Stuttering mouse in Captivate
Please see the above.  When I hit the record to start recording, it seems very difficult to control the mouse movement.  It seems like I have to keep moving the mouse over and over again in the same direction to get it to go where I want it to.
I'm not sure if it's software, a setting that I need to change in Captivate, or what.
Please advise.
PS - you can notice the slightly stuttering mouse movement in the movie above.

Hi there
Would I be correct in assuming you are recording using the Full Motion Recording feature of Captivate? From what I'm seeing that seems to be the case.
Certainly you could avoid seeing any kind of "Stuttering" if you switched to Captivate's native (and recommended) recording mode of slide-by-slide recording.
The mouse issue is only one of the reasons we always recommend avoiding Full Motion Recording.
My guess as to why the stuttering is occurring is that the computer is struggling to keep up with recording in full motion while also running any other applications.
Cheers... Rick
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    If anybody knows of a work-around, please share.

    Hi there
    You should be able to make the typical Remote presenter work. As I understand it, these devices work just like a very limited keyboard. The Left button transmits a Page Up keystroke. The Right button transmits a Page Down keystroke. The Top button sends an Alt+Esc keystroke and the Bottom button sends a B keystroke.
    Soooo, what you can do is to construct your Captivate presentation so that you have Click Box or Button objects that operate using Shortcut keys. If you insert a Click Box and program a keyboard shortcut of Page Up, the left button on the remote should act as if the mouse clicked that Click Box. Same goes for a Click Box programmed with a keyboard shortcut of Page Down.
    Hopefully this helps... Rick
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  • Stuttering Mouse Cursor During Network Usage

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    Hi, Byron and Al —
    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    If you haven't already, you may be interested in reading through joelmcafee's Bluetooth: Not Available/intel macbook pro thread — though he hasn't posted a resolution yet.
    A few questions that may engender ideas:
    (a) Have you contacted AppleCare, either by phone — or, for Al, using the "Chat with a support agent" link on the iMac (Core Duo) support webpage? They may be able to help.
    If the problem isn't solved during the conversation, you'll be given a case number for use at an Apple-Authorized Service Provider (AASP) — limited to authorized hardware problems) or for future reference. If the problem persists, your subsequent call(s) may be forwarded to higher-level support folks ("product specialists"). AppleCare Tech. Support is also one means that helps Apple to recognize widespread problems and focus their engineers on finding solutions — and they certainly need to know if the Bluetooth implementation in Intel-based Macs is awry in some way.
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    That's all for now. Please post back to discuss further — perhaps we can come up with something.
    Warm regards,
    [1,992 ⊥ 3,360]

  • NB200 Stuttering Mouse

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    (Now the American model is referred to as NB205, but other than a number change, I believe there is no other difference.)
    The issue: the mouse stutters and freezes as you move your finger on the touchpad, i.e., not responsive to your finger movement. Enough to be more than irritating in constant use.
    Now, I have been on to Toshiba support, and they say they have had no reports of such an issue in Europe, mine being maybe the first? Having been on to them on a few occasions, most recently this morning, we have tried several things, including reinstalling the driver (the pre-installed one was the most up to date as it happens), toying with the touchpad settings to make it more sensitive to touch, and going into Windows Task Manager > Processes and setting the 'Priority' on two pertinent .exe image names lister there to 'high'. I am sceptical as to whether any of this has improved the situation, I will see tonight what my experience is. Initial experience suggested such changes were not working.
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    As you will see from the American thread referred to above, the Toshiba admin in the forum acknowledges the problem and says there are investigating.
    My question here: are others this side of the Atlantic having the same experience as me and can you shed any light on it? Would very much appreciate feedback, even a solution! I love this netbook except for this very irritating problem, and would hate to have to give up on it.
    Other information:
    a) I tested a usb mouse and it works fine, no problems.
    b) I tried with toshiba support on the telephone to test the touchpad in safe mode with no joy; the touchpad does not work in safe mode! The Toshiba technician on the phone tried with his netbook and had same experience in safe mode. He thinks this is an unrelated issue, but it did mean diagnosing the problem was not made any easier.
    thanks, Eddie
    Message was edited by: ebyrne41

    toshiba nb200-110 .
    i have exactly the same problem. the mouse lags by half a second, does random stuff and often skips back/forward browser pages when on the internet- which is very irriating, especially after writing a long message/form (like this) and all is deleted.
    have been on to toshiba support, and downloaded the new alps driver (out yesterday), which has made pretty much no difference that i can tell.
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    have you found out whether it is a software of hardware problem?
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    --- also: Another issue: when I first got the computer, if it was moved an inch, a centimetre, or even a millimetre whilst it was on then a message would pop-up talking about VIBRATION DETECTED IN THE HARD DRIVE, SWITCHED TO SAFE MODE. is this normal?!!??! techically it does say not to move the laptop while it is on, but is this ridicuous or what?
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    what to do about this computer!!!??

