Sidecar Error

Hey Guys
This is an odd one!
When I freshly import multiple items the sidecar works a treat
But when I place it in a file on it's own and try to import solely the sidecar (metadata change at the last minute) I get this error!
All the articles have that spinny thing that looks like they're doing something for a split second then this happens
It is a local folio - could that be the reason why?

But when I place it in a folder on it's own and try to import the sidecar through "import multiple articles"  (metadata change at the last minute) I get this error!
Just rephrased my question.

Similar Messages

  • Error #2004 with AIR Sidecar install from CD on Mac OS X?

    Hello everybody.
    I'm trying to create an installer CD for a client for their AIR app along with the Adobe Sidecar installer.  It works perfectly on Mac OS X and Windows from a USB.  If I burn a DMG (hybrid option) onto a CD from the mac it installs both AIR and the APP flawlessly on Windows.  When the CD is inserted on a Mac OS X, the installer usually errors out near the end with Error Code #2004.  All I have to do is run the installer again and the installer always installs both AIR and the APP flawlessly then.  The air app also installs on all platforms online perfectly using the Badge installer.
    The installer on a Mac (first time around) seems to get almost near the end.  It asks the user to install, to accept the AIR license agreement and is prompted for the Mac OS password.  The installer (which is titled with the correct APP name) progress bar goes 100% (which I'm guessing is the AIR installer) before restarting and getting to about 60% before the #2004 error occurs.  Then it seems to back out of both the AIR and app  installer (neither get installed).  I've cleared all AIR caches and uninstalled AIR and restarted before trying this again.  It is just annoying that it installs fine after clicking on the same installer file immediately after the initial #2004 error.
    Has anyone experienced the same issue?  Does anyone have a solution or at least something that could cause the problem (AIR file sizes, etc.)?
    Thank you,
    Jason Hoyt

    Hi lemonility,
    Could you try the following steps out and let me know if they help?
    1) Select the project in the project navigation window which will show project summary on right
    2) Select 4th tab build phases
    3) Select Link binary with library option
    4) Add framework for which you are getting
    5) Move the framework from main folder to the frameworks folder
    6) Build it again and errors should be gone.

  • Sidecar.xml not uploading 'an error has occurred while loading sidecar.xml. Sidecar.xml is invald'

    Hi all,
    If anyone could throw some light as to why im receiving this error it would be hugely appreciated
      'an error has occurred while loading sidecar.xml.
         Sidecar.xml is invalid. Error #1090'
    i've used this method for filling in all the fidly bits and ordering the folios for about a year now and never had any issues with it..  until i was about to publish our issue yesterday.... and of course a problem had to crop up..
    I did update to the latest mandatory folio builder version, i wonder if this is the problem?
    i have tried all the seeminly obvious solutions, logging in an out of the folio builder, resaving teh .xml file , restarting the computer. swearing.. none of them worked.. :S
    Anyways thanks in advance

    For the benefit of others searching for on this issue in the future, the problem was with the sidecar.xml document. One of the tags elements had an extra "<" in it, which resulted in the XML being malformed.

  • Air 2 Native App/Sidecar Installation Error

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    I exported my release build to MyApp.air and used ADT to create MyApp.exe.
    As a test, I am calling the following function when I click some text on the main UI to be sure I am able to use native process in the extendedDesktop profiled app:
    private function openFile():void
    var testfile:File = new File("C:/procexp.exe");
    When I install the app from MyApp.exe this works exactly how it should - procexp.exe runs.  However, we will be distributing this app to clients "in the field" that will not necessarily have an Internet connection needed to upgrade/install Air 2.0.  So, we need to use the bundled runtime installer.
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    Following those instructions, I can install Air 2 with the App if I reference MyApp.air in .airinstall.cfg.  The problem is that native processes are not allowed unless you install from the exe.  So, my test above fails.  When I try to install Air 2 and my App referencing MyApp.exe in the .airinstall.cfg I get the following error:
    "The application could not be installed because the installer file is damaged. Try obtaining a new installer file from the application author."
    I need to be able to do the sidecar installation with MyApp.exe.  Is this possible, and if so, how do you set this up?

    Unfortuantely we don't have support for sidecar installs with native installers at this time.  I've seen this come up before but when I searched the site I couldn't find a specific feature request.  We are aware that there is interest in this feature, but I'd like to encourage you to add a post to the page and let others know so we can vote on it.

  • Error Moving Sidecar JPEGS

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    The error I get is: Files couldn't be moved to the selected destination. (27)
    I want to move a lot more files that are loose in the root drive to a more structured folder setup but I am nervous because I don't want this error to keep coming up so I guess what I am asking is:
    What is the best method to move my .cr2 and their sidecars?
    Thanks in advance,

    did you check if the files that can't be moved aren't already (same filename)
    in the new directory?
    BTW for lightroom the best way is to move files using LR. That way the database LR uses keeps up to date. If you use finder you will not see them back in LR unless you use the "synchronize folder" command. Right click on the folder and use the popup menu.

  • Error: Sidecar File has Conflict

    I've just tried to work on a collection of files, previously edited in Lightroom, and found they are marked with a '!', which, when hovered over indicates that 'Sidecar File has Conflict'
    Does anyone know what this means?

    When you have metadata conflict:
    If you edited them in Silver FX, without going through "proper" Lightroom (Edit In) channel, and haven't edited them in Lightroom (since xmp was saved), then it's a bug. What Lr should have done is set the up-arrow icon (indicating external changes need to be incorporated in Lightroom). If you have changed photo in Lightroom too (since xmp was saved), then it's not a bug, since Lr doesn't know which changes to keep and which to discard - settings from one source must replace changed settings in the other source, to resolve conflict.
    If you edited them by going through proper Lr-involved procedure (i.e. Edit In...), then it's a bug, because Lr (and companion app) should always "do the right thing" in this case.
    Dunno if that answers your question, since I couldn't be sure what happened exactly based on your description.
    The thing to do is make sure metadata is squared away (e.g. no down-arrow, no up-arrow, no exclamation icon..) before editing externally, then there should be no conflict - it there is, it's a bug and you can resolve (safely) by reading metadata from disk (Lr's metadata menu).
    Conversely, if you haven't edited externally, there should be no conflict, and if there is, it's a bug, and you can safely resolve conflict by saving metadata to disk.
    PS - Change Manager (a plugin I wrote) can be used to see exactly what is different between settings and metadata in catalog vs. disk (xmp).
    Hope this helps,

