Transfer Boot Camp partition

I am sitting here with my new MacBook Pro 17" and realise I need help. I had a Boot Camp partition with Windows XP on my old MacBook Pro and I wonder if anybody know if I in any easy way can transfer that partition to my new computer? Would save alot of time not to have to reinstall everyting.
Best regards
Ps. My sincere condolenses to Mr Jobs family and all of you at Apple. Ds.

There are no device drivers for new 2011 Macs for anything prior to 7.
If you want XP, consider a VM.
If you want to try, realize that your motherboard is newer and needs new chipset support, and Boot Camp 3.2 is the latest but doesn't support your mac, with TB, SATA3.
You think you are the first to ask this? you are not by a long shot.

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    My iMac has a working Windows 7 running on Boot Camp partition. I want to move it -- system and all, every last bit -- to my MacBook Pro. I installed Win 7 on the MacBook Pro and Windows said it would not authorize the system cause I installed it too many times. I'll have to move my copy of Mac Office 2010 also.
    1) Is this possible?
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    Any suggestions, other than buying a new license?

    You can use an imaging program like Ghost or Truimage.  Windows will prompt for reactivation if it detects "too many changed devices."  A different CPU and network card or motherboard chipset will usually be enough.  Basically different motherboard means reactivation so more than likely both Windows and MSOffice will need reactivation since your MBP is a different motherboard than the iMac.
    However, back to the activation thing.  I'm assuming you're just trying the automated internet activation.  If you've not been abusive and this is a legitimate reinstall, (i.e.: this is just the 2nd time reinstalling in the past year or two,) then just call Microsoft using the phone number you see when the reactivation fails.  If they ask, tell them you bought a new computer or had to replace a hard drive.  They will then give you the reactivation key to type in.  I've done this with reinstalling various versions of Windows and MSOffice and calling Microsoft has always worked, of course taking a little longer to deal with the person on the phone versus clicking the mouse.  Again, this assumes this is a legitimate "move" and you've not been reactivating every couple of weeks, which would look suspicious.  I've never called in a "suspicious" instance so I don't know how Microsoft will deal with that.  But otherwise it's relatively painless.

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    I would like to read and write in both directions from drive to drive if possible.  I've hunted around quite a bit to try and work this out, and so far I understand that one can write to or transfer files from one drive to the other with Paragon NTFS among other softwares. 
    I noticed when I looked in my system preferences the utility "Paragon NTFS for Mac OS X" came with Mountain Lion and it will recognize an external hard drive when I have one plugged in under "Available NTFS partitions:".  However, it does not automatically recognize my NTFS boot camp partition nor does it automatically give me write access. 
    Is the Paragon NTFS that comes with Mountain Lion limited in some way? 
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    MacFUSE is also listed in the System Preferences of my machine (it also came with Mountain Lion), if that helps.  I'm still working out exactly what each of these is supposed to do and how I can use it to accomplish the task at hand.
    My boot camp drive does appear normally in other contexts and in disk utility it indicates that the drive is mounted.
    Thank you for any guidance you can give me. 

    Interesting. Comes with? you didn't have either before? Paragon is commercial and is now v. 10.0, they were the only one keeping updated and was supporting 10.7.4. I would not enable more than one.
    For writing to HFS Paragon has theirs but probably give the nod to MacDrive there.
    I never do an upgrade to a new OS over the old system, I backup (clone) and format the drive with the new OS and do the install so whatever is there I know is clean and also to keep from carrying around leftovers from years and systems past.
    I would assme Paragon is limited. Try their site and knowledge base?
    Paragon HFS
    Paragon NTFS

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    My Windows 7 desktop died recently, so I took the opportunity to buy a Mac Mini (latest version as of Feb 2012) as a replacement.  I want to transfer  the Windows 7 installation (from the dead PC) including all applications, accounts, settings, user files, etc to the Boot Camp Partition.   Can someone please provide the steps on how to perform the Win 7 migration to the Mac Mini. 

    Just to clarify:
    I want to install the Windows 7 installation from dead the PC into the Mac Mini's Boot Camp partition.
    I installed the PC's hard drive into an enclosure and connected it to the Mac Mini via the USB port.
    What I want to do is the following:
    1) Do a Windows 7 "fresh" install in the Mac Mini Boot Camp partition.
    2) Migrate all the applications installed on the  Windows 7 PC and their associated data.
    3) Migrate all user accounts and data.
    Is there a tool that can transfer all applications and user accounts from the Windows 7 Hard Drive to the Boot Camp partition on the Mini?
    Based on the documentation the Window Migration tool is Lion OS utility and does not perform a complete migration of all applications installed on the Windows machine.
    thank you.