  • Stuttering Mouse

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    It doesn't move smoothly but will skip a few inches here and there, then snapping into place.
    Usable, but I do want to make sure this is not the beginning of something worse.

    Have you tried hooking up another mouse to see if the problem persists?
    If it does persist, then there is something wrong with your user profile, or the OS.
    If the problem does no persist, it is likely the mouse.
    something to try - -Try creating a test account on your machine, log into it, and see if the mouse still stutters, or boot to your grey disks to see if the problem persists while booted to these disks.

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    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

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  • RDS Mouse settings

    I am testing RDS on Server 2012 R2. Everything is working fine, but I need to disable the setting "Enable pointer shadow" since it's making the mouse lag.
    I have found the following blog, and the setting is working fine, but it's applied the second time the user logs in.
    Isn't it possible to have this setting applied at first login?

    Hi Lasse,
    Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum.
    Yeah, you can try to edit the registry key as you have mentioned as it will disable the mouse shadow. There is one article for server 2008 R2 but you can refer for information.(Quoted from below article)
    The GPO setting would be
    •Key: HKCU\Software\Control Panel\Desktop
    •Value Name: UserPreferencesMask
    •Value Type: REB_Binary
    •Value data: 9E1E078012000000 (This changes based on the options you enable/disable, this value disables mouse shadows only)
    Optimize Windows 7 / 2008 R2 Visual Effects for Virtual Desktops (mouse shadow disable)
    Please Note: Since the web site is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information. Also please backup the registry setting before making any changes to original,
    as it's not receommended by Microsoft.
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki

  • X-Fi + 2 GFX-Cards = high CPU-Load, slow Mouse, hanging system

    >X-Fi + 2 GFX-Cards = high CPU-Load, slow Mouse, hanging systemA Hey guys,
    I'm running 2 GF 8800 GTs (PCIe .) cards on a MSI Eclipse SLI board. My Audigy2 ZS PCI runned fine in this system.
    I just replaced the Audigy by a PCIe X-Fi (EMU20K2 audio processor - not the xtreme audio from MSI).
    Now I'm dealing with the following issue:
    - System startup is slow
    - in Windows, Mouse is slow, stuttering
    - high CPU-Load
    - very slow system response
    !!! Attention !!! I had this problems allready at the st boot with the X-Fi, when the driver from creative wasn't installed (the card was recognized as "HD Audio" bei Windows 7). Installing the drivers didn't help.
    If I install only one graphics card, the system runns fine and I can use the X-Fi and it's Software without problems.
    If I replace the X-Fi by the PCIe Xtreme Audio from MSI, System runns fine.
    If I use Win XP with the two GFX cards and the X-Fi, System runns fine.
    Can you help me?
    Regards from snowy Germany

    Hi there,
    got the same problem if i use my two Nvidia GTX260.
    My system:
    Asus P6T
    I7 920 @ 3,8GHz
    2GB ram
    Gigabyte GTX260 OC Edition
    Nvidia GTX260
    X-Fi XtremeGamer
    -System (Win7x64) takes ~0min to start.
    -Stuttering mouse, keyboard everything >.<
    Deactivating the onboard sound doesnt help.
    Newest Nvidia and Creative driver too =(
    The system runs fine without the X-FI and two GTX260 no errors ect...
    One GTX260 runs also fine with the X-FI
    But two graphic cards and the X-FI..... **bleep** =/
    I use debian as my main OS and it run still fine with both graphic cards and the x-fi...
    so i think its just a driver problem.
    Hope it will be fixed soon =/
    If someone have any sugestions...please help us.
    Greetings from Germany also =D

  • Changing mouse paths on individual slides

    Hi. I'm new to adobe captivate. Is there a way to edit not
    just the position of the mouse cursor, but the mouse movement, on
    each individual slide? Right now, the mouse movements don't appear
    as recorded, at all. The position and movement seem to be inherited
    from the previous slide, no matter what.
    hope someone can help-