  • Can No Longer Write files to a NSF-mounted drive on one Server. Error -36

    Hi Folks:
    I have searched the Net (including these forums now) for several hours and found nothing definite.
    The story is this: I have a Fedora 14 server that, up to this point, has been acting as a file server. Sometime last week (around the 28th we think) it stopped allowing people to copy files from the Mac OS X 10.6.8 workstations (which is what we have, largely) to the shared drives. It fails with a "The Finder can't complete the operation because some data in "" can't be read or written. (Error Code -36)."  People can mount the drives in question, see them, read from them, copy from them, but not copy anything, or write anything (Save as from Word) to the drives.
    Now at about the time period where this started we moved a mySQL database from this particular server somewhere else. As part of that operation, the server was rebooted. The server where we moved the DB to was not. It also have an NFS share that continues to work.
    I have verified service by service that nothing is running that shouldn't be. One of my thoughts was that something came up that shouldn't of when the reboot happened. Everything seems fine in that regard.
    My looking through the Net has yielded several possible answers none of which has worked. One has been that this is a sign of bad media.  I have checked the drive array in question three seperate times. It has passed all those times. I started another share on a separate spindle on the server and I still cannot write to this new share on a totally different drive.
    The drives in question are formatted for EXT3 (hey, I've giving out as many details as I can here!  :-)  ).
    I have also repaired permissions on the SOURCE drives. No luck there.
    My export file looks like this:
    No thoughts on security right now. I'm trying to get this darn thing to work, especially on /raid/data/BigBang. That share WAS "no_root_squash" but I changed it to "all_squash" as I've been flailing around today. There was no change in behavior. The exports file on the other server that is working is virtually identical.
    Two Mac workstations work right now. One is running 10.4. The other is running 10.7.3. The rest - the problematic ones - are running 10.6.8. One is running 10.5 and is also not working.
    I have also flushed the DNS caches from the servers in question, but its too early to see if that will do something yet.
    This issue has flumouxed folks for years now. I understand that. Oddly, it JUST came out of the blue for us.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.
    Doc Kinne
    American Assoc. of Variable Star Observers

    TimVasilovic wrote:
    I understand the process you are describing,  In the past I have been able to embed metadata to a Raw file, move it to a server, pick that file up on another computer and see the metadata without need of the .xmp sidecar.  Is the ability to embed no longer supported  by Photoshop? Since this issue began we have taken to doing all our metadata editing in PhotoMechanic, which embeds without creating a sidecar.  If Photoshop is pushing people to create sidecar .xmp files only for writing metadata to Raw files I will probabaly move fully to PhotoMechanic because using sidecars has proven tricky in the past with how our files get moved around.
    If using Adobe Camera Raw on camera raw file you either have an XMP sidecar file created or the data is stored in a database.  Which happens it is your option in Edit/camera raw.  If you use ACR and edit a jpeg it does not create a distinct XMP file but it is also not directly written to the image either.  One can still delete the edits in Bridge with Edit/develp settings.
    If you use a DNG the metadata is written to the image.  Not sure what process Photo Mechanic uses.
    It appears to be a permission problem as other than CS6 Bridge is now 64 bit and has a new cache method there are no changes in how it handles metadata.

  • Sidecar Installation on Mac problem?

    We have applied for the redistribution license and have all the necessary files ( .exe and .app for pc and mac respectively) to perform a sidecar installation.
    We made a hybrid CD using toast on MAC.
    This works great on PC but it has some trouble on mac.
    The application requires AIR 1.5.3.
    If the user has AIR 1.5.3 already installed and our application installs directly bypassing the AIR runtime installation and it works great. Code signing certificate is there and the application is installed with read/write permission for the Admin(me) and all aspects of application works well.
    The problem starts if the user does not have AIR runtime installed. The side car installtion first installs AIR runtime environment and then proceeds to install our application which installs without any error but with read/write access to system and not me. In this case certain parts of the application do not work ( these parts read and write data to SQLite Database on local dissk).
    I went a step further and added me with read/write permision manually just because it worked in the previous instance as expalined above. Even this did not work. I restarted the computer still it did not work.
    I tried to delete system user so that our app has the same permissions as in the first case, but mac does not allow this user to be deleted.
    I beleive that beacuse AIR runtime installs first and needs System permissions, even my application gets installed with these same permissions.
    Now if I delete my application by dragging it to trash and reinstalll it then it works fine again ( As now Air runtime is already there).
    I again checked the permissions  and they were same as if AIR runtime was already present, which is true now because when I removed the application and reinsatlled it, it keeps the AIR runtime and deletes only my application.
    If using sidecar insatllation my application somehow installs with read/write permission for (me) and no users as "system" the I think it wll work.
    I dont know if this is a bug or if there is a solution around this.
    Please Help ASAP as we want to go live with this project next week.

    Hi Harjeet,
    This is what I encountered in my testing.
    In the first scenario, both the runtime and application are being installed. The runtime installation requires the process to elevate, you are asked to enter your credentials. This allows the runtime to be installed successfully, but the application is also installed as part of the elevated process, so the final permissions on the application end up with the owner being "root" and the group "wheel".
    In the second scenario, where the runtime is already installed, only the AIR application is being installed from the disc. If the user is an Administrator, the application install process is not elevated, you are not asked to enter your credentials. The final ownership permission on the application is the user who performed the install and the group "staff", at least on the Mac OS X 10.6 system I tried this on.

  • "An unknown error occurred while moving a photo" - LR 2.0 on Mac

    Lately, I've been seeing this error message with some regularity. It appears whenever I move photos containing a psd file. The scenario is as follows: I have started to use the 'edit in CS3' function to use the Silver Efex Pro plugin. I then save the image as a PSD and it shows up in LR2. However, when I move photos from the folder to which they are imported in LR2 to their final destination (on an external), I receive this error message. I am able to move all CR2 files without a problem. When I check the folders in Finder, I see that the files have been moved to the correct directory despite this error message. I then have to run the sync command on the target directory to get the files to show up and I promptly remove them from the source directory. Anyone else seeing similar error messages? I'm thinking of trying LR 2.1 RC1 to see if this resolves the issue.

