Sign a document with a Digital ID with Word 2013

I'm trying to sign digitally a word 2013 document but I get the message "To sign a Microsoft document
you need a digital ID, would you like to get one from a Microsoft Partner now".
I click "No" and nothing happens. . .
I would expect a popup menu of some sort to pop up. I have a Digital ID Certificate from Global Sign
which I would like to use in this document.
I have no way to add the certificate in Word 2013.
Hope somebody will be able to help me.
Thank you,

There does seem to be a lot of contradictory info out there, mostly assuming that you've already got the certificate installed. Have you already installed the certificate on your local machine? If not you should be able to right click on the certificate
file wherever you've saved it, and you'll see an option to install it. I believe once it's been installed on the local machine you'll find it available for use with your documents.
If you have a look at on page 4 you'll see in step 5 that the digital ID should be listed.
Strangely, if you were doing this via Outlook it's a lot more obvious. If you go into File, Options, Trust Center, Trust Center Settings, E-mail Security, you'll see an option to import/export your digital ID for use with your email, but the same option
doesn't appear in Word. If installing it locally on the local machine doesn't do the trick, you could try installing into Office via Outlook, and see if it then shows up in Word.

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    Hi Amitk,
    PDF is a commercial software which is not supported in MSDN forum. Maybe some forum talk about PDF is a better place to ask this question.
    I make a quick research on the web, and you may need to use some third party to sign a PDF document through DSC. Check this :
    Hope this helps some.
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    Hey Jamie0404,
    Please let me know what version of Adobe Reader are you using. Is it the latest on i.e. 11.0.10?
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    Word 2013 might deal with documents in different ways.
    Since Word will open properly when you disconnect from a VPN, you might want to start by analyzing the network traffic, VPN connections.
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    Ethan Hua CHN
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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    Based on this error message, I find a similar issue.
    You can follow Mpw1979’s reply, here is detail information.
    “When I tried to change the compatibility mode on Winword.exe I found there were no options available so I right clicked and selected Troubleshoot Compatibility.
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    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
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          xmlSource = new DOMSource( doc );
          baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
          outputTarget = new StreamResult( baos );
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            System.out.println( "Verified" );
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    jtahlborn wrote:
    i'm not talking about the transform, i'm talking about this line:
    xmlString  = new String( new ByteArrayInputStream( baos.toByteArray() ) );which is a great way to break xml data.Yes. That's not the only kind of data it's good at breaking, either.
    To the OP: just have your transform output to a StringWriter in the first place. Don't muck about converting between chars and bytes unless you know the correct encoding and use it. Which you don't know it and you didn't use it.

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    This has been discussed a few times already. The latest new thread was this morning. When I replied this morning I found and posted the some of the previous threads. I suggest you use the search function on the right. Also, you can search for apps. I do my searching in Some apps let you sign PDFs.

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    See OPM 10.4.4 User Guide article Update Oracle Policy Modeling Templates: and files/Update_OPM_templates.htm
    Open the project in OPM, but leave all the rule documents closed. From within OPM 10.4.4, go to Tools > Update Oracle Policy Modeling Templates.
    The field "Folder containing documents to update" will usually already display the folder path for the Development folder of the project. If it doesn't, browse to it. If you've got your OPA project in the regular default location, it will be something like this: C:\projects\(your project name)\Development  If you've put your OPA project in a different location on your machine, then browse to wherever you put it.
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    Do you mean the email was sent out successfully but the problem is Word cannot be closed? Can you see the sent mail in the Sent Items folder?
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    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • RH 11 CSS Mapping Styles issue with Word 2013

