would use it, so that seemed a additional complication. 
    One sort of unrelated note... You may have a solution that has a user control called in it, but itself is not using the web service.  My project requires that I copy a clientConfig from another project.  And then if you do a rebuild of the web service, you
    my have to update this as well.
    Im rather new to Silverlight, but this has been a real pain and a lot of work time lost due to this issue.
    So, not an answer, but perhaps a workaround that will save you some of the pain that I have encountered.
    Im marking this as answered, although its not really.  At best its a workaround.

  • CUOM + Service Monitor + CUSSM Architecture

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    I have a new deployment for COUM with service monitor and Cisco Unified Service Statistics Manager and I have 2 servers.
    I want to somebody help me who to deploy these solution in 2 servers? I prefer to install COUM with Service Monitor in the same server and CUSSM in the other server, what do you thing?
    I have other question, to upgrade COUM 2.2 to CUOM 2.3 I must to pass by cisco to purchase the new license, or I can to use the same license COUM 2.2 for COUM 2.3
    Thanks a lot,
    Best Regards,
    Omar YUNSI

    It is ok to install CUOM and CUSM on the same server. See the guidelines here for the minimum hardware requirements:
    In regards to licensing, if you have a license for CUOM 2.2, then the same license file is valid for license 2.3, so you won't need to purchase a new one.
    If you decide to install CUOM and CUSM on a different server though you will need to have the license migrated to that server. The license is tied to the mac address of your server.
    You can contact [email protected] to have the license migrated if needed.
    Best regards,

  • CUOM and Service Monitor

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    I have CUOM 2.1 with Service Monitor installed. When i try to configure the sensor using service monitor, the web page giving HTTP 500 Internal server error. and also please advice from where do i get the configuration file for sensor( Cisco 1040 sensor- cnf file)

    Please remove Operation manager and then install again to fix the issue.

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    1. A program which executes a proxy and with this proxy we are consuming a web services.
    2. The proxy and web services were implemented in the same Abap Machine .
    3. We execute the test and everything works very well and we consume the webservice and the program displays the expected result.
    Now want to know How can we use the Message Monitoring and the Sequence Monitoring . Is this posible ? Do we have to make any previous configuration?
    We don´t have any XI installation and for that we wonder if we can monitorize the  webservices  sequences ?
    Any idea about if we can realize such king of actions ..
    Many Thanks

    I assumes u have dual stack.
    You can do the sequence monitoring with or without PI. But without PI you would achieve that thing on the local machine.
    You have to do those things at Java End using SAP NWA.
    Please see this link

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    There's no fix and the only workaround is to disable the service.

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    When can I use Mesage Monitoring and Sequence Monitoring .
    We are making a proof a concept and we are the following.
    1. A program which executes a proxy and with this proxy we are consuming a web services.
    2. The proxy and web services were implemented in the same Abap Machine .
    3. We execute the test and everything works very well and we consume the webservice and the program displays the expected result.
    Now want to know How can we use the Message Monitoring and the Sequence Monitoring . Is this posible ? Do we have to make any previous configuration?
    We don´t have any XI installation and for that we wonder if we can monitorize the  webservices  sequences ?
    Any idea about if we can realize such king of actions ..
    Many Thanks

    short answer: you can't. to my knowledge there is no such thing as message/sequence monitoring outside of PI/XI.
    the only thing you can do is to enable debugging and access some debugging info from ST22. other than that you do not have access to the original (XML) message, the HTTP headers or the ST(simple transformation) info or anything else.

  • Cisco Operation Manager and Service Monitor on Separate Machine?

       Can we install Cisco Unified Operation Manager and Server monitor on separate machines?
      What will be the procedure to do so?

    Yes You can install Service Monitor in a stand alone server. For Service Monitor to coreside on a system with other applications in the Cisco Prime Unified Communications Management Suite, see the coresidence requirements in
    Installation Guide for Cisco Prime Unified Operations Manager 9.0.
    Also you can check Coresidence Guidelines and Coexistence Guidelines.
    Here you can see the server requirements for a coexistent installation of Service Monitor:

  • Will the blue tooth hr monitor and speed and cadence sensor work together

    will the blue tooth hr monitor and speed and cadence sensor work together

    This solved my question by xtremecarbon  on Jul 18, 2012 6:58 PM
    As long as the profiles are different (ex. HID vs AD2P) you will not have any issues. But say if you try to use 2 keyboards at once, it won't work. Or 2 headsets at once. Your scenario seems fine.
    See the answer in context

  • CUOM with service Monitor

    I want to install CUOM version 8 with Service Monitor.
    I want to know if it’s necessary to have the sensor Cisco 1040 to use and configure Service Monitor or I can use Service Monitor without the sensor.
    Thanks a lot,
    best regards,
    Omar YUNSI

    Yes, you can use it without having sensor in your network.
    In this case you will add the CUCM as a data source to monitor the calles and CDR records for generating the CVTQ reports.

  • Unified Operations Manager / Service Monitor

    Service monitor does not recognize any phones registered to a CUCM 6.x cluster.
    1040 Sensors do recognize phones.
    Any idea why the CUCM phones are not recognized ?
    Thanks, Wolfgang

    Spanning does not affect the phone count from a cluster and that is Wolfgang's issue. It only affects the phone count from the 1040 sensors.
    A phone count of zero for a cluster usually means there are no cdrs being pushed from the CUCM 6.x.
    1) Are you getting any records in the CVTQ reports?
    2) Does it show success for both HTTP and CDR on the CUCM credentials page?
    3) Are you sure that you have done the task of "Setting Unified Communications Manager Service Parameters" on every CUCM in the cluster as mentioned in the following url.

Maybe you are looking for

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