SOAP protocol and XI Protocol

can any one explore the functions of SOAP and XI protocol in proxies?????????

Hi Gabriel,
Check these links,,sid7_gci212839,00.html
SOAP:- /people/padmankumar.sahoo/blog/2005/02/15/an-overview-of-soap

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    Transport protocol gives information about outside of message details, kind of system, security details.
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    bindsym Mod1+t bn
    bindsym Mod1+y bp
    bindsym Mod1+u bb
    or put in your config file
    new_window bb
    from: (you probably already found that by now )

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    Hi dhanush,
    This two can have different attributes which were assigned in the adapter metadata. Please see this help for some info on this:
    Go to SAP BASIS 6.40 or 7.00 software compoenent and open namespace Go to Adapter objects and open Adapter metadata. Then open any adapter. Here you can see all the properties of your adapter which support.
    Transport protocol gives information about outside of message details, kind of system, security details.
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    Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 08:39:31 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Muse protocol and port
        Re: Muse protocol and port
        created by Abhishek Maurya in Help with using Adobe Muse - View the full discussion
    Where is your Muse site hosted on Business Catalyst or a third party host? - Abhishek Maurya
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    startButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, listen);
    req.url= "<adress>";
    snd = new Sound();
    private function listen(event:MouseEvent):void {
    req =;
    adress= - working
    adress= - working
    adress= - not working
    adress= - not working
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    Does ATS load testing support Java RMI and T3 protocol or EJB(J2EE)?

    Oracle Application Testing Suite is mainly used for testing of applications from a end user perspective and offers an intuitive capture/replay for web, Siebel, EBS, JDE, Fusion apps or SOA based application through WebServices WSDL imports.
    The scripting environment (Oracle OpenScript) does not support script creation by recording JAVA RBI or T3 protocol as we lack a recorder for it, but the scrips are created as pure JAVA code so you could use the JAVA language to write a small RMI cor T3 client for your testing.
    We have customers that have used Application Testing Suite to test non-UI based testing, like: JMS, FTP, Tuxedo and others, but it require a bit of coding.
    Please let me know if you would like to know more or discuss your options
    Mikael Fries
    Principal Product Manager / Oracle

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