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    and how do I do it? 
    right now im backing everything up on my MBP using super duper
    both the MBP and the iMac are running on Lion

    I am assuming the Boot Camp partition is on the old MBP and that the SuperDuper clone is on an external drive and is bootable. The Super Duper clone does not include the Boot Camp Partition.
    To get the Mac Data moved you can use Migration Assistant and if you want to transfer the Boot Camp partition you would need Winclone to move/copy it to a newly created Boot Camp partition on the iMac. The SD Clone ( and a Winclone backup) is your insurance policy if some kind of difficulty arises.
    Links to more detailed info. ne

  • Does Winclone still work to restore a Boot Camp partition?

    I have a 50GB Boot Camp partition, NTFS file system, with Windows XP. My computer is a Mac Pro running OS X 10.6.5. I have been using Winclone to clone the Boot Camp partition as a backup. I know that Winclone is no longer supported, and have heard that Winclone may not work properly with Snow Leopard.
    I have no problem creating an image of the Boot Camp partition using Winclone. I have not yet had to do a restore to a new partition, but assume that some day I may need to do so.
    My question is: Has anyone running Snow Leopard successfully used Winclone to restore a Boot Camp partition?
    A secondary question: Is there any other utility, running on the Mac side, that will clone/restore a Boot Camp partition?

    coruscate wrote:
     I have the Winclone backup, but I am unclear how to restore it.
    Using Winclone, I can select the Image to restore.
    When I click on Mount, Winclone puts a disk image of the partition on the desktop.
    When I select the desired partition in Destination and click Restore, it tells me "No Windows Partition Found."
    Has anyone done this? Can you give me any advice about how to complete the restore?
    Good luck to you. I am trying to transfer/migrate my Bootcamp partition (XP pro, FAT32) to a larger HD. I tried Winclone, and like you could create an image, but am unable to restore it on the new drive. I get the same error that you do. I tried creating a Bootcamp partition, rather than having Winclone do it, but would get this error in the log:
    Source image volume size is not an exact multiple of 1 MiB
    This happened whether I used Bootcamp Assistant or Disk Utility to create the partition, and it didn't matter whether I used a larger partition size or attempted to match the existing one. Apparently Winclone measures the block-sizes differently than Finder, Terminal, or any other measurement that I have used reports.
    I've read about suggestions to turn my old FAT-32 Bootcamp Parition into an NFTS one, but I'm loathe to do that since I have on idea if that will work.

  • Transfer boot camp, parallels, windows to internal drive

    My 2011 MBP crashed for the 4th time (bad graphics chips), so I was given a new MBP.  They nicely kept the old machine and transferred the HD info over to the new one.
    However, they did not transfer any of the boot camp/windows/parallels stuff.  I had a $5500 CAD program in there. and lots of files.
    Fortunately, I have been doing bootable backups using SuperDuper, so I have an external HD with all the stuff on it.  The backup is several weeks old, however, and I don't want to erase the new stuff.
    My question is how can I transfer the boot camp partition intact from the external drive to the internal drive?

    Cosman wrote:
    My 2011 MBP crashed for the 4th time (bad graphics chips), so I was given a new MBP.  They nicely kept the old machine and transferred the HD info over to the new one.
    However, they did not transfer any of the boot camp/windows/parallels stuff.  I had a $5500 CAD program in there. and lots of files.
    Fortunately, I have been doing bootable backups using SuperDuper, so I have an external HD with all the stuff on it.  The backup is several weeks old, however, and I don't want to erase the new stuff.
    My question is how can I transfer the boot camp partition intact from the external drive to the internal drive?
    It seems to me probable that on your original HD you must have had a Bootcamp Partition, and that you had Parallels installed and set up to use the Bootcamp partition. Apple did not move your Bootcamp to your new HD so it does not have a Bootcamp partition at all, so when you launch Parallels it can't find an operating system. Unfortunately, as CSound1 says, SuperDuper does not backup Bootcamp partitions so your external HD will not have a backup of your Bootcamp on it. Bootcamp partitions need a completely separate method (Winclone is the best) to back up or transfer to a new HD.
    Unless you backed up the Bootcamp Partition some other way, I am afraid you have probably lost everything Windows.
    The only remote possibility is that you did actually have a separate Parallels installation which was not using the Bootcamp partition. If this is the case the Parallels Virtual Machine will be on your new hard drive and will be a substantial size compared to one which is simply pointing to a Bootcamp Partition. Parallels VMs are usually installed in username/Documents/Parallels/ but could be somewhere else in your user directory.
    If you recover from this situation have a look at Winclone as the best way to backup your Bootcamp Windows partition. Personally I gave up on Bootcamp a few years ago because of the problems of backing up restoring Bootcamp partitions, but that was before Winclone was as good as it is now. A pure Parallels set up is much easier to manage and is fully backed up by Superduper. Parallels is much faster than most Bootcamp devotees realise, and plenty adequate for all except extreme gaming (IMHO).
    Another thing to think about in the future is to establish a discipline of testing your backups from time to time.