    I am getting this error whilst attempting to move NEF (Nikon RAW files) either between folders on the same hard-drive or between hard-drives (which are incorporated into my Lightroom catalogue).
    Whenever I receive this error, a strange (locked) file appears in the directory/folder to which I intended to move the file and on examining this file in the terminal I can see that it contains the following error message: "cannot execute binary file...logout". The filename of this strange file is usually very random such as 470F00FF-9FBC-4517-84BF-26E52251B2B9-449-0000020C6A4DD5FD
    I do not have any problems with missing sidecars and always select "save metadata to files" before attempting to move the files...can anyone figure this out?

  • Error during sysprep

    Hi guys,
    I am trying to make a 64-bit win7 image, but for some reason when I run sysprep I get this error "sysprep a fatal error occurred while trying to sysprep the machine". I have checked my unattend.xml file and all seems fine. I have pasted the sysprep log file below as well as my unattend.xml file. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
    setuperr.log file
    2014-02-06 09:38:52, Error [0x0f0043] SYSPRP WinMain:The sysprep dialog box returned FALSE2014-02-06 11:12:12, Error [0x0f0043] SYSPRP WinMain:The sysprep dialog box returned FALSE
    2014-02-07 11:41:15, Error [0x0f0043] SYSPRP WinMain:The sysprep dialog box returned FALSE
    2014-02-10 06:44:28, Error [0x0f0043] SYSPRP WinMain:The sysprep dialog box returned FALSE
    2014-02-10 08:15:43, Error [0x0f0060] SYSPRP ParseCommands:Found unsupported command line option '/?'[gle=0x000036b7]
    2014-02-10 08:15:43, Error [0x0f00a4] SYSPRP WinMain: Unable to parse command-line arguments to sysprep; GLE = 0x36b7[gle=0x000036b7]
    2014-02-10 08:32:48, Error [0x0f0082] SYSPRP LaunchDll:Failure occurred while executing 'drmv2clt.dll,Sysprep', returned error code -2147024864[gle=0x00000020]
    2014-02-10 08:32:48, Error [0x0f0070] SYSPRP RunExternalDlls:An error occurred while running registry sysprep DLLs, halting sysprep execution. dwRet = -2147024864[gle=0x00000020]
    2014-02-10 08:32:48, Error [0x0f00a8] SYSPRP WinMain:Hit failure while processing sysprep cleanup providers; hr = 0x80070020[gle=0x00000020]
    unattend.xml file
    <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"><servicing>
    <package action="configure">
    <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package" version="6.1.7600.16385" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language=""/>
    <selection name="MediaCenter" state="false"/>
    <selection name="WindowsGadgetPlatform" state="false"/>
    <settings pass="specialize">
    <component xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="" name="Microsoft-Windows-Deployment" processorArchitecture="amd64"publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS">
    <RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
    <Path>Net user administrator /active:yes</Path>
    <component xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="" name="Microsoft-Windows-IE-InternetExplorer"processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS">
    <CompanyName>Lifespace Communities</CompanyName>
    <component xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="" name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup"processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS">
    <RegisteredOrganization>Lifespace Communities</RegisteredOrganization>
    <TimeZone>Central Standard Time</TimeZone>
    <component xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="" name="Microsoft-Windows-UnattendedJoin"processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS">
    <component xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="" name="Security-Malware-Windows-Defender"processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS">
    <settings pass="offlineServicing">
    <component xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="" name="Microsoft-Windows-LUA-Settings"processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS">
    <settings pass="generalize">
    <component xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="" name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP"processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS">
    <settings pass="oobeSystem">
    <component xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="" name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core"processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS">
    <component xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="" name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup"processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS">
    <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
    <CommandLine>cscript //b C:\Windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /ipk</CommandLine>
    <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
    %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command "&{set-executionpolicy RemoteSigned -Force}"
    <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
    <CommandLine>C:\Windows\OEM\SETUP\Drivers\DPINST64.exe /q</CommandLine>
    <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
    %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe "C:\Windows\OEM\SETUP\Win7Image-Script1.ps1"
    <LocalAccount wcm:action="add">
    <LocalAccount wcm:action="add">
    <component xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="" name="Microsoft-Windows-Sidebar" processorArchitecture="amd64"publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS">
    <cpi:offlineImage xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" cpi:source="wim:p:/ot/win7%20imaging/add-on's%20and%20images/win7%2064-bit/sysprep/win7%20cd%20files/sources/install.wim#Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL"/>

    AH HA!!!! I found the answer! For future issues, I found the answer in the link below. Long story short, Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service was causing sysprep to fail. Had to disable the service, ran sysprep again and all was happy happy. Leave it to Microcrap to break their own products. Thanks for the help Anders!! I really appreciate it!
    4th post

  • Importing Closed Caption .scc file into Premiere Pro CS6.  Closed Captioning is enabled but cannot see the Captions tab.  Also get error message when importing to bin.

    I am using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6.  My aim is to export an mpeg file with closed captioning embeded for network television.  I have watched numbers adobe videos and have spent countless hours researching this.  I am able to generate about 29 different types of Closed Caption files using MovieCaptioner- including .scc (which Adobe says they prefer).  When I try to "Import" the file I get an incompatible error message.  The same happens with all other cc file types when I try to import them.  Second, I tried attaching the .scc as an attachment in the sequence menu.  They show up in the preview window, but do no encode into the mpeg file.  I am aware of this form:  Re: How do I export closed-captioned movies from Premiere CS6?
    Third- I have watched some adobe video for created the CC files within Premiere. /
    However, I cannot find the "Caption" menu to do so?  Where is it?
    Am I running into problems because I am not on the Creative Cloud?  IF so, is it possible to upgrade and how do i do that.  Adobe has made it incredibly difficult to contact anybody.

