Trouble with menu creation

Hi all
I have this situation:im trying to migrate some addons to a 64 bits server. I dont have problem in installation,But  it doesnt create menus.
I dont know what to do if you can help me ill apreciate it.

Maybe you are using external files, and coded the path of these files (xml, images) into the addon?
Did you revised all the paths you are using?
In x64 it is running from Program Files x86 folder instead of Program Files folder.

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    Deployed with warnings:           1
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    1. File:C:Users
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         Location:SAP AG
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         2.The containers, which processed it, are not implemented correct. They deployed or started initially the application, but didn't return deployed components in the application deployment info.

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    Use the XrmToolbox
    to check your sitemap. Open the toolbox and open the SiteMap Editor Tool. Look for the Area -> Group -> SubArea, the title is not shown well. Look for the titles section under your subarea and add a title to the titles section with your
    LCID and title text.
    Hope this helps,
    Kind Regards

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  • Trouble with Menu and Looping

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    kind regards,
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    Message was edited by: professional videographer

    I had a chance to play around a bit.
    I can confirm the black gap, but there is quite a bit of variation depending on other conditions.
    I was distracted by the audio length and highlights, but now wonder if this is not a variation on the problem discussed here:
    Using Brendan's menu and wav file (and a made up PAL 720p50 clip for a timeline), I get his results. Brendan, I did not understand that the menu continued normally after the absent menu background. In any event, the audio ends, the menu background is absent (so there is black), the highlight remains, then the menu continues normally through another loop. The audio is playing to the end.
    The problem is not present in Encore preview; it is present to varying degrees playing from a build to folder with Total Media Theater 5 or a burned disk (BD-RE).
    The varying degrees is interesting - Brendan's 59 second clip leaves a pronounced black frame - probably less than a second, but significant. A 30 second audio clip shows only a very, very short flash of black. A 10 second clip had a black frame almost as long as the 59 second clip.
    I wonder about the audio length issues I raised above.
    The full scope of the issue is easier for me to understand using a video background, where the delay is also present - there is just no black frame. For example, simply load the Crib Menu. Playing on the computer from a build to folder, the black is observed. Played from a burned disk on a DVD player, no black flash is present, because the player holds the last image (the final frame of the motion video background) on screen until the menu repeat is loaded. (The highlight disappears briefly.)
    The black is more apparent on an audio only menu, because there is no video background to be held.
    I don't recall whether the frame being held is a build issue or a player function.

  • Trouble with Menu Color Set

    The highlighted color on my Menus is very flaky, almost unreadible. Has anyone had problems here?
    The preview is ok on the PC but on the Blu-Ray player its a problem.

    What color did you choose, and what is the color that the Sub-picture Highlight appears over?
    In Encore, you can change the Color Set of your Sub-picture Highlights.
    Now, this term, "flaky," makes me wonder if what you are seeing is the limitation of a Sub-picture Highlight. It can only be 2-bit color - either ON, or OFF, and that means no feather, or anti-aliasing. Sub-picture Highlights will look "rough," and that is the nature of their limitation. Also, the Sub-picture Highlight will appear on top of all Button elements, when selected. Can you define what you mean by "flaky," and perhaps post a screen-cap of your Sub-picture Highlight?
    Good luck,

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    If your problem persists get yourself a micro USB cable (sold separately), you can restore your Apple TV from iTunes:
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    Connect the micro USB cable to the Apple TV and to your computer.
    Open iTunes.
    Select your Apple TV in the Source list, and then click Restore.

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    Ed Shelton
    PS I don't know operation system on my ipod classic, but on my mac book pro i am using (11.0.2) my mac os x (10.6.8). So, I try to take a quess at my os my classic

    Holding down the center/select button and the menu button will reboot your ipod. See if that helps. Also, I'd recommend something else- I had nothing but trouble with my ipod classic until I spent $20 to get Mac OS Mountain Lion. It did what you said and sometimes wouldnt play, or wouldnt power on...
    Try rebooting your ipod and let me know what happens and maybe in the future obtain Mountain Lion to aide your ipod in functionality.
    Good luck!

