Stationery Mail template is sexist?

While using Stationery in Mail, I have noticed that there is only a blue template for birth announcements. Is this correct, or am I missing a way to change the template to pink, or any other colour?

Those are just some default templates. You can always make a copy of the original stationery and change the various items, but there is a little bit of work involved (touched upon here and documented in Apple's Developer documentation).
There are also third party stationery additions, such as Jumsoft's - some searching for OSX Mail stationery may turn up something appropriate in your price range.

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    tanks for help!

    Off the top of my head, you should be able to create mail templates in muse BUT it will require  very basic html/css knowledge on your part. I am assuming you want to do just the signature?
    Create the design you would like on one page, dont do any kind of styling in a master page. Then export the site into a folder. Open the html file with notepad/ textedit and then copy just the code for JUST the template. Throw it in you mail app of choice and it should work.
    This seems like something that would be done alot quicker in dreamweaver in design view.
    PLEASE NOTE: ^i could be completely wrong - but in theory this may work.

  • Text Format in Mail Templates

    Hi Experts,
    I have a requirement , wherein I need to make certain word in my custom mail template( palin text) as bold or underline( or both) , I tried Mail template Macros FORMAT for this but it didnt work , If anyone knows how can we achieve this please share.
    VIshal Goel

    Hi Vishal,
    Please try below format, so that it may work.
    FORMAT("b", "Title:") %TOKEN1%
    FORMAT("b", "Posted By:") %TOKEN2%
    LINK("View Full Message", "%LINK123%")
    The above mentioned will work only when HTML Mail option is selected on the user account level under Account properties.
    Please let me know if the issue still exists.
    Also Please go through the below link, it will be useful for you.

  • Mail Templates in multiple Languages

    We are in Sourcing 7.0 SP02.
    We have a language pack for languages like German, Spanish installed in our system.
    But the mail messages for the users logging in those languages are still sent in English. Only some content like the footer/header are in local language since they are localized resources and they have language specific content. But the main mail message is in English. To give you an example: The workflow approval request message thats sent to a Spanish user looks like below:
    Subject: Solicitud: Approval: Category Project: 123
    Estimado test,
    This message is to inform you of an approval request for the following: Category Project, 123
    Approval Request: Submitted
    Start Date: 31/01/2012 16:20
    Document Owner: test user 1
    To view this document and complete the requested approval task, please click on the link:  http://hostname:port/fsbuyer/projects/projects_header,-2147483148:1100?rqaction=load&allow_redirect=true&hook=projectUIRQHook
    No responda este mensaje. Si tiene alguna consulta o dificultad al utilizar esta aplicación, póngase en contacto con el servicio al cliente llamando al %TECH_SUPPORT_PHONE% o por correo electrónico a %TECH_SUPPORT_EMAIL%.
    if you notice - the header, footer and some part of the subject is in Spanish - but the remaining content is in English.
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    you need to reinstall the language packs after the tenant configuration. That should to it.
    Seems to be a bug (feature) in SAP Sourcing.

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    Hi Madhan
    Unfortunately, using the standard mail templates in GP, it is not possible to add context variables for the mail Subject. These can be only added to the mail content.
    Best regards

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    Could you help me?

    For more information, check this thread:
    Outlook integration installation
    It is not a free add-on though.

  • HTML Editor for creating e-mail templates for SAP Cloud for Customer

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                     Is there any preferred software for creating e-mail templates to use with SAP Cloud for Customers ? I mean to avoid unnecessary errors when creating standard e-mail template which are recognized unified manner within the system.
    Will appreciate with rewards points for best support.