    Hi Bracmanf,
    bracmanf wrote:
    I am using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6.  My aim is to export an mpeg file with closed captioning embeded for network television. 
    Sorry, you cannot do this in Premiere Pro CS6. Only QuickTime files can be exported with embedded closed captioning and this must be done in Premiere Pro CC or later. All other formats must use a sidecar file.
    bracmanf wrote:
    When I try to "Import" the file I get an incompatible error message.  The same happens with all other cc file types when I try to import them.  Second, I tried attaching the .scc as an attachment in the sequence menu.  They show up in the preview window, but do no encode into the mpeg file. 
    You can only attach a closed caption file in Premiere Pro CS6, no encoding is available for closed caption files (embedded or sidecar).
    bracmanf wrote:
    However, I cannot find the "Caption" menu to do so?  Where is it?
    Caption is a tab is in the Export Settings dialog box if you want to export with closed captions. This tab is available in Premiere Pro CC and later.
    bracmanf wrote:
    Am I running into problems because I am not on the Creative Cloud?
    In Creative Cloud, you would still have trouble encoding a MPEG 2 file with embedded captions as it is a QuickTime only feature. There might be a plug-in available, but I'm not aware of it.
    bracmanf wrote:
    IF so, is it possible to upgrade and how do i do that.  Adobe has made it incredibly difficult to contact anybody.
    You can download a free trial of Creative Cloud here:

  • An unknown error occurred while using remote from iPhone to iTunes on Mac

    I have STF for this answer, but am probably using the wrong words.  I have an iPhone 3Gs with a remote app on it.  I have several things going on.
    I have a mini-mac running iTunes 10.4.  This computer runs both my music for the house as well as my Apple TV.  When I use the Remote App lately for playing and controling music, and I tap on a song within an album, I get this error.  "An unknown error occurred.  Please check your library and try again".  I am having miserable luck (basically no luck) finding or playing the music in my iTunes.
    Then an error pops up after this.  "Remote can't connect to your iTunes library.  Check your network settings and try again."
    Recently (about 5-6 days ago), my Network Gateway crashed.  This was a Linux box running Gateway software. (ClarkConnect).  Since the disk was hosed, I replaced it with a fairly new (8-10 month old) Apple Airport Extreme (version 7.5.2).  I have set this up to port forward and dispense DHCP within my house and wireless network.  Is it possible that something needs to be set additionally on this to allow remote connections to iTunes from my iPhone.  I should also say that my iPad does this just fine using the same Remote App.

    I am getting this error whilst attempting to move NEF (Nikon RAW files) either between folders on the same hard-drive or between hard-drives (which are incorporated into my Lightroom catalogue).
    Whenever I receive this error, a strange (locked) file appears in the directory/folder to which I intended to move the file and on examining this file in the terminal I can see that it contains the following error message: "cannot execute binary file...logout". The filename of this strange file is usually very random such as 470F00FF-9FBC-4517-84BF-26E52251B2B9-449-0000020C6A4DD5FD
    I do not have any problems with missing sidecars and always select "save metadata to files" before attempting to move the files...can anyone figure this out?