    Hello members,
    Any help will be much appreciated.
    Platform: Win 7, RH 11, Word 2013 however, using an existing Word Template that was created in Word 2007.
    Six months ago, an upgrade of RH8 to RH11 took place (smooth, no issues reported). Please note, I have no "easy" way to verify if there was a problem in RH8 (all projects are upgraded, and old builds are backed up on IT server).
    There are existing Styles created in RH and in the Word Template (e.g., Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Normal, normal_bold, etc.). These existing Styles have no mapping issues hence, RH CSS recognizes their corresponding Word Styles.
    RH11 CSS does not recognize New RH Styles and Word Styles.
    NOTE: Styles are the same type. “For example, character to character, paragraph to paragraph, table to table, and multi-level list to multi-level list” ( ml#WS21E2B5E4-C4AC-47b2-9D4B-D548EA9E3C04).
    Things Tried:
    Converted (SaveAs) my template .dot (Word 2007) to ".dotm" (Word 2013) = No change in issue mentioned above.
    What do I see when I create new Styles in RH CSS and Word Template: I am able to map Table and Multi Level List.
    Purpose: Working on a documentation standard project. Creating New Styles ‘based on’ existing styles. For example:
    RH CSS
    Style: Paragraph
    Formatting: Font =10pt
    Indents: Left = 36pt
    Spacing: Before = 0px
    Paragraph: Alignment = Left
    Indentation: Left = 18pt, Right = 0pt, Special = Hanging (By 18pt)
    Spacing: Before = 6pt, After = 0pt, Line Spacing = Single
    Word Template (.dot)
    Style: Paragraph
    Style Properties: Name = ListBullet, Style type = Paragraph, Style based on = Normal, Style for following paragraph = ListBullet
    Formatting: Font = Arial Font style = Regular, Size = 9pt, Font color = Automatic (black), Underline style = none
    Paragraph/Indents & Spacing: Alignment = Left, Outline level = Body Text
    Indentation: Left = 0.25", Right = 0", Special = Hanging (By: 0.25")
    Spacing: Before = 0pt, After = 6pt, Line Spacing = Single, Selected (Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style)
    Paragraph/Line & Page Breaks: Pagination = Window/Orphan control, Tight wrap = None
    Bullet Format: Font = Symbol, Font style = Regular, Size = 9, Font color = no color
    Problem I am having is as follows:
    RH Wizard section - Print Document Appearance
    Project’s CSS Styles (Used Only or All)
    Microsoft Word Styles (all)
    Unassigned – Use style in project) drop-down list
    The Style “ListBullet” does NOT show in the list
    NOTE: This anomaly I just reported happens for ANY new ‘Paragraph Style’ I create. If I create a List/MultiList, and the names of the Style are the same in RH and Word, RH Wizard automatically maps them. However, reading on multiple forums, authors have reported problems with Indentations (i.e., Word over extends the indentations); I have see this as well.
    PS - Happy Holidays to you and your families. My Best, ~PM
    PSS - Hi Peter ... I reviewed your site and this site, and Googled as well before posting.

    Thank you Peter and Amebr for your assistance. I ended up using RH Multilevel List Style, configured, and created an identical List Style in Word. I created a Single and a Multilevel (e.g., Level = bullet, Level 2 = squares); their challenge is matching RH indents with Word Indents... It's sort of a bear since RH does not have the Format Paragraph option (ref. drop-down) like Word Lists -  Numbering functionality.
    After generating my print document mu Bullet style reads "Normal (Web)"; even though the RH CSS Wizard recognized Word List Style I created (Ref. Font: Symbol, Font color: Black, Indent: Left: 0.15", Hanging: 0.25", Outline numbered + Level: 1 +, Numbering Style: Bullet + Aligned at: 0.15" + Indent at:  0.4", Priority: 100, Based on: No List.
    Question: Would anyone out there know why is when I highlight my bullet list to verify the correct Style (with the Styles pane open) and I see the "Normal (Web)" [its Style type = Paragraph and Style based on = Normal) is selected? If it came through (from Rh) as a true Multilevel List Style, I should not see anything.
    Happy Holidays!

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    thanks for any help.

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    You can reach on  [email protected] or [email protected]

    Select one of these files in the Finder, then press Apple-I to open a Getinfo window for it. Use the "Open With..." pull-down menu to choose Preview as the default application, then click the "Apply to All" button.
    If Preview is already set as the default application, try choosing another one, clicking the "Apply to All" button, then re-do the whole thing using Preview.

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    OK, I figured it out. Have to use pro to enable signing of the documents....

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