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    On the CNET forum someone wrote that he was in trouble like me, that it was easy to uninstall version 9 but that it took him a lot of time to find version 8 to download. In fact, I search for it on Google but every time it seems I find it when I try to download I don't have the possibility to choose version 8, I click on 8 and get 9. I am a sort of desperate, It's urgent for me to send this book and this stupid problem drives me crazy. Would you mind helping me? Does some of you know where to download? Thank you so much!!! Marie-Claire from Italy

    I also replied to your other thread on this.
    Reader has nothing to do with the creation of PDF's. It is for viewing them only.
    Do you have Adobe Acrobat? If so, you'll want to bring this problem over to the Acrobat forum. This one is for the free Reader.

  • Properties - automatic menu creation

    Hi there,
    I'm currently working on a project that is frequently being changed and therefore I require a method to facilitate the creation of its menu.
    I am hoping to use a properties file to describe the contents of the menu and also which Actions each menu item will use.
    Does anyone out there have any code that exhibits this sort of behaviour, since I am having a bit of trouble in creating a robust system to do this; currently I have:
    a Properties file such as:
    # start of properties file
    menus = file edit # all of the menus
    menuitems = open open_recent save new global_options # the menu items
    file.children = open open_recent save new # the menu items of the file menu
    edit.children = global_options # the menu items of the edit menu
    open.text = Open # the text to appear on the menu item
    open.action = OpenAction # there is a class called OpenAction which provides the behaviour of this menu item
    open.gif = open.gif # the icon gif file for this menu item
    # .. now do the same for each other menu item
    # end of properties file
    Now in the source code I iterate through this file and store all of the menus and menu items in a hash table. Using the menu.children bit above I add the relationships of menu items (or other menus) to the menus. Then I add the text, action, and gif to the menu items.
    However, this way kind of works but is quite long winded; also it bumps into problems whenever I add menus to menus.
    If some one out there has previously done this before and are willing to share their code with me I would be ever so grateful. Else any suggestions would be extremely well received.
    thanks in advance
    - Edd.

    What we are using for dynamic menu creation is XML.
    Something Like:
    <Menu name="Setup">
      <MenuItem name="Security" class="" args="" />
      <MenuItem name="Parent Company" class="com.epservices.apps.parentco.ParentCompany" args="" />
      <MenuItem name="Company" class="" args="" />
    <Menu name="Tax Set up">
      <MenuItem name="Tax Authority" class="com.epservices.apps.taxauthority.TaxAuthority" args="" />
      <MenuItem name="Tax Form" class="com.epservices.apps.taxform.TaxForm" args="" />
      <MenuItem name="Tax Code" class="com.epservices.apps.taxcode.TaxCode" args="" />
    </Menu>Then we simply parse it using SAX and build the structure.
    Here's a great article on mapping XML to Java objects:

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    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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          <th width="200" align="center" scope="col"><a href="#" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Events','','/RamWebsite_NEW/images/EventsLink2_rollover.jpg',1 )"><img src="/RamWebsite_NEW/images/EventsLink2.jpg" alt="Events at the Ram" name="Events" width="212" height="125" hspace="6" border="0" id="Events" /></a></th>
          <th width="200" align="center" scope="col"><a href="#" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Gift Cards','','/RamWebsite_NEW/images/GiftCards_rollover.jpg',1)"><img src="/RamWebsite_NEW/images/GiftCards.jpg" alt="Gift Cards" name="Gift Cards" width="212" height="125" hspace="6" border="0" id="Gift Cards" /></a></th>
    <div id="bottommenu2"></div>
    <map name="Map" id="Map">
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      <area shape="poly" coords="49,71,102,58,158,73,191,113,180,141,151,161,109,169,65,162,31,141,18,112" href=";InputSource=W" target="_blank" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"/RamWebsite_NEW/SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"/RamWebsite_NEW/SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});

