Throw an error?

This seems silly that I'm unsure about this...but, what the right way for me to throw an error in my SubVI?  Is there a built-in VI I can use to modifity the error cluster to add my error?  Would it be prudent to not throw my error if a previous error already exists?  Hrmm...  do I just make up my own code and source?

You can use the cluster tools to modify the incoming error cluster.  You set the status to true, set an error number (NI has a series of numbers they recommend you use), and the name of the VI (or further description).  You can create error descriptions within the LabVIEW interface so when the error pop-up occurs, it gives your reason for the error.  I have tended to shy away from this approach, as the file sits in your LabVIEW directory, and not with your code.
I have NEVER run into a circumstance where it is advisable to replace an existing error in the error cluster.  Think of it this way:  Is the error in your VI the result of the incoming error?  Your code indicates an error in your VI even though the source of the error may not have anything to do with your VI.  The error cluster, in my opinion, should always indicate the first error that occurred.
In most cases, your code should probably not even run if an error occurs.  This can be solved by putting a case structure around your entires subVI's code and wiring the error cluster into the case selector.  If no error occurs, your code runs.  If an error occurs, you do nothing but pass the incoming error to your outoing error.  There are some cases where you do want the VI to run regardless of error state (closing a reference, for example).  In this case you should use the Merge with the incoming error being wired to error #1, and your subVI's error into error #2.  This way, if an incoming error occurs, your VI still executes and does what it is supposed to do, but the Merge Error returns the incoming error first (even if your code generates an error).  If there is no incoming error, then your code runs and if it generates an error, the Merge Error will pass out your error.

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    feckinHell wrote:
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    ABEND: Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method : UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION
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    There are a couple of threads on the same issue.
    Refer to these, just might be handy.
    Re: Uncaught_exception in Report Designer
    Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method  : UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION in Report
    Good Luck!
    Sandeep Tudumu

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    to get the element for the message.
        MESSAGE_TEXT              = 'my message'
        ELEMENT                   = elem_alv
    *    ATTRIBUTES                =
    *    PARAMS                    =
    *    MSG_USER_DATA             =
    *    IS_PERMANENT              = ABAP_FALSE
    *    MSG_INDEX                 =
    *    CANCEL_NAVIGATION         =
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    Hi Andreas,
    I have tried to replicate your problem and I am getting the desired output. I have a row by name TEMP_NEW in my ALV and I want to throw an error message whenever the user enters a value of 4 for that particular field. Please find my coding as below. The important thing is where we perform the actual comparison between the r_value and 4. r_value is defined in SALV_WD_S_TABLE_MOD_CELL as reference to type DATA. So suppose the user enters a value of say 3 in the TEMP_NEW field of the ALV then r_value would contain 3 but if you observe its type in debugging mode it would be as TYPE REF TO I and not TYPE I. So you cannot directly say something like:
    "if ls_modified_cells-r_value = 3" as this would lead to a syntax error. Define a field-symbol say <temp> and then use it to get the actual value into it by saying like:
    ASSIGN ls_modified_cells-r_value->* TO <temp>.
    Then you can use this <temp> for comparison in your IF statement like:
    IF  <temp> = 3.
    Find the entire coding as below:
    METHOD check_data.
      DATA: lr_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
            lr_element TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
            ls_modified_cells TYPE salv_wd_s_table_mod_cell.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS <temp> TYPE data.
    " get message manager
      DATA lo_api_controller     TYPE REF TO if_wd_controller.
      DATA lo_message_manager    TYPE REF TO if_wd_message_manager.
      lo_api_controller ?= wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
      CALL METHOD lo_api_controller->get_message_manager
          message_manager = lo_message_manager.
      lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node( name = 'NODE' ).
      LOOP AT r_param->t_modified_cells INTO ls_modified_cells.
        lr_element = lr_node->get_element( index = ls_modified_cells-index ).
        IF ls_modified_cells-attribute = 'TEMP_NEW'.
    " Get the value extracted into the field symbol from the reference variable
          ASSIGN ls_modified_cells-r_value->* TO <temp>.
    " Use the value present in this field-symbol for your comparison
          IF  <temp> = 4.
    " report message
            CALL METHOD lo_message_manager->report_attribute_error_message
                message_text   = 'Sample message text'
                element        = lr_element
                attribute_name = ls_modified_cells-attribute.
    Hope this helps resolve your problem.