  • Cannot install AIR sidecar application on Windows 7 64 bit

    Our team is experiencing consistent failure to install our AIR-developed application on Windows 7 64 bit. It fails to install, but apparently eventually can be installed only after a complete uninstallation of AIR and subsequent install attempts are made.
    The following suggestion from has also been tried, but errors persist:
    Installing an AIR application displays the error message: "Sorry an error has occurred. The application could not be installed. Try installing it again. If the problem persists, contact the application author." (Windows Vista / Windows 7)
    This error may occur during installation if the user has turned off User Account Control (UAC) operating system feature and is a standard or restricted user. From Control Panel, Open UAC and enable it. A reboot maybe required, once complete, re-try the installation.
    The error messages are as follows:
    Name of Our Application
    Sorry, an error has occurred.
    An error occurred while updating the application. Try updating it again. If the problem persists, contact the application author.
    Error #0
    Sorry, an error has occurred.
    The application could not be installed because the installer file is damaged. Try obtaining a new installer from the application author.
    This is a boxed product which is slated to ship very soon. The QA team is rejecting the builds because of this issue, which puts the entire project in jeopardy. Timely help is appreciated.
    Here is a sanitized, excerpted section from the end of the install log (it is extremely long):
    [2010-10-07:06:35:21] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-07:06:35:22] UI initialized
    [2010-10-07:06:35:22] Begin background update check
    [2010-10-07:06:35:22] Starting download from
    [2010-10-07:06:35:43] Background update successfully downloaded
    [2010-10-07:06:35:43] User notified of available background update
    [2010-10-07:06:35:50] User deferred installation of background update
    [2010-10-07:06:35:50] begin quitting
    [2010-10-07:12:53:18] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-07:12:53:19] UI initialized
    [2010-10-07:12:53:19] Running C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background\updater -update "c:\program files (x86)\our wonderful product\our wonderful product.exe"
    [2010-10-07:12:53:19] begin quitting
    [2010-10-07:12:53:25] Performing runtime update
    [2010-10-07:12:53:25] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-07:12:53:26] UI initialized
    [2010-10-07:12:53:26] starting user confirmation
    [2010-10-07:12:53:26] Version of this installer:
    [2010-10-07:12:53:26] Installed version:
    [2010-10-07:12:53:26] Installation type: patchNewer
    [2010-10-07:12:53:50] starting elevated install
    [2010-10-07:12:54:01] performing an elevated runtime install
    [2010-10-07:12:54:01] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-07:12:54:01] starting install
    [2010-10-07:12:54:01] Scheduling runtime installation operations
    [2010-10-07:12:54:01] Active AIR product GUID is {B194272D-1F92-46DF-99EB-8D5CE91CB4EC}
    [2010-10-07:12:54:01] Scheduling an MSI repair operation
    [2010-10-07:12:54:01] Beginning runtime installation
    [2010-10-07:12:54:01] Beginning install
    [2010-10-07:12:54:01] Reinstalling c:\users\Username\appdata\local\temp\air834a.tmp\setup.msi
    [2010-10-07:12:54:10] Copying C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla4C92.tmp\temp
    [2010-10-07:12:54:11] Deleting C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe
    [2010-10-07:12:54:11] Copying C:\Users\Username\appdata\local\temp\air834a.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\airappinstaller.exe to C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe
    [2010-10-07:12:54:11] Copying C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla4DBB.tmp\temp
    [2010-10-07:12:54:11] Deleting C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s
    [2010-10-07:12:54:11] Copying C:\Users\Username\appdata\local\temp\air834a.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\digest.s to C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s
    [2010-10-07:12:54:11] Execution complete; beginning commit phase
    [2010-10-07:12:54:11] Deleting C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla4C92.tmp\temp
    [2010-10-07:12:54:11] Deleting C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla4DBB.tmp\temp
    [2010-10-07:12:54:11] Commit complete
    [2010-10-07:12:54:11] install complete
    [2010-10-07:12:54:11] begin quitting
    [2010-10-07:12:54:11] Elevated install completed
    [2010-10-07:12:55:12] begin quitting
    [2010-10-07:12:55:12] attempting launch of our wonderful product
    [2010-10-07:12:55:44] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-07:12:55:45] UI initialized
    [2010-10-07:12:55:46] IO Error 2032 during pingback request
    [2010-10-07:12:55:46] begin quitting
    [2010-10-07:13:11:11] Starting update of c:\program files (x86)\our wonderful product\our wonderful product.exe
    [2010-10-07:13:11:11] Updating from file:///C:/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/com.example.ourproduct/Local%20Store/%23Applica tionUpdater/update.air
    [2010-10-07:13:11:11] Updating to version
    [2010-10-07:13:11:11] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-07:13:11:12] UI initialized
    [2010-10-07:13:11:12] beginning UI styling
    [2010-10-07:13:11:12] UI styling complete
    [2010-10-07:13:11:13] Unpackaging to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\flaE586.tmp
    [2010-10-07:13:11:42] unpackaging/validation is complete
    [2010-10-07:13:11:42] application is bound to this version of the runtime
    [2010-10-07:13:11:42] app id com.example.ourproduct
    [2010-10-07:13:11:42] pub id
    [2010-10-07:13:11:42] Application located at c:\program files (x86)
    [2010-10-07:13:11:42] Waiting for user confirmation
    [2010-10-07:13:11:42] User confirmed action: install
    [2010-10-07:13:11:42] creating native installer in: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla572D.tmp
    [2010-10-07:13:12:01] native installer creation complete
    [2010-10-07:13:12:01] Starting install
    [2010-10-07:13:12:01] using conversion output in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla572D.tmp
    [2010-10-07:13:12:01] Beginning install
    [2010-10-07:13:12:01] Installing C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla572D.tmp\setup.msi
    [2010-10-07:13:12:21] Error occurred; beginning rollback: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="1603" errorID=0]
    [2010-10-07:13:12:21] Rolling back install of C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla572D.tmp\setup.msi
    [2010-10-07:13:12:21] Rollback due to error complete
    [2010-10-07:13:12:21] stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="1603" errorID=0]