  • Will migration assistant migrate a boot camp partition?

    I am considering replacing my wife's IMac core2duo with a new IMac.  Will the current Migration Assistant transfer the full operable boot camp partition to the hard drive of the new computer?  If not, what is the easiest way to do this?  I do use Carbon Copy Cloner as a back up, in addition to Time Machine.  Thank  you.

    No it don't migrate the BootCamp partition! You can save the partition with WinClone to save and restore the windows partition.

  • OS X Partition split and duplicated when creating Boot Camp partition

    I have installed a larger internal HD 3TB into my iMac Late 2009 21.5 inch. All went well until I used Boot Camp to set up a Windows partition. My intention to have an OS X partition of 2.8TB and a Boot Camp partition of 200 GB. I am running the latest version of Yosemite.
    Once the Boot Camp partition completed, and Windows 7 installed successfully, I have rebooted in OS X to find that the HD is now showing as a Partition of 200GB for Boot Camp, a partition of 2TB for Macintosh HD (with all my applications and data etc), and a second Macintosh HD partition of 800GB, also containing all my applications and data etc which appears to have been duplicated. Prior to completing the Boot Camp process, the internal HD was showing correctly as a single partition of 3TB.
    I have completed this process twice, with the same result. After the first occasion, I reformatted the new internal HD and started completely from blank again (as I was unable to erase or change the duplicated partition in Disk Utility).
    I used Migration Assistant to transfer my files, data etc from the old Internal HD which is now an external HD.
    Any thoughts on what I am doing incorrectly?

    This is expected behavior. On your Mac, the 3TB disk is partitioned to allow Windows to function properly in BIOS mode. BIOS mode (and CSM-BIOS, to be precise) has a limitation of a 2TB disk. on a larger disk (including 3TB Fusion drives), the disk is partitioned in such a manner that the Windows adheres to the 2TB limit.
    You can can see the exact partitioning, if you are so inclined, using the following Terminal commands.
    diskutil list
    diskutil cs list
    sudo gpt -vv -r show /dev/disk0
    sudo fdisk /dev/disk0
    The "sudo" commands will prompt for your password, and it will not be echoed back. You may also see a warning about improper use of "sudo" and potential data loss due to "abuse" of the command.

  • How can I get Lion to recognize my boot camp partition.

    Yesterday morning I found my mac suffered from a b-tree failure and was unable to access OS X 10.6. I ended up booting into my Boot camp partition of Windows XP and backed it up then reinstalled Snow leopard. Then I upgraded to Lion, saw it fail due to a partitioning issue, created a 2gb partition called Mac HD 2 (by shrinking mac hd), saw i could install but not full install. So I created another partition and installed Lion successfully. Got into Lion and shrunk my 2x 2GB partitions into one 4GB partition. My Windows XP hard drive boot camp partition was still on my desktop. I can access all the files but I can not boot into it. When I hold down the option key there is only Mac HD or Recovery partition.
    Is there any way to get the boot camp partition to work?
    I did notice that when I was looking through the settings I could choose which HD was the default boot option. Mac hd with 10.7 and a folder called Windows XP were both available.