    Hello again ksonta
    As much as I wish I could, I cannot change the behavior of
    Captivate. If I were able to do that, I'd be selling a competing
    product and not using Captivate.
    I'm sorry the behavior of the mouse in Captivate isn't what
    you desire. But it is what it is. We either adapt and find
    workarounds to make it appear to do what we want or we expend
    wasted energy being constantly frustrated.
    If you want to change both the start and the end positions,
    you may also do that. Perhaps this is what you were hoping for?
    To change both start and end positions, you duplicate the
    slide immediately prior to where you want to control the start
    position. Remember, you need to do this, because Captivate starts
    mouse movement on a slide where it stopped on the slide before.
    After duplicating the slide, delete all objects except the mouse on
    the duplicated slide. Re-position the mouse where you want it to
    start on the next slide. Then adjust the timing for both the slide
    and the mouse to be .1 seconds. During playback, the mouse should
    travel, then almost instantly reposition to the new start point.
    Maybe this helps?
    Hope so... Rick

  • Full motion swf's -- mystery

    I am still learning and playing by creating a series of
    software demo/tutorials.
    One of my projects produces 3 fullmotionX.swf files when
    published in addition to the regular swf file.
    How did this get enabled for one project and why are these
    files needed?
    I am making recording of softwarfe apps with voiceover. I
    wouldn't call that full motion.
    Is there any benefit to using this function for software

    Hi masterctrl01
    Absolutely love the handle, wicked dude(ette).
    The full motion files created are usually done as part of the
    recording process in certain circumstances. Usually, when you
    record and perform a drag n drop or scroll with the mouse, then
    Captivate will, by default, create the full motion file that then
    displays this "movement". The benefits of this are pretty obvious
    in a demonstration type of output as the user can now see the
    action taking place (e.g. We will now scroll down to the bottom of
    the page.)
    Anyway, hope all queries answered, but please shout back if
    there is still a concern.

  • Best way to switch to new laptop?

    Hi all. I have a 2 year old MacBook Pro that I'm experiencing a lot of lag with (iTunes stuttering, mouse delays, etc.). I've spent a fair amount of time troubleshooting and haven't come up with anything that has helped. I'm about due for a new laptop anyway and with the release of the new MacBooks I figure it's probably time to pull the trigger.
    I've spent a good deal of time configuring my system and setting up Quicksilver and everything. I'd prefer to not have to do that all over again. I have a Time Machine backup and would like to use that, if possible, to move everything over to the new machine.
    Given the issue with the lag, part of me thinks a clean operating system install would be best. However, unless I'm missing something, I think that would mean having to go in and install all my apps, re-config prefs, etc. I really want to avoid that.
    My thought was to try to just move everything over from the Time Machine backup and see if the new hardware fixes things. Then if not, either spend more time trying to fix the issue or do a clean reinstall and bite the bullet on reconfiguring everything.
    Does that sound like the best way to proceed?
    P.S. Is it as easy as it seems like it might be to move all data, apps, prefs from one machine to another using Time Machine or is it more complicated?

    The best way is to use Migration Assistant. When you start up your new machine you will be asked whether you want to migrate data from another machine. This involves connecting them by Firewire cable and starting the source machine in FireWire Target Disk Mode. (New updates may allow doing this via USB, but I don't know how this works).
    You should do this before setting up any user accounts on the new Mac, and should choose to import the user(s) from the old one. You can choose whether to bring applications over: if it's the same version of Leopard this would probably be OK, but many people feel it's better to reinstall. In any event it won't over-write the included Apple applications such as Safari.
    When you have done this you will find your Home Folder there intact, and registered programs will still be registered (unless the registration depends on the particular computer); all your data will be there, including bookmarks and contacts etc.

  • NIC/Audio dies after a few minutes

    PROBLEM:  Within an hour of use of the system with any NIC being used to connect to cable modem, the following happens:
    1.  NIC stops working (as evidenced by all downloads, chats, browsing ceasing to work)
    2.  sometimes the onboard sound may simply stop working prior to or after this
    3.  system stuttering (mouse moves normally/fluidly, but the apps respond very sluggishly while the task monitor shows low/no cpu utilization)
    4.  eventually lock up (but not freeze: mouse still often visibly movable) occurs requiring reboot
    KM2M-Combo-L (MS6738)
    XP-2400+ w/ Boxed fan
    1x512MB SpectekPC2100
    PSU 300W 3.3V/20A 5V/30A 3.3V+5V/180A 12V/15A
    Onboard Video
    Onboard Sound
    Onboard (or using PCI) NIC
    Seagate Barracuda 80GB 7200 Primary master
    LG CDRW 48/12/48 Secondary master
    Creative CDRW 8/4/32 Secondary slave
    Windows 2000SP4(but SP0 same problem)
    All the latest MSI drivers using LiveUpdate3 (including BIOS 1.3-latest version)
    Motorola Surfboard Cable Modem
    The problem happens faster if I do audio or video applications like playing winamp, watching a movie or playing a 3d game (with 10 minutes).
    The problem goes away if I disable the onboard NIC through Windows Device Manager.
    Surprisingly, the problem comes back when I add and use a PCI NIC for internet connectivity with the onboard NIC still disabled.
    However, the problem is absent if I use a USB connection to my cable modem.
    The problem was evident in the first hours of my first successful POST after assembly, during my first long download (of the SP4 files), i.e. while still at "SP0".
    I dont know what to do next:  should I exchange the motherboard or should I use a different operating system like WinXP.  This doesnt feel like hardware issue, but I need to figure out soon before I run out of time from returning the motherboard to the reseller.