    [2010-10-07:13:12:21] stateInstallingWithElevation: enter install
    [2010-10-07:13:12:21] stateInstallingWithElevation: c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime "c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files" -update -silent -logToStdout "c:\program files (x86)\our wonderful product\our wonderful product.exe" file:///C:/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/com.example.ourproduct/Local%20Store/%23Applica tionUpdater/update.air
    [2010-10-07:13:12:41] Starting update of c:\program files (x86)\our wonderful product\our wonderful product.exe
    [2010-10-07:13:12:41] Updating from file:///C:/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/com.example.ourproduct/Local%20Store/%23Applica tionUpdater/update.air
    [2010-10-07:13:12:41] Updating to version
    [2010-10-07:13:12:42] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-07:13:12:43] UI initialized
    [2010-10-07:13:12:43] Unpackaging to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla461C.tmp
    [2010-10-07:13:13:09] unpackaging/validation is complete
    [2010-10-07:13:13:09] application is bound to this version of the runtime
    [2010-10-07:13:13:09] app id com.example.ourproduct
    [2010-10-07:13:13:09] subinstaller: pub id
    [2010-10-07:13:13:09] subinstaller: Application located at c:\program files (x86)
    [2010-10-07:13:13:09] creating native installer in: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\flaAC3F.tmp
    [2010-10-07:13:13:25] native installer creation complete
    [2010-10-07:13:13:25] Starting install
    [2010-10-07:13:13:25] using conversion output in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\flaAC3F.tmp
    [2010-10-07:13:13:25] Beginning install
    [2010-10-07:13:13:25] Installing C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\flaAC3F.tmp\setup.msi
    [2010-10-07:13:13:38] Error occurred; beginning rollback: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="1603" errorID=0]
    [2010-10-07:13:13:38] Rolling back install of C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\flaAC3F.tmp\setup.msi
    [2010-10-07:13:13:38] Rollback due to error complete
    [2010-10-07:13:13:38] stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="1603" errorID=0]
    [2010-10-07:13:13:38] Failed during elevated install: error 0 1603
    [2010-10-07:13:13:44] application installer exiting
    [2010-10-07:13:14:39] Re-launching application from c:\program files (x86)\our wonderful product\our wonderful product.exe
    [2010-10-07:13:14:39] starting cleanup of temporary files
    [2010-10-07:13:14:45] application installer exiting
    [2010-10-07:13:37:04] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-07:13:37:05] UI initialized
    [2010-10-07:13:37:06] IO Error 2032 during pingback request
    [2010-10-07:13:37:06] begin quitting
    [2010-10-07:13:38:37] Starting update of c:\program files (x86)\our wonderful product\our wonderful product.exe
    [2010-10-07:13:38:37] Updating from file:///C:/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/com.example.ourproduct/Local%20Store/%23Applica tionUpdater/update.air
    [2010-10-07:13:38:37] Updating to version
    [2010-10-07:13:38:37] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-07:13:38:39] UI initialized
    [2010-10-07:13:38:39] beginning UI styling
    [2010-10-07:13:38:39] UI styling complete
    [2010-10-07:13:38:39] Unpackaging to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla621.tmp
    [2010-10-07:13:38:39] failed while unpackaging: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032" errorID=2032]
    [2010-10-07:13:39:51] Re-launching application from c:\program files (x86)\our wonderful product\our wonderful product.exe
    [2010-10-07:13:39:51] starting cleanup of temporary files
    [2010-10-07:13:39:52] application installer exiting
    [2010-10-07:13:40:22] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-07:13:40:25] UI initialized
    [2010-10-07:13:40:27] IO Error 2032 during pingback request
    [2010-10-07:13:40:27] begin quitting
    [2010-10-07:13:44:25] Starting update of c:\program files (x86)\our wonderful product\our wonderful product.exe
    [2010-10-07:13:44:25] Updating from file:///C:/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/com.example.ourproduct/Local%20Store/%23Applica tionUpdater/update.air
    [2010-10-07:13:44:25] Updating to version
    [2010-10-07:13:44:25] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-07:13:44:27] UI initialized
    [2010-10-07:13:44:27] beginning UI styling
    [2010-10-07:13:44:27] UI styling complete
    [2010-10-07:13:44:27] Unpackaging to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla5375.tmp
    [2010-10-07:13:44:44] unpackaging/validation is complete
    [2010-10-07:13:44:44] application is bound to this version of the runtime
    [2010-10-07:13:44:44] app id com.example.ourproduct
    [2010-10-07:13:44:44] pub id
    [2010-10-07:13:44:44] Application located at c:\program files (x86)
    [2010-10-07:13:44:44] Waiting for user confirmation
    [2010-10-07:13:44:44] User confirmed action: install
    [2010-10-07:13:44:44] creating native installer in: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla97C6.tmp
    [2010-10-07:13:45:02] native installer creation complete
    [2010-10-07:13:45:02] Starting install
    [2010-10-07:13:45:02] using conversion output in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla97C6.tmp
    [2010-10-07:13:45:02] Beginning install
    [2010-10-07:13:45:02] Installing C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla97C6.tmp\setup.msi
    [2010-10-07:13:45:08] Error occurred; beginning rollback: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="1603" errorID=0]
    [2010-10-07:13:45:08] Rolling back install of C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla97C6.tmp\setup.msi
    [2010-10-07:13:45:08] Rollback due to error complete
    [2010-10-07:13:45:08] stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="1603" errorID=0]
    [2010-10-07:13:45:08] stateInstallingWithElevation: enter install
    [2010-10-07:13:45:08] stateInstallingWithElevation: c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime "c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files" -update -silent -logToStdout "c:\program files (x86)\our wonderful product\our wonderful product.exe" file:///C:/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/com.example.ourproduct/Local%20Store/%23Applica tionUpdater/update.air
    [2010-10-07:13:45:19] Starting update of c:\program files (x86)\our wonderful product\our wonderful product.exe
    [2010-10-07:13:45:19] Updating from file:///C:/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/com.example.ourproduct/Local%20Store/%23Applica tionUpdater/update.air
    [2010-10-07:13:45:19] Updating to version
    [2010-10-07:13:45:20] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-07:13:45:21] UI initialized