    We also cannot get Robohelp to recognize our FrameMaker installation. 
    We are using Robohelp 9  and Framemaker 11.
    We are in the process of moving all of our Robohelp content to Framemaker, but our project team still needs CHM files for the next release or so.  So we figured we could move our content to Frame 11, then import the Frame content into Robohelp when we needed to generate the CHM files.
    The process works great when we use RH 10 and Frame 11, but we get the following error when we use RH 9:
    "This operation cannot be completed without FrameMaker.  Install FrameMaker and try again."
    I have uninstalled and reinstalled Frame 11 and RH 9, but am still getting the same error.  Buying a set of new Robohelp 10 licenses probably isn't an option.
    Any other suggestions?

  • Boot Camp partition not showing in startup disk or when holding alt key

    I've read countless discussions about similar questions to this one, however, I still haven't been able to find any solution.
    I have an old 2006 MacBook that has just been fully updated and reformatted. I'm running OSX 10.7.5 and Boot Camp 4.
    I went through the Boot Camp installation from an Windows ISO image in my usb drive, where it succesfully downloaded all files needed, and prompted me to make the partition, after which it restarted and was supposed to take me to the installation manager in the Windows partition. I first got the "No bootable driver" error, to which I read I was supposed to restart the computer, hold the alt key, and choose the boot camp partition. However, it does not show up. I only get Mac and Recover drivers.
    I went into the Mac's startup disk, and only the Mac driver is showing, no Boot Camp driver, however, when I go into Disk Utilities, I can see that the BootCamp driver there.
    I read somewhere that I should zap pram and reset SMC, which I did with their instructions. It didn't change anything, I still only get the Mac driver and Recovery when hitting the alt key.
    Does it have something to do with my MacBook being older? That's the only reason I can think that would not allow me to do this.
    Let me know what other info I can give you so that you can please help me!! Thanks in advance!

    In last resort I solved my missing BOOTCAMP partition problem using a program called: iPartition from coriolis systems located in the United Kingdom it took me a coupleof days to figure out the credit card system they have Hint: use your 9 digit zip code to find your credit card address and call your bank if you have an overseas hold on the card!!!! The program found my missing BOOTCAMP partition and restored it. It did take a couple of e-mails to learn to use their program. Let me know how you turn out!

  • How do I make a clone of the Boot camp partition?

    My MacBook Air (10.6.8) is having problems and I need to send it away for repairs. Before I do that I want to make a clone of everything and put it on my new MacBook Pro (10.7.2)
    I am making a clone of the Mac partition using Carbon Copy Cloner. That has worked well as a backup for me.
    The only problem is I need to make a clone of the Boot camp partition (Windows partition) and I don't know how.
    I want to make an exact clone so it has all the operating system, files and everything.
    The other question is when should I make a Bootcamp partition?
    Should I migrate the clone to the new mac using Migration Assistant, and then make a boot camp partition? And then what are the exact steps putting the clone onto the boot camp partition?
    Thanks for any help.

    Here are some previous coments made on this forun regarding backup of a Boot Camp  partition. I use Paragon HDMSuite 2011.
    Casper 6 does seem to work;
    WinClone was handy for XP users but doesn't for instance check for errors during the backup only during restore.  Winclone was discontinued at 2.2, all 2.3 versions are hacks (removal of the OS check seems to be the main thing) There has been no deveoplment or support for a while now.
    Acronis 2011 w/ plus pak, didn't work well previously
    Ghost 15 - probably not
    Casper 6 works for Windows on Boot Camp only
    CopyCatX is more lengthy and sector copy so takes the longest.
    Paragon Hard Drive Suite 2011 because it works great
    and they have CampTune
    Windows 7 system backup and restore - Apple's goofy HFS read-only interferes with system and file backup.
    I have also used Casper, Clonezilla and Paragon but less regularly, Casper failed a few times, I stopped using it, Clonezilla worked but took forever (for me) Paragon (which I have only used twice) was the best but my sample is limited.
    I have restored from DU, CCC, SuperDuper and TM, they all worked, TM was slower but not a lot, you can boot from the others, which I prefer.
    HDM 2011 can do either offline or online backups, the difference is that with an offline backup, the entire partition (or disk) is unallocated. In an online backup, the backup utility is running against a partition that may be making changes to itself. When you run CCC or SD! in OS X, you're running an online backup. However, I would recommend (at least for the first backup) that you boot from the HDM recovery CD to do an offline backup. This will ensure that you have an *exact* copy of the parition/disk.
    Since this is you first time backing up your partition, I would suggest using one of the Backup Wizards. They'll guide you through the backup process and keep you from doing something wrong  Similarly, use the Restore Wizard to restore your partition/drive.
    HDMS 2011-  back up a dual-boot Mac to an external USB drive, do:
    1) Boot from the Recovery Disk (I'm assuming that the backup hard drive is attached before you reboot)
    2) Select Paragon Hard Disk Manager
    3) Launch the Backup Wizard by selecting Wizards > Backup Wizard
    4) Select the Mac hard disk (not the partition) where it asks "what to backup"
    5) On the Backup Destination page, select "Save data to any local drive or a network share"
    6) Hit the radio button for the "Save to local drive option" (unless you got a boatload of DVD's  )
    7) Select the external USB drive as the backup destination
    8) Look over and correct the name and comments
    9) Hit Next to start the backup
    When it's done, you have an entire copy of your Mac's HD saved to external media.
    If you need to recover your HD, just run the Recovery Wizard and reverse the process.