    Here is a template for the wire-frame that we used. We went with pure HTML tables so that the response could be multi-client compatible. We found that additional code caused issues with certain clients. In the middle table, we had linked icons to our respective self serve properties and additional support options for Chat and our own Support Community.
    The content of the email will be placed where #Text# is. Our email responses include the content and the basic signature. We also provide our detailed legal disclaimer at the bottom with additional links if needed.
    Let me know if you have any questions.
    <font face="Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
    <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <td style="width:50px;">  </td>
        <td style="border: 1px solid #9b9b9b; border-bottom: none;">
           <div style="color: #6a6a6a; display: block; margin: 10px; padding: 10px;">#Text#<!--Placeholder for email content.--></div>
          <p style="color: #6a6a6a; display: block; margin: 10px; padding: 10px;">Chat:       <br />
          Support Community: <br />
          Customer Care: </p>
        <p> </p></td>
    <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <td style="width:500px; border: 1px solid #9b9b9b;">
    <table width="100%">
      <td width="50" valign="middle"><!--Include links to self serve options here--><img src="XXXXX" alt="XXXX" title="XXXX" style="border:0 none;" /></a></td>
            <td valign="middle">
            <p style="color: #6a6a6a; display: block; margin: 5px;"><!--Include links to self serve options here-->Support is also on: &#13;
        <td style="border-right: 1px solid #9b9b9b;"> </td>
    <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <td style="width:50px;">  </td>
        <td border="1" style="border: 1px solid #9b9b9b; border-top:none;"><p> </p>
        <p style="color: #6a6a6a; display: block; margin: 10px; padding: 10px;"><strong>NOTICE:</strong> Legal Disclaimer   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a
    magna non libero accumsan luctus. Donec purus metus, mollis nec
    commodo ac, hendrerit pulvinar lectus. Sed quis elit felis. Duis ut
    eros urna. Morbi fringilla nunc vitae enim mollis in sodales nisl
    tincidunt. Etiam orci risus, convallis ut tristique in, vestibulum sed
    ligula. Donec quis sodales purus. Donec dignissim lacus dignissim
    justo fermentum eu volutpat justo consectetur. Fusce metus massa,
    fringilla sed malesuada nec, vulputate quis lectus. Vestibulum et
    venenatis ante. Vestibulum non dui dolor, et tempus magna. Cras
    tincidunt cursus enim, id convallis tortor placerat eu. In in magna ac
    dui pretium placerat. Duis tortor leo, viverra ac tincidunt nec,
    bibendum non nunc.
    Curabitur et turpis vel nulla vulputate ullamcorper id sed eros. Donec
    orci lacus, elementum nec vulputate et, varius id neque. In ac magna
    ac lectus gravida consectetur. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora
    torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam egestas,
    diam vitae molestie vestibulum, magna orci ultricies nisi, id luctus
    lorem nulla nec lorem. Donec tincidunt vehicula ipsum eget mattis.
    Donec dictum vulputate mi ut facilisis. Vivamus varius augue fermentum
    libero iaculis quis dictum ante consequat. Aenean luctus massa sit
    amet nulla sagittis id fermentum sem luctus. Vivamus odio diam,
    lacinia ac egestas eget, tincidunt et sem. Sed a ante dui, eu
    scelerisque eros. Nullam et faucibus odio. Nunc posuere auctor sem, ac
    blandit ipsum molestie sit amet. Nullam nec luctus arcu. </p>
        <p> </p></td>

  • Personalizing E-mail Templates in Guided Procedures

    Dear All,
    I need an E-mail template which will fetch me the context parameter value like defined in the the block of a Process through Guided Procedures as follows:
            Context Parameter> Input Parameters (of type Structure)->Business Manager (String)
    I need to get the value of "Business Manager" in the E-mail thats sent to all the context processsors.
    I used "ctxt.personalData.lastName" where ctxt is the prefix of Context Parameters, personalData is the structure and lastName is the field to retrieve the value. But this is not working for me.
    Please suggest the possible solution to this.

    Hi Poornima,
    Than you should check if this parameter is mapped. Send e-mail or Notification callable objects has own parameters and you should have such parameter for the callable object "personalData.lastName" which should be mapped to the context parameter of the action. When you define a due date or notification for an action you have a button "map" and also you should edit the Send e-mail or Notification callable objects so that they contains personalData.lastName parameter.

  • Personalize E-mail Templates in Guided Procedures

    Dear All,
    I need an E-mail template which will fetch me the context parameter value like defined in the the block of a Process through Guided Procedures as follows:
            Context Parameter> Input Parameters (of type Structure)->Business Manager (String)
    I need to get the value of "Business Manager" in the E-mail thats sent to all the context processsors.
    I used "ctxt.personalData.lastName" where ctxt is the prefix of Context Parameters, personalData is the structure and lastName is the field to retrieve the value. But this is not working for me.
    Please suggest the possible solution to this.
    Edited by: Poornima H.G on Mar 18, 2009 2:17 PM

    Hi Poornima,
    Check the following thread:
    Personalizing E-mail Templates in Guided Procedures
    And next time it will be great if you don't create 2 posts for the same problem.