    You have your image in the 'body editable region' wrapped in <p></p> tags (paragraph tags). <p> tags have padding and margin set on them by default.
    <p><img src="/images/aboutus2.jpg" width="675" height="300" /></p>
    You can either just remove the <p></p> tags or you can zero out the padding and margin:
    p {
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    Unfortuanately the above will target every paragraph on your page which might not be desirable so I would just remove the <p> tags as it is not necessary to wrap an image in them.
    If you do want to keep the <p> tags then use some inline css to specifically remove the padding and margin on that particular one:
    <p style="padding: 0; margin: 0;"><img src="/images/aboutus2.jpg" width="675" height="300" /></p>

  • I am feeling so ripped off right now. I have wanted a Mac for years and believed the hype about it's stability and I have had more trouble with this Imac 2011 than I have ever had with a pc. It locks up with several software products from APP store.

    I am feeling so ripped off right now. I have wanted a Mac for years and believed the hype about it's stability and I have had more trouble with this Imac 2011 than I have ever had with a pc. It locks up with several software products from APP store. I have already had to have a technician to look at it and really couldn't figure out what the deal was.  I was told that the APP store software should give me no problems but the truth is that it locks up on the software. This machine is only 4 weeks old and I am using 37 g on a 1 T hard drive. There is no reason for it to be locking up. Also, when I try to use the help program, it always tells me that I am not connected to the internet even though I have used both the mail program and the browser with no problem just before that. I successfully used the help program on my pc lots of times. I did not need a $2000. plus machine to just get email. I just wanted to unload on somebody that might understand my pain and after checking out this site...I think there is a few of you out there.

    I was told that the APP store software should give me no problems but the truth is that it locks up on the software.
    The apps downloaded from the Mac App Store are written by third party developers, not Apple. If you have problems  with those apps you need to visit the support area for their websites. Launch the App Store, locate the app name. You should see a support link.
    when I try to use the help program, it always tells me that I am not connected to the internet even though I have used both the mail program and the browser with no problem just before that
    Go to ~/Library/Preferences. Move the file from the Preferences folder to the Trash. Restart your Mac, try the Help menu.
    If you need help finding that file, hold down the Finder icon in the Dock then click: New Finder Window. From the menu bar top of your screen click: Go > Go to Folder. Type this in exactly as you see it here:   ~/Library/Preferences/    That will take you right to that file.
    (.plist) files stores information about a particular app or in this case, the Help viewer. Often times deleting the .plist file resolves the issue.
    It's fine to "unload"... we understand that you expect your iMac to be stable but there are times when things go awry. That's why we have these forums so that you can you get help.
    You may want to read up on how to repair the disk if necessary or reintsall Lion >  OS X Lion: About Lion Recovery
    Apple - Find Out How - Mac Basics
    How to "switch" from PC to Mac >  Apple - Support - Switch 101
    I'm sorry you feel, "ripped off", but you are using the world's most advanced operating system and it may take some time to adjust to a new OS.

  • HT201496 Hai there. I am facing trouble with my garageband apple loops.i don't see apple loops in my browser since quite some time i don't know what has happened to it and how it happened . i just wanted to learn some of basic things about music.can you h

    Hai there. i am having a trouble with the garage band apple loops to get into my macbook pro. . i had it some time back and i dont know where it has gone and how it get it back. is there anyone to help me to get the loops back into the browser . i will be grateful to you if some one can help me with it/ thanks.