    [2010-10-07:13:45:21] Unpackaging to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla26AB.tmp
    [2010-10-07:13:45:42] unpackaging/validation is complete
    [2010-10-07:13:45:42] application is bound to this version of the runtime
    [2010-10-07:13:45:42] app id com.example.ourproduct
    [2010-10-07:13:45:42] pub id
    [2010-10-07:13:45:42] Application located at c:\program files (x86)
    [2010-10-07:13:45:42] creating native installer in: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla7883.tmp
    [2010-10-07:13:45:58] native installer creation complete
    [2010-10-07:13:45:58] Starting install
    [2010-10-07:13:45:58] using conversion output in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla7883.tmp
    [2010-10-07:13:45:58] Beginning install
    [2010-10-07:13:45:58] Installing C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla7883.tmp\setup.msi
    [2010-10-07:13:46:18] Error occurred; beginning rollback: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="1603" errorID=0]
    [2010-10-07:13:46:18] Rolling back install of C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla7883.tmp\setup.msi
    [2010-10-07:13:46:18] Rollback due to error complete
    [2010-10-07:13:46:18] stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="1603" errorID=0]
    [2010-10-07:13:46:18] Failed during elevated install: error 0 1603
    [2010-10-07:13:46:22] application installer exiting
    [2010-10-07:13:48:09] Re-launching application from c:\program files (x86)\our wonderful product\our wonderful product.exe
    [2010-10-07:13:48:09] starting cleanup of temporary files
    [2010-10-07:13:48:13] application installer exiting
    [2010-10-07:13:48:41] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-07:13:48:43] UI initialized
    [2010-10-07:13:48:45] IO Error 2032 during pingback request
    [2010-10-07:13:48:45] begin quitting
    [2010-10-07:14:16:16] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-07:14:16:17] UI initialized
    [2010-10-07:14:16:18] IO Error 2032 during pingback request
    [2010-10-07:14:16:18] begin quitting
    [2010-10-07:14:18:04] Starting update of c:\program files (x86)\our wonderful product\our wonderful product.exe
    [2010-10-07:14:18:04] Updating from file:///C:/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/com.example.ourproduct/Local%20Store/%23Applica tionUpdater/update.air
    [2010-10-07:14:18:04] Updating to version
    [2010-10-07:14:18:04] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-07:14:18:05] UI initialized
    [2010-10-07:14:18:05] beginning UI styling
    [2010-10-07:14:18:06] UI styling complete
    [2010-10-07:14:18:06] Unpackaging to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\fla5FBC.tmp
    [2010-10-07:14:18:35] unpackaging/validation is complete
    [2010-10-07:14:18:35] application is bound to this version of the runtime
    [2010-10-07:14:18:35] app id com.example.ourproduct
    [2010-10-07:14:18:35] pub id
    [2010-10-07:14:18:35] Application located at c:\program files (x86)
    [2010-10-07:14:18:35] Waiting for user confirmation
    [2010-10-07:14:18:35] User confirmed action: install
    [2010-10-07:14:18:35] creating native installer in: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\flaD2CA.tmp
    [2010-10-07:14:18:50] native installer creation complete
    [2010-10-07:14:18:50] Starting install
    [2010-10-07:14:18:50] using conversion output in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\flaD2CA.tmp
    [2010-10-07:14:18:50] Beginning install
    [2010-10-07:14:18:50] Installing C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\flaD2CA.tmp\setup.msi
    [2010-10-07:14:19:26] Error occurred; beginning rollback: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="1603" errorID=0]
    [2010-10-07:14:19:26] Rolling back install of C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\flaD2CA.tmp\setup.msi
    [2010-10-07:14:19:26] Rollback due to error complete
    [2010-10-07:14:19:26] stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="1603" errorID=0]
    [2010-10-07:14:19:26] stateInstallingWithElevation: enter install
    [2010-10-07:14:19:26] stateInstallingWithElevation: c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime "c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files" -update -silent -logToStdout "c:\program files (x86)\our wonderful product\our wonderful product.exe" file:///C:/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/com.example.ourproduct/Local%20Store/%23Applica tionUpdater/update.air
    [2010-10-07:14:19:31] Starting update of c:\program files (x86)\our wonderful product\our wonderful product.exe
    [2010-10-07:14:19:31] Updating from file:///C:/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/com.example.ourproduct/Local%20Store/%23Applica tionUpdater/update.air
    [2010-10-07:14:19:31] Updating to version
    [2010-10-07:14:19:31] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-07:14:19:32] UI initialized
    [2010-10-07:14:19:32] subinstaller: Unpackaging to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\flaB0D7.tmp
    [2010-10-07:14:19:50] unpackaging/validation is complete
    [2010-10-07:14:19:50] application is bound to this version of the runtime
    [2010-10-07:14:19:50] app id com.example.ourproduct
    [2010-10-07:14:19:50] pub id
    [2010-10-07:14:19:50] Application located at c:\program files (x86)
    [2010-10-07:14:19:50] creating native installer in: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\flaF6BE.tmp
    [2010-10-07:14:20:04] native installer creation complete
    [2010-10-07:14:20:04] Starting install
    [2010-10-07:14:20:04] using conversion output in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\flaF6BE.tmp
    [2010-10-07:14:20:04] Beginning install
    [2010-10-07:14:20:04] Installing C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\flaF6BE.tmp\setup.msi
    [2010-10-07:14:20:16] Error occurred; beginning rollback: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="1603" errorID=0]
    [2010-10-07:14:20:16] Rolling back install of C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\flaF6BE.tmp\setup.msi
    [2010-10-07:14:20:16] Rollback due to error complete
    [2010-10-07:14:20:16] stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="1603" errorID=0]
    [2010-10-07:14:20:16] Failed during elevated install: error 0 1603
    [2010-10-07:14:20:20] application installer exiting
    [2010-10-07:14:21:42] Re-launching application from c:\program files (x86)\our wonderful product\our wonderful product.exe
    [2010-10-07:14:21:42] starting cleanup of temporary files
    [2010-10-07:14:21:46] application installer exiting
    [2010-10-07:14:22:13] UI SWF load is complete
    [2010-10-07:14:22:14] UI initialized
    [2010-10-07:14:22:16] IO Error 2032 during pingback request
    [2010-10-07:14:22:16] begin quitting