  • Creating a Mail Template for Letters

    When I am trying to create a new Mail Template for Letters in DEV it is asking me to enter the Package Name. What package name should I enter?
    When I am trying to do the same thing in the QA system it is giving out the error saying
    “Changes to Repository or cross-client Customizing are not permitted
    Choose Display Object or Cancel
    SO we cant create a new mail template for letters in QA.?
    I need your valuable suggestions

    Hi Gregor,
    Thanks for the reply.
    We are trying to use the Letters for our Campaign.
    SO I am planning to use the Mail Template .
    we are creating the Target Groups using the Segment Builder and want to assignt the letters as hte communication form.
    So how can we take print out using the mail form created  and assign it to the target group with the last name and address printing on the page.
    Thanks for the patience

  • Sourcing 7.0: Email Link in Mail templates when implementing Single Sign on

    We are implementing Sourcing 7.0 SP02 On premise.
    We are in the processing of setting up the single sign on with Enterprise Portal.
    In E-Sourcing 5.1 - when we implement single sign on with portal - the mail links in the mail templates have to be replaced with the portal URL and also - in order to redirect the user from portal login to the correct object in E-Sourcing (contract/MA/RFX) - we had implemented a custom portal solution (par file) to redirect the user.
    So when the user clicks on the link in the mail - it will take the user to Enterprise portal login. Once the login is done - user will be redirected to the E-Sourcing object like RFX/MA which the token %DOCUMENT_URL% contains.
    I wanted to check if there is any standard solution to this issue in Sourcing 7.0 on p

    Hi Vikram, Thanks a lot for your reply. I got a release note 1485253 that explains that this is resolved. Please find the text below
    In user emails, %DOCUMENT_URL% token is used to generate the document
    specific URL. This URL takes the user directly to the document. However,
    when Sourcing is integrated with SAP Portal, using only this token will not
    take the user to the document. In order to fix this, ENCODE function has
    been introduced. Wrapping this around the URL, the URL can be encoded and
    used as a "forcedURL" in the portal link.
    Would you be able to explain to me how this can be achieved through configuration? I tried now with a portal user of Sourcing and the link was still showing up as the old link. Is this forcedURL generated using a system property?

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    Hi Rik,
    1.Create the Actions  profile using the Wizard
    2.Assign actions to actions profile
         you can assign more than one action to same action profile
    3.Select the processing Time
           processing immediately
           when saving the document
           selection report
    4.Select the smartform for E-mail
    5.Select the form (created before)  T.CODE-SMARTFORMS
              Create the Template, out put form
    6.Assign the Schedule condition and Start condition
             Logic for the condition
    7.Then Assign the Action profile to your Transaction type in ic web.
    Reward points if helpful

  • HTML Mail Template

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    Basically, I just want to include by logo in my signature, so it' not complicated html.
    Thanks for any help!

    Did you manage to solve this problem. I'm wanting to do exactly the same thing. Thanks in advance.
    PoerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • Link in GP e-mail template

    I want to add the current task link in e-mail template. I am able to retrieve the link by sy.workitemurl, but the link is coming as plain text and not a link/url. On using href- it does not seem to convert the sy.workitemurl into its value. Can anybody point me out the correct syntax for writing the same?

    Hi Swaralipi!
    From my understading you could try specifying something like the following in the template:
    <a href="`{ write(sy.workitemurl); `} ">My Link</a>
    I tested this here and the the resulting email which was sent to me presented me a link which pointed to:
    So I think that specifying this way, you'll reach your goal without facing the issue as you stated.
    Hope this helps!
    Best regards,
    Armando Zaro

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    Hi All,
    I want get parameters in Mail Template and this parameter to get into structure of cardinality 0..n. How I iterated this structure elements?
    I only Know to use
    writeln (structure.names)
    How I iterated the attributes names? Eg a structure of type FOR, WHILE, etc...
    Thanks & Regards

    I think that this is not possible

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