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    <cffunction name="onSessionEnd" returnType="void">
    <cfargument name="theSession" type="struct"
    <cfset var duration =
    <cflog file="" text="Session lasted for
    #duration# seconds.">
    and this is the error:
    Invalid CFML construct found on line 85 at column 1.
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    < marks the beginning of a ColdFusion tag.Did you mean LT
    or LTE?
    The error occurred in C:\Websites\4npp8b\Application.cfc:
    line 85
    83 : </cfcomponent>
    84 :
    85 : <cffunction name="onSessionEnd" returnType="void">
    86 : <cfargument name="theSession" type="struct"
    87 : <cfset var duration =
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  • Validation error for non-null throws false error condition

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    I can create two buttons and it works:
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    2 button to perform DML. (works if after button 1 I set focus on any form field with my mouse.)
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks for your interest in helping.
    I am trying not to create a situation w/bugs and such. I think I can devise a work around but I would like a more "correct" solution. ;-)
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    Does that help explain better.
    Thanks again - hope you or someone can help - best regards.

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    Any suggestions will be rewarded.

              Kindly contact your Basis team it will help you.
             After error please take the screen short of SU53 and give to basis team.
    May be it will help you.

  • SUM throws an error at 5.5 Preprocessing MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG

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    Below are content of ACTUPG.ELG file
    1EEDO519X"DDL Source" "M_V_M2S_PD_ITM" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "M_V_M2S_PD_I_C" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "M_V_POH_AGGR" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "M_V_POH_VAL" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "M_V_POH_VAL0" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SADL_V_CDS_ASSOCIATION_COND" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_BUSINESSPARTNER" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_BUSINESSPARTNER_JOIN" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_COMPANY" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_CONTACT" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_DEPTS" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_EMPLOYEES" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_GOODS_ISSUE_HEADER" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_GOODS_ISSUE_ITEM" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_GOODS_RECEIPT_HEADER" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_GOODS_RECEIPT_ITEM" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_LEAVE_REQUEST_HEADER" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_LEAVE_REQUEST_ITEM" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_PO_INVOICE_HEADER" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_PO_INVOICE_ITEM" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_PRODUCT" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_PURCHASEORDER_HEADER" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_PURCHASEORDER_ITEM" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_SALESORDER_HD_JOIN" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_SALESORDER_HEAD" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_SALESORDER_ITEM" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_SALESORDER_JOI" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_SALESORDER_JOIN" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_SO_INVOICE_HEADER" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_SO_INVOICE_ITEM" could not be activated
    1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SEPM_SDDL_TEXT_ORIGINAL_LANGU" could not be activated
    1 ETP111 exit code : "8"
    I read in thread MAIN_SHRUN/ACT_UPG error
    Followed the suggestion but still the same error occured.
    Checked also,
    no luck.
    1st run:-
    SUM Version
    Kernel 7.42 Patch 28
    OS AIX 7.1
    DB DB2V10.5
    ECC6 EHP7 SPS2 Update to SPS5 [current task using SUM]
    (Same error; restore DB and start from scratch again)
    2nd run:-
    SUM Version
    Kernel 7.41 Patch 114
    OS AIX 7.1
    DB DB2V10.5
    ECC6 EHP7 SPS2 Update to SPS5 [current task using SUM]
    (Still same error)
    Message already created to SAP Support, pending their reply.
    Have anyone facing the same issue like me and got the fixes?

    Hello Azra,
    just download the latest tp from service market place and place into sum directory exe folder & continue...

  • Set Adobe Acrobat XI Pro. When I want to save the file in WORD, EXCEL or esporta file into ... immediately throws an error "save as failed to process this document no file was created". What's the problem?

    Set Adobe Acrobat XI Pro. When I want to save the file in WORD, EXCEL or esporta file into ... immediately throws an error "save as failed to process this document no file was created".
    What's the problem?
    Any help in finding a solution is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,

    Installed AcrobatXI PRO 11.0.09  on seven computers and laptops. Two of them gives an error when you try to save a document in WORD, EXCEL, Power Point, or when exporting to... error: Save failed to process this document. No File was created.
    But all good saves in the format of TXT and jpg.
    I have uninstalled and restored and re-installed and updated and registry cleaned and removed using the special utility Cleaner Tool for Acrobat, but nothing helps.
    On one notebook with Windows 8.1 and Microsoft office 2013, on another laptop with Windows 7 and Microsoft office 2010, the same problem, although there are computers with Windows 7 and Microsoft office 2010 and everything works.
    Tell me where to find the problem and how to solve it.
    Thank you.

  • Good day!     On the ultrabook Asus (System Settings: WIN 8.1 64-bit, Core I5-3317U CPU @ 1.70 Ghz, Memory 4 Gb), set Adobe Acrobat XI Pro 11.0.09 When you convert to any format via SaveAs in WORD, EXCEL, or via the Export file in ... throws the error "Un

    Good day!
    On the ultrabook Asus (System Settings: WIN 8.1 64-bit, Core I5-3317U CPU @ 1.70 Ghz, Memory 4 Gb), set Adobe Acrobat XI Pro 11.0.09
    When you convert to any format via SaveAs in WORD, EXCEL, or via the Export file in ... throws the error "Unable to process the document in the module Save As. File not created"

    Was it working fine for you before?
    Is it with some specific documents?
    Are you able to convert the word/excel files to pdf?