    Thanks very much for keeping this issue alive.
    Let me restate the issue:
    We have a AIR sidecar application. Installing the application for the very first time seems to work. Any uninstall or update after that runs into issues on the problematic Windows 7 64 bit machine. The installer logs all point the finger to Windows Installer having problems writing to the temp directory.
    We've gone through many, many things trying to resolve this, including resetting administrative access to the temp directory and flushing the temp directory out entirely. I'm reporting this news secondhand, so it's not possible for me to directly relate the exact measures taken, step-by-step. The ONLY thing that reliably worked for running and installing updates on this AIR application was the following:
    1) Create a new administrative level user.
    2) Log in with that user.
    3) Disable firewalls.
    4) Run the updater.
    5) Log back in as normal user, delete temporary user.
    if the user account created in step 1 is not deleted in step 5 and is used to attempt a further update or uninstall, it will fail. This seems to tell me that AIR is able to utilize the temp folder via Windows Installer correctly only once. After that, it dirties this directory somehow and is unable to use/write to it, and subsequent uninstalls/updates fail with error 0.
    Again, the failure all show msi issues writing to the temp directory. They result in an "Error 0" alert dialog in AIR.

  • AIR 2.5.1 sidecar installation failing on Windows 7

    My team is attempting to distribute the AIR runtime with our AIR application, and experiencing frequent failures on Windows 7 (64 bit).
    The error message is "The application could not be installed. Try installing it again. If the problem persists, contact the application author. Error #0".
    I am not seeing this issue on Mac OSX or with previous version of Windows.
    This issue is for the sidecar distribution package - I am able to install AIR by itself without incident.
    The package is a (zipped) folder to be downloaded from our storefront, containing the application and the most recent sidecar package for Windows distribution (
    The typical solution suggested for this type of problem is to scrub your system of any and all AIR files, and reinstall. I have tried this using both Windows Install Clean-up Utilities and CCleaner with no luck. Additionally I have restored the machine I am testing on to factory settings, so no evidence of AIR should exist to begin with.
    I am using an admin account, and have tried shutting off UAC.
    Curiously I am able to install without a problem from a USB drive or CD! The AIR distribution documentation hints that the sidecar installer is meant to be used with physcial media (CD, DVD, USB, or DMG); is it possible that sidecar installation ONLY works from external devices?
    My main concern is NOT getting AIR installed on this particular machine, but releasing our product with the confidence that Windows 7 users will be able to install. Or at the very least, that we can offer a simple solution to users who do need to troubleshoot.
    The install log (following) seems to point towards setup.msi being the fail point.
    I have also zipped the MSI logs and posted them here, rather than pasting them in the document since there are 3 (long) files.
    Any insight would be appreciated - thanks in advance.
    [2011-03-10:10:08:21] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2011-03-10:10:08:21] Commandline is:
    [2011-03-10:10:08:21] No installed runtime detected
    [2011-03-10:10:08:21] Found sidecar config file at c:\users\bobafett\desktop\build_win_0_8_3\build_win\resources\.airinstall.cfg
    [2011-03-10:10:08:21] Read player/BSB.air from sidecar file.
    [2011-03-10:10:08:21] Using c:\users\bobafett\desktop\build_win_0_8_3\build_win\resources\player\BSB.air as input file
    [2011-03-10:10:08:21] Invoking Application Installer for combined install
    [2011-03-10:10:08:21] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\BobaFett\Desktop\build_win_0_8_3\build_win\resources\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\BobaFett\Desktop\build_win_0_8_3\build_win\resources -withRuntime -url file:///c:/users/bobafett/desktop/build_win_0_8_3/build_win/resources/player/BSB.air
    [2011-03-10:10:08:21] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2011-03-10:10:08:21] Commandline is: -runtime C:\Users\BobaFett\Desktop\build_win_0_8_3\build_win\resources -withRuntime -url file:///c:/users/bobafett/desktop/build_win_0_8_3/build_win/resources/player/BSB.air
    [2011-03-10:10:08:21] No installed runtime detected
    [2011-03-10:10:08:21] Unpackaging file:///c:/users/bobafett/desktop/build_win_0_8_3/build_win/resources/player/BSB.air to C:\Users\BobaFett\AppData\Local\Temp\flaF69B.tmp
    [2011-03-10:10:08:31] Application signature verified
    [2011-03-10:10:08:31] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2011-03-10:10:08:35] Converting unpackaged application to a native installation package in C:\Users\BobaFett\AppData\Local\Temp\fla2AA6.tmp
    [2011-03-10:10:08:36] Native installation package creation succeeded
    [2011-03-10:10:08:36] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\BobaFett\Desktop\build_win_0_8_3\build_win\resources\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime C:\Users\BobaFett\Desktop\build_win_0_8_3\build_win\resources -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)" -desktopShortcut -programMenu file:///c:/users/bobafett/desktop/build_win_0_8_3/build_win/resources/player/BSB.air
    [2011-03-10:10:08:36] Relaunching with elevation
    [2011-03-10:10:08:38] Application Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
    [2011-03-10:10:08:38] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_9052_0 -runtime C:\Users\BobaFett\Desktop\build_win_0_8_3\build_win\resources -silent -logToStdout -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files (x86)" -desktopShortcut -programMenu file:///c:/users/bobafett/desktop/build_win_0_8_3/build_win/resources/player/BSB.air
    [2011-03-10:10:08:38] No installed runtime detected
    [2011-03-10:10:08:38] Unpackaging file:///c:/users/bobafett/desktop/build_win_0_8_3/build_win/resources/player/BSB.air to C:\Users\BobaFett\AppData\Local\Temp\fla380D.tmp
    [2011-03-10:10:08:47] Application signature verified
    [2011-03-10:10:08:47] Unpackaging/validation complete
    [2011-03-10:10:08:47] Converting unpackaged application to a native installation package in C:\Users\BobaFett\AppData\Local\Temp\fla5B09.tmp
    [2011-03-10:10:08:48] Native installation package creation succeeded
    [2011-03-10:10:08:48] Starting silent combined runtime and app install.
    Installing runtime version
    Installing app com.fablevision.bsb.BSB version 0.8.3 to C:\Program Files (x86) using the source file at file:///c:/users/bobafett/desktop/build_win_0_8_3/build_win/resources/player/BSB.air
    [2011-03-10:10:08:48] Installing msi at C:\Users\BobaFett\Desktop\build_win_0_8_3\build_win\resources\setup.msi with guid {46C045BF-2B3F-4BC4-8E4C-00E0CF8BD9DB}
    [2011-03-10:10:08:50] Installing msi at C:\Users\BobaFett\AppData\Local\Temp\fla5B09.tmp\setup.msi with guid {683FB515-7AF2-F6FA-6D37-C55E3589129E}
    [2011-03-10:10:08:50] Error occurred during msi install operation; beginning rollback: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="110" errorID=0]
    [2011-03-10:10:08:50] Rolling back install of C:\Users\BobaFett\AppData\Local\Temp\fla5B09.tmp\setup.msi
    [2011-03-10:10:08:50] Rolling back install of C:\Users\BobaFett\Desktop\build_win_0_8_3\build_win\resources\setup.msi
    [2011-03-10:10:08:52] Rollback complete
    [2011-03-10:10:08:52] Got an unexpected fatal error while in stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="110" errorID=0]
    [2011-03-10:10:08:52] Elevated install failed: error 0 110
    [2011-03-10:10:08:53] Application Installer end with exit code 7
    [2011-03-10:10:09:20] Application Installer end with exit code 7
    [2011-03-10:10:09:20] Subprocess app installer failed (7)
    [2011-03-10:10:09:20] Runtime Installer end with exit code 7

    Hi Jian,
    Sorry for the delay.
    We're generally a Mac house, so there's only the one Win7 machine that we test on. However we did send the app out for testing, and had similar results on some (but not all) of their Win7 environments.
    Where should I send the app?

  • "Unable to save the raw conversion settings. There was a write permission error."

    I just built a new workstation for processing photos using PS CS5. I use external drives to store my images as I find it easier for backing up as well as for when I want use my laptop for sorting, etc.. I copied over all my old "Collection" files, and of course, had to "fix" them once on the new machine. Once pointed in the right direction, the collections all fill out correctly.
    When I go to process a collection though, I encounter an odd problem I can't seem to sort out. I can delete files, rename files, copy/paste to the external drives, etc.. What I can't seem to do is add Labels, Ratings, or modify RAW settings. I mean, I can use ACR to make adjustments, I just can't seem to save them.
    The system just ignores label, rating commands completely. When I try to save an ACR adjustment I get this error. "Unable to save the raw conversion settings. There was a write permission error."
    The files are NOT write protected. I'm set up as the owner of my workstation, with complete control of the system. I can't seem to find any useful information about this error because the "write permission error" seems to only be happening on installs, so that's all I can find help for.
    My system:
    Intel Core i7 970@ 3.20GHZ
    24.0 GB RAM
    64-bit OS - Windows 7 Pro
    DX58S02 Motherboard
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580

    Thanks for replying. I've been going crazy trying to fix this.
    To answer your first question; I use sidecar XMP files. If everything from my archive was shot in RAW I'd try converting to DNG and see if embedding the changes directly in a file worked. Unfortunately, a lot of my old stuff was shot in JPG, so sidecars seems to be the best choice.
    When I add labels, ratings, as well as change RAW settings on files I place on my workstations HD everything works. It's only when I try to do these things with the same files on removable drives that I run into trouble. The drives I use are Transcend 640GB StoreJet 25ms connected via USB.
    I don't think it's a UAC problem. At least, to my understanding, doesn't that control how your machine alerts you to program changes? I looked into how to change ownership, and did so, but that didn't work. Here's a link to what I mean:
    I'm stumped. I also hate the idea that I'll have to go through various folders to find images from already created collections, copy them to a new folder on my HD and then work on them. Then I'll have to put them all back... ugghhhh

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