Transporting Circular referenced Info Objects???

Hi All,
I have a situation where infoobject 0MATERIAL has attribute 0APO_PROD and if I check 0APO_PROD it has attribute 0MATERIAL. (these definition came from BI Content.) They are attribute to each other. If I transport them to BIQ from BID they never get activated because they both need their attribute to be active first.. which never happens in this case.
Is there any specific way of transporting these elements??? I have a work around that I am using but just wanted to find out if there is any specific way of doing it..

do you really need this attibute '0APO_PROD' in 0MATERIAL?
if not, you can delete this attribute from 0MATERIAL, and transport this infoobject with no problem.
After that you can put the attribute ''0APO_PROD' once again in the 0MATERIAL atributes.
and transport normally the two infoobjects.
I think, this may work, but you need to try it.
best regards,

Similar Messages

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    can i transport 0country hier info object from QUA to PRDO. i need only info object .

    Hi Smitha,
    Yes you can transport the 0COUNTRY InfoObject, but you may need to create a transport requets in Dev which has just this object and then import this request.
    Hope this helps...

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    Please see these OSS Notes
    1139547 - Transport of InfoObjects RC = 8
    1100575 - InfoObjects: Using units in compounding
    The other way is to use a Z* object referenced to needed unit object  in the compouding,

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    Thanx and Regards

    Hi Priyanka,
    Pls check below threads, may be it will helpfull to you.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Ramnaresh .P.

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    I will assign points for sure
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    Thanks in advance

    Hi pooja,
    So your intention is not to include anything other than target in second request.
    For this right click over the object from where you dont intend to transport and say donot transport any below in transport connection.
    The reason for target also showing the info objects and so on is that they are all necessary to form this cube definition.
    Anhyhow, as you have ensured to collect them seperately go ahead with the approach mentioned above.

  • Issue with Info Object Transport after changing Data Type

    Hi Experts,
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    Data from ECC: ABC123
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    Please give me your solutions and ideas to solve this issue.
    Thank you,
    Best Regards,

    Hi Raman,
    Thank you for your answer.
    When I changed the data type of info object in Dev, I deleted the content of DSO. And same thing transported to QA as well. Before importing changed info object, I just deleted the content of DSO from QA. So transport done successfully QA.
    But in Production we have a history of past 5 years. So I cant delete all contents of DSO.
    So just deleted only the delta request's which contains data for that info object(3 days back, we moved that info object(NUMC data type) to production,So last 3 days delta only loaded for that info object). And tried to transport it. But it was failed. I am sure we need to drop all data from DSO, if I am interested to go with same info object.
    I have some comments on your first approach,
    1. If we delete info objects from Dev DSO and transport to Production will give transport failure, Why because, my previous transports errors clearly saying that info object contains data in DSO . So it wont allow to remove that info object from DSO.
    2.We are using same info object technical name in BO Data federator also. So if we change add new info objects again we need to make changes with BO as well. I am thinking this point as my last option if i cant find any other solution.
    Thank you.
    Best Regards.

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    [Hello Sonu,|]
    Yes, you can transport 0LOGSYS InfoObject.
    If the current system is not the original system of the object, the object will be assigned to a task of the type repair.
    Repair in Change & Transport System
    The modifications of SAP standard objects.
    Repository objects that are changed in a system other than their original system are entered in repairs. Objects can be transferred from their original system by transports.
    For more info see this [Request Types and Task Types|]

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    Please refer
    Re: inactive info objects in BI Content
    Re: Unit no allowed in compounding
    Hope it helps.

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    I will suggest to collect them again in a new request and transport.
    Ravi Thothadri

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    Error 1 with function module RSDRX_FILL_INITIAL_PQTABLE (Fill Master Data)
    Message no. R7195
    Possible causes:
    Function module DB_CREATE_TABLE
    There is not enough room in the table space.
    In this case, check the logs on the database and extend the table space if it is too small.
    Help me please!

    Help me to solve this !
    I cant transport the info object !
    It says:
    Function module DB_CREATE_TABLE
    There is not enough room in the table space.
    In this case, check the logs on the database and extend the table space if it is too small.
    Help me!!

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    With every upgrade the customization is lost. We will have to make a list of all customized objects and make the change again in the upgraded system.
    Hope this helps.

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    Any inputs?? please suggest.

      Did you drop and reload the data after changing the conversion?

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    I dont want to add it manually as i want this data to get filled up automatically when transported.
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    Should i use a flat file to load this single data ???

    Hello GG NN,
    How r u ?
    You could do this in the Transfer Rules, Click the EDIT TRANSFER RULES(Triangle with Grid) icon opposite to the InfoObject. It will show some options like InfoObject, Constant, Routine and Formula.
    Select Constant and enter the "S1" value and CONTINUE.
    SAVE & ACTIVATE the InfoSource.
    ***No, the source may be anything, the value "S1" will be transferred for this InfoObject by the Transfer Rules.
    Best Regards....
    Sankar Kumar
    +91 98403 47141

  • Urgent::::Data is not loaded for a perticular info object in ods

    Hi All,
    We have loaded data into an ODS( 0PRC_DS01) in development server. It was successfully loaded into it all info objects.Reports were working well.
    When we transported it to production, data loading was taking longggg  time (15000 for 9 hours).So, we have done two things to improve the loading speed.
    1) we have created an index based on the fields in the where clause RCLNT,RLDNR,RYEAR, DOCNR, POPER in JVSO1 table.
    (JVSO1 is an R/3 table from where key data coming to datasource 0EN_JVA_2.)
    2)We have updated the optmizer statistics.
    Now the problem is, data is not loaded to one perticular info object JOINT VENTURE PARTNER in dso. Which was loaded successfully in development.
    Please help us........We will assign points for helpful answers

    Hi Chek in the transfer and update rules whether u mapped the fields with target and also check whether u have routine. and check whether the data is coming for that object from the source.

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