  • Good day!   On the ultrabook Asus (System Settings: WIN 8.1 64-bit, Core I5-3317U CPU @ 1.70 Ghz, Memory 4 Gb), set Adobe Acrobat XI Pro 11.0.09  When you convert to any format via SaveAs in WORD, EXCEL, or via the Export file in ... throws the error "Una

    Good day!
    On the ultrabook Asus (System Settings: WIN 8.1 64-bit, Core I5-3317U CPU @ 1.70 Ghz, Memory 4 Gb), set Adobe Acrobat XI Pro 11.0.09
    When you convert to any format via SaveAs in WORD, EXCEL, or via the Export file in ... throws the error "Unable to process the document in the module Save As. File not created"

    This happens with any file .
    Send a file with the screen errors and system data . Also send a couple of files PDF.
    Translates only txt format.
    Acrobat установлен: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe
      Дата создания: 2014/09/12
        Время создания: 13:43:46
    Браузер по умолчанию:
    Версия BIOS: _ASUS_ - 1072009
    Версия ОС: 6.2.9200 
    Всего виртуальной памяти: 4194176 KB
    Всего физической памяти: 4077252 KB
    Графическая плата: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
        Отметить: Не поддерживается
    Доступная виртуальная память: 3638168 KB
    Доступная физическая память: 1689940 KB
    Имя пользователя: Vazgen
    Имя системы: VAZGENTAICHI
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    Папка Windows: C:\WINDOWS
    Папка для временных файлов: C:\Users\Vazgen\AppData\Local\Temp\
    Почтовая программа по умолчанию: Microsoft Outlook
        Версия: 1.0.2536.0 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)
    Производитель ОС: Microsoft Corporation
    Процессор: Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel  ~1696  Mhz
    Сведения о Windows:
       Планшетный ПК: Да
       Начальная версия: Нет
       Media Center Edition: Нет
       Медленный компьютер: Нет
    Сведения о сеансе:
       Тип загрузки: Обычный
       Завершение работы: Нет
       Сеть: Доступно
       Внутри Citrix: Нет
       Внутри VMWare: Нет
       Удаленный сеанс: Нет
       Удаленное управление: Нет
       Использование JAWS: Нет
       Использование Windows-Eyes: Нет
       Использование NVDA: Нет
    Сведения об Acrobat:
       Изолирование программной среды: Отключить
       Связанная программа для чтения: Нет
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    Сведения об отображении:
       Ширина экрана: 1920
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       Мышь с колесом прокрутки: Нет
       С маркером Windows: Нет
       Двухбайтовая кодировка: Нет
       С редактором метода ввода: Да
       В программе для чтения с экрана: Нет
    Сведения об учетной записи:
       Права пользователя: Администратор
       Управление учетной записью пользователя: Ограниченное
       Целостность процесса: Не определено
       Тип профиля: Отсутствует
    Установленные приложения:
       Версия Office: Office 2013 32-bit
    Файл подкачки: 4194303 KB
    Часовой пояс: Московское время (зима)
    Язык: Русский (Россия)
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Accessibility.api
      Дата создания: 2014/09/12
        Время создания: 13:44:20
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Annots.api
      Дата создания: 2014/09/12
        Время создания: 13:44:22
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\IA32.api
      Дата создания: 2014/09/12
        Время создания: 13:44:18
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\PaperCapture.api
      Дата создания: 2014/09/12
        Время создания: 13:43:36
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\SaveAsRTF.api
      Дата создания: 2014/09/12
        Время создания: 13:44:20
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\SendMail.api
      Дата создания: 2014/09/12
        Время создания: 13:44:20
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Updater.api
      Дата создания: 2014/09/12
        Время создания: 13:44:22

  • Google searches throw Javascript error "Debug Error: Exception...."

    I went away for a week. Everything fine. Since I got back (May 6 2010) when I click on any Google search result a pop-up box appears (sometimes when the search results page first appears before clicking anything) with this message:
    "Debug Error:Exception... "Node was not found" code: "8" nsresult: "0x80530008 (NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_FOUND_ERR)" location: "chrome://ffamazonhot/content/lib/Extension.debug.js Line: 366""
    Continual clicking (100+ clicks!) of the OK button eventually clears the dialogue but any subsequent search starts the whole process again. I also not that the style of the Google results p[age has changed.
    I have to use a different browser for Google searches. IE7-OK Opera 9.64 - OK Chrome - OK (naturally)
    I have cleared Cache, History, Cookies etc. I have tried reinstalling FF. I have disabled JavaScript in he browser. All no good.
    I notice in the forums that others are having this problem in the same time range - i.e it has just started happening. I have tired contacting Google with the usual lack of success!
    Help Please!
    == URL of affected sites ==

    Additional information about my previous post " Google searches throw Javascript error "Debug Error: Exception...."
    I have disabled the Amazon Add-on since the name Amazon appears in the debug message No change.
    I attach a screen shot of the offending dialogue box
    Hope someone can help.