    First check, if you do not accidentally have hidden or filtered your loops:
    Uncheck the "Filter for more relevant results" option in the Audio tab of the GarageBand Preferences.
    And the drop down menu on top of the Loop Browser should be set to "Loops", not to some Jam Pack or other collection.
    If you still don't see any loops, check if you have set your project to a special signature, like 9/8, for that no standard loops do exist.
    Then check, if any loops actually are installed in your system Library: Depending on your GarageBand version you should find the standard loops in the Audio folder of your system Library (Application Support > GarageBand):
        Your System Drive > Library > Audio > Apple Loops
    If the Loops are installed, but GarageBand does not show them, you need to rebuild your Apple Loops Index: See the FAQ for how to do it:
    Re-Index GarageBand's Loops
    This requires two steps:
    erase the old Apple Loops Index by deleting everything in
    Your System Drive > Library > Audio > Apple Loops Index
    and then rebuilding the Loops Index by dragging the folder containing all of your loops onto the Loop Browser in GarageBand.
    If no Loops are installed in your Library, you will have to restore them from your Backup.

  • Update of photoshop CC - trouble with NVIDIA Quadro 1000M display driver. PS freezes

    Hey guys,
    Since today I've got trouble with my PS CC.
    I've updated PS CC yesterday 2014-12-12.
    I was doing some drawings today and two times PS freezes during switching layers of or selecting a mask.
    A message appeared that there was trouble with the display driver an PS switched off the GPU support because of that issue.
    Ok, I thought let's update the display driver and so I've done today. I switched to actual NVIDIA display driver version 314.21
    I'm working with an NVIDIA Quadro 1000M on a DELL mobile Workstation Precision M4600 with 8 GB RAM.
    Now when I start up PS and press alt+k, my 2 displays showing a black screen for 1-2 seconds.
    After closing the general setup window again black screen for 1-2 sec and the top menu bar is showing no entries.
    When I move the mouse pointer over the bar, the menus appear again. But the bar is like transparent at the parts where no menues are.
    When I unlock the window from the screen an put it back fitting to the screen everything looks like normal.
    Till today I hadn't any problem with my notebook in that kind of way.
    Maybe someone has or had similar problems.
    Would be nice if someone can help me.

    Oh, that sounds very bad. It's not that bad for me. It's not crashing that often at the moment, only black screens at start up or if setting dialog is opened. But I will see tomorrow how often it will crash, during today it crashed 2 times when doing some ridiculous simple actions like switchid to another layer  and the other time when trying to edit an mask layer. I will contact the support chat on monday regarding this issue. Maybe there is a solution or an update soon... I keep may fingers crossed for you.

  • Trouble with Mac Unexpectedly Quitting

    I have a iMac with the following hardware overview:
    Model Name: iMac
    Model Identifier: iMac7,1
    Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
    Processor Speed: 2.4 GHz
    Number Of Processors: 1
    Total Number Of Cores: 2
    L2 Cache (per processor): 4 MB
    Memory: 2 GB
    Bus Speed: 800 MHz
    Boot ROM Version: IM71.007A.B03
    SMC Version: 1.20f4
    I have trouble with programs unexpectedly quitting and am having trouble finding out what's wrong. The most problems occur when using Photoshop Elements 4.0.1 (which happens multiple times daily, usually if not always when I'm trying to save), but I've also had Safari quit unexpectedly. I've been working with both Apple Care and the Adobe technical support and have found no solutions as of yet. Here are all of the things I've tried to date (and none have yet solved the problem):
    - Emptied Cache and Cookies folders
    - Run Repair Disk Permissions & Verify Disk
    - Re-installed Adobe Photoshop Elements
    - Created a new user account and tried running the program from within there
    - Booted up the computer in safe mode and run the program (still quit unexpectedly)
    Was being helped by Apple Care once again and they were going to have me re-install Max OS X, but the guy suggested I post here first for advice.
    I do have the option of upgrading to Max OS X Leopard, but didn't want to complicate things (although maybe they'd improve).
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Definitely not a tech wiz, but do understand a bit.
    Thanks for reading this...

    Welcome to the Forums
    Did you run Repair Disk from your Install Disc? Boot holding down the C Key
    From the Installer Menu select Utilities>Disk Utility>Repair Disk..Reboot
    Then..Applications>Utilities>Disk Utility>Repair Disk Permissions.

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