  • After Boot Camp partition, iMac no longer boots

    Hi, I have a 20" iMac Core Duo (the first Intel Mac off the line) running Snow Leopard 10.6.4. I ran the Boot Camp Assistant to partition my hard drive, and it successfully created the "BOOTCAMP" drive. When it asked for my installation CD, I tried loading a Windows installation partition through a USB hard drive, but the assistant would not recognize it as an install disk. So, I closed out of the assistant early, leaving the Boot Camp partition in place. Eventually, I rebooted my machine in an attempt to boot directly from the USB drive and resume installation.
    However, I found the machine will not boot at all. It powers on normally, makes the startup sound, but after a few seconds I'm left with just a flashing folder and question mark icon. Holding down Option-key at startup does nothing. Trying to boot from my Snow Leopard disc by holding down C or D during startup does nothing. Holding down Command-S does nothing. Holding down Shift-key does nothing. Resetting the PRAM does nothing.
    What can I do? Is there some way I can access the on-board EFI to make sure the correct startup disk is selected? Why am I unable to boot from my CD drive?
    Thanks for your help, everyone.

    On OSX go to System Preferences the Startup Volume and reset your Windows 7 partition to be the default.
    On the next reboot it should automatically boot into Windows.
    A PRAM-reset can be the cause of this behavior.

  • Can no longer see Boot Camp Partition

    Hello all,
    I was having problems with booting into Boot Camp/Windows 7 (I was just getting a black screen), so I attempted to delete the boot camp partition and reinstall it.  When I did that, the program hung for a while, and finally said there was an error deleting the partition.  However, it appears it like halfway deleted it, as it no longer shows up!  When I go into disk utility, Macintosh HD shows blue, and then there is a 50 GB partition (the size of my bootcamp) that is white, but it is unlabeled.  I cannot adjust the partition to make it the whole HD, and if I go to boot camp assistant, and try to make a new bootcamp partition, it bounces back with an error message as well.  I am wondering how I can restore the partition back to the original all mac hd partition..ANy help would be greatly appreciated!!

    WinClone 3 $20
    When you move to a new OS: clone your system, make sure you have backups you can use - for each - the partition table "rules" change with each new OS. And you want to reformat a drive from time to time especially then.
    Carbon Copy Cloner 3.4 is a good way to clone your OS X partitions.
    Basically, "start over" and restore to one HFS volume with OS X then run Boot Camp Assistant, then restore with Winclone image you made easier.
    Find CCC and WinClone

  • Boot Camp Partition & Windows Vista - Disk format Problems

    When Boot camp partitions the disk (I chose 25gb) it automatically formatted it as FAT32. However, when installing Vista, it says that it requires the disk to be formatted as NTFS.
    The Boot camp instructions says I should be given the option which format to use, but no option came up. I don't want to partition more than 32gb.
    How do I get Boot camp to format the partition correctly?

    Read the instructions that come with Leopard Boot Camp. The partition is automatically formatted at FAT32. However, it's a) not bootable (Windows has to do that) and b) Vista requires NTFS. That means once you're in the Vista installer you need to REFORMAT the partition. Select the partition, and then click, umm, disk options I think. Then reformat the drive. If you do that you should be able to continue.
    100years wrote:
    When Boot camp partitions the disk (I chose 25gb) it automatically formatted it as FAT32. However, when installing Vista, it says that it requires the disk to be formatted as NTFS.
    The Boot camp instructions says I should be given the option which format to use, but no option came up. I don't want to partition more than 32gb.
    How do I get Boot camp to format the partition correctly?

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