  • Link to pdf opens in Firefox 17.0 but not in IE9, which throws an error

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    I get the same error in my IE9, diiferent machine, but no problem in Firefox 17.  My Adobe is v 7.0 professional.
    And, in testing just now, can't open a recent PDF saved onto my PC through Firefox.
    Error received: "There is a problem with Adobe Acrobat/Reader. If it is open close ity and try again (0:104)"
    But then I try to open the same document in another tab in the same IE9 session, no problem, opens right up.

    I have no problem opening this PDF ( oc.pdf) inside IE9 with Adobe Reader 11.

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    Any CFPDF "Merged" documents are throwing 131 Errors when opened in Acrobat
    Tried re-saving the documents on local machine and still same problem. Tried opening in multiple versions of Acrobat, same problem.
    Individual documents created are opening without issue. It is Only when these documents are merged that this error occurs.
    We do not experience this behavior in our CF 10 environment.
    We are a Big, Slow moving enterprise here so not much chance of getting our CF 10 environments promoted to meaningful production use soon.
    Found virtually nothing in HelpX and nothing online of any value regarding this issue.
    Has anyone else experienced the issue noted in the title of this discussion?
    Has anyone a work around or solution?

    I am getting the same error even in Acrobat version 8.1.3.
    Additionally, I noticed that if we click on menu ‘Advanced->Sign&Certify->Preview Document’, then we get a notification as “This document is not PDF/SigQ compliant and may display inconsistently”. On clicking  ‘View report’ on that notification, the below dialog pops up. It has errors listed as:-
    Code 4000 : Unrecognized PDF content. The document contains PDF content or custom content not supported by the current version of Acrobat.
    Code 4002: PDF content contains erros.
    However, if we sign the PDF using default adobe signature functionality and reopen that PDF, the error does NOT come and the notification also says ‘This document is PDF/SigQ compliant’.
    Can anybody please suggest what could be missing in the custom sign that we apply? Is it because of any of the missing fonts or any other resources?
    Awaiting reply!

  • Endeca : multi invoice pay throwing correct error for internal user but it is failing to throw the same error for external user

    1) Internal User expected exception:
    Exception: Payments,apply credits,disputes and print are not supported when multiple customer/currency transactions are selected
    2) External User is throwing below error instead of throwing above exception.
      You are trying to access a page that is no longer active.
      The referring page may have come from a previous session. Please select Home
       to proceed.
    found this MACCHECK from fnd logs of external user payment.
    MACCHECK: . Parameter failing validation is :mode. The parameter mode with value MultiPay could not be recognized as part of Server's response on the previous request.  Incoming URL is : /OA_HTML/OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/ar/irec/endeca/webui/EndecaDummyPG . Current URL is : /OA_HTML/OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/ar/irec/endeca/webui/OIREndecaCustHomePG&akRegionApplicationId=222&_ti=1125493452&oapc=10&retainAM=Y&addBreadCrumb=N&oas=6-LL4ndIUFLX-2zjQAQD6A.. . Referer URL is : https://<hostname>:4443/endeca/web/ar/customer?doAsUserLanguageId=en_US&languageId=en_US . HTTP Request Method is : POST
    can someone please help.

    Well, I compared my classpath between my windows batch file and the
    makefile (that comes with the samples installation) on Solaris and realized
    that I am using different sets of jars.
    So, I removed the extra jars from the makefile to narrow down the
    problem. If I remove the /opt/SUNWam/lib/servlet.jar from the makefile,
    I can reproduce this problem on the Solaris box as well.
    When I include this servlet.jar on my windows machine the program works!
    Only jars I have in my classpath are amclientsdk.jar and servlet.jar which
    I have copied from my installation (/opt/SUNWam/lib) on the Solaris box.
    Just the same way, by copying the am_services.jar, saaj-api.jar, and jaxm-api.jar,
    from the Solarix box to the windows machine,
    I am also able to pull the assertions from the Access Manager.
    I installed Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 on a Solaris 10 machine.
    During the installation, I configured to install the Access Manager
    in Sun Application Server.
    Why do I need to have different set of jars on the windows machine
    for the Access Manager client SDK ?
    Could you please point me to a download link where I could download
    the correct Windows Access Manager Client SDK for
    Sun Java System Access Manager 6.0 (Sun JES 2005Q1)?

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