    I just now had the sound die and system stutter followed by total freeze while installing I-Speeder, even though I am on the cable modem via USB.  However, I still have not had any problem with internet "stutter" since switching from (onboard or pci) NIC to USB for internet.
    WONKANOBY: Thanks for replying.  You seem to misunderstand...the problem happens with no PCI cards installed whatsoever, so how could this be IRQ?  Yet, I am intrigued by your suggestion that this could be an IRQ conflict.  However is this possible with nothing but a mouse and keyboard plugged in?  Should I try switching the optical mouse over to USB (currently its ps/2) and free up and IRQ?  I also just disabled the Com1/Com2/LPT2 ports since I am not using them. Thank you.
    BAS: Thanks for replying. I checked and the PSU says
       3.3V/20A 5V/30A 3.3V+5V/180A 12V/15A  
    which I see from your other excellent troubleshooting posts you believe is not enough on 3 of 4 power counts for a 2400+.  Especialy
    But, BAS, does my problem really fit the power-starvation profile?  The network problem went away when I went to USB connection which uses more power than onboard NIC I would think.
    Is there a way I can be sure before I go back to my reseller and demand they let me tradeup for a beefier case than what they sold me with the rest of the system?  
    For example, is it as simple as disconnecting every non-essential peripheral inside (2 CDROM/RW drives, floppy) and seeing if that makes the problem go away/lessen?   Or shall I go the other way and hook up an extra case fan, etc. and see if the problem worsens with more load?

  • P55-GD45 voltages

    I got a new computer using the GD45 MB and an i7-860 processor. I am running CPUID hardware monitor and SpeedFan and both report strange voltages for the motherboard: 9.7V for the 12V rail, 5.6V for the 5V rail, 0.95V for the 1.5V and 0.76V for VRAM (memory is supposed to be at 1.5V). Is this normal? Am I having problems with the power supply? I am not overclocking, everything is at default. I am also a bit worried that the system is intermittently stuttering (mouse/sound/video lag of a couple of seconds every couple of minutes).
    In summary, are these voltage readings sign of a problem?
    Thanks, Florin

    One of the features of this board (boldly presented on the official web page) is the presence of many voltage sensors to monitor the board.
    You have misread the logo for that feature:
    It does not mention any sensors.  What is indicated on the product site are voltage measuring points to which you can hook up a voltmeter/multimeter.
    They should be marked on the board.  On the following picture you can see the measuring points for CPU VTT and CPU voltage:
    [picture attached to the post]
    The Check points for DDR & PCH Voltage should be marked on the board as well.

  • StartupItems?

    Hi Again
    My long time mac using BIW (brother in law) came by and started using my newer iMac for some photo stuff with Aperture. He noticed what I have mentioned as mouse skipping/stuttering ("mouse skips because the screen hasn't refreshed to show new mouse location"-BIW) during some editing tasks. He also noticed it seemed to occur after he exited the program. He noticed my midi keyboard was on and in his limited trouble shooting activity (he had to leave shortly after this), found that M-Audio put a script in startupitems. He rebooted with the keyboard powered off, but noticed the "skipping" would occur once in a while after loading and exiting Aperture. Rather than blame Aperture, he thought the StartupItem from M-Audio could be playing foul with the Graphics driver. He also mentioned the Razer mouse driver could be the culprit, but thought that suspicious since the driver was just released for Leopard.
    Anyone have any suggestions? He mentioned that there may be a way to move the item from StartupItems, but wasn't sure if this was a drag and drop thing, since he remembered it being a Terminal operation and I am not versed enough in UNIX to really peform this alone. His feeling was that a startupitem is just not really a great thing to have running in Leopard.

    You can definitely temporarily move items from the "StartupItems" folder to test them out and see if they're causing you problems. You can do it by dragging the items to a new location and rebooting. If that doesnt fix the problem then you can move the items back. A startup item just runs at boot. There's nothing wrong with this, unless the specific item is causing problems. Having startup items in general is not a bad thing to have running in Leopard; its just another way to accomplish certain tasks.

Maybe you are looking for