Stamp function broken in Aperture

It appears the group stamp function in Aperture has stopped working properly. If I lift the keywords I want to use in a group of pictures and then proceed to use the stamp function only the highlighted picture is stamped. All the other selected images are not stamped.
Also, if I group a number of pictures, and then attempt to assign a keyword to all of them only the highlighted picture is keyworded. All the remaining pictures are unaffected.
Any idea what might be causing the problem and is there a fix?
Here is my configuration:
iMac 24" running SL 10.6.2
Aperture version 2.1.4
I have attempted restarting the program and the computer with no success.
Thanks in advance for your prompt response.

Thanks for the input. The first method described in the link you posted is the method I have used in the past (for at least a year). The only problem is now it does not work. It only stamps the information to one of the images. The other images are unaffected.
I have not tried the second method (at least not for now) because it is not my normal work flow. More importantly, it is bothersome to have a feature stop working. Gives me the feeling other features might start to act up.
One way I have been able to make it work is to open the lift window, make the keyword choices I want, then while the lift window is open, I select the pictures/images I want to modify. Finally, going back to the lift window I then click on "Stamp Selected Images". It works this way but still, something is not right...

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    It works fine here.
    SSeed1994 wrote:
    My problem is that it now jumps to the wrong place. For example I was at the top of my iTunes, i.e. with artists beginning with 'A'. I pressed 'h' to jump to artists beginning with 'H' and it instead jumped to 'P' artists.
    You are in Artists view?
    What is the Artists name as shown in iTunes?
    And right click - get info, click the Sorting tab and look at the Sort Artist field.
    What is the artist name in the Sort Artist field?
    Probably the P artist it jumped to has an H in the beginning of the Sort Artist field.

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